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Young Justice parody: Tier 1/Redux

Chapter 1 

Chap 2 Storm

In the dark reaches of space, a monster that the Reach unknowingly created was heading to Earth. The Reach had discovered a planet that was without the jurisdiction of the guardians. They thought it was a perfect place to send a scarab, but the guardians left the planet alone for a reason. It contained a race of aliens known as the Purein.

They believed in absolute purity and peace, regardless of will. They could erode one’s will, washing away all thoughts, emotions, and desires, leaving one pure white. Their strange powers made them a threat to EVERY lantern core, which is why even the biggest of bad’s stayed away from these people. It was believed they had somehow tapped into the Source and that is what allowed them to erode one’s will.

Darkseid, who sought the Anti Life Equation, had contemplated taking this world and experimenting on this alien race to find the Anti Life Equation, but it was not possible. He had sent an army to take the world one time and none returned. One couldn’t even get near the planet for a space attack, as the Purein’s had this “song”; a mental attack that they used to greet “guests”. The planet’s natural defenses made long range attacks also useless.

While one could say Darkseid is absolute evil, wanting to strip away free will to enslave the universe. The Purein were absolute good. They saw anything that strayed from their purity as evil, and sought to cleanse that evil from their sight. The Purein however were “peace” loving beings, so long as no one disturbed them they were content on living in their “purity”. It was a good thing they didn’t have Darkseids desire to conquer the universe as it was feared they would succeed.

When the Reach scarab went to this world and latched onto this alien the Reach’s programming was completely overrun. However the alien realized that with this power he could spread peace through the universe. He was given a taste for conquest by the Reach technology. He was given knowledge and warped intent. He saw the universe as sinful, and he sought to cleanse it.

It became White Beetle and it went out and began infecting planet after planet. He erased people’s minds and got them believing in Purein’s way of peace. It spread like a virus, and no matter how strong, no matter if they were order or chaos all was consumed in this peace and tranquility. The only good thing was that he was only one Purein, so it took him time to wash away whole worlds.

Now White Beetle was on his way to Earth!


Over the next few months Blue was keeping tabs on Nightwing’s vital signs and brain waves, if there was any spike he was given orders to stop him even if it meant killing him, and destroy the other scarabs as well. Blue had a signal link so if the scarabs got attached to anyone he would know right away. ‘Please Nightwing, prove me wrong!’

Superboy was a bit upset, cause Blue wouldn’t tell him where Nightwing was, but knowing that he was okay was nice. He didn’t let Blue go on missions alone, in Conner’s mind if something happened to Blue, he’d lose his only link to Nightwing. This led to Megan thinking Jaime was the special someone that Superboy was seeing.

“Any word from Nightwing?” Superboy asked him.

“No, but all vitals and brain waves are in the clear.” Superboy wanted to ask more questions but knew he’d be putting Blue Beetle in a tough spot.

Things seemed pretty normal, bad guys showed up, the Team, the Justice League, and other heroes showed up to kick butt. With so many heroes, young and old operating together, it allowed more down time and allowed heroes to have normal lives.

However the calm before the storm was over...

White Beetle came flying down in a protected pod and crash landed on Earth. Alarms were going off in the Watch Tower. They got photos of the pod and registered it was alien but they could gain no useful data.

“I’ll check it out.” Superman said and quickly followed after it. The pod landed making a massive crater, luckily there were no civilians around. Superman landed near the crater and tried to peer into the pod but it was immune to his vision. All of a sudden the pod opened and White Beetle floated out in its scarab glory.

Superman recognized it as a Reach scarab. “Who are you, are you with the Reach?” Superman asked, and got ready for a fight.

“Why are you so angry we should be friends?” White Scarab said and floated over to Superman.

“Stand back, identify yourself!” Superman warned but White Scarab just smiled. “I warned you!” He fired his heat vision and it blasted the scarab with little effect.

“So much anger, your human language does not have an accurate word for my true name, but you have something close. My name is Storm, I am here to wash away rage and pain and leave nothing but peace.” Storm said and landed in front of Superman. “I will take away your hatred, your anger, and you will know peace.” Storm touched Superman’s shoulder and channeled his power.

A white energy coursed through Superman, and like a virus he was infected by this creature’s peace. Strange markings appeared on his body, they were long lines and symmetrical and they covered every inch of him. His eyes glowed white as his mind was drowned out by a weird song. Superman collapsed at Storm’s feet.

“Time to spread the peace to this world.” Storm began to walk and headed to the nearest city which just happened to be Gotham. Superman was left on the ground his body twitching as the “song” repeated in his head like an ear worm.

The Team was called as Superman had not been heard from in hours. His transmitter was left behind and there was no trace of the man of steel. Superboy and Blue Beetle were sent to investigate. “What could have got Superman?” Blue said out loud and Superboy glared at him. “Sorry.”

