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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 3 

Satoru Mikami Incubus 9 inches soft, 17 hard

Passive Skills: Thermal Fluctuation Resistance, Glow Ball, Dragon Wing, Silence Resistance, Confusion Resistance, Pain Nullification (Self), Regeneration, Null Pain skill, High Stamina Skill, Harem Ruler, Healing Saliva, Water Manipulation, Rain Conjuring, Enhance Body, Enhance Strength, Enhance Tail, Magic Sense, Sense Heat Source, Wall Crawl, Body Armor, Blind Resistance, Sonic Attack Resistance, Keen Smell, Night Vision

Offensive Skills: Flash, Water Blade, Dragon Roar Skill, Water Dragon Roar, Lust Dragon Roar, Dragon Drive, Coil, Poison Breath, Paralysis Breath, Sticky Thread, Steel Thread, Blood Drain, Ultra Sonic Waves, Spiked Tail, Hair Needle,

Unique Skills: Predator, Great Sage, Lustful

Incubus Skills: Fly, Love Scope, Pleasure Shock, Man Milk Drink, Sexy Beam, Healing Touch, Kiss Bomb, Lust Force, Float, Flexibility, Energy Drain, Lust Needle

Chapter 4 Goblins and Wolves

Rimuru and Squishy were wondering around in the woods/forest. “Mmm, sunshine is so nice!” He stretched and flexed his wings. Little did the two know that since Rimuru gobbled up Veldora things had changed in the surrounding areas. Monsters were either making moves to expand their territory or working to secure their borders.

The monsters of the forest, made waves for the human civilizations. It was nothing compared to the waves Rimuru would be making.

Rimuru found some fruit, but Squishy seemed to slip away. “Squishy? Squishy? Squishy!” He called out. “Where’d you go?”

“Squish squish!” He flew towards the sound. Squishy was surrounded by wolves. He was trembling and shaking.

“Hey leave him alone!” Rimuru landed, ready to fight to protect his little slime pet. There was a wolf with a star marking on his face. ‘What are these guys?’

Answer: These are Direwolves, a species of sentient wolf monster found in the Great Forest of Jura.

‘Are they strong?’ Great Sage didn’t have a solid answer to that as it was subjective. To Squishy yes, to Rimuru not so much. “Why don’t you guys pick on someone your own size!?” Squishy jumped into his arms for safety.

The wolves ran away, surprising Rimuru. The wolf with the star on his face called for a retreat and the small pack ran away. “What’s up with those guys?” Squishy nuzzled his chest purring. “Did they scare you? You should probably stick close to me, okay?” The slime made a noise that sounded like he agreed.

They had a snack with some of the fruit Rimuru found. Squishy dissolving the cores of the fruit and the seeds. “Mmm, that was good right!” He licked his lips. Squishy bubbled in agreement.

Before they could continue, they were met with a small gang of goblins. ‘Who are these guys?’

Answer: Goblins one of the creatures that make the Great Forest of Jura their home. It is unknown which tribe they belong to, since many are scattered through the forest.

‘These guys look beat up, they are barely dressed, their armor and weapons look messed up.’ He thought. The Goblins were trembling at his presence. One goblin, who was wearing a bandanna bowed to him.

“Oh mighty and sexy one, we mean you no harm!” The others joined him in bowing.

‘Sexy?’ Rimuru blushed. ‘Well I am an incubus now!’

“Oh okay…” He waved at them. “Hello then!” Even Squishy gave a wave.

“Yes hello!” The one wearing the bandanna looked up. “Please powerful one, please come to our village, we need help!”

“Okay.” If they needed help he should go with them. They looked so happy that he agreed. Their village was...not the best much like their weapons the place was falling apart. Rimuru and Squishy met with the village elder. He was old and trembling, but seemed like a sweet man. The goblin with the bandanna was his son.

“Thank you for coming to our village.”

“Oh umm thank you for inviting me!” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Though why did you invite me?”

“I know our village isn’t much for one as mighty as you but…” Rimuru stopped them.

“Well I’m not really mighty.”

“You don’t need to be so humble, I sent my son out with a search party because we sensed a monster with a powerful aura.”

