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My Hero parody: Patreon Reward

Lust Boss
Izuku is the child of a mafia boss, he always wanted to be a hero but learns his family legacy follows him around. Plus his quirk is R Rated, which is a tad embarrassing. Chimera hates seeing his young boss sad, if hero society won't accept him, then he simply has to change or replace hero society as it is. Izuku finds other cast offs from Hero Society and helps bring his family to higher power.

Chapter 1

Chojuro Kon always hated his quirk, it gave him a monstrous appearance which ostracized him from society. He was animalistic-looking with traits from different animals. He retained a humanoid figure, he was covered in blue fur and had a wolf head, his hands and feet resembling eagle’s talons, and he had a long reptilian tail. He was quite muscular, having trained in the mountains to get strong enough to survive.

From his youth he was hunted and seen as a monster. He thought maybe he could become a hero with his strength and power and prove everyone wrong. A beautiful dream but one that wasn’t to be. After he defended himself against some thugs who attacked him, he was labeled a villain by a passing hero. His life was over, society had both rejected and abandoned him.

He turned to a life of crime and violence to survive. This path caught up to him as some heroes sought to end him. He fought back but was gravely wounded. ‘Is this it...is it over for me...why...why did this happen...why is everyone so scared of me…’ He began to tear up. He stumbled around blindly, not sure of where he was going, but one of the heroes had called for back up and in his half dead state he’d be caught for sure.

A strange smell caught his nose and he whipped his head. A green haired boy was staring at him. He had ended up near the home of the Midoriya Family. ‘If the kid screams I’m dead.’ Izuku was staring at him. He flexed his claws, he could kill him...

‘Please don’t scream.’ He closed his eyes waiting for the inevitable. He couldn’t kill a kid, it was over. ‘Damn it…’ He could hear the other heroes approaching it was truly over for him.

“Come on!” He blinked. The boy hadn’t screamed and instead approached him. He tugged on his trench coat. “Your hurt, come inside!”

‘Is this kid crazy?’ Still...he didn’t want to be caught and followed the tiny child into the fancy building of the Midoriya estate. The door shut just as the heroes passed, unaware they had lost their target. ‘Where am I?’

“Izuku why are you up sweetie...oh my!” A woman came into the room.

‘Oh shit!’ Chojuro expected a scream. This woman was no doubt his mother and she just walked in to find her kid alone with a monster.

“Mom he’s hurt!” The little boy, named Izuku said.

“Take him to the medical room I’ll patch him up.” Chojuro blinked.

‘What the fuck?!’ Izuku tugged on his sleeve.

“Come on!” Chimera followed him.

‘Who are these people?’ The woman came in and patched him up while Izuku waited and watched.

“Why are you helping me? You don’t even know me.” He hissed as some antiseptic was applied to one of his wounds.

“My son wants me to help you, so I am.” Chimera looked to Izuku who smiled at him.

“Aren’t you scared of me kid?” He asked, and Izuku tilted his head to the side.

“Why?” He blinked. “Am I supposed to be?”

Inko giggled. Chojuro was stunned, even kids at his age were scared of him when his quirk first manifested. Izuku’s eyes were just pure and honest, not a speck of fear in them. “It’s just how he is. Izuku loves heroes and quirks.”

Izuku kicked the air as a way of fidgiting. “I don’t have my quirk yet, but I can’t wait to get one.” Now that was a surprise the kid looked to be about 6, if he didn’t have a quirk by now it’s likely he wouldn’t be getting one.

“How did you get these injuries?” She asked.

“I was attacked by some heroes.” He could have lied, but what would be the point. The heroes would no doubt be doing door to door checks soon.

“I see.” Was all Inko said.

“Why were the heroes attacking you? You don’t seem like a bad guy to me.” Chojuro laughed.

“My ugly mug scares people kid, life hasn’t been kind to me. I’ve had to do a lot of bad things to survive.”

“So…” Chojuro stared at him. “Just because you do bad things, doesn’t mean you are a bad person.” Izuku’s words touched Chimera’s heart. In the eyes of this innocent he wasn’t a monster.

“He gets that from his father.” Inko finished patching him him, wrapping up his arms, he almost looked like a mummy werewolf. Those heroes really did a number on him.

“Who’s his father?”

“Inko, Izuku, what’s going on?” A tall man with short dark hair entered the room. He was a cold looking man, Izuku got his looks mostly from his mother. He was dressed in a robe, looking like a mafia boss in civilian night attire. “Who is this?”

Chimera could feel an immediate change in the air when Hisashi entered the room.

“Izuku found him in the back yard, he was attacked by some heroes, and ended up here.” Izuku was a light sleeper. He heard strange noises coming from outside and went to investigate.

“That’s why there are heroes snooping around. I’m gonna have a word with the security team later.” He gave Izuku a look. “You shouldn’t have gone out alone, where is your bodyguard?”

