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Pocket Monster parody: Kinktober Special/Patreon Reward

Kinktober Bukkake

Ash and Goh visit Alola once more, but Ash notices Kiawe and Goh are getting heated again. Not sure about what he decides to take them to the hot springs where things really heat up.


Ash Ketchum the Alola Champion was traveling from region to region with his friend Goh. The two had visited different regions and caught all different kinds of monsters both chasing their dreams. The last time they visited Alola, Goh and Kiawe had it out, Ash didn’t fully understand why they were arguing in the first place but they seemed to have worked something out.

Since they were coming back to Alola he hoped things would be better. Kiawe had been notified that Ash was returning and he went to pick them up. When he arrived he was annoyed.

“Ash...let’s go catch some Alola Pokemon!” Goh was clinging to Ash, pressing against him.

“Easy, Goh, we need to meet up with the others first.” Goh pouted.

Kiawe twitched in annoyance, feeling his rage bubble up like a volcano about to erupt. ‘Look at him clinging to him like that!’ He grit his teeth. ‘You little punk!’ It was bad enough that he got to spend his days with Ash, but to see him clinging all over him like that made his blood boil.

“Oi Ash, Goh, good to see you!” He tried to be polite.

“Kiawe!” Ash exclaimed, smiling and waving at him. “Alola!”

“Alola…” Goh greeted.

“Alola to you both, welcome home!” He shook Ash’s hand.

Goh was a bit jealous of Kiawe. The guy had spent a lot of time with Ash, and had a bond as rivals. It wasn’t something he could obtain so easily. Ash always spoke of Kiawe with both passion and respect.

Frankly both males were jealous of the other, and Ash was completely oblivious. “Let’s go we can fly on my Charizard!”

“Huh?” Goh snapped. “There’s no way all three of us can fly on one Charizard?”

“Sure we can, my Charizard is super strong.” Kiawe said and flexed. Goh rolled his eyes.

“Not a chance, its crazy to try something so foolish.” Goh and Kiawe glared at each other.

“It isn’t crazy or foolish, tell him Ash!” Kiawe said.

“It’s both, tell him Ash!” Goh said.

“Garchomp!” Ash used his pager to call his buddy Garchomp to him and he was already taking off. “Come on guys!”

“Hey!” The two were left in the dust. Garchomp was so excited to have Ash back he took his friend out for a wild ride. They had to fly back on Charizard, together...

That was one of the most loud rides ever. The guys were blaming each other for this, and it spiraled out of control. When they reached the destination the two were bickering like cats and dogs.

‘What’s with those two?’ They were both arguing about what they were gonna do today. Kiawe thought Ash would have more fun going to the new battle club that opened on the island. Goh thought Ash would have more fun going on a capture relay race.

Basically they each wanted to spend time with Ash, doing something they wanted to do. Kiawe wasn’t backing down since Goh gets to spend so much time with Ash as is. Goh wasn’t backing down. He wanted Ash’s time and attention, and he could see the same desire for Ash he saw in himself.

The two kept bickering back and forth confusing Ash. “I know, let’s hit the hot springs that should help us relax.”

‘Ash...in the bath...naked!’ Both males got a nosebleed. They couldn’t deny the idea so they were off to Akala Island hitting the Wela Volcano Park for its natural hot springs. Goh got to ride with Ash this time. Making Kiawe jealous as the guy held onto Ash very tightly.

Ash was so wrapped up in the flying, he didn’t even notice Goh hugging on him, getting excited or enjoying his manly musk. Kiawe noticed and he looked ready to blow.

When they arrived at the hot springs Ash made a call to Kukui while the boys went to get washed up. As they took off their clothes they sized each other up. Goh had a twinkish body, traveling with Ash had helped tone him up but he didn’t compare to Kiawe’s muscles.

Kiawe was built, his farm boy life style had given him a twunk body rippling with muscles. Kiawe noticed while his nipples were bold and perky Goh’s nipples were inverted and in some ways cute.

Before Goh was able to put a towel on Kiawe got a look at his dick. Goh was cut, his head sticking out for all to see. ‘Heh I’m thicker!’ Kiawe thought with a little stroke to his ego.

He wasn’t the only one peeking. When Kiawe was removing his underwear Goh got a peek at his man meat. The Alolan male was uncut, his foreskin covering his head. ‘Heh I’m bigger!’ He thought with a stroke to his ego.

Kiawe was packing some manly hair crowning his crotch while Goh was clean shaven. In turn Kiawe had smaller nuts and a tighter sac, while Goh had some impressive balls and a fuller sac. They both wondered who was Ash’s type.

The boys showered and washed off before hitting the hot spring. With towels around their waists they got into the warm waters letting out a slight moan. They were ignoring each other keeping their eyes closed and faces turned away from each other.

With the two alone with their thoughts, their situation began to rise to the surface of their minds. “Ash wants us to be friends.” Goh said, breaking the silence.

“Not sure that’s possible. I’m not sure I approve of you for Ash.” Goh finally looked at him with a glare.

“I told you I’m not his rival!” Kiawe looked at him.

“But you ARE in love with him!” Goh blushed.

“So are you!” He shot back. Kiawe smirked.

“That makes you nervous doesn’t it, that’s why you cling to him so?”

“I do not cling!” Goh hissed.

“You totally do!” The two glared at each other.

“Hot springs yeah!” They heard Ash cheer, turning their heads their eyes widened at the sight of him. Ash was walking around with nothing but a towel...hanging over his shoulder.

