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My Hero parody: Tier 1/Phone Fic

Had a difficult day and managed to get this done, please enjoy!

Gorgon Quirk

Inko’s sister is the fabulous Uwabami, she’s so popular she is almost entirely known as her hero title. Inko got their mother’s quirk, while Uwabami got their father’s quirk, but Serpent-esk quirks remained in the blood line. It was passed to Midoriya, but unlike his aunt he has 8 snakes in his hair. Izuku also inherits some other evolved serpent abilities.

Chapter 1 Gorgon

Inko and her sister were once close, but after she got married, her sister took a different career path. She left behind her civilian name becoming Uwabami the hero and celebrity. Their parents had an Attraction Quirk and a Serpent quirk, Inko inherited their mother’s quirk while Uwabami inherited their father’s. Both quirks remained in the gene pool.

Though it wasn’t hatched in Inko the egg was there, growing and evolving until she had a child of her own. Izuku Midoriya was born to Inko and Hisashi Midoriya. Though Izuku’s parents had very nice quirks, he inherited an evolved form of Serpent quirk. Inko had her suspicions when he was born.

When he was five, his quirk fully manifested as he sprouted eight snake heads from his head, matching the same color as his hair, they blended in perfectly with his fluffy hair. They were connected to him and a part of him, plus they were rather cute. Inko hadn’t seen her sister in years, not since their parent’s funeral, and the last time they spoke was at Izuku’s birth. Still...her son shared a similar quirk with her, and he wanted to be a pro hero one day.

She got her new number then, but hadn’t used it. Still…

Inko punched in the numbers. “Uwamabi’s Phone, her secretary speaking.”

“Oh um yes, hello!” Inko couldn’t help but fidget a little.

“Hello? Who may I ask is calling?”

“Oh I’m Inko Miss...ehh Uwamabi’s sister.”

“Miss Uwamabi doesn’t have a sister, have a nice day.” Beep!

Inko twitched in rage. She took some deep breaths and dialed the number again. “Uwamabi’s Phone, her secretary speaking.”

“Please put Uwamabi on the phone, this is her sister calling. It is important.”

“Miss Uwamabi doesn’t have a sister.” She said in a monotone voice.

“Yes she does, please just tell her I called.”

“Have a nice day ma’am.” Beep!

Twitch Twitch…

Inko looked furious. She had the aura of an angry sister…

She called again. “Uwamabi’s Phone, her secretary speaking.”

“Miss Secretary, I understand you are doing your job…” Beep!

Oh no…

Inko is calm, the kind of frightening calm you don’t wanna mess with. She got her cell phone and called again. “Uwamabi’s Phone, her secretary speaking.”

“Listen here! Get Uwamabi and tell her if she needs to call her sister back, the sister that still has photos of her in middle school!” Inko snapped and hung up the phone. She poured herself a half glass of wine and waited.

20 Minutes later her cell phone went off.


“Inko! How’s my big sister doing? It’s been so long since we talked!” There was a pause. “You don’t really have photos from middle school do you?”

“Yes, yes I do, and Elementary School, and everything in between. Mom loved to take photos no matter how embarrassing.” Inko took a sip of her wine. “You left a lot behind when you became a pro and a celebrity.”

“You’re mad, I get it, but you understand I’ve tried not to look back at my life since becoming Uwabami. Plus I’m really famous, so my new secretary has to screen calls.”

“Getting in touch with you was hard before, the least you could have done is informed your secretary you have family. I called you because I had something important to talk to you about.”

“Sorry, I promise it won’t happen again. What is it? Do you need money?”

“What?! No!” Inko was already in a foul mood, now she felt like she was being insulted.

“Are you sure, aren’t you and little Izuku living in an apartment building?”

“Yes I’m sure, we are doing just fine. Hisashi is working overseas and sends us money plus I have a job!” She snapped.

“Sorry. You’ve always been a working girl.” The way she said that made it seem like an insult. “You know if you needed help financially I would help you out!”

Inko’s hand balled into a fist, but she took another sip of her wine. “I didn’t call you about money!” She tried to keep her tone restrained but you could tell she was mad.

“What is it then?”

“Izuku’s quirk manifested.”

“That’s great!” Uwabami exclaimed. “Can he breath fire or did he get your quirk?”

“He got yours actually.” Dead silence. “Sister?”

“What?” She said after a few minutes.

“He has snakes in his hair, he’s got a quirk like yours, sister.” It was a possibility, quirk heredity was still being studied. It did happen on occasion, though this was a rarity.

