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My Hero parody: Tier 1/Phone Fic

Something I started for october special and wanted to finish it since I had the time today please enjoy

Living Poltergeist

Inko Midoriya didn’t know much about her quirk, it was suitable to her but she didn’t name it or have it registered not seeing it as anything special. When her son Izuku was born he really wanted to get his quirk so he could become a hero. She used to feel bad as their quirks weren’t much, but Izuku inherited her quirk and it evolved from her to him. Izuku called it Living Poltergeist!

Chapter 1

Inko Midoriya had a quirk that seemingly allowed her to attract small objects to her. These objects moved under her will and while she was happy to have a quirk she didn’t have any big dreams of becoming a hero. Her quirk seemed simple enough and wasn’t really powerful or flashy. “It’s suitable...I guess…” Was what she said when people talked about her quirk.

She met a man who could breath fire, a more offensive quirk than hers but wasn’t very powerful compared to other fire quirks out there. Hisashi always thought her quirk was cool and interesting. Inko didn’t agree but felt it was sweet of him to say. Lots of people named their quirks and got them registered, but Inko never felt the need for that.

Quirks were tricky, studying quirks got a lot of funding as quirks on the surface may seem different than what they truly are. Like a girl could believe her quirk allowed her to shoot water from her fingers, but upon testing and analysis she could discover her quirk drew in moisture from the air and she simply was firing it from her fingers. Inko’s quirk seemed simple on the surface but it had layers to it.

After Hisashi and her got married they had a kid, Izuku Midoriya. Hisashi went overseas to work and support his family, leaving Inko to care for and raise Izuku at home. Her son loved heroes, All Might being his favorite, he wanted to be a hero so much.

Inko grew worried, as more and more kids started manifesting their quirks Izuku’s seemed to be quirkless. She wanted to support her son’s dreams, but as she thought of her quirk and Hisashi’s quirk she had serious doubts Izuku could be a hero with their powers. Izuku tried so hard every day, to breathe fire, to move objects with his mind, anything.

They would even play Superhero together, it was so sweet. Inko did it to help cheer Izuku up and help him smile. ‘I’m so sorry Izuku…’

Then it happened…

Izuku’s power suddenly manifested as one of his notebooks levitated off the book shelf and floated over to him. “Mom I did it!” He was so excited bouncing around like a bunny. Inko was both happy and sad, as she feared her “simple” quirk wouldn’t be enough for Izuku to become a hero. “Now I can be a hero like All Might!”

She hugged Izuku and cried. ‘I’m so sorry Izuku!’ Midoriya didn’t realize why his mom was crying, he just thought it was happy tears.

Izuku had questions about her quirk, which she did her best to answer. Inko realized quickly that Izuku’s quirk was different than hers. When Izuku took an object over it glowed green, and he could do more than just attract an object to him. Izuku was able to control an object by infusing his consciousness, or at least a piece of of it, into said object.

Once the object was taken over it moved, could float, like it was possessed. Midoriya could only control 2 objects at a time like this. Inko had heard of this happening with next generation quirks, how they could grow and evolve from one generation to the next. ‘Maybe there was more to my quirk than I realized.’

Izuku hugged her and thanked her for his quirk. A huge weight was lifted off her shoulders. ‘He’s gonna be okay!’ Inko began using her quirk more and more around the house, inspired by Izuku’s own desire to practice with it.

He even named it. “Living Poltergeist!” He exclaimed happily. It fit, since he was alive and he could move things with his spirit like a poltergeist. Since he had a quirk things got better for him socially at school. Inko had no idea that Izuku was being teased for not having a quirk. He didn’t want her to worry.

Midoriya was accepted by others and even praised for his quirk, but it felt empty coming from those that used to make fun of him for not having a quirk. His relationship with Bakugou Katsuki was better, the blonde didn’t treat Izuku any differently compared to the rest of the class.

Bakugou Katsuki has been Izuku’s friend for awhile, because of his intelligence, athletic ability, and his “stupid awesome quirk” he became the leader of the neighborhood kids. “If you wanna stand in the same ring as me Deku, you better work your ass off!”

“Katsuki quit your fucking swearing!” His mother snapped.

“Quiet you old hag!” Smack! “Ow!”

Izuku giggled. “I’ll get stronger, I swear it Kacchan. I’m gonna become a hero as great as All Might!”

“Tch, and I’m gonna become a hero even greater than All Might!” It wasn’t much but it was a start. As the two grew up Katsuki started taking notice of Izuku more and more. He wasn’t like the other “Extras”, Izuku challenged him and pushed him to be better.

Izuku learned there was a potential draw back to his quirk. Since his consciousness was infused into an object, if something happened to the object Izuku felt it. He learned this when he brought a neighborhood girl’s doll to life with his quirk. He made it dance for her, and when she hugged it Izuku felt the hug. So he had to be careful and not use his quirk recklessly.

Besides that, Izuku’s quirk developed through practice and training, he could control up to four objects at a time by the time he was 10. Since he wanted to be a hero, he started doing strength training and took a martial arts class so he could protect himself. Izuku didn’t realize it but training his vessel was the right thing to do, it provided space and room for his quirk to grow and develop properly.

Bakugou was taking more notice of Izuku by the time they got into Highschool. Lot of the other people in their class were happy to ride through life on their quirks alone. That “I have a quirk so I can go to a hero school” mentality. ‘Damn extras won’t get far with that mentality, they’d be lucky to end up a side kick to some crummy D-Lister!’

