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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Phone Fic

AN: And something special from my phone please enjoy

Ash and Goh’s Grand Adventure

What if Ash woke up and went to Oak’s Summer Camp? Ash meets Goh, and the two share a love of Pokemon. Goh is surprised to have someone who gets him and the two meet a legendary Pokemon Mew. No one believes Goh at first but Ash stands up for him, still no one believes them. The two keep in touch online, and Ash convinces Goh to start his journey. Together they push each other to become greater.

Chapter 1 They Meet!

Ash wanted to go to Oak’s Pokemon Summer Camp so badly. Delia had some business that day, but she left her Mr. Mime aka Mimey home to make sure Ash woke up on time. “Thanks Mimey!” He was able to wash and get dressed.

With his help Ash made it to the camp on time. There he would have a fateful encounter. “I’m here Professor!” Ash exclaimed.

“Welcome Ash! You’ve made it right on time.”

“Yep, Mimey got me up.” He held up a victory sign.

“So that means we can go now right?” A young boy spoke up.

“Who might you be?”

“This is my friend Goh, I invited him because he really likes Pokemon.” A girl spoke up.

“Ah little Chloe, how is your father doing?”

“He’s doing good!” Her father was a Pokemon Researcher, Professor Cerise was one of Oak’s top students, so he knew the man well.

“Professor, what kind of pokemon are we gonna see today?” Ash asked, bouncing around excitedly.

“Well let’s all find out together then!” The group went into the wilds, and began to look at all kinds of Pokemon. Goh had researched Pokemon online, so he knew the names of different Pokemon and some stats. As Goh got excited so did Ash. His eyes sparkled as he went to meet up with the Pokemon identified.

Goh panicked thinking Ash might get attacked, but the boy came prepared. “Here ya go!” He gave them Pokemon food, but it wasn’t anything store bought it looked home made. The food helped put the Pokemon at ease.

“Ahh Delia’s special recipe.” Oak mentions.

“Yep, this is my Mom’s Super Happy Pokemon Food, it’s so good all types love it.” He wanted to make friends at this camp, human or pokemon. Goh was a bit amazed.

Chloe found the two to be disruptive, not that Oak was complaining. “It’s alright, it’s nice to see two young lads who love Pokemon so much!” Oak did carry on his lesson, explaining how Pokemon work, their abilities, their powers, even their ability to evolve. There was a total of 152 known Pokemon found in Kanto Region, including Pichu, Cleffa, and Kangakid. Though Oak claimed they were discovering more Pokemon.

“Pokemon have different abilities that help in and out of battle. Pokemon can learn and hold five different moves, even learning moves from different types. Trainers must find and create a strategy based on the moves their pokemon know.”

“Pokemon are so amazing!” Ash gushed.

“I know right!” Goh agreed, and when Ash smiled at him it caused the boy to blush.

As they explored they saw trainers catch pokemon, battle against each other, and even train on new moves.

“When you come of age you can get your trainer license, your own starter pokemon, and go out and catch, battle, and train Pokemon.” Trainers could carry up to 9 Pokemon on them at a time, while other Pokemon are looked after either by the Professor who gave them their license, or even their families.

Ash was getting excited, he wanted to get older fast so he could become a trainer. “I wanna become a Pokemon Master!” Ash exclaimed.

“A Pokemon Master? What’s that?” Chloe laughed.

“It is an ambitious goal. Once you become a trainer there are many paths your adventure can lead you. One can become a Pokemon Breeder, a Tamer, a Collector, a Scientist, a Researcher, a Gambler, an Officer,  an Ace, a Coordinator, and if one works hard they can even become a Champion of the Region.” Oak listed off the different types of trainers, but focused more on the general ones. Some trainers become obsessed with a specific type of Pokemon and there were classes of trainers that dealt with that specific type. “No matter what path you take, it’s essential you gather as much knowledge about Pokemon as you can!”

“Right!” The students cheered.

“I’ve already got more Pokemon knowledge than I’ll ever need, though!” Goh said proudly.

“Goh, behave yourself!” Chloe chided.

Oak laughed. “That’s good to hear.” Which made Goh chuckle.

