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Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun parody: Tier 1/Bad Day Fic

Iruma the Witch

When Iruma’s soul was sold to Sullivan the demon took him as his grandson. Sullivan wasn’t a total fool, he wants his grandson safe, so he performs a ritual to help Iruma survive by turning him into a witch. Since he signed a contract with a demon, and his harsh life gave him a tough vessel.

Chapter 1

Iruma had a hard life, his parents were awful throwing him into one dangerous situation after another. They made Iruma work so they could live lazy and opulent lives. His life of hell had given him a unique ability of Crisis Evasion. One day Iruma was whisked away from his horrid life by a demon.

His parents were such garbage they had sold Iruma to a demon named Sullivan. He had come to collect. Using his magic, he taught Iruma demon tongue and made it so he could read demon text. He brought Iruma to the Demon World and to his castle.

“Iruma...please become my Grandson!”

“Ehh?” Iruma began to sweat. “Ehhh?!”

Sullivan just wanted a grandson of all things. He was jealous of his friends always gushing about their grandchildren. Sullivan was a busy guy so he never had a family of his own, so he skipped a step. He wasn’t a monster either, giving Iruma the chance to say no.

Iruma being a push over, couldn’t bring himself to say no. He signed a contract with Sullivan making the lad officially his grandson. With a snap of his fingers Sullivan introduced Iruma to his new life as a demon’s grandson. It was quite nice actually. He got a nice luxurious room all to himself, which beat the tent he usually slept in. His parents rented out his room for storage space and gave him a tent to sleep in the backyard.

He got full tasty demon meals, which was better than the things he scavenged for in the woods.

His body guard and servant Opera found Sullivan’s whims amusing at times but bringing a human to the demon world seemed...risky. “Are you up to something?”

“I don’t know what you mean.” Sullivan scampered off gushing about his new Grandson. No matter the reason Opera would do his job, protecting his new charge and seeing to his needs. The boy was unique, taking everything that happened to him in stride.

Though when Sullivan announced Iruma would be attending Demon School, now that was troubling. Iruma of course, couldn’t say no. Though he was worried about the whole...demons eating humans thing!

“You’ll be fine, I wouldn’t be sending my precious grandson into danger without some protection!” It would be a couple months before Babyls Demon School would be opening its doors anyway, so they had time. “Now Iruma, what do you know about witches?”


Sullivan had prepared some Witch’s Brew, to Iruma it seemed like a big deal. Drinking this stuff would grant him magical powers after all. ‘Grandpa must have gone through a lot of trouble to get this for me.’

“Drink this and you shall become a certified witch, you’ll be able to use magic and do all kinds of interesting things. You’ll pass yourself off as a demon easily.”

Iruma had to admit, having magic would be pretty cool, and he wanted to fit in aka not stand out and be discovered as a human and get eaten. So he drank the Witch’s Brew. ‘Huh it tastes like cherries.’ It even fizzled on his tongue like it was pop.

He felt the bubbles spread through his whole body, awakening his natural mana. Iruma felt lighter and tingly for a bit before the feeling settled. He didn’t feel very different but his body had changed. His human body had evolved, one might call it being super human.

Iruma’s body would break down all food converting it to mana, so his ass hole now existed purely for mating. Sullivan explained it to him, giving him the demon version of the birds and the bees talk. It was a lot for Iruma to take in. He even got some oomf-oomf down in his pecker area.

Sullivan was pleased with Iruma’s transformation. Some humans developed mana naturally, if Iruma had been given an easier life it was possible he would have gained some unique gifts when he got older. His hellish life, caused his latent mana potential to divert and help keep the boy alive. ‘Iruma has a resilient body, a powerful vessel to house mana!’

“Thank you so much Grandpa, it must not have been easy to get your hands on this stuff.”

“Hmm, what do you mean?” He revealed cases of the stuff, in Blood Cherry, Devi Grape, and even Ecstasy Orange.

“It’s demon pop!” Iruma’s head spun, as something so amazing that could evolve a human and make them a witch was the equivalent to soda in the demon world. Demons drank it as a snack or used it like a sports drink as all it did for demons was recover mana.

“Let’s start your lessons I have so much I wanna teach you.”

Iruma learned how to channel magic, he found it easier to use magic through an object or medium. Sullivan got him a wand to practice with. Iruma was happy, his grandpa was being so warm and kind to him. Little did Iruma know, he thought Sullivan was teaching him the basics of magic but instead the man had taught Iruma forbidden spells and ancient rune magic.

Poor guy had no idea how dangerous learning this magic was. He did his best to learn it since it’s what Sullivan wanted and he also wanted to survive so it was a win-win...right?


