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My Hero parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

AN: Hey guys updated this a little bit, fixed some things added some things. Wanted to bring up this story isn't gonna be super angsty. Next chapter will go into Izuku's past a bit and how he deals with things like this. Izuku does have more confidence in this story, it's just Mineta is being loud and nasty and cruel while he was in a vulnerable state/position which can hit someone harder than had Mineta done this in the classroom.

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Pass or Fail?! The one with the lowest score will be expelled?!

“Are you alright Kirishima-kun you zoned out on me?” Kirishima blushed.

“Yes I’m fine, I just got lost in thought.” He smiled.

“I almost didn’t recognize you with your hair like that, is it in honor of the Crimson Riot?” Izuku began to mutter about him, running off everything he knew about the man. Kirishima couldn’t believe there was someone else who knew about Crimson Riot. He was kinda old school, so not many talked about him, most teens at his old school only cared about the most trending hero.

‘I love you!’ The words shot across his mind making Kirishima blush so hard steam rose off his forehead. He quickly banged his head against the nearest wall, surprising Izuku out of his rambling.

“I’m sorry was I talking too much? Are you okay?”

“Yes, I mean no, I’m fine!” He shook his head. “You weren’t talking too much. I’m just shocked someone else knows about Crimson Riot, he’s one of my favorites!”

Izuku blushed and suddenly got shy. “I...really like heroes…”

‘So damn cute!’ Kirishima felt his heart nearly beat out of his chest. ‘How can someone so huge be so cute?’

Kirishima cleared his throat. “So how did you recognize me then?”

“Oh,” Izuku rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “It was your scent, when we met before I got a whiff. Not many have such a spirited scent.” As a monster quirk holder Izuku had the ability to identify someone in a unique way, for him it was scent. There have been others who claim that they can identify someone by the beat of their heart, seeing their souls through their eyes, by the touch of their skin, among others means of reading people. Since its a unique trait to monster quirk holders and varied from species to species it wasn’t very scientific. “You have a pure manly scent Kirishima.”

Kirishima felt his heart skip a beat. Izuku’s cuteness might be bad for his heart. “Sorry was that weird…” Izuku got shy again.

“No, no, I get it, I’ve read about monster quirk users.” An attempt to learn more about Izuku’s quirk. “Its rather flattering you complimenting my scent like that.” Izuku smiled.

At his old school Izuku was often called weird or freaky, monster quirks tended to be judged harshly. So the “red” head’s words meant a lot to him. ‘I had a feeling he was a good guy, UA is gonna be different!’

They walked to class together. Kirishima mentally doing backflips, as he got to be in the same class as Midoriya as well. The door was quite huge, much to Izuku’s delight. “It’s nice that they take into consideration for all body types.”

“Yeah, big props to UA, it’s not the number one hero school in Japan for nothing.” 

"Yeah, things should be different here, I bet everyone here is nice!" Izuku went to open the door, but paused as he sniffed the air. “I smell caramel!”

“Huh?” Izuku opened the door.

“Bakugou Katsuki take your feet off the desk this instant!” A tall boy wearing glasses was confronting a blonde boy with red eyes.

‘That’s him, from the sludge villain incident!’ Kirishima thought. The guy with glasses was giving Bakugou a lecture which was making the blonde annoyed.

“It’s the first day and you are already disrespecting this academy!”

“You’re kidding me right, what? Did your school put a stick up your ass or were you born with it?” The boy with glasses was shocked at Bakugou’s foul mouth.

“Ugh, let’s start over. I’m Tenya Iida, from Soumei Private Academy.”

“Soumei huh?” Bakugou huffed. “That must mean you think you’re better than me. Haa, I’m gonna enjoy tearing you a new one.”

Iida was taken aback. “You would threaten me, your own classmate? Are you sure you are here for the hero course.”

“He is!” Izuku approached them. “Kacchan has wanted to be a hero ever since he was little. He just has a bad habit of jumping to conclusions and has a bit of a short fuse.”

‘Kacchan?’ Iida and Kirishima shared the same thought.

“Tch, you are here Deku?”

“Yep, looks like we made it into the same class.”