‘Aura?’ Great Sage flipped Magic Sense around and Rimuru could now see his aura leaking off him in waves. ‘Oh shit! It’s like I’ve been walking around with my fly undone.’ Says the incubus walking around buck naked. He was able to pull his aura back. ‘No wonder the wolves ran away from me.’

“I’m surprised you guys didn’t run away from me?” He chuckled.

“Well...we are in a bit of trouble.” The old goblin told the two of their woes. They had been under Veldora’s protection, but when he vanished the Direwolves began attacking other monster tribes, with their speed and claws they took out many monsters and grew stronger. In power terms 1 Direwolf was the same as 15 goblins.

His eldest son Rigur had tried to protect the village, but in the end he was no match for them. It was painful for both of them to speak of. The direwolves were seeking to claim new territory, and their village was next.


“Son, what news do you bring?” A scar faced wolf asked, the wolf with a star mark on his face.

“Father, we had located a slime, but it was just a pet to something much stronger.”

“Like what?”

“A umm...an incubus is in the forest!” The wolf blushed.

“You tell me, my son ran away from one of those weak perverted imps?”

“Well I…” The father tackled him and knocked him down. He growled at him, putting his paw on his throat.

“Do not show weakness, I will not hesitate to cull weakness from the pack, even if it’s my own son!” The star wolf whimpered. The scar wolf let him up. “We do not run from inferior monsters, we tear them down with our claws, we devour them with our fangs!”

The wolves howled/cheered. The son wasn’t so sure about this, running away wasn’t foolish if it meant survival. His father didn’t see that monster’s aura. It flowed off him in waves. ‘How could someone so beautiful be considered weak? He wasn’t!’ The incubus swooped down from the air to rescue his comrade.

“We shall eradicate the goblins, we’ll roam from tribe to tribe, building our forces. With our speed no other monster can defeat us!” He led them in howls. The Star marked wolf was worried, his father hadn’t been the same since that man met with him.


The goblins heard the howls, and knew the attack was coming soon. Rimuru had agreed to help the goblins, it was only fair since he swallowed up their protector. They swore their loyalty to him. First thing was first, bolster their numbers they had many wounded, but that could be fixed. “Healing Touch!” One by one Rimuru healed the goblins completely.

“Such amazing healing power!” Their injured had been so close to death, and they were brought back from the brink. Even with the healed and their numbers plentiful, the strength of the wolves made that moot.

“Got it covered.” Rimuru clapped. “Next, we build a fence around the village.”

“Right!” They didn’t have much time, the Direwolves were planning to attack at night. Great Sage predicted this tactic, and Rimuru worked on the countermeasures. The fence they were able to make might not last long term, but they just needed it for this battle.

“Sticky Thread!” Rimuru conjured webs and held the fence together, securing a trap. His pet wished to help so, Squishy went around eating their weapons, using his magicules he was able to repair their weapons. “That’s amazing Squishy good slime!” He praised.

Notice: Squishy has gained the skill Synthesis 1; he will be able to repair things using his magicules but he won’t be able to enhance them.

He ran low on magicules, but he did a great job. Their weapons were ready to be used. Rimuru flew through the air weaving steel thread. Their stage was set by the time night fell, Rimuru was even able to give them time to practice.

The wolves arrived ready to charge. “What is this?” The leader growled. “You goblins built a fence as humans do?” He was angry, as it was a human hunter who gave him his scar. “You disgrace yourselves, you should have fought and died with honor.”

“No one has to die today.” Rimuru stepped out. “We can settle things peacefully!”

“Father, that’s him, the incubus!” The wolf’s tail wagged.

“I have eyes fool, I can see what he is.” He growled at his son, making his ears go flat and his tail stop wagging. “Do you protect these goblins incubus?”

“I do, my name is Rimuru Tempest. These goblins are under my protection, I won’t let you hurt them.” Rimuru sweatdrops. ‘Maybe a bit too wordy.’ He cleared his throat. “We don’t have to fight, leave this village alone and your lives will be spared.”