“No I’m sorry, I just…I’m worried, you’re right what could get him and if something did how could I stand up against it?” Superboy said, with Nightwing gone some of his old insecurities had come back. He wondered if he was strong like Superman would Nightwing have taken him wherever he was now.

“That’s why we’re a team, we can beat anything as long as we stand together.” Blue said and patted him on the shoulder.

‘Jaime Reyes I am detecting odd signals coming from the pod we should investigate.’ The scarab said and Blue and Superboy went down and began inspecting the pod.

“This thing is of some major alien tech, it’s programmed not to move until whoever or whatever was inside gives it a command.” Blue said, and Superboy tried to lift it but the thing wouldn’t budge. “Whatever was in here left a faint signal I should be able to follow it.”

“Let’s go!” Superboy said hoping to find Superman wherever this thing was.

“Blue Beetle to Team, we have found a trail to the possible alien life form, the trail is fading fast should we pursue?” Blue asked but the two were already heading in the direction.

“Go ahead and follow it but be careful and don’t take any risks we don’t know what we are up against, we will send back up to your location as soon as they are available.” Aqualad spoke over the coms.

The boys entered Gotham but it wasn’t right, there was no traffic and the people were all on the ground, with weird markings on their face and the rest of their bodies. They seemed to be awake but not aware of what was going on around them. They were unresponsive to touch or words. The two young heroes tried to talk to them and ask them if they were okay but they just remained motionless with a gentle smile on their faces.

“Could it be Joker gas or something?” Blue asked out loud and the scarab began scanning the victims.

‘No signs of traditional chemicals found it the joker gas, but strange readings found in their vitals, status unknown!’ The scarab said.

“The scarab can’t identify what’s wrong with them.”

“Oh that’s not good.” Superboy said and a bright flash drew their attention. They raced toward the direction of the light and found themselves in front of a bank, their first thought was a robbery but in fact there were robbers and they were sitting outside the bank wearing masks. Superboy crept up to them and removed their masks in one swift motion.

They gasped as they saw the same strange markings on the robbers like everyone else. Another flash of light coming from inside the bank, the guys left the robbers and went inside. Storm had a bank teller in his grasp and channeled his power into the person and they watched as the markings appeared on him.

“A White Scarab?!”

“He must be with the Reach, this must be some new plan!!” Blue whispered.

“Let’s take him down!” Superboy said but before he could move the two were grabbed from behind. Superman was smiling at them and the two gasped in shock. “Superman what are you doing!!”

“There is no reason to hide Storm will wash it all away.” Superman said as he carried the two out into the open.

“He’s naked!” Jaime gasped. Indeed he was the Man of Steel’s usual hero suit was gone and the hero was floating butt naked.

“Superman stop!!” Superboy pleaded and Storm turned their way and smiled. “Where is your suit?” His brother wasn’t a virgin by any means but he had this shyness about him. If you ever caught him buck naked he’d zip away so fast to try and hide, not that he had anything to be shy about. That’s just how he was.

“I no longer need it, I am finally free.”

“Good work child, bring them to me so they can join us.” Superman obeyed and carried the two over to Storm. He was so strong, they couldn’t break free from his hold.

“So what’s the Reach’s plan this time!?” Blue snapped.

“Let Superman go!!” Superboy growled.

“So angry so untrusting, it saddens me. I am not of the Reach, the purity cleansed the scarab of their evil and I will cleanse you as well.” Storm touched Blue and channeled his energy.

“Blue!!!” Superboy screamed and when the light faded Blue smirked. He was okay!

“I’ve already been cleansed thank you very much.”

“How strange? How can you resist my power?”

“Guess your powers don’t work on another scarab holder.” Blue said and a cannon formed in his chest and he blasted Storm back.

Storm got up. “How cruel, Superman punish him.” The command was simple and Superman began smashing Blue around nearly dislocating his arm and damaging the rest of his body. The suit was getting cracked as it did it’s best to handle a Superman beating. Doing this all one handed just showed hos strong the Man of Steal was. He tossed Blue aside and the boy used the last of his strength to send out a distress signal.

“You bastard, I don’t care what you are but release Superman from your control!!” Superboy snarled.

“So angry, so full of hate and rage, I will cleanse you of hatred and you will be together in absolute peace.” Superboy struggled but Superman held him firm.

“It feels good Superboy, join us brother in the peace.”

“Don’t you see how happy he is, how happy you all will be. Don’t fight it, embrace it.” His hand glowed white.

‘I’m sorry Nightwing, I love you!’ Superboy thought as Storm raised his hand and was about to touch Superboy; when he was blasted away once again.

“Sorry but I am not gonna let you touch him.” A rough voice was heard and Superboy turned his head and his eyes widened seeing Black Beetle standing there.

To be continued


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