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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Ash: Love Ball, Heavy Ball, a Lure Ball, a Hex Ball, Moon Balls x 2, Friend Balls x 2, Slumber Balls x 1, Level Balls x 2, Fortune Ball X 1, Fast Ball X 1, Monster Balls X 6

Badges: 2

Brock: Heavy Ball, Sun Ball, Friend Ball x 1, Level Balls x 2

Misty: Hex Ball, Lure Balls x 2,

Chapter 10 

Chapter 11 Goldenrod Arc: A Goldenrod Opportunity

The gang finally made it to Goldenrod City! The place was huge, and it held a lot of opportunity for the trainers who visited.

From the Goldenrod Marketplace, that offered all kinds of vendors and shops leading up to the Goldenrod Galleria. The Game Corner which offered games for tokens which could be exchanged for fabulous prizes. The Radio Tower which broadcasts news, entertainment, tips, and pokemon sightings all across Johto. The Communication Center, where trainers can receive phones to stay connected with trainers, some trainers even upgraded their Pokedexs into DexPhones! There was even a Bike Shop, a Beauty Store, even a Daycare Center.

Then there was the Goldenrod Gym where trainers could get a Plain Badge, the Goldenrod Contest Hall where trainers could register to become Coordinators and get their Contest Pass. Also the Pokeathalon Dome: Where the P1 Grand Prix is held in Goldenrod and other Pokemon Events. There was also the Goldenrod National Park where Catching Contests are held.

There was so much hustle and bustle, people even took the Magnet Train to come from Kanto to Johto.

“This place is amazing!” Ash didn’t know what to do first. Go to the Gym or go to the Contest Hall. It was a tough choice, but it was settled with a coin toss.

“Gym it is!” The gang raced to the gym, only to find it closed.

“Aww man!” Ash and Pikachu sulked. They weren’t the only ones who were sulking. A blue haired teen wearing glasses stood in front of the gym with an aura of gloom around him.

“This just isn’t my day.” He sulked.

“Did you come here for a Gym Battle too?” Ash asked.

“Oh yes I did, this would be my first one actually.”

“That’s amazing!” Ash exclaimed. The blue haired guy blushed at Ash. “My name is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, this is my partner Pikachu!” Pikachu greeted the trainer.

“I’m Misty from Cerulean City!”

“I’m Brock from Pewter City!”

“Oh yes I’m Kojiro, I’m actually from Kanto too!” He shook Ash’s hand.

“It’s nice to meet you.” Kojiro’s glasses got fogged up as he checked out Ash. The raven haired boy didn’t notice but Brock did. “How would you like a warm up battle?”

“Sounds good I…” Suddenly a red haired girl showed up and grabbed Kojiro.

“What are you doing we don’t have time for this.” She pulled the guy away despite his protests.

“What was that?” Ash blinked.


“Must be his girlfriend.” Misty said.

Brock wondered. ‘But then why was he checking out Ash, could he be bi?’

“Oh well, guess we can explore the city and hit the Contest Hall then!” The city was a bit huge, and one wrong turn or two and the gang was completely lost. They bumped into a girl with Pink Hair, who had a Clefairy. She tried to help them, but kept taking them to the wrong place.

“I know exactly where the Contest Hall is, I was going there today!” Her “shortcut” landed them at the Goldenrod Galleria. “Ehh?”

“Some shortcut.” The pinkette chuckles nervously.

“I got it, I got it, I know this city like the back of my hand, you’ll see!” She ended up bringing them to the Communication Center.

“This is fine, we probably should get some phones in case we get lost or separated from each other.” Brock suggested.

Misty and Brock got some freebie Flip Phones, the tops were gold colored while the bottom were silver. Ash got his Pokedex upgraded into a DexPhone. It was still red, but had a yin yang-like symbol on the back that was gold and silver.

