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Young Justice parody: Tier 1/Redux

Chapter 2 

Chap 3 New Beetle

Black Beetle came over to them. Superboy was on edge. “Is this another Reach plot, haven’t you ruined our lives enough!” Black Beetle gave him a look.

“Is that anyway to say thank you?” The naked Superman looked to the Black Beetle.

“We shouldn’t fight, let us join hands in peace!”

” He pulled out a small box, and it opened up revealing a glowing green rock. Superboy and Superman got effected by the stone and Superman lost all his strength allowing Superboy to break free. He rolled away from his “brother” and tried to catch his breath.

Black Beetle trapped Superman binding him with metal bands. “This should keep him down for now.” He attached the kryptonite to a small mini robot beetle. It flew over and remained in contact with Superman keeping him weak and drained.

Superboy was so blinded by rage he attacked Black Beetle, which the scarab warrior was able to block. Even weakened Conner kept fighting, punching and kicking at the armored warrior. “What’s wrong? Do you think you have me beat, fight me!” He shouted, the scarab made a noise.

“Yes I know, later.” White Beetle got up. “Leave this to me.” Black Beetle said and readied his blaster.

“Another Beetle, we shouldn’t be fighting we should be friends.” He reached out to Black Beetle.

“Ummm no!!!” He blasted Storm and the beetle was forced to dodge.

‘In fighting between the Reach wouldn’t be the first time.’ Conner didn’t know what to do, but could only watch as the two Beetle’s did battle. White Beetle kept trying to get close, but Black Beetle kept him at a distance. He was pretty good at launching different forms of projectiles.

They clashed with sonic weapons but seemed to be evenly matched.

“You cannot stop the storm of peace!” White Beetle said before escaping.

Black Beetle would have chased after him but he had things to deal with first. Not that he let him escape completely, he created a mini beetle drone and sent it after White Beetle. He walked over to Blue Beetle and checked on him. He was fine the scarab had already repaired the armor, and had released nano bots into Jaime’s body to repair any broken bones and internal bleeding. His scarab chirped. “Yes, it seems he’ll be fine.”

“Stay away from him!” He flew at Black Beetle and threw a punch. Black Beetle caught his fist again. They were further away from the stone so Superboy had some of his strength back.

“Always so quick to attack, have to say I’ve missed that temper of yours. You haven’t changed a bit.” Black Beetle said with a light chuckle.

“Don’t you mock me!” Superboy threw a flurry of punches with Black Beetle blocking every punch thrown at him. “Do not speak as if you know me!!”

“Oh I know you, better than anyone else.” Black Beetle said and Blue came to at this point.

“Wait Superboy stop that’s not the Black Beetle you know!!” Blue shouted.

Superboy stopped his attack to look at Blue. “What do you mean?” Suddenly through a familiar martial arts move Superboy found himself on his back. ‘Wait...I know that move.’

When he used to have sparring matches with Robin, the boy wonder used to take him down with that move. ‘No it couldn’t be.’

“He means this.” The scarab armor pulled back revealing Nightwing, wearing only his mask and a pair of skin tight black shorts. “Hey Superboy.”

“Nightwing!!?” Superboy got up and pounced on Nightwing in a powerful hug.

“I missed you too love.” He tilted Superboy’s chin up and he kissed him. Superboy kissed back with equal passion. They couldn’t see it but Blue was blushing as he watched the heavy make out session. His body reacted and he got hard within his armor.

‘Jaime Reyes do you seek to mate with the Superboy, the Nightwing, or both?’

‘Not now scarab!’ He couldn’t look away, seeing two people kiss so passionately was intense.

The kiss broke for air. “Nightwing, but you, what, how?”

Nightwing turned around revealing his scarab. “I was testing the scarab I found. I needed to make sure it was safe to use. This is why I couldn’t take you with me, if the scarab wasn’t fixed I could have hurt you, or manipulated you, or worse. I couldn’t live with myself if you got hurt because of me.” That made sense, but still

Superboy smacked Blue upside the head. “Oww what was that for?”

“For putting my boyfriend at risk.”

“It was his idea!”

“He always gets these crazy ideas in his head. You don’t have to go along with them.” He glared at Nightwing who chuckled. “Now you are back?”

“I’m back!” They kissed again. Jaime couldn’t help but watch feeling his heart pound in his chest.