“Gah!” Bakugou stood up on his desk and chair to get closer to Izuku’s face. He ignored Iida who told him not to stand on the desks, it wasn’t polite. “Don’t get cute with me you giant broccoli monster!” Izuku just laughed.

“We’ve been friends ever since we were kids.”

“Oi!” He growled.

“So that’s why you saved him during the sludge villain incident.” Kirishima chimed in.

“No way, that was you two!” The whole class was focused on the four now. Katsuki huffed and sat down. Mezo Shoji eyed Izuku, happy to see someone taller than him his age.

“I heard about that, I’d have put money on you were his boyfriend.” Sero Hanta said. “Rushing in like that, was something crazy lovers would do for each other.”

Katsuki blushed and looked away. “No, we are just friends. I saw Kacchan in trouble and my body just moved on it’s own.”

‘So manly!’ Kirishima teared up a little.

“So that means you are single then?” A blonde got up and sauntered over to him, he spritzed some breath spray. “Denki Kaminari, how about we have lunch together today, get to know each other.”


Katsuki shot Kaminari a death glare. “On second thought rain check.” He ran back to his seat.

“Tch, damn extras!” Kirishima eyed the explosive blonde.

‘Does he…?’

“I’m not dating anyone, most people are intimidated by my size. I’ve spent my time focusing on training to be a hero. Though my mom worries about my social skills.” Izuku began to ramble and mutter.

‘He’s quite the strange one.’ A boy with a bird head thought.

‘I like ‘em big!’ Kaminari thought, though was still wary about Bakugou.

‘He seems sweet.’ Shoji thought.

A young man clapped. “Bon, we have a celebrity here so to speak. Not only involved in the sludge villain incident, but Izuku Midoriya got the top score out of all the applicants this year.” Another blonde this one with blue eyes spoke up.

“What?!” Katsuki snapped.

“That’s right!” Iida cut into the conversation, quite literally, stepping between Bakugou and Izuku. “Izuku Midoriya, I wanted to speak with you, I was impressed with your scores. You clearly observed the hidden meaning to the practical exam that I didn’t.”

“Umm I didn’t, I had no idea about the rescue points.” Izuku confessed. “I just saved people because it’s what I believe heroes should do.” His words rang true through the classroom. Iida was touched, he thought Izuku was some kind of tactical genius, but it turns out he’s just a sweet heart who embodies the true spirit of heroes!

“Izuku Midoirya...as a hero I must admit you are far superior to me!” Iida said.

“Hm? Well we are still learning, oh right!” Izuku faced the class. “Good morning everyone. I’m Izuku Midoriya, my Quirk is Titan! My goal is to be like All Might and save people with a brave smile!” Izuku said before smiling.

‘He’s huge but cute!’ was the shared thought between most of the students.

He gave a polite bow. “I look forward to working with each of you!”

“Right on!” Kirishima bounced, he gave Izuku his attempt at a high five, but for Izuku it was a low one.

“Hold on Deku, how did you get more Battle Points than me!?” Katsuki’s score was 77 Izuku’s score was 78 in battle points, it was only by 1 point, but when you add the Rescue Points Izuku’s score was the top in the whole class. Katsuki’s jaw dropped. “Damn it!”

“So noisy!” The door opened to reveal a shaggy looking man. He pulled out a juice box and drank from it as he walked into the room. “Time is precious, rational students would understand that.”

“Ohh!” Izuku’s eyes sparkled. “I know you! You are Eraser Head!”

‘Who?!’ Was the shared thought in class, no one recognized this guy.

“You stay out of the spotlight mostly, you have the power to stop the quirks of anyone you are looking at.” Izuku gushed.

“You can call me Mr. Aizawa, I’m your homeroom teacher.” Aizawa wasn’t used to attention. It was hard for him to believe he even had fans. He sighed. “Now listen up, head to the locker rooms and get changed, we are going to have a surprise exam.” Their gym clothes were there waiting for them.

“What?” A girl with brown hair stood up. “But sir, isn’t the orientation assembly starting in a few minutes.”

