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Akame Ga Kill parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

AN: working through pain, wanted this done yesterday but pulled through, please enjoy

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Night Raid

Tatsumi and Ieyasu were brought to the nearestNight Raid base. The two slept like the dead, after everything they went through it was no surprise. Tatsumi had dreams of Ieyasu and Sayo, growing up, their training together, the good times and bad. Sayo was often like their big sister always pulling them out of trouble. Now she was gone…

When the two finally came to, they were in a daze. A dark mourning period. Sometimes they felt they could see her or hear her, only for it to be a vision.Sayo was given a nice burial and grave near the base. The trio had felt so invincible, with one gone it shook them to their core. The two hadn’t spoken or eaten, the Night Raid agents kept their distance out of respect.

These three were innocents having so much taken from them in an instant. They had walked into a den of beasts without even knowing it. Their innocent world was shattered into pieces, and filled to the brim with twisted horrors no one should see.

The duo stood at Sayo’s grave.

“Tatsumi...you aren’t gonna die on me right?” Ieyasu was shaking. He had been so close to death but he had hung on and survived. Tatsumi held him.

“No, I’m not gonna die, I don’t think Venom will let me.” Venom had saved their lives, a miracle given the cruelty of this world. “I know you won’t die, you are a survivor!” Ieyasu cried and clung to Tatsumi for dear life. They had lost Sayo, and had fallen into a trap that had meant to kill them all.

It was a lot to take in, they felt regret, anger, guilt, pain, loss, sadness, and other emotions that just made everything so hard to process. Night Raid gave them space, three days since they woke up. Leone went to cheer the boys up, and bring them into the fold. “Buck up boys, do I have an opportunity for you two.”

They got dragged into the base. “You boys should join Night Raid!”

“What?!” Tatsumi gasped.

“Are you kidding me?” Ieyasu gasped.

“Well your friend here has a teigu, that means he’s got an in. If you are as skilled as him, I’m sure the boss will accept you. We’ll train you both to be the best killers around!”

“Killers?!” They struggled to get away, but Leone was just too strong.

The base was up in the mountains, it was quite large. Leone took it upon herself to show the boys around the compound. They bumped into Sheele. “How you boys doing?”

“Fine, I guess.”

“As good as we can be.”

“Oh dear was that not the right thing to say?” She checked her book. “I’m sorry.” The two blinked at her. “Have you decided to join Night Raid?”

“They haven’t yet, why not give them some words of encouragement.”

“Hmm...okay…” she pointed at them. “Tatsumi, you have a teigu you either join us or we’ll have to kill you and take it. Ieyasu you know where our base is if you don’t join we’ll have to kill you!” Their jaws dropped.

‘Is she nuts?!’

“That was so encouraging it brought tears to my eyes.” Ieyasu said.

Leone was laughing herself silly. She did have a point. Sheele went back to her book. How Not To Be An Airhead…

‘She’s totally crazy!’

Another girl burst in, she had pink hair in twin tails. “Hold it Leone!” She protested the guys being here. “The one with the teigu I can understand he’s worth something, but him…” She pointed at Ieyasu. “He’s worthless I can see it on his face.”

“Hey!” Ieyasu snapped. “What’s your deal?”

“Don’t be mad, Mine’s like that with everyone.” Mine huffed.

“Look even if I have a teigu, Ieyasu is my friend and we are both skilled warriors.”

“Oh, well if you two can stand up to Bulat you might survive a day.” She laughed.

“Who’s Bulat?” The two shared a look.


“Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut!” A large muscular man was training. He was shirtless, the sun glistening off his amazing pecs, his rock hard abs, and fabulous back muscles. The man was a lean, mean, fighting machine. When he noticed Leone approaching with Tatsumi and Ieyasu approaching he cranked up the exercises to the max. “WHOAAAAHHHH!”

“And there is Bulat, stinking of sweat.”

“Whoa he’s so strong!”

“Look at his form amazing!” He handled his weighted training weapon expertly. He was working up a nice sweat, it made his muscles glisten, and he gave off a nice manly aroma.

“He’s just showing off.”

“Ahh Leone and the young lads.” Bulat greeted warmly. He grabbed a towel and began to dry himself off. Bulat came over to greet the young men. “How are you boys holding up?”

