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X-Men Evolution parody: Tier 1

AN: A story I did to deal with things. Trying something new to break out of this horrible funk i've been in. I've sought advice from every avenue I could and while I don't have a solid answer, I've gotten bits to try. 

X-Love Evolution

Logan and Remy are called back to the X-Mansion after an incident with Scott. He’s been acting out, Logan knows why. Charles needs help as they have new students coming in. Magneto is making a move, and anti mutant activity is on the rise.

Chapter 1

The motorcycle roared as two men drove down the long highway. They pulled into a gas station, the first man pulls off his helmet to reveal Logan aka Wolverine. “Fill her up.”

The other man chuckled and groped Logan’s crotch. “Only if you fill me up.” Logan growled.

“Watch it, unless you wanna see the inside of a gas station bathroom.”

“Boo, not very romantic.” He removed his helmet to reveal Remy aka Gambit. “Rain check?” He winked at Logan.

“Must you be so horny?” Sure they were in the middle of nowhere but they weren’t alone.

“Can’t help it love. You bring the beast out of me.” Logan kissed him hungrily, making Gambit moan. Wolverine deepened the kiss, making the Cajun mutant weak in the knees. His head felt fuzzy with all his blood rushing south. “Fuck me!” He moaned when Logan broke the kiss.

“Later, now fill my girl up.” Remy was fine if Logan took him right here out in the open. Gambit sighed. Least this was the only woman in Logan’s life. Logan went in to pay for said gas and pick up some supplies for their trip. Remy watched him walk away, starring at his perfect ass in those tight jeans.

Logan picked up some drinks, some snacks, and paid for the gas. The clerk didn’t pay him much of a mind, focused on the news story about an explosion at a high school football game. ‘Trouble at home...hmm…’ He left the gas station.

“I know that look. What’s wrong?”

“Trouble, you coming with me?”

Remy chuckled. “We’ve been over this love. Anywhere you go, I go, I’m with you Big Daddy!” Logan groaned and rolled his eyes.

“I thought I told you not to call me that.”

“You love it!” Logan got on his bike, with Remy getting behind him, pressing his bulge and muscles into Logan’s backside. He kissed Logan’s neck and nuzzled against him, Wolverine’s manly musk had his heart racing.

“Helmet on.”

“You are no fun sometimes.”

“I heal, you don’t, helmet on.”

“Love you too.” He blew Logan a kiss before putting on his helmet. He hugged Logan tight as the mutant put his helmet on. The two zoomed off heading towards the Xavier Institute for the Gifted. The place was a home for mutants, to help them train and control their powers, keeping them safe for a world that wasn’t ready to embrace them.

Xavier was also a mutant and a powerful psychic, some might argue the strongest psychic in the world currently. He used his powers to protect mutants. The explosion at the school was caused by a young mutant Scott Summers aka Cyclops. Xavier used his powers to make it be seen as a gas explosion.

Scott had been acting out for awhile. Xavier was giving him a lecture. “It wasn’t my fault professor, it was Duncan. He was messing with another guy at my school. I was just helping him. He took my glasses and well…”

“This is the fourth fight this week you’ve gotten into. I’m aware this Duncan boy has it out for you, but did you give him cause?” Plus there was other issues, Scott was ditching class, his grades were slipping, and he was spending too much time in the danger room. “Is there something you want to talk about?”

“If I don’t are you just gonna read my mind?”

“No, I wouldn’t invade your mind like that. I’d hope you could talk to me about it, if not me someone. Storm, Jean, you need to talk to someone.”

“I don’t wanna talk to Jean, she’d just take her boyfriend’s side.”

“Is that what this is about Scott? Are you jealous that Jean is dating Duncan?” Scott’s hands balled into a fist.

“No!” He got up. “Are we done here?”

“Yes we are, but consider yourself grounded, no car, no danger room, and you can stay in your room until you catch up on assignments.”

“That’s not fair!”

“Need I remind you, you caused an explosion. People could have been hurt.”

“It’s not my fault I’m packing a bazooka behind each eyeball. What do you want from me?”

“Control Scott, and even if you can’t control your powers, you should be able to control yourself to avoid these situations.” Scott trembled and stormed off.

Storm came in. “Don’t you think you are being too hard on him?” Xavier sighed.

“He’s been acting so strangely, ever since…”

“Ever since Logan left the manor.”

“Yes…” he rubbed his temples.

“You could reach him, call him back.”

“He’s trying to find himself, how can I ask him to walk away from that?”


Storm and Jean had a job to do, heading off to pick up a new arrival at the train station. Scott was busy sulking in his room. He knew why Duncan was being such an ass to him. When Logan left Scott felt hurt and lonely so he went out and looked for some trouble.

He bumped into Duncan at a club and the two fooled around. He showed Duncan how good he could suck cock, and let the jock fuck him silly. Scott had no idea he was dating Jean at the time. He tried to warn Jean, but she wouldn’t listen. Duncan made it clear, what happened at the club stayed at the club.