Misty was a bit jealous Ash got such a fancy phone. Brock stepped in explaining his was an upgrade. Misty didn’t have any money to buy a better phone so she should be grateful she even had a phone. They exchanged numbers. The pink haired girl traded her number with the group. “The name’s Whitney, nice to meet ya!” Her phone was customized pink and white, it had a slider with a keyboard inside.

Their stomachs growled. “Maybe we should eat.”

“Then let’s head back to the Galleria, there’s all kinds of food shops there!” Whitney led the way, only for the gang to wind up at the Contest Hall. “Maybe I only know where I’m going if I don’t know where I’m going.”

“This is perfect, I’m gonna register to be a coordinator!”

“So am I!” Ash looked to Misty.


“You bet, my sisters always talk about how such big stars they are. If I become a Coordinator Champion they’d have to acknowledge me!”

“You have a point, then that’ll make us real rivals!”

“And just like Gary, I’ll race ahead of ya!” Misty ran off.

“Hey!” Ash ran after her.

“Are they always like this?”

“Sometimes...they are worse.” Brock decided to set up camp and start cooking some food for everyone. The Contest Hall had lounge areas where trainers could do this.


Misty and Ash reached the table at the same time. “I wanna register for the contest!” They said together.

“Oh yes, you two are in luck there’s two spots open left for today’s contest.” The receptionist smiled and registered the two. After a coin toss, Misty got registered first and received her contest pass while Ash had to wait. The girl was already gloating. Pikachu nuzzled his master to try and console him.

Ash got registered next. “May I have your DexPhone for a moment, I can upgrade it so you’ll be allowed to carry additional Pokemon on your journey.”

“Thanks!” He got a digital license, which was beside his trainer license in an app. Having both meant he could carry 12 Pokemon. Ash was so excited, this meant he would get to carry more of his friends with him. He was given the Coordinator Guidebook, a Ribbon Case, a mini Berry Blender, and a Pokeblock Case.

“All Contest Halls in Johto have larger Berry Blenders Coordinators can use to make Pokeblock, which you can store in that case.” Pokeblock came in Red, Blue, Pink, Green, Yellow, and Rainbow. If it comes out Black or Gray its basically inedible. “Pokeblock is an excellent treat for Pokemon and the different types are said to benefit a Pokemon’s style and development.” There was a whole chapter on it in the guidebook.

“You’ll need 5 Johto Ribbons to enter the Grand Festival this year.”

“That means you’ll need 6 more badges and 5 johto ribbons. A tall order don’t you think?”

“Just a bigger challenge, one that we’ll overcome, right Pikachu?”

“Pika!” Ash got his DexPhone and made a call to Professor Oak.


“Hello Ash, what can I do for you?”

“Hey professor, I’m calling from Goldenrod City using my new DexPhone!” He filled Professor Oak in.

“Oh my, you’ve made it all the way to Goldenrod City, and you’ve registered as a Coordinator? You certainly aim big don’t you!” Oak laughed. “Just know Ash contest battles aren’t the same as regular battles, you’ll have to think out of the box on how to use your moves.”

“I will thanks Professor.” As Ash saw it, he could mix and match catching off coordinators with his gym battle style, and throw off gym leaders with his contest style. Not a bad idea, he’d just have to work at it. “So I’d like to call for some of my Pokemon if you don’t mind.”

“Sure Ash, I’ve been researching the monsters you’ve sent to me thanks to you I’ve gained quite a lot of data. Also the Houndour pack has been keeping my lab safe and out of trouble. Bulbasaur has been improving the relationships of the pokemon at my lab as well.”

“That’s great!” He was glad everyone was doing so well. Oak  was pushed aside.

“Ursa ring ring!” The normal type wailed.

Ursaring wanted to come to the party. So he was in, then there was Heracross. He then got Noctowl and Girafarig, and last but not least he picked up Tauros. He wanted to use him in his match against the Gym Leader, he heard they used Normal Types. He wanted to keep a space open for rotation. Ash called out his other pokemon and it was a surprise and welcome all around. “Guys we are gonna tackle Pokemon Contests, it’ll be more work but its another part of becoming a Pokemon Master, what do you think?”