Ketchum was the middle road between Goh and Kiawe, he had lean muscles, his body toned and hard in all the right places. His years of travel had done him well, but what really caught their eyes was the 10 inch monster dangling between his legs. Ash had them beat in both length and girth.

‘So big!’ Goh blushed.

‘So huge!’ Kiawe felt his little volcano rise.

Ash had them stirring and he had no idea. He got into the hot spring and let out a moan that made their hearts skip a beat. Both of them were rock hard now, tenting their towels. Goh was trying to hide it, while Kiawe tried to play it cool.

Both of these options were not the best.

Ketchum hummed and stretched, unaware of the two eye humping him. “Well I think that’s enough for me!” Goh stood up, trying to hold down his erection.

“Really we just got here?”

“Staying in the hot bath too long isn’t good for you.” He chuckled nervously and tried to escape. When he passed by Kiawe the man hooked his towel causing it to come undone and fall off. “Waaahhh!” Goh gasped.

Ash looked, and since Goh went to retrieve his towel with both hands he wasn’t keeping his erection down. Ketchum got a full look at his 8 incher.

“Looks like we got a pervert in the bath.” Kiawe laughed.

“Like you are one to talk, Ash got you just as excited as me.” Goh accused.

Kiawe simply laughed and put his hands behind his head. “Shows what you know I’m way more mature than you.”

Goh grumbled.

Ash got up and went to Kiawe. “Ash?” He blinked and gasped as Ketchum cupped his crotch.

“Goh’s right you are hard.” Kiawe stood up and lost his towel his fat 7.5 incher standing tall a proud. “You both got like this because of me?” The two nodded, but couldn’t look Ash in the eye feeling so embarrassed. “Then it’s only fair I help you guys out.”

“What?!” The two gasped as Ash played with their dicks. Pumping them softly at first, but giving a firm squeeze now and then.

“Ash...you don’t have to…” Kiawe couldn’t get the words out, as Ash pumped him just right to pull his foreskin back and expose the sensitive head; only to be pulled forward and stretched as far as it could go. Kiawe never had his foreskin played with in such a way.

Goh wasn’t even able to form coherent words, mumbling as Ash played with his cock, pumping him and making his balls jiggle. “Ah ah ah ah ah ohh!”

“You guys seem to be enjoying this, so relax and leave this to me!” Ash said, before pulling Kiawe’s foreskin back and taking the head of his cock into his mouth.

“Ohhh Arceus!” Kiawe moaned, bucking into Ash’s warm tight mouth. Ketchum’s big mouth worked him, sucking his fat dick into him and down his throat, his hand dropping to play with his tight balls. “Mmm ohh fuck fuck!”

“Hey no fair!” Goh complained.

Ash pulled off Kiawe, his hand replacing his mouth. “Relax Goh, I haven’t forgotten about you.” He sucked Goh’s cock head teasing him with his tongue.

“Ohh Ash!” Goh moaned.

It was going good, until they started feeling their climaxes draw near. Then the bickering began. “Hey quite hogging him!” Goh snapped when Ash was slurping on Kiawe’s dick.

“Shut up, you just had a turn!” Kiawe panted.

The two tried to glare at each other, but it failed as Ash had them by the cock and balls. ‘They must be getting close...I know!’ He pulled them closer together, so their dicks kissed.

“Ash!” They gasped.

Ketchum rubbed their cocks together, before taking both of them into his mouth. He slurped on them while giving their tips a tongue lashing. His hands worked both their shafts as their tips were sucked together. They couldn’t argue if they were moaning.

Ash doubled his efforts. He sent the two over the edge quickly but they pulled away from each other, not wanting to cross swords further. This caused them to slip from Ash’s lips just as they came. “Hey!” Ash gasped as he was pelted with two twin streams of white.

Kiawe and Goh gasped as they accidentally bukkaked their secret crush. Their streams crossed thick semen splashing his face, neck, and chest. “Sorry!” They said.

‘He’s so hot!’

“I think I figured out why you two haven’t been getting along.” He splashed his face and cleaned off their semen. He swam to the edge of the spring and sat down, showing off his impressive erection. “Maybe you two can bond over my dick!”

Ash wagged his cock playfully and their eyes followed it. Kiawe and Goh looked at each other, before nodding. Ash was offering them a door they weren’t gonna let it pass them by.

With Kiawe on his left and Goh on his right the two descended upon the mighty dick. They each had five inches to split between them. Kiawe licked along his shaft, while Goh kissed along his length.

Ash’s size was amazing, and the manly musk emanating from his crotch was mouth watering. When Goh was at the top half he worshiped the tip with Litten licks and teasing his glans. Meanwhile Kiawe was licking and kissing the base of his shaft, his tongue sweeping down to lap at Ash’s balls.

Ketchum sighed happily, he basked in the moment, arms behind his head as his friends worshiped his sacred rod. They switched back and forth, Kiawe sucked his cock head like a sucker gulping down some of his pre-cum. Meanwhile Goh was sucking on spots of his dick like he was trying to leave hickies on his penis.

It was all hot and fun!

When Ash’s release drew near, he brought his hands down and ran his fingers through their hair. He guided them up to the tip and they were so horny they started making out around his cock head. Ash came his semen spraying and covering the two. Some falling into their open mouths.

They snapped out of their daze as Ash’s heavy balls unloaded on them covering their faces, hair, necks, and chests. “See you two can work together when you try.”

He hugged the two and they enjoyed their time in the bath. Ash wanted and accepted both of them, they could make this work. They cuddled in the bath, enjoying Ash’s semen on them for a bit longer.

This was the start of something great, but it wouldn’t be long before the two were fighting again. Who would have their cherry popped first?



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