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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Redux

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Training and Making Friends

Wally registered for the Pokemon League, his parents gave him some items for his medical issues. “Mom I’ll be fine!” He puts everything in his bag. Ash is even given a spare inhaler for him.

“I’ll look after him, he’ll be fine.” Ash gave Wally and May some Pokemon food for their journey.

With that the trio set off. They headed into Route 104!

-x-Route 104-x-

With May in the group the boys had to take more breaks, but that did give them time to train. Ash’s Ralts trained with Rara, and the two started learning more moves. Battling against similar Pokemon helped boost their development beyond their physical level.

Ash’s Ralts Trace – Moves: Double Team, Confusion, Teleport, and Hypnosis

Rara – Telepathy – Moves: Double Team, Confusion, Teleport, Life Dew

Wally’s Rara, learned a move that had a healing power. May found it odd. “That’s because his Pokemon cares about him, and wants to find a way to help him.” Wally hugs Rara, touched by Ash’s words and Rara’s acknowledgment.

May didn’t get it, but she didn’t care about training.

Ash encountered a tough Tailow, who wanted some of Ash’s Pokemon food. They had a battle and Ash managed to catch the tough guy. With that Ash’s team was up to four. Tailow actually didn’t mind resting in his ball when they traveled. Wally was amazed at Ash’s confidence in battle. ‘He’s so cool!’ he thought a blush blooming on his cheeks.

He battled some trainers, rotating his monsters so they all got a turn. Wally had his first battle against a guy known as Nicholai, the guy was really too much. He called himself a naturalist which meant he didn’t wear underwear, according to him anyway. He also put on Pokemon costumes where he was butt naked inside of those. “It helps me become one with my Pokemon!”

Nicholai started bragging how he’d face Norman soon and totally crush him. May got pissed at this and decided to have a battle with him. This was a big mistake, she let pride come before her as she sent out her Torchic to battle against Nicholai’s Mudkip. “Is this gonna be okay, she’s at a type disadvantage?” Wally pointed out.

“Type isn’t all there is, if May uses strategy and tactics she can win, but…” Since this was her first battle ever, she didn’t have any tactics or strategy. She had Torchic charge in with Peck and got blasted by Mudkip’s Water Gun. She lost her first battle. Ash treated Torchic, giving it some food to revive it and treating it’s wounds with Potion.

Wally battled with Rara against Nicholai’s Zigzagoon. He didn’t like how Nicholai was mocking Norman, the man was a great gym leader and a powerful one. He used some of Ash’s battle tips and had Rara use Teleport to dodge Zigzagoon’s attacks. That and Double Team made it near impossible for Nicholai’s monster to land a hit. With a barrage of Confusion Nicholai lost and Wally won his first battle. He got 300 dollars for defeating him on his Cash Card.  The young lad felt his heart pound, he got a bit to excited and needed to use his suit to aid his breathing.

“Is he okay?” Wally gave a thumbs up.

“He’ll be fine, he just got a bit too excited.” Ash went over to him and rubbed his back. “You did great, you and Rara were in perfect sync.”

“What about you, how about a battle?” Nicholai challenged Ash.

“Fine, Treecko.” Treecko hopped off of Ash’s shoulder and looked ready to battle. Nicholai did a quick change, switching from his Zigzagoon costume into a Mudkip costume.

“I won’t lose, even against a type advantage.”

“You have a lot to learn Nicholai, we are gonna win without even using a Grass Type move.”

“Don’t get cocky Ash!” Nicholai challenged, but Ash wasn’t bluffing. Treecko was faster than his Mudkip, landing solid Pounds and Quick Attacks. “No way!”

Mudkip was unable to battle, Ash won, getting 300 dollars for defeating him as well. “Listen Nicholai, there is always someone stronger. Gym Leaders are very skilled don’t go rushing in without fully preparing.” Wally remembered that Ash wasn’t really disappointed upon hearing that he needed more badges to challenge Norman. He took it seriously.

Ash helped revive his Pokemon with food. “You should get them to a center.”

“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.” Nicholai left to get his Pokemon treated, taking what Ash said about Gym Leaders to heart.


As the group continued up Route 104, they came across a rare Pokemon for the area, a Cacnea. This did occur on occasion as Pokemon did migrate for one reason or another, some even simply explored for the fun of it.