“You won’t be partaking in the assembly. This exam will be determining if you will remain here at UA.”

“WHAT?!” That was quite the bombshell. Kirishima was trying not to freak out.

‘No no no, please don’t tell me I get into my dream school, meet the man of my dreams, and I’m gonna get kicked out and lose both my dreams at once!’ This sucked.

However...there was trouble before they even made it out to the field. Turns out Izuku did indeed go commando, as he removed his uniform to change into his gym clothes, he stood bare-ass naked. “I hope this fits, schools tend to get me the wrong size.”

“Hold up right there!”

“Huh?” Izuku looked down and this short guy with balls for hair was freaking out at him. “Do you mean me?”

“Yeah, I’m talking to you, you giant freak!” Izuku cracked, tensing up, and tearing up. “I was gonna give you a pass since you were just taller than me, I’m clearly hotter than you.”

‘What the heck is going on?’

“I can’t stand certain things, guys who are hotter than me, guys that are richer than me, guys that have more muscle than me, and guys with bigger dicks than me!” This was Minoru Mineta, though it was just his first day he was already quite infamous. During the practical exam he gained battle points by immobilizing the faux villains, he had gotten some rescue points, but they were deducted as there were complaints from the girls he “rescued”. “But that isn’t just big, that dick is huge!”

"I noticed it when you came into class, that bulge was so massive it was obscene! No underwear, you aren't just a freak you are a perverted freak." 

Izuku blushed in embarrassment, even with both hands there was no hiding that monster. Mineta’s shouting had drawn attention and…

“Wow!” Midoriya was in fact very huge, a titan cock if there ever was one. Not only was it long, it was thick with some hefty family jewels to boot. Kirishima didn’t mean to look, but guys often compared in the locker room.

‘Holy sacred rod!’ Kirishima gulped and licked his lips at the sight. He went stupid for a moment as his blood rushed south. To Kirishima that cock wasn't freaky, it was a monument of manliness and something to be praised and perhaps even worshiped. Ideas of how he could worship that piece wormed through his mind making him even harder. 

“So not only do you have a freaky big body, you have a freaky big dick!” Mineta was pointing and insulting Izuku making the titan cry. “What good is a big dick like that huh? You think anyone can handle that monster, you’ll break them. You have a villain dick that’ll only hurt people!”

“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Katsuki blasted the ball head.

“APOLOGIZE!” Kirishima elbow dropped him in the face, with his arm hardened up with his quirk.

“Mineta apologize to Midoriya right now, or I’m reporting you to Aizawa right this second!” Iida was fuming.

Mineta looks around and not a single guy was on his side. Turns out none of them had any issues with Midoriya’s body or his impressive dick. “I...I’m sorry…”

“Not good enough!” Katsuki began to stomp on the twerp, and no one even tried to stop him. Kirishima tried to console Izuku who was still crying. Mineta hit a low blow for Izuku, saying something that he's heard often, before piling on new insults so fast it was hard for his rational brain to process. 

“Don’t listen to him, he’s just saying mean things that aren’t true to bring you down, cause he thinks that’ll make himself feel better.” His tears were mighty, the other guys joined in trying to calm the greenette down. There was a legit fear that the titan could have flooded the school with his tears. “You have a rocking body, so manly and cool!” Kirishima added, speaking from the heart.

"What he said isn't true at all, even if you have the body of a titan, you are not a freak." Tokoyami said, coming from him it meant a lot. 

 Koda and Shoji were able to cheer him up, even by speaking little, their presence was weirdly calming.

"Bon, even without sparkle you are beautiful!" Aoyama praised.  

It took some doing but the guys were able to calm Izuku down. “Sorry guys, thank you.” The greenette grabbed his sports uniform and ran off to get changed in a stall. The guys glared at Mineta. “Not cool dude.”

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

“You are dead shrimpy.”

Mineta got many disapproving looks. Even the boy with Red and White hair gave him a chilling look. Mineta’s actions reminding him of someone he hated. Everyone finished getting dressed and came out to the exam field. 

This was not the best mindset going in when someone was gonna get expelled!

To be continued...Expulsion! Bakugou does have a heart!


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