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Pocket Monster parody: Redux/Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2

Delia was so proud of her son, he’d grown up so strong and sweet. “Do look after my son for me Treecko, Poochyena!”

“Aww mom!” Ash blushed. His Pokemon agreed. After a hug and a kiss goodbye Ash headed off to start his adventure. He did some battling against wild Pokemon as they made their way through Route 101.

Treecko learned Quick Attack and Absorb, while Poochyena learned Sand Attack and Bite. Ash didn’t really find any other Pokemon he wanted to catch. In the Hoenn League trainers were allowed to carry 8 Pokemon at a time, because of the Double Battles that spiced things up.

Ash arrived in Oldale Town and went to the center to get his Pokemon treated. While they got healed Ash bumped into May and Morrison. “Hey guys, what’s going on?”

“Nothing much, I caught myself a new Pokemon, wanna see?”

“Sure!” Ash smiled. Morrison called out his new monster... Zigzagoon! “Aww he’s cute!”

“Don’t let his appearance fool you, once he’s trained up he’ll be a powerful battler.” He said, and was proven a tad wrong as Ash started rubbing Zigzagoon’s belly making the little guy happy and laugh. Morrison anime fell. “Gah!”

May had made it to Oldale Town first but, had hung around. While she moved pretty fast with her bike, she lacked stamina. May hoped to get info on places to shop and eat, but everyone she talked to was talking about Pokemon stuff. She planned to go see the ruins tomorrow.

Ash’s Pokemon recovered and he registered for the Hoenn League. Upon registering Ash is given a Cash Card, when battling registered trainers for the League Ash will receive money he can spend at Marts. “So Ash now that we have the same amount of Pokemon, how about a Pokemon Battle?”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Hey Ash, don’t Pokemon usually remain inside their PokeBalls?” May asked.

“Some do yes, but I think it’s more fun if they hang out with me.” May was confused as she didn’t hear any complaints from her Torchic.

“You got some style Ash, but style alone won’t be enough to beat me!”

Ash and Morrison went to use the Center’s battle area in the back. Morrison was sure Ash’s Treecko hadn’t learned any Grass Type moves yet, but he played it safe and started with Zigzagoon.

Ash had his Poochyena fight first. Thanks to his training Poochyena was able to overwhelm Morrison’s monster. “Zigzagoon return, next go Mudkip!”

Poochyena was return, him running back over to Ash and getting praised and pets. He yipped happily and it was Treecko’s turn. He jumped from Ash’s shoulder, looking cool as he landed.

“Alright Mudkip show ‘em your Rock Smash!” Mudkip charged but Ash had Treecko dodge it. “Rock Smash again Mudkip!”

“Treecko dodge it and then use Quick Attack!” Treecko dodged before shooting forward and hitting Mudkip hard.

“Fight back Mudkip use Tackle!”

“Counter it with Pound!” The two attacks clashed, seemingly in a draw.

“Alright Mudkip use Water Gun!”

“Dodge it!” Treecko dodged the strong Water Gun, Mudkip had some serious power. “Your Mudkip has a lot of power but he can’t beat my Treecko’s speed!”

“We’ll see about that.”

Treecko lands a Quick Attack and gets hit by a Rock Smash. “Treecko use Absorb!” Treecko fires a red beam from his paw, it hits Mudkip, turning green it drains away his energy.

“Oh no!” Morrison gasped as the super effective move drained Mudkip’s strength and he fainted.

“That’s our win!” Ash declared.

“Heh, you may have won this time Ash but next time you won’t be so lucky.” He brought his monsters back to the center.

Ash asked Nurse Joy if he could use the kitchen, which she allowed. So Ash whipped up some Pokemon food, creating a batch for Treecko, and another batch for Poochyena. The two loved it. Ash made some extra, putting it into cans, before mixing up a batch for general monsters. Once he was done with that he had dinner with his monsters. It was late so Ash decided to rest with his mons.


The next day Ash and Morrison met up. The red head wanted to do some more training, so he was heading up to Route 103. “Once my monsters are stronger, even if you have a type advantage we are still gonna win.”

“We’ll see we’ll be getting stronger too right?” His Pokemon agreed, giving a grand cheer.

Morrison left, while Ash headed towards Route 102. May headed to the ruins.

