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Gravity Falls/Paranorman parody: Tier 6

He Told Me

Norman has always been able to talk to ghosts and spirits, he trusted them believing they couldn't hurt him. Too bad he trusted the wrong spirit as he's led to Gravity Falls and meets Dipper. Norman needs help with this ritual to help a ghost, Dipper helps unaware that the spirit is a remnant of Bill. Choking Breath Play Water Sports Macro

Chapter 1

Norman Babcock was a young man with a strange secret. Not only could he see spirits he could talk with them. In his youth he tried to keep his powers a secret as to not scare people. He couldn’t help it though, ghosts and spirits seemed so lonely. So he talked to them, and his little secret got out, people didn’t believe in his power and thought he was either a freak or insane.

Even his family suggested he just not talk to the ghosts, ignore them and maybe he’d be “normal”. A bit late for that. It hurt, because his Grandma told him his power was a gift. The ghosts were able to share their stories with him, and he learned so much.

After a certain incident people began to believe, and see his powers as something not to fear, but respect. Norman was a bridge between this world and the next. People like him should have been respected, because he can connect lost loved ones, help people learn from the mistakes/failures of the past.

He put his trust in the spirits, as they could see things differently. Though this power left him with many questions. He did help ghosts find peace, and helped people find solace from the past. It’s been six years...he wasn’t a kid anymore what was he supposed to do with his life.

Norman was taller now, he had a growth spurt, he kept his hair staying the same(why break what isn’t broken). Mitch got him working out, while he wasn’t stacked like Mitch, but he got some meat on his bones. He had toned arms and legs, some fine pectorals, and a tight stomach. His cheekbones gave him a model appeal. Puberty treated him well.

Mitch and his boyfriend Casey were big influences in Norman’s life. The zombie incident helped bring a lot of people together. Casey got him on a diet that helped him get a healthier complexion. When he had sex ed class, he had more questions than answers. Mitch was actually pretty cool giving the ins and outs of gay sex, Casey helped giving more technical explanations while Mitch was simple. Together they were able to help.

Norman discovered his tastes, he liked guys though he hadn’t found that special someone yet. When he went to the gym being surrounded by such manly musk, it turned him on. When he heard guys urinating it excited him, he wanted to be the urinal for some of these guys; this he kept a little closer to the chest.

So far the only love he knew was his left hand. ‘I just want to meet a nice guy is that so much to ask for?’ Norman banged his head against his desk. He had been reading by candlelight, some erotic novel he had managed to get his hands on. It was full of kinky sex which he hoped would help him navigate the road of pleasure down the line.

He blew out the candle, deciding to have a wank session in his bed before he went to sleep, but before he reached it suddenly the candle re-lit. “Huh?” He walked back over to his desk and blew out the candle.

Norman waited a moment and sure enough the candle became lit once more. “Who’s doing that?” A chilling breeze brushed past him and the candle’s flame turned blue. “Who are you?” Norman hadn’t encounter a ghost like this one before.

Whispers were heard from the candle. “A deal? What kind of deal?” More whispers and the room began to fill with a haunting wind. Norman’s window suddenly was opened and upon the late night winds came a post card for a place.

Norman picked up the card and cocked his head in confusion. “Gravity Falls?”


Dipper Pines was coming back to Gravity Falls, he did so every summer. He was still known as the weird guy even in High School. Dipper learned the harsh truth; it was hard to prove what you knew was real. The journals had all been destroyed, Bill had been defeated, but weird things were still drawn to Gravity Falls.

So it made sense Dipper was drawn there to. He didn’t fit in at a normal High School, at first he thought that was normal. Mable found her own place there, and she used to tell him he’d find his own place sooner or later. He tried clubs for occult and mysteries and while he had a few friends none of them truly believed in what he saw or what he experienced.

He tried out a few other clubs to work on his social skills and he even tried out for sports. The former worked out better than the latter, but both ended one way or another. The Flower Child club did give him some insight into free love, and give him an awakening of sorts, but he left after they did a naked march.

