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Hey guys, just in case you don't see the AN on the recent story I posted I wanted to let you all know what's going on. Firstly I wanna thank you all for the support, and I'm working to try and live up to the support. I've reached out to deal with things, which is hard for me, because I hate feeling like a burden to people. I keep being told take a vacation take a vacation, to help with my health be it emotional and mental, sometimes physical. I've been trying to push through it but its not going the best.

My big goal is still the same, I want to bring the best i can to you guys who've given me so much support. I want to keep reaching new heights and become a better writer. MY GOAL! Is to complete everything before the next patreon rewards so I can take a breath and properly organize. For so long I've been racing to catch up and every time I get close something hits me and knocks me back.

I don't wanna rush any idea either, I don't wanna do it just to finish it and move on I want to bring you the best the idea calls for. I've been rewriting stuff a lot which can feel like a waste of time, or that I failed. IT's still a process to get the best out of an idea. Things have felt so different. I do need to breathe, and I do need to deal with things. I'm trying to find balance as to not get these funks. To not have additional issues. I've been given some things to do to try and alleviate the stress and negative thoughts that prolong this funk. 



Hey, if you need a break you should take one. You are a wonderful writer, so what if some of your stories take longer your stories are still going to be there with your normal readers and patreons patiently waiting for you to get better. Do not put your health in danger both physical and mental. I know I'll wait for you to get better.

ZooFan 123

Definitely look after your health, I know I’ll still support you cause you deserve it. So please take steps to look after your self