“I...I see…”

“He wants to be a hero, can you help him develop his quirk, and train him to become a hero?”

“Oh um sure, I can do that.” In truth she was touched.

“You aren’t too busy?”

“Well I am, but of course I can make time for my adorable nephew!” Inko couldn’t help but roll her eyes. She held her tongue though, Izuku needed this.

“Great, thank you for this.” After a bit of small talk, they said their goodbyes and Inko finished her wine. ‘Just breathe Inko, just breathe!’ If this wasn’t a benefit for Izuku she wouldn’t be doing this.


Izuku barely remembered his aunt, but knew of her. He had been studying heroes, though All Might was his favorite. He was so happy that he’d have someone to teach him about his quirk.

He loved his quirk, not only were his snakes sweet and protective of him; plus his mutation was pretty neat. He had two fully functioning penises. It was the first insight his mother had that he did indeed have a quirk. His grandfather apparently had this mutation to.

Midoriya loved heroes, he wanted to be one when he grew up. He wanted to be a hero that can save people with a fearless smile! When his mother told him that his aunt was coming for a visit, he was excited, especially when she said what for. He wanted to know more about his quirk and what he could do, he did have some ideas.

Inko wasn’t looking forward to this, but Izuku was. He was bouncing off the walls, checking the window. She was happy he was so excited but still…

“Where is she?”

“She said she’s coming.” If she bailed out on Izuku she’s spread her photos to every press agency she could contact.

Uwabami did show up, in the most ridiculous way possible. She was dressed up in a full trench coat, fedora, and shades. “Hello, miss me?”

“What’s with that get up?”

“The price of popularity sis.” She entered the apartment. She took off the “disguise” to reveal a fashionable dress and her three snakes uncoiled.  “Now where is my nephew?”

“Auntie!” Izuku came running in.

“Oh isn’t he adorable!” She eyed him as did her snakes. She lifted him up.

Izuku did indeed have a quirk similar to hers, but he had eight snakes instead of three. The snakes in their hair seemed curious about the others, but registered they were family so no hostility. Izuku giggled.

“My quirk is Serpentress, but I believe yours is a bit more evolved given you have more snakes in your hair.” She set Izuku down.

“I was doing some research.” He went and got a book. “The gorgon!” He showed them the picture in the book showing the snake haired woman.

“This fits.” She clapped her hands. “Well I can teach you the basics of how my quirk works, that should help get you started.” She then brought out a packet from her purse.

“What’s this?” Inko looked it over. “Diet regimen, training regimen, beauty regimen. Sister, he’s five!”

“We’ll start with quirk basics, I’ll teach him everything I know and when he gets older we’ll move onto the more advanced stuff.” Inko was regretting calling her sister for help.

Izuku was excited about it. Uwabami took him under her wing. Thankfully she was trying to keep a low profile, so she didn’t drag Izuku into anything nuts.


His training started off simple, just 60 minutes of exercise a day. Uwabami mostly had Izuku play games of hide and seek to train up his locating skills. She wasn’t just a hero idol but she was a good support and rescue hero. Her lessons were important, Izuku took notes.

He was off to school, giving a hug and a kiss to his mom, while a hug to his aunt. He left for the day.

“The boy is a hero nerd…” She found out very quickly. He was always gushing about the new pro heroes, he’d go on and on about All Might. “I’m shocked you’d let him become a hero at all.”

“If that’s what he wants I want to support him.”

“I’m glad you called me, he’s a great kid. I’ll help teach him to be safe and strong.”


“May I?” Inko looked to where the photo albums were.

“Go ahead.” Uwabami browsed through photos.

“I’ve missed a lot.” She stopped seeing a photo of Inko and Hisashi’s wedding. “Sorry about the wedding, you looked beautiful, I would have been there…”

“But you were busy, a photoshoot.” Inko let out a sigh. “Look Sis, I...I’m not looking to reconnect. I’m not looking for an apology, the past is the past, I just want your help for Izuku’s sake.”

“Yeah I get that...I do miss you.” She took her sister’s hand.

“I miss you too, and it’s good seeing you. I just know that when it comes down to choosing between your career and your family, you chose your career. Just don’t do that to Izuku, he had a rough go of it until his quirk manifested.”

“I won’t...I can make this work I promise.”

To be continued



Aaawww this chapter was adorable, I love how you made Inko the sibling that always has blackmail.💖