The wolf leader laughed. “As if we need to heed the warnings of a perverted imp!” Rimuru was insulted. “You are not special because you were given a name!” The leader chuckled. “I am Gao! I lead my men in conquest, we shall feast upon you and the goblins!”

“He has a name, no wonder he’s gotten so strong.”

‘What are they talking about?’ Great Sage didn’t have time to answer.

“Men feast upon them!” Wolves charged forward and Rimuru sighed.

They couldn’t see his trap, and their speed was turned against them as they cut themselves upon the steel thread. “What is this?!” The leader cried out as his soldiers were killed, their blood making the threads more visible. “Did you do this?” He growled.

“I warned you, stop this now before more lives are lost!”

“You filthy imp, you mock the mighty Direwolves!”

‘What’s with this guy, is he an idiot?’

Gao sent his men back into battle, with the blood of their comrades making the threads visible, they went under the threads and charged at the fences. “Archers!” Rimuru called.

The goblins who practiced with bows, readied their arrows and fired. Some wolves were hit and shot down, but others dodged their shots. “Tear that pathetic fence to the ground!”

His wolves hit the fence and soon fell for Rimuru’s second trap, stuck in sticky thread. They couldn’t go forward or retreat. The goblins were able to get in close and crush/stab the wolf heads with their melee weapons, even farm tools were used. Squishy did the clean up, gobbling up their corpses to free up room and clear the traps. “Have you seen enough? How about a truce?”

“SILENCE!” His fur puffed out and his aura flared. “We the mighty Direwolves will rule this forest. Now that Veldora is gone we shall claim what is ours!” Gao had a weird effect on his fellow wolves, the pack submits to the alpha, and they couldn’t disobey.

‘He’s nuts!’

The leader charged, using his fangs to bite through the steel thread. “Tornado Fang!” He blitzed through the trap, cutting and blowing away his threads. He was faster than the other wolves, but it didn’t matter. “Air Rend!” He launched a projectile slash attack, but Rimuru blocked it with Dragon Wings.

“I’ve got you!” His claws glowed. “Iron Claw!”

Rimuru dodged taking to the air, before snatching Gao with his tail, it coiled around his middle, squeezing the air out of him before flinging him backwards.

“No I have you!” He caught Gao in a combination skill. “Sticky Steel Thread!”

Curses left Gao’s mouth, even as the threads cut into him, he was still trying to fight. ‘I didn’t want it to be this way, but you left me no choice.’ He charged up his attack. “Sexy Beam!” his beam pierced the wolf leader’s heart, ending his life quickly and painlessly.

“It’s over this battle is your loss, but I shall be merciful and allow you to leave with your lives!” The wolves looked at each other. ‘What are you thinking? Come on this is a sweet deal, if we keep fighting I’ll end up having to blast you all into dust.’

He decided to kick things up a notch. “Predator!” Blue energy swallowed up the wolf leader’s body.

Acquired: Pheromone Manipulation, Pheromone Resistance, Offensive Skill: Menace, Iron Claw, Air Rend, Tornado Fang has become Tornado Claw, Wind Manipulation Obtained, Wind Magic Obtained. Incubus Skill: Perfume Femur – A powerful kick that has a chance of charming those hit.

Rimuru used Menace to try and scare the Direwolves away, but instead the pack submitted to him. “Our pack yields to you!”

“Ehh?” He blinked in surprise.

Squishy gained the ability to Mimic Direwolves, though when he transformed the wolf fur was green instead of blue. The war ended with minimal casualties and a union between the goblins and the direwolves.

The Star marked wolf, apologized for his father’s actions. “My father changed after getting a name, I don’t know who gave it to him, but it made my father crazy.” The other wolves couldn’t disobey him, their wills fully suppressed. He could resist his father’s control, but he lacked the power to take his seat as leader of the pack. Rimuru didn’t quite understand how a name could drive someone crazy, but he did notice the goblins and wolves didn’t have names.

“You guys not having names might be difficult for me, how about I give you names?”

“Really you would do that?” The elder goblin asked.

“Sure, why not?” The wolves began to howl in delight as the goblins cheered. ‘What’s the big deal?’

He began to name them, unaware he was draining his magicules…

To be continued...Hobgoblins and Lunacentaurs?


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