“Having each other helps.”

“Yeah.” Tatsumi holds Ieyasu’s hand. The duo did have a warm glow about them.

“That’s true having comrades to lean on when you are going through loss is a big help.” Bulat spoke from experience. “My name is Bulat, but you can call me Big Bro!” He hugged the two. “My room will be open for you two, come to me if you have any troubles.”

“Oh um thanks!” Tatsumi got out, while Ieyasu was smothered by Bulat’s massive pecs.

“How about a bath guys? We have amazing hot springs!”

“A bath does sound nice.”

“Yeah, you boys get clean, the boss should be coming back soon.” Leone said.

“A bath is the perfect thing, to relax the body and mind!” He scooped the two up and carried them on his broad shoulders. “Let’s go!”

The guys stripped and rinsed off before hitting the hot springs. They ran across Lubbock. He was spread eagle in the bath. “Yo!” He winked.

“Sup Lubbock!”

“Gah...wasn’t it Leone’s turn for the bath?” He covered himself.

“Still got a death wish.” Bulat said with a laugh.

“Nonsense, the girls will fall for my natural charisma!” Bulat sighed. Lubbock was cute and all, but none of the girls here were attracted to him that way. The guys got in and shared a sigh of delight.

“How’s your scary teigu?” Lubbock asked.

“Ah Venom, poor guy has an upset stomach. Eating diseases upsets his tummy, he said he’ll be fine in a couple more days.”

“Tell him I appreciate it.” Ieyasu said. “I can’t believe there was a creature inside that idol!”

“Not a creature a teigu!”

“A living teigu, quite rare.” Bulat pointed out.

“You turned into a real monster though, that must be your Ultimate Trick!”

“I guess so, I don’t really know much about Venom, we haven’t been together long.”

“I’d be happy to help train you Tatsumi!” Bulat said with a wink.

Lubbock gave them a run down of teigu and how they work. “So that means there could be a teigu that can save Sayo?” Ieyasu got all excited. “We just need to find it Tatsumi.”

“Ieyasu!” Bulat snapped. He had a serious look on his handsome face. “There is no teigu that can bring back the dead! Life is a precious gift...if such a thing existed the previous emperor would not be gone today.”

“But…” he teared up. Tatsumi hugged Ieyasu.

“I think we’ve relaxed enough let’s go.” The two got out.

“Nice going!” Lubbock said.

“He needs to know, it might seem harsh, but they must reach acceptance if they are gonna move past this.” Lubbock felt bad for those guys.

Bulat wasn’t heartless, he was in there shoes once, he was bright eyed and innocent. He was dragged into the kingdom’s corruption and when he tried to stand against it...well there was a lot of innocent blood on his hands.


Tatsumi and Ieyasu had a long talk, Akame gave them some food and let them rest some more. They were called were called to meet the leader of Night Raid Najenda. “So boys, are you going to be joining us, or will you not leave this room alive?”

The boys were quiet. “I know we might seem scary, but we have an important job to do.” She looked at Tatsumi. “Tatsumi, you have bonded with a teigu so you have some special exception. Of course I’ve been made aware it’s not active right now, so I trust you’ll be cooperative.”

“We talked it over.”

“And we’ll be joining Night Raid!”

“Yes!” Leone cheered.

“You can’t be serious captain!?” Mine protested. “Akame talk some sense into her.”

“Don’t care!”


“Welcome to the family you two!” Sheele said.

“You two joined up faster than I thought. Not that I’m complaining.”

“We talked, we can’t revive Sayo, but we can keep something  like what happened to her from happening again.” It was true, the twisted family wouldn’t lure in innocent travelers anymore to be killed.

“This is a job right, which means we can earn pay?” Tatsumi asked.

“That’s right.”

“We want to send money back to our home village to support it.” Tatsumi said and Ieyasu nodded.

“You know it’ll be dangerous, without a teigu you might die.”

“I’m gonna have Tatsumi’s back, and he’ll have mine. We’ll survive, and work to bring down those bastards!”

“Very well, it’s a deal. If we run across a teigu that matches you, you can have it. You both will begin training to be top assassins of Night Raid.”

To be continued


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