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Reincarnated as Slime parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Chapter 25 

Chapter 26 Alliances and Mates

The war was over, though not everything was settled. Treyni appeared on the battlefield declaring a grand meeting to be held. The Orc’s fate as well as the fate of the Forest of Jura would be decided. “All races that wish to attend, please select a representative, that is all.”

Gabiru was arrested for his actions, so the young lizardmen and orcs were put in a time out so to speak. Their fates are yet to be decided.

The Lizardmen offered the use of one of their caves for the meeting. Rimuru sat in the center, his mate Rigur and Ranga at his side Benimaru stood with the other Oni on Rimuru’s far-right. Treyni stood on Rimuru’s far-left, making this meeting official and binding.

Gabiru’s father, his royal guard, his daughter, and the lizardman elders sat across from the orcs. A total of ten orc representatives were gathered to await their sentencing. Their reasoning was returned and they recalled everything they did during all this, they looked miserable.

Representatives of the Goblin village Gabiru gathered sat in the back, observing, and very intimidated. Rimuru sent a clone back to the village to check on things. Everyone was okay, as Rimuru expected. Through the clone, they were allowed to listen in on the meeting.

Rimuru was named the chairman, though he didn’t exactly want this position. He looked to Treyni who was smiling so cheekily. ‘Oi!’ He sighed. “Let’s begin!”

“First of all, I’d like to start with the fate of the orcs. I’m sure the Oni who suffered the most losses would like to object to this, and the Lizardmen who were recently attacked, but I don’t want to charge the orcs with any crimes.” This came as a surprise, even to the orcs.

He shared his reason, from the memories of Demon Lord Geld. The orcs were suffering from a brutal famine, then there was Gelmud who took advantage of their king’s desperation. The demon made it all too clear he was using the Orc Lord as a pawn the whole time. Rimuru believed Gelmud’s sins should remain dead with him, as for the rest. “I have taken on Orc Lord Geld’s sins upon myself. I will hear all complaints and pay for the damages.”

“You can’t!” Geld’s son stood up. “Such a burden should not be placed on you.”

“Too bad, I already promised Demon Lord Geld.” The orcs were stunned.

“This decision of yours doesn’t seem quite fair, even for us.” the chief wasn’t pleased at the state of things. “On our pride, we must be compensated for what’s happened!” Treyni eyed the chief.

Benimaru stepped up. ‘He’s another Oni like Souei!’

“There is a single unchanging rule that governs over all monsters. Survival of the fittest!” For monsters, this law has held the balance in their world.

“You guys lost your homes because of this...do you really have no complaints?”

“I’d be lying if I said we didn’t. In spite of them, we won’t let it happen again.” The other oni nodded.

“Survival of the fittest eh?” The chief nodded. “Very well, then let us ignore lizardmen’s pride. In the end, the winner of this war is Lord Rimuru. I have no objections to your decision.” The chief was wise and straightforward. While they suffered some loss, (Not as many thanks to Rimuru’s healing potion) it was nothing compared to the ogres/oni. Learning that the orcs had been suffering for so long, women and children died from the famine, brought a new perspective to the situation. In this war, they had lost roughly 100,000+ overall, and in the end, they were used as pawns in a game, what about their losses to?

Rimuru breathed a sigh of relief. The question remained in the air, what was to happen to the Orc’s now. They had roughly 100,000- orcs to deal with, and they weren’t all soldiers. “I’ve been thinking about that, and I think we should form an alliance. A grand alliance, between all the species in the Great Forest of Jura!”

“Quite the bold idea, but do you really think it possible?” The chief asked, from personal experience just bringing together the tribes of lizardmen to form one community was challenging enough. To unify monsters of different species, with each their own unique needs and wants…

“It won’t be easy, but I think if we all work together it can happen!” As he saw it; the Lizardmen can provide fresh and clean water, along with fish: the Goblins can learn skills, and apply those skills to benefit the alliance, he knew from experience what quick learners Goblins could be: the Tempest Wolves could provide transport making the moving of goods much easier: the Oni provide security and military strength, they could also provide training to improve the strength of soldiers across the alliance: the Orcs can provide labor.

In exchange, Rimuru’s village can offer homes, processed goods, and training from skilled artisans. Treyni thought it was a wonderful idea, offering the bounty of the forest to be used. Food would be shared between them, either as trade or payment. With labor from the Orcs and support from Lizardmen, their village would also benefit and grow.

“Would it be fine for us to take part in that as well?”

“Yes, but I’ll be expecting you guys to work hard.”

“Of course!” They got down on their knees, bowing their heads, with tears flowing from their eyes. Their people would be cared for and supported.

The lizardmen deliberated a bit. “We have no objections either, we would love to cooperate.” They got on their knees to and bowed their heads. The goblins agreed and did the same. Rigur and Ranga bowed to him, followed by the Oni.