“I want to know more, I’m sure...the world is changing every day. There’s gonna be new discoveries, new things to learn, new Pokemon to meet. New ways to train, battle, its exciting don’t you think?” Ash’s words surprised the others, even Goh.

“It’s true, the Pokemon Professors, Researchers, and Scientists work together to uncover all the mysteries of Pokemon. Sometimes we discover one thing and get several new questions spring up. That’s why it’s so much fun!”

The tour continued, Oak giving explanations to things, with Goh chiming in and showing of his knowledge. “Goh, you need to stop. This is why you can’t make friends.”

“I don’t want friends, I want…” ‘Someone who understands me.’ “I want…” ‘To not be alone anymore.’ “I want to get an amazing Pokemon someday!” Goh didn’t think he needed friends, but he did want them, a part of him still did. Chloe acted like so many other kids acted at their school. Goh’s love of Pokemon was next level and to some he came across like a know-it-all, but he did fill his time researching the region’s Pokemon.

Though there was someone there who shared his love of Pokemon. While Ash didn’t have as much knowledge as Goh, he was very hands on wanting to meet and befriend the Pokemon they came across. He didn’t chastise Goh for interrupting the Professor or butting in to the lesson, partly because Oak didn’t care either. He listened and got excited. “Goh-kun you are so smart!” He praised.

The two hit it off, nerding out about Pokemon. Without realizing it the two fell behind the group. “My Mom is a Pokemon Coordinator, she’s really cool and she’s got all kinds of Pokemon.” He listed them off but went off their nicknames.

Delia: Blastoise (Big Dipper), Nidoqueen (Queenie), Mr. Mime (Mimey), Ninetales (Vixen), Wigglytuff (Diva), Chansey (Cheer)

“Huh where did everyone go?”

“Oh crap!” The two looked around but didn’t see anyone. “They left us behind!” Goh began to panic.

“It’ll be okay, we’ll find them!” Ash took his hand. Goh blushed, but felt weirdly calm. The two found an interesting sight.

A pokemon that neither of the boys had seen before was battling a Nidoking. It used Teleport to dodge the Nidoking’s attacks and then hit him with that same move. “It must be using Mimic!” Ash exclaimed.

The Pokemon beat the Nidoking, and used Psychic to give him a berry. It flew off and the boys gave chase. Not only could it copy moves, it could also Transform into different Pokemon. It was an amazing Pokemon and so strong. It seemed to just be messing around.

Ash and Goh followed it into a ravine and watched it as it saved a Kangakid from falling into the river. Kangaskhan was so over joyed, hugging him and crying. Ash saw something strange a Pichu riding on the Kangaskhan’s shoulder. Pichu sensed him and their eyes met for a moment.

“It’s getting away!” Goh cried out. The Pokemon flew off into the sky.

They couldn’t give chase anymore, and Kangaskhan walked off with the two baby Pokemon. It was time for a meet up as Oak found the boys. “There you two are, I was looking all over for you.”

“Professor we saw a strange Pokemon!”

“It could transform into other Pokemon!”

“It could fly and use Psychic powers!”

“It could also copy other Pokemon’s powers!”

“Oh my!” Oak exclaimed. He took in everything they had to say. “It must have been Mew…”

“It’s a rare monster and called a Mythical Pokemon.” Oak explained. “Not much is known about it, but some have called it the Ancestor to all Pokemon.” They didn’t know much and it was rarely scene because it was hard to catch, able to teleport and appear and disappear at will.

“Do you think we’ll see it again?”

“I think we will!” Ash exclaimed. “We saw it, while it might be mischievous it’s not a bad Pokemon. We’ll see it again!”

They made it back to the group but no one believed Ash and Goh about what they saw. It hurt, but with Ash by his side it didn’t hurt as much. The camp ended and Goh didn’t want to leave. “Ash...can we...would you…” he twiddled his fingers.

“Hey Goh?”


“Do you wanna be friends?” He held out his hand to him smiling like the sun.

“Yes!” He took his hand and they shook on it. Goh blushed, feeling his heart flutter. They decided to keep in touch online since they lived so far away.

To be continued


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