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DBZ parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 7  

Chapter 8 Bulma’s Wish!

Bulma searched for the source of the disturbance. She got a tip from a friend of hers at the police station. Two studs had apparently come to town, flashing riches, and they were strong. Boxes were checked so Bulma had to meet these guys.

She drove around for a bit, but then located the two saiyans. In seconds Bulma had hearts in her eyes as the two men were quite sexy, both handsome, toned and in Cumber’s case “built like a mountain Bulma wanted to climb”. Despite their strange choice in fashion, Bulma had a feeling these were the men she was looking for. She was so gaga, she ended up driving into some trash cans.

“Are you okay?” Kakarot went over to her and checked on her.

“Oh I’m so embarrassed.” She was covered in trash and grime.

“Here…” he released a wave of energy and in a flash Bulma was clean.

“Whoa...that’s amazing, thank you!”

“You are welcome.”

“So what are your names?”

“I’m Kakarot, and this is my mate Cumber.” Cumber nodded his head in greeting.

“Mate?” She sulked. “Of course all the hot ones are either taken or…” She sighed.

“Can we help you with something?”

“Maybe you can, maybe we can help each other out.” She invited them to eat, and hoped to pump them for information. She explained how she heard about the two, flashing money around and taking out the local crime boss. Kakarot showed her the bag of gold and silver much to Bulma’s shock. “Where did you get this?”

“I made it.” He answered honestly.

“You...made it…” Kakarot showed her and Bulma was shocked. “Are you some kind of wizard.”

“We are Kai, We’ve been put in charge of watching over this sector of the universe. This planet had a guardian so we thought it’d be nice to visit while our planet seed grows.” Bulma’s eyes widened as she took in the information. As a woman of science she found it hard to believe, these guys were gods just walking around.

“If it helps ease your mind…” Cumber explained. “Before we became gods, we were aliens from another planet know as saiyans. You can treat us that way if it helps.”

“Oh...okay…”  she had no idea what to say.

Bulma was able to help explain to them that gold was highly valuable, but warned them that creating too much would make it lose value. “How strange you’d think something valuable you’d want more of it then less?”

For saiyans food was highly valuable, so having more food sources would be beneficial. Bulma did her best to explain, but it was a tad over complicated for the two to grasp. She did show them what money is, and explained how their economy works. It was a bit troubling for Kakarot, but he decided to not to interfere with the rules of society mortals create.

His goal was to help, but if he did everything that wouldn’t help. There were bad guys and peace keepers, the problem was the peace keepers weren’t very strong. The mortal level of this planet was very low, with few exceptions. It was a tad disheartening for Kakarot, but there were ways to fix things in his own way.

“Hey listen, how would you two like to help me with something, I can even pay you and it should be easy for big strong guys like you.”

“What is it?”

Bulma revealed a dragon ball, she only had one. The two knew what it was, but what did she want with the balls? “Well you see...I really want a boyfriend.” The two saiyans anime fell.

“For such a reason…” Cumber grumbled.

“Love is the perfect reason, I want to ask the dragon for the perfect boyfriend.” She explained further that because she came from a rich family, there were men that just wanted her for her money. She wanted someone to love her for ALL of her!

“Hmm, why not?” Kakarot shrugged. Cumber looked at his mate in shock. “I found a good mate, I can understand why someone would want one so bad to wish for it.” Cumber blushed and gave in.

“Fine!” Kakarot kissed his cheek and the saiyan melted.


Bulma invited them back to her place to rest. They didn’t need to sleep much, so after a 4 hour nap they had plenty of time to fool around. They’d be apologizing tomorrow as they broke the guest bed. Doctor Briefs wasn’t mad, he couldn’t help but respect the passion.

Her dad was a genius, but also a funny old man, if not a little pervy. His genius was highly respected though, his efforts had advanced cities and civilizations leaps and bounds. Even Cumber was impressed with the kinds of technology he had come up with.

He gave them a pack of sample capsules to try out and test for him. “The ones with pink bands are for the bedroom!” He winked at them and nudged them.