Sullivan was having a blast, three months blew by in a flash and it was soon time for Iruma’s first day of school. They took photos, and Sullivan even took Iruma to school in a carriage. Iruma wanted to protest to the carriage but couldn’t say no.

He arrived in style much to his embarrassment. He saw demons flying and others walking. ‘This is really a demon school!’ He gulped. He was a bit nervous but he was wearing a special cologne that masked his human scent.

Iruma didn’t want to get eaten even if he could somewhat defend himself. He went to the assembly, and it turned out Sullivan was the Chair Demon! He gushed about Iruma even blowing up their picture together. ‘So embarrassing!’ He blushed.

Asmodeus Alice was the top student and was supposed to give the opening speech, but Sullivan made a last minute switch. ‘Oh no!’ He had nothing prepared. Suddenly a paper flew over to him. ‘A spell from Grandpa? I should read this?’

Sullivan gave him a thumbs up and was recording from the sidelines. Iruma began to recite the forbidden spell, shocking the students and faculty. He read it perfectly and his body flashed green for a moment. The students erupted in loud cheers. “Did I do something wrong?”

“You just read that forbidden spell like it was nothing!”

“Ehh forbidden?” He began to sweat. ‘Grandpa what have you been teaching me?’

Some spells were dangerous to cast, as messing them up could lead to the caster’s death. Iruma’s unique ability made that near impossible. The spell he cast just made it so he wouldn’t trip or fall all day. Even the teacher was impressed with him though.

As for Asmodeus he wasn’t happy, as he saw Iruma as his enemy. “You take my spot and pull a stunt like that. You might be the chair demon’s grandson, but I’m gonna crush you!” He took Iruma outside to fight, despite Iruma’s protests, he couldn’t turn down the duel.

The other students gathered around to watch the fight. Asmodeus unleashed a barrage of fire balls. Iruma’s unique skill activated causing him to dodge every single one. Asmodeus couldn’t believe it, he couldn’t hit him. ‘Why won’t he fight back? Does he see me as so beneath him?’ Asmodeus began to burn with rage.

He was burning through his mana, but even with his powerful flames Iruma continued to dodge. The crowd, who initially thought Asmodeus was gonna destroy Iruma, started to turn to Iruma’s side. They went at it for hours and things seemed to be at a stalemate. “Why won’t you fight back?”

“I’m sorry!” Iruma cried. “Can we please just stop this, call this whole duel off?”

“Pathetic...and you call yourself a demon!” He snapped.

Iruma tensed. ‘This is a duel, maybe there is a spell I can do that can end this without hurting anyone.’ One did come to mind. His Grandpa mentioned this spell was good for disarming an opponent. “Fine I’ll duel!” He conjured his wand.

“Whoa he’s using a wand!”

“Seriously how rare!”

When using a wand Iruma can forgo an incantation. A spell that could not hurt anyone sounded right up Iruma’s ideals. “Bansho Rend!” Wind burst from Iruma’s wand, Asmodeus was hit and the wind ripped apart his clothing, every last stitch.

“WOW!” Asmodeus was stripped butt naked, his sexy body exposed for all to see. The pinkette blushed from ear to ear. Everyone got a look at his assets.


Iruma gasped not expecting this. The Bansho Spells were a wind based set, capable of doing all kinds of things. Bansho Rend destroys weapons, armor, and yes even clothing. It is said to be a spell that disarmed an entire army.

“You dare!” Asmodeus growled. He used his fire magic to create a flame sword. He charged at Iruma, his nudity not holding him back at all. Iruma was backed into a corner if he dodged, someone behind him would be hit. He tried to stop Asmodeus but the two were about to fall...then...ting!

Iruma’s previous spell caused him to take Asmodeus and slam him into the ground. A total accident as the spell just corrected him so he didn’t fall down. Asmodeus hit hard and fainted. ‘Oh damn!’ He took the naked demon to the nurse.


Iruma was wigging out the next day, he was in his Grandpa’s office. “I can’t believe I did that.”

“Still you performed that spell admirably grandson!”

“What kind of spells did you teach me?” Sullivan just chuckled.

The doors opened and in walked Asmodeus. He was dressed. “Iruma


“You defeated me completely, you put me in my place expertly.” He bowed.


“By demon law you bested me in a duel, so I will serve you from this day forward!”

“What?!” Iruma gasped.

“You showed such strength, skill, and magic, you beat me completely and even carried me to the nurse!” Asmodeus blushed. “I am yours Iruma-sama!”

“Oh my grandson’s first vassal, I’m so proud!”

“If you ever want me naked sir, you just have to ask, I will gladly strip for you!”

Iruma fainted from shock.

To be continued



😂You've captured the zany comedy of the original material quite well. 👍


thank you my emotional support person doing something light hearted and funny would be helpful. I really like this series and hope to do more with it going forward