“I recognize Rimuru Tempest as the new master of the Great Forest of Jura!” The alliance became established as she bowed to him.

‘Master?! ME?!’ He began to sweat. He felt like he just got promoted to company president. In his village, Rigurd was already celebrating. “I guess that’s settled then, we have more to discuss, but let’s take a short break,” Rimuru spoke to the Oni a bit before they stepped out.


Geld’s son followed them. “Ogres...no Oni.” He approached them.

“Do you need something? Survivor of the orcs?” The orc paused. He gave off a serious aura, he lowered his hood.

“Even now, I’m sure you seek revenge against the orcs that attacked your village. Even if it is survival of the fittest, I know hatred isn’t something so easily appeased.” He bowed to Benimaru. “I can’t begin to tell you how sorry I am. I may be acting selfishly, but I plead for mercy on my people and ask that you take my head alone!”

Benimaru eyed him seriously. The orc meant every word, his conviction unwavering even if it meant his death. He sighed and scratched the back of his head. “I’ve heard what you’ve had to say, and would like you to listen to me.”

“Yes!” He didn’t move.

“Lord Rimuru has approached us, though our revenge is not fully complete…” The masked demon Benimaru saw that day wasn’t Gelmud, and that person was a lot stronger. “We have no home to return to, so Rimuru offered us his village and to continue serving him. I agreed, having decided to remain with Rimuru even before the war began. He gave us titles to make us official members of his village.”

Shion gained the title of Samurai, Hakurou gained the title of Grandmaster, Souei gained the title of Spy, Shuna gained the title of Holy Princess, and Kurobe gained the title of Swordsmith. “While I gained the title of Samurai General!” They were each proud of their new titles. “I’ve been put in charge of military affairs, it would be wrong of me to get rid of such a capable soldier.”

“That is if you take part in the alliance and respect Lord Rimuru as your master. Then you are no longer our enemy.” The orc looked up in surprise. “However, if you were to make an enemy of Lord Rimuru, I will show no mercy!”

“Enemy?! He is our savior! It would only be right for us to obey, we wouldn’t think of opposition.” Benimaru smiled.

“Then we are comrades serving under the same master.” Benimaru turned around. “Do your best to be of use to Lord Rimuru, I’ll take that as a form of apology.” He looked so damn cool! Benimaru had really matured since meeting Rimuru and becoming an Oni.

“I swear on the name of the former king and my father Geld!” He swore. It wasn’t wise to cling to the past, learn from it yes, but letting the past poison you or drag you down only hurt your future. The oni were looking towards the future, it was time for the orcs to do the same.

Rimuru listened in on the whole scene, proud of Benimaru, and impressed with the orc. ‘I’ll have to give him a name worthy of his standing.’

The orcs were let out of their confines and given the good news. The lizardmen that were locked up began to get worried about their fate.

Benimaru was quite giddy as since they have officially joined Rimuru’s forces, he felt he could approach Rimuru as a man and seek to hold a position in the slime’s harem. Souei could read him like a book, though he couldn’t blame him for being interested in someone so strong like Rimuru. He also carried a torch for the slime. He’d make his move after he was sure Benimaru was taken care of.


The conference continued, with pressing matters being raised. The orcs had some concerns as with the effects of Starved waning, it means their people would be close to starving to death again. Ranga called for a pack of wolves to assist Treyni in moving rations to start feeding those in critical condition. “I can give names to your people, with my magicules I can make you guys strong enough to survive.” With Treyni’s support, they’d have time to start farming and having a steady food production system.

As a gift for joining the alliance, Rimuru named Gabiru’s father, giving him the name Abiru. He was able to evolve into a dragonnewt, he turned purple and gained dragon wings and a longer tail. “I will honor this name with pride.”

Next came the topic of Gabiru and the young warriors who followed his lead. “Gabiru was also misled by Gelmud, but he’s your son and they are your people. I’ll leave their fate in your hands.” Abiru nods, deciding to handle the matter himself.

For now, they’d be locked up until the matter could be decided. A time out might give these young ones some sense and time to reflect on their foolish actions.


Rimuru sat down and shared a drink with Hakurou and Abiru. “You’ve ended a war, saved two species, and united the forest and in alliance, what do you plan to do next?” Abiru asked.

“Hmm, well naming the Orcs will need to happen, but there’s so many of them it’ll take time.” He’d like things to return to some peace and quiet. “I’d like to spend some time with my mates, everything has been so crazy.” The war was over but the aftermath was gonna take a while to sort out. He had gained new powers from devouring the Orc Lord he still needed to sort out as well. 

“Love is a tricky thing, balancing responsibilities and love,” Hakurou said taking a drink.

“Don’t I know it.” Rimuru sighed.