Izuku twiddled his fingers. “Sleeping…” It was true, but the man wasn’t pleased Izuku went out anyway.

The man groaned and rubbed his temples. “It’s so hard to find good help these days.” He looked back to Chojuro. “My name is Hisashi Midoriya, since my son decided to help you, you are welcome in my home. You can stay in one of the guest rooms until the heroes leave, then you can be on your way.”

‘Midoriya...THE Midoriya family…’ Being a villain he learned a few things, there were different mafia families that had pull in the underworld. Though with the rise of heroes more and more families are losing ground, power, and influence. The Midoriya Family ran clubs and other facilities.

“Dad, if he leaves he’s just gonna be attacked by heroes again!”

“Not our problem.” Izuku pouted.

“Thanks kid, I’ll be fine.” He hesitantly pats Izuku on the head, mindful of his claws. Izuku didn’t even flinch.

“Izuku go to bed, I need to have a word with your bodyguard.”

“Yes sir.” He got up. “Mister, do you think you can show me more of your quirk before you leave?”

“Sure kid, you can call me Chimera.” Izuku smiled.

“Night Chimera-san!” He left the room.

Hisashi gave Chimera a hard look. “Alright what is your real name?”

Chimera wasn’t gonna answer but suddenly felt compelled to. “Chojuro Kon!”

“I see, good to know. How long do you need?”

“I’ll only be in your hair two days, three at the most.” Hisashi raised a brow at him. “I’m a fast healer.”

“Fine, Inko can show you to one of the guest rooms. I trust you’ll be on your best behavior while you are here.”

“Yes…” He didn’t plan on making any trouble. Izuku really did save his ass, that was a debt he planned to repay. Things were making sense now, Izuku’s strange perspective, Inko’s skill at patching up injured. No doubt she had to patch up Hisashi or his men a time or two. The Midoriya family ran clubs of all sorts, and loaned them out to different families to do business. Though everything seemed legit, Hisashi Midoriya had made some enemies trying to gain power and put pressure on others.

With the rise of heroes the other families were losing control in the underworld. Hisashi was using the chaos to try and make a play for control. Some of the older families weren’t taking too kindly to that. His deals with some of the families were being broken and changed on a whim. He believed he had things under control.

Inko led him to his room. Chimera was torn on running away, given the options it wasn’t a good idea. “If you don’t mind my asking how’d you end up with a guy like him?”

“I didn’t know who my husband was when we met, he lied to me about who he was and even his quirk. I stand by his side for Izuku’s sake.” Her hand balled into a fist. “My son, he wants to be a hero so badly. He wants to save people with a fearless smile…”

Chimera understood. How could the child of a mafia family become a hero…

‘Looks like we are both cursed kiddo.’ Inko left him to rest. The heroes didn’t find him and their search would come to an end.

-x-The Next Day-x-

Izuku was excited to see Chimera the next morning. He wasn’t used to someone being happy to see him. Even the men Hisashi had working for him became unnerved at the sight of him. They gathered at the breakfast table and ate. Izuku talked about the heroes he liked, and the stuff he liked to do. “I sometimes get to go to the park and...”

“You’ll be having your lessons here today, I’ve already called your tutors.” His father spoke, but barely even looked at the boy. Izuku wasn’t allowed off the compound without a bodyguard, his previous one was “let go”. Izuku made a face like he wanted to protest, but knew it was pointless, so accepted what his father said.

“Okay...can Chimera stay with me at least? I wanna know more about his quirk.”

“I doubt he wants to spend the day with you and your lessons.” That came out harsher than he probably meant, Chimera couldn’t tell.

Izuku pouted before looking at him with big puppy dog eyes. ‘Shit…’ Well it wasn’t like he was going anywhere or had anything to do besides wait to heal. “I don’t mind.”

“Yay!” Izuku cheered.

“Suit yourself. I have business to do, I’ll see about finding you another body guard.” Hisashi left and his men followed. Inko gave Izuku a hug and a kiss before leaving with two men shadowing her.

Izuku’s tutors were equally harsh and strict, not allowing the kid to do much besides study and learn. From the sounds of the lessons his old man intended Izuku to take over the family business. One was putting Izuku through hellish exercise saying some nonsense the stress may help activate his quirk.

Despite the large and luxurious estate Chimera could see this place as a cage for him. It seems he could only leave the compound with a body guard.

Chimera couldn’t help but feel a little on edge, this was quite the place he landed into. Little did he know he’d be calling this place his home and the tiny boy who saved his life Boss in the future.

To be continued...Bodyguard

Hisashi pisses off the wrong people who send a special villain to kidnap his son. The sludge villain slips inside but before he can escape with the boy Chimera saves him. Though his debt is repaid, he finds he wants to stick around.


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