“As for the how Blue sent me a distress signal, I received it and came straight here. When I saw you were in danger I decided to shoot first ask questions later.” With his scarab he had access to advanced weaponry, which he’s been training with these months to get control of. Batman taught him a weapon was only as good as the one who was using it.

I’m so glad to have you back.” Nightwing hugged Superboy, who totally wasn’t crying. Black Beetle rubbed his back tenderly, easing the clone’s loneliness with every rub.

“Nightwing is the testing complete?” Blue asked. Superboy was in his own little world, holding Nightwing close and taking in his strong and manly scent. He was so happy he thought he could burst.

“Yes the Friend program worked perfectly, I believe the other scarabs are safe to use.” Nightwing said. Nightwing’s scarab made a noise. “Yes, you really helped save the day buddy thank you.” The program helped teach the scarabs to become friends with their hosts to form a symbiotic relationship, instead of a parasite one.

“Other scarabs?” Superboy asked.

“Yes Nightwing had a few, he wanted to set up a new team, one with the power of the scarabs.” Blue said happily.

“I served as a guinea pig, but now we can form a team with them.”

“I want one!” Superboy said sternly. He wouldn’t miss out on this for the world, plus with this new enemy scarab power was the only defense they had.

“I knew you would say that, so I brought this.” Nightwing revealed a red scarab. “This is a permanent thing Superboy, just know that the scarab and the host are one.” His scarab chirped. “Yeah we make a great team.”

“I want it.” Superboy removed his shirt and turned around. Nightwing leaned forward and kissed his neck.

“My precious Superboy, this scarab will be a new friend. I know you will not regret this.” The scarab bit into Superboy’s body. Superboy gasped and felt the link become established.

‘Greetings I am Red Scarab, you are my host Conner Kent aka Superboy.’

‘Is it okay if I give you a name, Nightwing says you are my friend so you should have a name.’

‘That would be most welcomed.’

‘How about Rad?’ (Remember this is the boy who named a wolf Wolf, and a sphere Sphere)

‘Acceptable, I am Rad. From my initial scan I see you have two strands of unique DNA, you gain your powers from one specific strand, I can isolate the strand and give you access to your full powers.’ Rad said and Superboy was surprised.

‘Like Luthor’s shields?’

‘Correct.’ Red Scarab had read Superboy’s memories knowing everything Superboy knew.

‘Will I have full control?’

‘Complete control.’ Rad could properly mend Superboy’s DNA, instead of releasing harmful and addictive substances to him. Those Shields really messed with his head.

‘Let’s do it!’ Rad isolated Superman’s dna strand and allowed it to become more dominant. This fixed the issue with Superboy’s aging, and his diluted powers. Superboy came back to reality and he floated up into the air.


“This is a surprise.” Superboy flew around, fired beams from his eyes, he even had super breath.

“Rad gave me full access to my powers, it’s amazing!!” The scarab armor came out and Superboy was encased in red armor. Rad even modified his armor making a black Superman crest over his chest. He looked similar enough to Blue and Black Beetle, though his armor really showed off body type, and he had a bit more bulk to it. “This is so cool!” The scarab harnessed the kryptonian DNA and used it to augment his weaponry to suit such a fighter.

Superboy came back down and his armor receded. He hugged Nightwing again. “This is great!”

“Welcome to the club Superboy.” Blue said, although he felt a little jealous.

‘Jaime Reyes, you should not be jealous of the Superboy, if you really want the Nightwing then just tell him your feelings.’

“Shut up!” Blue said out loud, and the two looked at him. “Oh umm sorry.”

“What’s your scarab saying?”

“Nothing!” Blue blushed, and avoided direct eye contact. Rad and Nightwing’s scarabs chirped.

“Yeah obviously lying.”

“If you have something to say you should say it.”

“Guys can we discuss this later.”

“It seems Team Beetle is gonna be needed more than I thought.” A White Scarab wasn’t among the ones he found on the ship.

“What are we gonna do about him?” They looked at Superman who was still naked covered in the weird markings.

“He needs to be contained for now, but don’t worry Superboy We’ll find a way to help him.” They needed a contamination team down here stat. As other victim’s of Storm’s power were waking up and getting naked. They didn’t put up much of a fight as they were taken to Star Labs for study and containment. When the others saw the new Beetles Nightwing had some explaining to do.

To be continued


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