Scott’s been trying to burn off his frustrations, but Duncan didn’t go out of his way to mess with him. He mostly treated Scott like he didn’t exist which did hurt. He didn’t care about Duncan, not really, Jean could have the jerk. He just wanted to not feel lonely, he missed someone terribly. ‘Why did you leave me, why didn’t you take me with you?’ He cried.

The roar of a familiar engine perked Scott up. “Is that?” He got up and ran to check. He bumped into Xavier. The telepath didn’t need to read his mind to see the excitement and hope on Scott’s face.

He decided to hold his tongue and went out with Scott to greet his old friend. Scott was happy to see Logan again, but was shocked to see someone with him. ‘He’s hugging him!’

“Logan, welcome home. It’s good to see you but out of curiosity why have you come back so soon?”

“Saw the big bang on the news. Guessing that was you Cyclops?” Scott couldn’t help but blush and smile.

“Yeah...sorry…” He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

“Who’s your friend Logan?” Remy pulled off his helmet.

“Name’s Remy Etienne Lebeau, you can call me Gambit!” He got off Logan’s bike.

“I picked up your habit of picking up strays Charles.”

“You wouldn’t get rid of me would ya, Big Daddy!” Remy purred. Scott blushed while Xavier chuckled. “Logan’s filled me in on your goals here, I’d like to help if I can.”

“You are both welcome here, Gambit consider this place your home.”

“Much obliged.” He gave a bow.

“I’m sure there’s much to discuss. I’ll have a room prepared for you.”

“No need, I’ll stay with Logan.”

“Prepare him a room anyway, its good to have your own space.”

“You are so thoughtful.”

Scott stormed off. “What’s with him?”

Xavier gave Logan a mental run down. He sighed. “I’ll go talk to him.”

He found Scott in his room, sulking. “No welcome home hug?” he walked in and sat on the bed. “I recall a time whenever I left on mission, I’d come back and you’d hug me.”

“Yeah well, I’m not a kid anymore.”

“This was less than a year ago.” Scott blushed and turned over. “What’s going on Scott?” He used his name, he was serious.

Cyclops knew Xavier told him everything, in his own way. “You left me behind. You said you were leaving and that I couldn’t go with you.”

“It was dangerous and you had school.”

“Then what about the flirt, Big Daddy?” Scott looked at him cocking an eyebrow. Logan groaned planning to punish Remy later for that.

“Gambit can hold his own in a fight, and he doesn’t have school.” Scott looked away, he’d have thrown everything away if it meant being with Logan. “I’m sorry for leaving you behind, but I told you…”

“I remember, I don’t care about your age or your mutation, I want to be with you.” He sat up. “I love you so much!”

“Aww that’s so sweet.” The two looked towards the door, which Logan left open. Remy stood in the doorway. “Same cutie, a life with Wolverine feels worth it don’t it?”

“Remy, do you mind?”

“I figured you were the guy Big Daddy was talking about, didn’t expect you to be so cute.” Scott blushed.

‘He talked about me?’ He couldn’t say it out loud, but he was touched.

“Remy!” Logan growled.

“Aww come on, let me watch. I can also help.” He shot Scott a wink. “Would you like that cutie?” Logan looked to Scott who nodded. If Remy wasn’t taking Logan away from him he could accept him.

“Are you gonna leave again?”

“No, it seems I’m needed here, in more ways than one. I’m home Scott!”

Scott hugged Logan. “I missed you so much!” Logan hugged him back.

“You’ve been acting out because you missed me?”

“Yeah…” Logan smacked him. “Oww!”

“You idiot!”

“Go easy on him love, the heart makes people stupid no?”

“That explains you to a T.” Remy just winked at him and blew him a kiss.

“It’s time to kiss and make up, bet he’s been missing you in his special place.”

“No!” Logan growled. Smack!

“Ahh!” Scott moaned as his ass stung, even with wearing pants Logan was strong.

“He’s not gonna be rewarded for his bad behavior. You are still grounded, until you get your grades back up, no dick for you.”

“Yes sir…” Logan tilted his chin up.

“I’m home Scott!” He kissed the young man, dominating the kiss making Scott moan and squirm. Remy closed the door and whistled.

“This is hot!” He licked his lips and palmed himself. Cyclops clung to Wolverine as he was kissed stupid. His lust churned up, his needy body bucking and shaking. He felt all of Logan’s love for him in this kiss, it was overwhelming.

‘I can’t...I can’t…’ Scott’s eyes closed in bliss, and he came into his boxers and pants.

“Damn love, you kissed him so good he came.”

“I can smell it Gambit.” Scott was left panting. “We have a lot to talk about. I’ll be giving you some punishments understand?” Scott nodded. He had been acting badly, he was just so happy Logan wasn’t casting him away. Logan was thinking about him when he left, it was just hard to see it. Wolverine showed his love in different ways, sometimes traditionally other times through his actions.

“Umm Logan…” He spoke as Logan got up off the bed.


“Can I...can I call you Daddy?” Logan groaned, and shot Remy a glare.

“What?! It fits you so well Big Daddy!”

“You can, but only in private. That goes for you too!”

“Thanks Big Daddy/Daddy!” Remy and Scott said in unison.

To be continued



Awesome story so far, and I hope you get out of your funk soon!