-x-Route 102-x-

Ash met a bunch of different trainers along the road. This let his monsters battle and gain more experience. His cash card pinged with each victory. He got a grand total of 660 from these trainers, plus he had gained 500 from battling Morrison.

“Let’s do some shopping in Petalburg.”

They didn’t find many Pokemon, possibly because of Poochyena running around, but they had gotten plenty of training. It took about a day to reach Petalburg, the group camping out for a bit and having meals along the way. They arrived in Petalburg City and they head to the mart. Ash buys some monster balls and some Potion and Antidote.

Ash hits the center next and gets his Pokemon treated. Ash uses the center’s kitchen again to make his own Pokemon Food. ‘That’s good we stocked up on supplies.’

He talked to a few trainers and there was some big news floating around. “There was a sighting from Team Magma!”

“Team Magma?”

“You haven’t heard? They are a gang of trainers, they’ve attacked research centers and ruins off and on. No one knows what they are after, but they are Trouble!”

“They were seen at the Oldale Ruins!”

‘I hope May is okay.’ Ash thought. He made a mental note to stay away from these guys if possible.

He heard that you needed three Pokemon to battle the gym leader so Ash was planning to head back to Route 102.

A young man with green hair bumps into Ash. “Excuse me, you are a Pokemon trainer right?”

“Yeah, who are you?”

“My name is Wally, can you please help me catch a Pokemon!?”


Ash’s mons are fully recovered and they meet Wally. The young man wanted to become a trainer but his illness made it so that wasn’t possible. He had to wear a special respirator suit for sudden attacks. His parents didn’t want him to travel. “If I get a Pokemon then I won’t be alone!”

He had asked every trainer he met, he even asked Norman the Petalburg Gym Leader to help him but no luck. His parents had convinced Norman not to help. Ash agreed to help Wally and let him use his Poochyena. They headed back to Route 102, and did some exploring.

Wally tried to capture a Zigzagoon and a Seedot, but they ended up running away. He got upset which triggered an attack. His suit activated, and helped him breathe. “It’s okay, it’s okay, there is plenty of time.”

After Wally calmed down they had some lunch. Ash put out some bait, using his homemade Pokemon Food. They struck gold as a pair of Ralts appeared. “Let’s catch them.”

Wally sent out Ash’s Poochyena, while Ash’s Treecko battled the other. Ash showed Wally how to throw a ball properly, it hits his Ralts. Wally followed suit, he throws his ball with maximum effort, it hits Ralts and sucks her up.

The balls jiggled before closing. “We caught Ralts!”

Wally teared up. “My first...Pokemon!” He nicknamed his Ralts Rara.

He cried happily. Wally’s Ralts was female while Ash’s was male. When they returned to Petalburg they were met with Norman the Gym leader and Wally’s parents. His parents were pleased with Wally going out like he did.

“He wasn’t alone, I was with him and my Pokemon!” Ash stands up for Wally. “If he has Pokemon by his side, he’ll never be alone and he’ll be able to get stronger.”

Norman sighs. “I have to agree, look at your son, I’ve never seen him so alive.” His parents look, and Wally is clutching his ball holding Rara. He does have a glow of delight about him.

They agree to let Wally travel so long as he has someone willing to travel with him. Ash agrees to do it. “Thank you Ash!” Wally hugged him.

Ash challenged Norman, but while he had three Pokemon, he didn’t have enough badges. One needed at least three badges to challenge his gym. He was considered one of the strongest Gym Leaders in Hoenn, so it made sense. He did give Ash and Wally badge cases. “You boys can try the gym at Rustboro City.” Ash gets excited as that is where he needed to go to register for contests.

The boys rest at the Pokemon Center and Ash is surprised/glad to see May. She had seen Team Magma, but didn’t get involved. They took some data from the ruins and left. “I was thinking since we are both heading to Rustboro City, maybe it’d be nice to travel together?” In truth she was just scared of running into Team Magma again.

Ash agreed and May dropped off her bike at home. Norman was actually her dad, a small world after all. She actually knew Wally and was surprised he was gonna get to travel. Ash used the center’s kitchen to make food for their Ralts. Even May was impressed at Ash’s skills. “Yeah my Mom taught me, she said it’d come in handy.”

Little did Ash know there was another Evil Team hot on his heels.

To be continued


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