His monsters were gung-ho, they’d work hard and if it meant they could be together more with Ash and more reward nights, heck yeah!


Jessie had registered for the contest, she had some funky name like Jessabella. James made a call home from the Pokemon Center and got in touch with one of the butlers that weren’t crazy like his parents. He had Growlie sent over to him. He registered for the Johto League as Kojiro. It was a gamble given his family and Jessiebelle, but this was for his dream.

He called out his team. Weezing, Victreebel, Growlie, and Gastly. To the shock of Jessie Victreebel didn’t attack James. “What’s up with Victreebel?”

James blushed. “We...came to an understanding.” He took a note from Ash’s playbook and had some fun with Victreebel. He let the grass type suck his dick and use his vine to tentacle his ass. With his big mouth he was able to suck James’s cock and balls together. His vine was able to work his ass deep. An incredible bonding experience, he came and the voracious Grass type ate his fill. Drinking the human cum raised his strength and he chilled out. If James was gonna do this with him, he could ease up on the chomps to his noggin.

He planned to keep this a secret from Jessie and Meowth. Weezing and Gastly also got to sample his dick, his pokemon had a strong oral fixation. While Victreebel calmed down, he still had one trouble maker in his party.

Gastly licked James, causing him to become paralyzed and fall back. ‘Guess Gastly is the problem child now?’ Jessie thought.

“Pokemon show their affection in different ways.” James groaned out. He would tell Growlie about this new form of bonding later.

Meowth didn’t like this. “While you two are goofing around, what’s gonna happen if another Team steals Pikachu and gets our promotion?”

Jessie and James shared a look. ‘Good luck!’


Butch and Cassidy followed Ash and company to Goldenrod. They wanted revenge for the humiliation they were dished out. “We’ll show that twerp what happens when you mess with true Team Rocket agents.”

“Plus we can stick it to Jessie and James when we steal his Pikachu that they never could.” They were in agreement.

Their plan was to lure Ash to the Magnet Train station. They had the perfect bait, by caging Whitney’s Clefairy. “Give back my Clefairy!”

“You want it back come and get it!” They got the gang to come to the station. They had a fancy magnet car waiting for them, and when Pikachu tried to help Clefairy they grabbed him to. The magnet car zipped off.

“So long twerp!”

“No Pikachu!”

“Clefairy no!”

Butch and Cassidy laughed, thinking they got away with it. That is…

“Drow!” Drowzee teleported into their car.

“Huh a Drowzee?” Drowzee used Pound and smashed their break.

“What the heck, why’d you do that?” Drowzee smirked, and touched their cages and used Teleport. They were gone.

“Oh no!” The car sped up out of control and crashed back in Kanto. Police arrived and arrested the two. Giovanni was gonna be so pissed, having to pay not only their bail but for the damages to station. The humiliation blinded the two further into wanting revenge.


Drowzee appeared with the group returning their Pokemon. “Hey, I remember you.” Ash exclaimed. The cages were busted and the pokemon were free. “Thanks Drowzee!” Ash praised.

“Do you think this Drowzee followed you all the way from the village?”

“Do you wanna become my friend Drowzee?” Drowzee nodded. Ash used a Level Ball and caught him with a single wiggle. He had a full team now a grand 12.

“You sure make friends fast Ash.” Whitney said hugging her Clefairy.

“Thanks, sorry you got dragged into all this.”

“They just lucky I left the rest of my Pokemon at the gym.”

“Why would your Pokemon be at the gym?”

“Oh...I’m the Gym Leader of Goldenrod Gym!”

“Ehhh!” Ash gasped. She had closed the gym today, to relax and she was asked to serve as a judge for the contest today.

To be continued...Goldenrod Arc: Contest and Gym Battle


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