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Digimon parody: Patreon Request

Chapter 5 

Tai - Candlemon

Yamato – Gabumon

Willis - Terriermon

Ken - Wormmon

Takeru - Patamon

Izzy - Tentomon

Joe - Gomamon

Kari – Salamon

Chapter 6 Beach Battle...Candlemon Evolves?!

Gomamon was blasted out of the water. “Waaaaahhhhhh!” The digimon spun in the air. Patamon tried to catch him, but the two met hard and landed on the sandy beach.

“Gomamon what happened?” Joe asked.

“Shellmon is attacking!” They turn towards the sea, to see a shell rising out of the water. “Help us Marching Fishes!” Gomamon conjured a school of rainbow fish to try and stop Shellmon.

The massive digimon did a spin, scattering the fish and making it to shore. The pink monster came out of it’s shell. Though the humans and digimon couldn’t see it he had a strange black gear in the back of his neck. “Raarrgh!” He used Aqua Blaster, destroying the phone booths. “Rawr!” He unleashed Water Wave, conjuring a big wave and knocking everyone back.

“What’s going on why is he attacking us?” Candlemon asked.

“This guy isn’t a bad guy?” Tai asked.

“No Shellmon is the guardian of this beach, he helps protect File Island and defends the beach from evil digimon.”

Tai gets up. “Shellmon, please stop we aren’t invaders or enemies!”

“Rawr!” Shellmon swipes at Tai making the brunette dive out of the way.

‘Can’t he talk?’

“Taichi!” Candlemon hops over. “Leave him alone Lava Loogie pah!” He spat an exploding fire ball at Shellmon. The Champion growled at him, his cheek scorched.

“Boom Bubble!”

“Bunny Blast!”

“Super Shocker!”

“Sticky Net!”

“Blue Blaster!”

“Happy Paw!” Salamon fires a beam of holy energy.

Shellmon retreated into his shell, the digimon’s attacks doing nothing to his tougher shell compared to his softer body. The shell began to spin, creating some wind that blew Taichi back. The spinng shell whipped around knocking the digimon away. “Puppy Howling!” Salamon unleashed a magical bark that made Shellmon pause, becoming paralyzed for a moment.

He came out of his shell with a growl. It lashed out with his hands and tentacles, the digimon dodging the best they could. Tai rubbed his head.

“Are you okay Taichi?” Yamato asked.

“I’m fine, but something is wrong with this guy, if he’s supposed to be the guardian here, why is he attacking us, we haven’t done anything wrong?” He wasn’t acting like Kuwagamon, it was like he was seeing anything and everything as a threat or an enemy.

“Not sure but we should leave this beach now!” Tai nodded.

“Let’s move everyone!” The humans tried to flee, but forgot an ancient rule never run from a monster it attracts their attention.

“Rawr!” He used Aqua Blaster and cut off their escape route. “Raw rawr!” He conjured another Water Wave that swept up the digimon and their partners. They were pinned down as Shellmon approached. It sent out one of it’s tentacles and it went for Kairi.

Tai pushed her out of the way and got grabbed. “Tai no!”

“Let him go you overgrown mollusk!” Yamato grabbed some debris from the wrecked phone booth.

“Let him go, let him go!” Candlemon attacked him with a barrage of flames but nothing was working. Shellmon continued to growl. Yamato charged in and tried to stab Shellmon right in the side. It had little effect and just annoyed him. Shellmon went after Yamato. “Don’t turn your back to me! Candle Ring!” He unleashed an incredible beam of light that blinded Shellmon, allowing Yamato to get away.

Tai cried out in pain as the tentacle squeezed him tighter. “Get...away
” He choked out. “Run!”

“We aren’t leaving you!” Yamato cried out. “Gabumon help me!”


Shellmon swatted the two away.

“You want someone to fight pick on me!” He spun. “Melt Wax!” He released globs of hot wax, it formed a burning lock on Shellmon’s hand, but sadly it had two. Shellmon locked Candlemon down. “Don’t worry Tai...I still got...this...I’ll save you...I won’t let you down

“Candlemon no...get the others out of here!”

“I’m not gonna leave you alone again!” Taichi’s eyes widened.

‘As long as I’m here, you two won’t be alone!’ Tai began to tear up. ‘I thought it was just a dream...but
’ His digivice began to glow. ‘I remember you!’

Light from Tai’s digivice erupted and filled Candlemon with power. “Tai...I feel your strength!” The light repelled Shellmon. “Candlemon...digivolve to...Meramon!” His flame burst out creating a humanoid body of fire. This Meramon had metal bracelets, and a wax belt with Candlemon’s face in it. The metal bracelets had the crest of courage on them and matched Candlemon’s base. “Who’s up for some grilled mollusk?”