Hitting the gym didn’t make him any more popular. He wasn’t the scrawny he runt he once was, he designed a full work out. Dipper tackled his arms, his legs, his core, even his glutes. He wanted to build up strength and stamina so he could handle anything weird he came across.

While he wouldn’t match the bulk of the manotaurs, he gained a pretty sold athletic twink build. Despite getting taller and more toned people still called him Little Dipper, and no what he was packing below the belt wasn’t little either. If word hadn’t spread he was a “weirdo”, a “freak”, and so on he’d actually be more popular with girls and guys.

He picked up his uncle’s work, collecting information on the strange, the mystical, and the weird. He made his own journals, both what he remembered, what he knew, and what he learned. Stan and Stanford left the Mystery Shack as a summer home/base for Dipper and Mable to visit, though Dipper was the only one who got the most use out of it.

As funny as it might seem Gravity Falls felt like home. Nothing really changed much, new shops popped up, new residents came and went. People got older, but Gravity Falls was still the same.


He walked through town and was greeted warmly. Dipper went to the Mystery Shack and used his key to enter. The place was dusty, and Dipper had to cage the Spider Bats. He had found the strange creature last year and had trained them as pets.

Pines used them as the perfect pest control and security system. Despite their name they were quite adorable. “Okay, Tyrone, Sherlock, Orion, Webs, and Parker that’s everyone!” He put out some food for them and the Spider Bats ate happily.

Dipper got to work cleaning, taking off his hat, jacket, and shirt. He showed off his toned arms, his firm pecs, and his developing abs. Cleaning the Mystery Shack helped him work up a sweat, his body glistening. He dusted, swept, took down cob webs, and he also cleaned up some gnome bones. Dipper chuckled nervously before dumping them out.

He grabbed a water bottle, drank half and dumped the rest over his head. The water was refreshing, and weirdly made him look even hotter. A droplet of water dripping off his face and landing on his chest with a sizzle before it evaporated.

After all his hard work he had worked up a nice musk. “Time for a shower!” He said after taking a whiff of his left pit.


Norman got a bus ticket and got a ride to Gravity Falls. ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this.’ The ghost told him to come here, saying it would help both of them out. As the bus rode into town Norman saw a strange statue of a triangle with an eye. He couldn’t miss it as even as everything around it had moss, vines, leaves, and such the stone was untouched.

He thought it was weird, but once he entered the weird zone of Gravity Falls things got a lot weirder. His powers got a bit of a jolt, he could see ghosts a lot clearer now.

‘It’s just like he said.’ He got off the bus and looks around. There was some weird sights Norman got a bit excited. The mystery ghost whispers to him. “I know I got it, I just got to find this place the...Mystery Shack?”

“The Mystery Shack?!” A woman with big hair and a lazy eye overheard him. “You are in luck, we got a Pines back and they will have it opened for the summer.”

“Oh...thank you, can you give me directions?” He asked with an awkward smile.

“Sure thing sugar.” She had a notepad and wrote out some directions for him. He followed the path, meeting new ghosts along the way. They seemed livelier than most spirits.

He headed to the Mystery Shack, making good time. The place seemed quiet enough, but Norman got the weirdest vibe from it. The psychic was cautious as he approached, and since the door was open he walked right in. “Hello?”

Dipper was currently singing in the shower, old habits die hard.

Norman had to admit this place was pretty cool, full of all kinds of weird stuff. He moved around a bit, but trouble began when he accidentally knocked over a display, he accidentally knocked open the cage of Spider Bats. “Waaahhh!” Norman screamed as they flew about.

He ran through the shack, accidentally finding the bathroom. Dipper didn’t even think about locking the door. So when someone burst inside cutting off his shower concert, he was truly shocked. Norman shielded his face but accidentally yanked down the curtain exposing the naked Dipper.

“Oh wow!” Such a strange encounter. “So big!”

The Spider Bats tackled him to the ground and bit the intruder. “Yowww!”

To be continued...


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