Wally bonded with Cacnea, giving him some Pokemon food. After a battle with Rara, Wally caught him! He nicknames him, Nea!

The group helped stop a poacher named Rico with the help of an Officer Jenny. He had been hunting Poison Types in the area and had amassed a large amount of Ekans and Koffing. Together they brought down his Fearow and Pupitar, Ash’s Tailow put in work against the Fearow, while Treecko did a lot of damage to the Pupitar using Absorb.

Wally used Rara’s Teleport to help free the trapped Ekans and Koffing.

Rico’s Pokemon were confiscated and the poison types were fed and healed and returned to the wild...except one. An Ekans liked Wally and decided to stay with him. Wally catches him and names him Hiss.


They continue towards Rustboro City, and end up coming across a pack of wild Torchic. One of the Torchic were quite scrappy, charging in and attacking the group when they were having lunch. May gets pissed as her lunch was disturbed, but her Torchic didn’t stand a chance against the more battle charged Torchic. Ash notes that this Torchic was of a different color than May’s.

Ash battled it with his Ralts, it was a speedy thing, but Ralts was able to put it to sleep with Hypnosis. “Monster Ball Go!” He hit the fire type with the ball and it sucked him up.

Jiggle Jiggle Jiggle...Ping!

“Alright I got a Torchic!” He declared and his Pokemon cheered. He called out the fire type and woke him up. “Hey Torchic how about a nickname?” Torchic nodded. “I’ll call you Sunny!”

Sunny liked his new name, and joined Ash’s hang out team. They didn’t have time to leave as something was stalking the Torchic pack, a hungry Seviper!

Treecko tried to battle against Seviper but it was quite strong. The Torchic pack escaped but Treecko got poisoned and injured. Ralts intervened and they were able to escape.

They rushed Treecko to a center for treatment. Treecko’s pride was hurt more than his body, despite his speed he failed to handle Seviper’s unique movements. When he dodged the tail he got bit, and if he dodged the fangs he got hit with the tail.

Treecko wants to train, and Ash gets an idea. “There is another kind of training we can do that may help.” Treecko is curious.

Ash explains about contest battles, how there were tricks to show off and even strengthen certain moves. Wally watched as Ash did special training, even May was interested in this. So Ash has Treecko working with Pound, but before the hit he had him do a spin before the hit.

Treecko practiced, and the twist on this technique indeed worked, increasing the power of his Pound. He looked really cool doing it too. “We’ll need work on style moves as well as battle moves.”

Ash asked for Wally’s help for some special training using Hiss. Being a snake monster he could match Seviper’s moves. With this Ash worked on a Spin Dodge, dodging attacks while building up your own power.

It was time for the rematch with Seviper. Sunny agreed to act as bait and it lured the Seviper out. “Seviper we challenge you!” Ash declared and Treecko came out.

Seviper laughed and the battle began. Seviper was quite crafty, but the Spin Dodge caught him off guard. “Treecko use Pound!” Treecko surged toward Seviper, and before his attack did a spin, building up the power and hitting Seviper hard.

Treecko smacked Seviper around some weakening it. Treecko had enough, he had proved his strength and earned back his honor. He gave Ash a nod. “Monster Ball Go!” Ash threw a ball and Seviper dodged it only for Treecko to pop up and assist smacking the ball right at the back of Seviper’s head. It got sucked up.

Jiggle Jiggle Jiggle...Ping!

“Alright I got Seviper!” Now the Torchic pack would be safe from the hungry snake monster. Seviper was a bit pissed but after tasting Ash’s monster food it mellowed out.

Seviper was a bit scary, so he struggled to make friends with Ash’s Pokemon. Thankfully Wally’s Ekans was nice to it and helped show that Seviper wasn’t a bad mon, even if he looked intimidating. Even Sunny warmed up to him after a battle.

Hiss looked up to Seviper as it was stronger, and Seviper even helped teach Ekans Poison Tail. Seviper was a tough battler and served as a fine battle opponent for training.

Treecko wasn’t the only one who learned the Spin Attack, Tailow learned it in combination with Wing Attack. Poochyena, Sunny, and Seviper learned a forward Spin Attack with Bite, Peck, and Poison Tail.

The Spin Dodge was a fun move to learn, and even Wally’s monsters picked it up too.

To be continued...Lake Side Excitement


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