“Dad!” Bulma groaned. Humans came up with very INTERESTING things.

-x-The Next Day-x-

Bulma had invented the dragon radar to locate them, but this world was quite dangerous so she hadn’t traveled on her own. There was only so much a gun could do against some of the creatures in this world.

It wasn’t necessary, as Kakarot could sense the magical energy inside the orbs. Using his sixth sense, he sensed where the nearest ball was. He summoned a magic carpet and Bulma was already packed and ready to go, so they were off.

They located a ball in a desert village, it belonged to a young man named Nam. He had planned to sell the orb believing it to be valuable enough for them to get water. Bulma attempted to flirt with Nam to get the ball but made him very uncomfortable. “Please, my people need water I must sell this orb to help my village.”

Bulma was gonna by it but Nam became distracted.

Nam was a spiritual man, and he could sense divine power coming from the two saiyans. “Have you two come to help our village?” The two shared a look.

“If we can, could you give our friend that ball?”

“Oh yes certainly.” If his people were saved he did not need the money.

Kakarot flew into the air surprising Bulma and Nam. He cast his sixth sense far, sensing the world around him. Their village has existed in this desert area for so long, while things were tough it was manageable, but something had changed causing more suffering. The drought was not a cause by nature alone, their main water source was cut off by a dam.

“So much work to be done.” He first conjured a cloud and had it rain. The people of Nam’s village cheered and brought out big pots to collect the water. Then he flew over to the withered crops, he healed them and blessed them to be bountiful. Some of his people came out to harvest so they could eat. It was a miracle!

“Cumber, would you be so kind as to go to the dam, and explain to them people there what is happening nicely?” He nodded and flew off, shaking the water off him as he went.

The dam was built by the Giras, pterodactyl-like monsters with strange powers. They had taken over the land, and intentionally or not hogged the water that flowed naturally. They held pride in their ability; Merry-Go-Round Gum, believing it to be unbreakable.

Cumber put an end to that thought quickly, by firing a simple ki blast and destroying the dam. Some Giras warriors arrived to take on Cumber, even binding him with their gum. The saiyan simply flexed his muscles and broke free. “I’m here to talk to you...nicely!” With that he let out a roar and flared his ki.

The Giras knew they were beat, and not wanting to die was a powerful instinct. They didn’t even know they had neighbors, and were causing problems.

Kakarot dispelled his cloud, so it wouldn’t cause harm to the local weather formations. Their river returned, which was a breath of fresh air. Cumber returned with the Giras who apologized. “There is no reason that you can’t live together side by side peacefully.”

He found a spot, and used his powers to create an oasis. The two tribes could share and protect it equally. “This will be your common ground, this spring will never run dry, so long as you two take care of it.” The oasis would be a place of bounty for both Nam’s people and the Giras.

Kakarot was hungry though. “You did good love.” Cumber praised and kissed Kakarot’s temple. The Giras reminded Cumber of the saiyans, strong and skilled and took what they needed. If they weren’t careful they’d burn through their resources like they’d done in the past. Cumber offered them a better option. They respected strength and power and Cumber had that in waves.

Though some of the older Giras were against such a union but when they saw their children/grand children playing with the children of Nam’s village, they decided it was best to have coexistence. The Giras knew nothing of farming which they could learn from Nam’s people, and the Giras knew much about architecture which they could use to improve their homes and make the climate much more bearable.

Bulma got the ball and was quite amazed. ‘Maybe these two are gods?’ Kakarot rested and ate some food. After a quick meal he had some sparring matches with Nam and the Giras’s greatest warrior Giran. The two were fine warriors, he beat them but healed them after granting them a zenkai boost.

Kami watched on, impressed at their work so far. Kakarot and Cumber saved a village and brought two villages together, creating a brighter future for them both.

The group pressed on, but Kakarot promised to check in on them and help them train and get stronger.

To be continued...Two More Balls and Toys


ZooFan 123

Good update!