“I’m sure your mates understand, patience is a virtue so they say.” Rimuru nods at Abiru’s words.

“If things can be settled, you may even start gaining new mates to add to your harem.” Rimuru blushed.

‘Benimaru is certainly a candidate.’

“A harem my lord, you are quite greedy.” Abiru teased.

“Haha, don’t be jealous, or perhaps are you interested?” Abiru chuckled.

“While it’d be an honor to get fucked and bred by one as strong as you. I’m past my prime mating-wise, even with the blessing you gave me.” Abiru took a shot.

“True, mating is a young monster’s game.” Hakurou agreed. The two shared a drink, clinking their cups before downing the contents. “Though sex can always be found in the right company.”

“True true!” The two chuckled. Rimuru smirked at them.

“I’m sure two studs like yourselves have plenty to offer and give.” Both men blushed.

“I’m sure we can even teach you a thing or two Lord Rimuru.”

“I’ll think about it.” Their faces got redder, not expecting him to consider it. “If you are feeling rusty, I’m sure two seasoned men such as yourselves can find someone to experiment with. Perhaps a fellow seasoned man?” The two looked at each other, and their hearts skipped a beat.

The idea of fucking Hakurou and Abiru didn’t sound too bad, but mating with them he just didn’t feel that desire. They reminded him much of Rigurd, Rimuru didn’t regret mating him at all, and the fact he was so happy with his new mate made him happy. It just wasn’t in the cards for them to be long-term mates, unlike how he felt for Rigur and Ranga.

As Hakurou and Abiru excused themselves, Rimuru had a feeling there is gonna be another mated pair in his village before too long.

To be continued…Names and Oni Mating

In order to keep things, simple Rimuru decided to give the Male Orcs the names of the world, like lake, cloud, sky, mountain, etc with a respective number. These would become a form of clan name for different groups of orcs. As for the female orcs he gave them the names of colors with a respective number, as for the children he gave them the names of food along with a clan name. It had to be done there were just so many, though not as many orc children, as sad as that was. The son would take up the reigns as Geld.


Rimuru Tempest 11 inches soft 16 inches hard 19 inches with a knot, Dragon Size 25 inches

Passive Skills: Magic Sense, Molecule Manipulation, Mental Attack Immunity, Pack Bond Skill, Body Double, Ultra Speed Regeneration, Summon Rain, Summon Snow, Sauna Zone Skill,

Multi-Layer Barrier: Thermal Fluctuation Nullification, Storm Attack Resistance, Rot Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Pain Nullification, Poison Nullification,

Offensive Skills: Rain Slash, Frost Blade, Black Flame Blade, Gust Force, Icicle Lance, Flare Circle, Black Blaze, Black Thunder, Dragon Breath, Fire Dragon Breath, Frost Dragon Breath, Storm Dragon Breath, Lightning Roar, Blizzard Roar, Tornado Roar, Storm Roar, Pheromone Breath, Paralysis Breath, Sticky Thread, Steel Thread, Ultrasonic Waves, Drain Blood, Thermal Touch, Thunder Touch, Menace, Knock Back, Flame Bombardment, Frozen Wind, Corrosive Flame (Green Fire), Venom Dragon Breath, Ice Fire, Crimson Mist

Magic: Wind Fire Water Lightning Ice

Unique Skills: Predator, Great Sage, Degenerate, Poison Eater,

Slime Skills: Mimicry, Fluid Body, Slime Tentacle, Camouflage, Dissolve Touch

Poison Slime Skills: Miasma, Acid Spray, Acid Rain, Venom Shot, Poison Absorption, Corrosion Mist,

Human Form: Bat Wing Mimicry, Dragon Wing Mimicry, Steel Strength, Strengthen Body, Keen Smell, Sense Heat Source, Auditory Perception, Cast-Iron Stomach Skill, Body Armor, High Potency Skill, Aphrodisiac Body Fluid Skill, Stamina Boost Skill, Endurance Boost Skill, Dupli Arms Skill,

Mating Bond: Rigurd, Rigur, Ranga, Kaijin

Riguru: 12 inches

Offensive Skills: Boro Breath, Fire Magic Affinity; Fire Wall, Firebolt, Multi Firebolt, Blue Flare, Fire Ball, Multi Fire Ball. Sleep, Entice

Goblin Skills: Burning Hands, Shadow Stealth, Parry, Thought Detection

Ranga: 12 inches + 3-inch knot 15 inches total

Passive Skill: Size Manipulation; allows him to shrink down from his actual size making it easier to move around. Werewolf Transformation.

Offensive Skills: Fang Over Fang, Menace, Death Storm

Rigurd: 13 + Thick

Kaijin: 11 inches + Thick

Kabal: ?


Gido: ?

Benimaru: 10 inches Soft 15 inches Hard

Souei: ??

Kurobee: ??

Hakurou: ??


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