Izuku weirdly helped ground Katsuki by being able to stand in the same ring as him. Not only was he smart and good at analyzing his opponents/others, but his martial arts training made him a threat in close combat. His diet and exercise gave him not only a strong body but a flexible one. There was a few times Izuku was doing stretches and a swarm of girls and guys were watching him do it. ‘Shitty extras!’

The way he used his quirk for not only daily life but also in combat and rescue drills. His “simple” little quirk had grown into quite the terror, but he made it so. He took extra classes to gain skills just on the chance he could use them for his quirk. Stuff like archery, kendo, even gymnastics. Some people thought he was doing too much but Katsuki could see it.

He was taking elements from what he learned and developing his own style. It was crazy how his brain worked, but Katsuki was competitive and it only pushed him to train his quirk more and train his body up. The two were close...Izuku was one of the few people who could actually be around Katsuki without risk of explosions.

Katsuki was a bit loud and had a short fuse, he also had a habit of snapping first or coming off as scary when he’s not. He was praised for having a flashy quirk at a young age, which gave him a swelled head a bit; to say nothing for his natural talents. Not many people realized he was loud because of his hearing, his quirk had damaged his hearing a bit so he tended to be loud without thinking. Izuku’s muttering tended to annoy him because while he knew the greenette was doing it he couldn’t always hear what he was saying which frustrated him.

Since Izuku had a quirk he didn’t just accept that Katsuki was better than him by birthright. He challenged Katsuki and had the ability to back it up, even when he lost now and then he didn’t give up. It annoyed Bakugou when he was younger, but he quite liked it now that he was older. A lot of the “stupid” things that annoyed him about Izuku he was realizing he quite liked.

While Izuku marveled Katsuki, the blonde without realizing it had fallen for Izuku. Going through puberty and some self experimentation Katsuki realized he liked guys instead of girls. Buying a few toys with his allowance he experimented and found he liked taking it up the ass a bit more than he did topping. A few wet dreams later he realized one guy in particular had captured his heart. Of course Katsuki was one of the last people to realize this, as his Mom, Dad, and inner circle kinda figured out he had a thing for Izuku for awhile now.

“Katsuki...for one so smart you really are an idiot.” His mother teased him on it for a long time. Despite realizing his feelings he didn’t approach Izuku on it. Mitsuki couldn’t believe he was her son, when she realized she liked his dad, she went for it...hard!

His feelings started to build up. He tried to burn off these frustrations and feelings at the gym, which was doing wonders for his muscles and glutes, but not so much for his balls. Katsuki had a pretty strong libido as passionate as his temper. He tried to distance himself from Izuku, making the excuse he was aiming to go to UA he needed to focus.

“You are right, you are really smart Kacchan!” Izuku had told him and gave him space. He really was an idiot!

He went to the gym to burn off some steam and bumped into Izuku. ‘Oh shit!’ He was working out in nothing but a tank top and shorts. Izuku’s chiseled form was glistening as he hit the weights, muscles flexing and popping and making Little Katsuki salute. ‘Stupid sexy nerd!’

“Oh hey Kacchan!” Izuku put the weights down.

‘Damn it!’ He wanted to make an exist, but he was caught.

“Do you wanna work out together?” He raised an arm and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

‘Stop looking so cute damn nerd!’ He thought as his eyes quickly roamed over Izuku’s sweaty muscular form. “Why would I wanna do that?” His mother was right he might be a tsundere.

“Well we haven’t seen much of each other in a long time, and graduation is around the corner. We’ve both been working hard to get into UA, so I thought it might be fun to train together.” It sounded more than fun.

It also sounded dangerous, as just seeing Izuku like this was causing a spring of dirty thoughts to erupt from Katsuki’s mind. His palms started to get sweaty. ‘Shit shit shit shit!’ Katsuki shook his head. “No way you’ll just slow me down, I train at my own time!” He snapped.

“Kacchan...is something bothering you.” He tensed. “I’ve noticed you’ve been off for awhile now, but wanted to give you space, but are you okay?”

‘Damn perceptive nerd!’ His hand balled into a fist. ‘No I’m not okay, you think so much of me. What would you say if you knew how much of a pervert I am? How right now I’d love to bury my face in your sweaty pit and lick it clean. How I’d love to worship your body with my tongue and service you at a single command. How I’d love to you to embrace me with your sweaty body so I can smell like you for days. How much I want you to pin me against the wall and fuck me like a bitch in heat.’

“I’m fine nothing is wrong. Worry about yourself damn nerd!” Izuku’s innocent eyes shined brightly, and it was like a dagger through the heart.

“Kacchan, is something is bothering you, you can tell me. We are friends right?” Yes they were, which was part of the problem. Katsuki’s frustrations and arousal were at war with each other. “Kacchan?” Izuku got even closer and the blonde could smell his manly musk. “Please I wanna help if I can!”

‘Fuck it!’ He snapped. “You really wanna know, come on!” He dragged Izuku to the locker room showers. Katsuki peeled off his top and with one firm yank dropped his shorts and boxers, before kicking them off with his shoes.

“Your hard!” Izuku gasped, a blush blooming across his freckled cheeks.

“This is your fault!” Katsuki snapped and pinned Izuku against the wall. “You wanna help?” Izuku nodded dumbly. “Then shut up and fuck me!”


To be continued



🤣 Can we dub this "The Mitsuki Approach"? 😁 Power Bottom Bakugou suits him to a T.


Can't wait for this to continue! I hope Bakugo gets exactly what he needs!