“He evolved!”

“He’s a champion now!” Gabumon gasped.

“Meramon a Flame Type Digimon, it says his flames are alive able to protect those he cares about and destroy those he sees as an enemy.” Tentomon explained.

Meramon hit Shellmon with some fire balls, making it growl and roar with anger. It aimed another Water Blaster at Meramon. “Huh...what’s that?” From Tai’s angle he could see something sticking out of Shellmon’s neck.

Shellmon fired his Water Blaster. “Burning Fists!” Meramon blocked it, turning the water to steam, and creating a makeshift smoke screen in the process. “Now Heat Knuckle!” His hands burned red hot, and he hit Shellmon with a one two punch. Taichi went flying.

Meramon jumped over Shellmon and caught Taichi in the air before landing in epic fashion. “You okay Taichi?”

“I’m alright, thanks Candle..I mean Meramon.” Meramon smiled and put Tai down. Shellmon growled, thrashing around angrily. “I think there is something making him crazy.” Tai explained he saw something on Shellmon’s neck.

“I got it Tai!” He cracked his fire fists. “You doing this the easy way or the hard way?”

Shellmon must have wanted it the hard way. “Rawr!” He conjured another Tidal Wave.

“Heat Wave!” Meramon extinguished the wave easily.

Shellmon hissed and sank back into his shell. “Hard way it is!” His right hand began to grow massive. “Fire Fist!” He punched Shellmon right in the shell hole, unleashing his attack full force inside him. Boom! Flames gushed from the shell. Shellmon came out of his shell scorched and dizzy, but okay. Taichi saw the strange...something leave Shellmon’s neck before turning to dust?

Meramon turned back to Candlemon once the fight was over. “You were awesome Candlemon.” Taichi cheered and hugged him.

“Thanks Tai!”

“Hey Candlemon, did we meet when I was a kid. You were there with me when I was younger.”

“You needed me, but I wasn’t quite ready yet, so I went a little crazy. I didn’t want to leave you. Now that you are here, I’ll be by your side and support you till the end!” Taichi cried and hugged Candlemon. His memories felt like a blur, with so much negative stuff in his life it was hard to remember the good stuff. The more time he spent with Candlemon the more things were coming back to him.

“Taichi!” The hug turned into a dog pile as everyone jumped on the hugging duo. The humans on Tai and the digimon on Candlemon.

“You are okay!”

“You saved us!”

Tai gave them all a hug. Shellmon came too a bit later. “What happened to my beach, it’s wrecked?!”

“He can talk!” Tai exclaimed. “Hey Shellmon, you don’t remember what happened you did this?”

Shellmon didn’t remember, everything was a blur. “I’m sorry for attacking you, even if I don’t remember doing it.” He looked at Tai and bowed his head in apology. “I’m sorry for binding you with my tentacles, I didn’t...do anything...obscene did I?” Taichi blushed.

“No!” The guys couldn’t help but imagine it, and got nosebleeds.

He looked over his wrecked beach and sighed. “My poor beach!”

“Hey Shellmon, when you were going crazy, you had something in your neck.”

“My neck...now that you mention it the last thing I remember was sleeping on the beach, I felt something prick my neck then nothing

“Can you tell us more about this world?” Izzy asked.

“Can you take us home?”

“Well I don’t know where home for you is, but you are currently on File Island. It is said one of the Holy Digimon created this island and brought all manner of digimon to come live in peace here.”

“Then why are we are?” Yamato asked.

“You lot must be the digidestined of legend. I don’t know much about the legends myself. I don’t know why the holy digimon created this island, or why you have been brought here. Though...If you are here it must mean this world is in some kind of trouble, or it soon will be.”

He gave them the best information he could. The phone booths just appeared one day, he wasn’t sure what they were for. The island had different areas that held an eternal effect. “Just stay away from the Nightzone, it is eternal night there, and many Bakemon have made that area their home. They used to be just mischievous digimon, but I’ve heard lately they’ve become twisted and evil.” Even if they don’t recognize the nightzone by the time of day, Shellmon referenced the many graveyards that littered the area.

Taichi couldn’t help but ponder, what was that strange device that was in Shellmon’s neck, and could be the reason they were brought here be connected to that and the Bakemon growing more evil? Shellmon got to work cleaning up his beach, and gave the group some food for the trouble he caused. He wasn’t a bad digimon after all.

To be continued...Petting


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