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Overlord parody: Tier 1

AN: Dark themes warning this is overlord and features Clementine, elements of manga and anime brought together. 

Chapter 8 

Chapter 9 Journey and Darkness

As Ainz and Greed helped prepare for their journey they were unaware of the lurking darkness that was *building against them. A woman clad in robes moved through the communal cemetery of E-Rantel. This woman held dark intentions, though not for the man that had made this place his home.

With minimal effort she locates his den of evil, it’s doorway hidden inside a coffin, and after navigating his home she finds a rather pristine tomb. Khajiit sensed here presence, interrupting his efforts to strengthen the Orb of Death with mana.  “Khaji!” She called out to him affectionately.

“Do not speak so formally, are you here to kill me?” A older man’s voice echoed in the dark.

“If I was, I wouldn’t greet you would I?”

“Common sense means nothing when dealing with someone as crazy as you.” The woman laughed. “A rogue from the Slane Theocracy, 9thSeat of the Black Scriptures Clementine!”

“Like you are one to talk.” She giggled. “Khajiit Dale Badantel!” She knew about his group, Zurrenorn a death cult. For the past 5 years they’ve been planning to turn E-Rantel into an undead city. This would cause chaos in other nations, as smaller villages and cities would be swallowed up.

Khajiit stepped out of the shadows. “I don’t care why you are here, you are disturbing my work, get out!”

“You are so cold, and here I brought you a little gift.” She lifted her robes, revealing her frankly exhibitionist outfit, she has melded the plates of adventurers she’s killed on it. Her stilettos were equipped on her hip. Khajiit was wary of those, though they appeared to be just simple short piercing weapons, each one was likely charged with a spell that would go off, and could be used as many times as she wished until it needed recharging. Clementine revealed a strange treasure.

“That...is the Crown of Wisdom. You betrayed the theocracy for that?”

“Yep...a cute girl was wearing it, but it didn’t look good on her so I stole it. She went a little crazy, so I put her out of her misery.” The look on her face said it all, the priestess wearing it died a slow and painful death. She knew it would happen, no one reaching the position she did wouldn’t know the draw back of one of their great treasures.

“In any case, it’s junk now.” Clementine pouted.

“It’s rude to call it junk.”

“Fool, only one in a million can use it. The black scripture searched for 10 years to find someone who could use it.” While the crown of wisdom is powerful, raising the wearer’s magic potential surpassing the limits of seventh tier magic, it suppresses the soul. “If you killed the one wearing it, finding someone new who could use it would be a waste of time.”

“Such a sour puss. You don’t want it?”

“Maybe if you’d have stolen a treasure of the 6 great gods…”

“As if I could steal one of those treasures.” She shook her head. “This thing still has value, I’ve heard rumors of a talent holder in this very town who can use any magical item. That means this too.” Kaijiit’s eyes widened.

“You could nab the brat yourself, why do you want my help?”

“Because even if I do, I’ll be hunted for the rest of my days, so I’d like to cause a big mess here and escape.” She had a crazed look in her eye. “I’m willing to help your ritual here for that.”

Kaijiit smirked. If he agreed the Festival of Death would come sooner, but this would be giving a large power source to a mad woman. He knew of her weapons, if she had seventh tier magic loaded in those, she’d become a deadlier force. Was it right to give such a mad woman more power? His own ambition outweighed common sense on this one.

“That’s brilliant Clementine! Very well, I’ll assist you fully!” Clementine smiled, it was a smile that unnerved even a necromancer. This woman was broken inside, pieces of her soul were either lost or sold...or hell maybe they never existed in the first place.


The group escorting Nfirea began their mission to Carne Village. They were able to do some monster hunting along the way. Ainz analyzed their abilities and skills, strengths and weaknesses, which their teamwork made up for the latter. It gave him a nostalgic feeling. This was working out better tan he planned, as while in this armor he had limited combat options.

They took down goblins, hobs, and trolls. Ainz and Greed handled the trolls, and Greed crushed any that tried to flee. Their skill and power was far above Copper Plate, which had the Swords of Darkness really impressed.

Ninya explained how drops in this world worked, that adventurers had to cut, skin, and collect certain monster parts. You bring the parts to the guild, and receive money for the parts collected. Said parts are then sent out for potion making, armor and weapon manufacturing, and even magic paper development.

When they made camp, Ainz had a problem, he wasn’t able to eat the food made for him. Greed didn’t have that problem, but Lukrut continued to his on “Gered” and “Momon” which was problematic…

“Are you two a couple?” Lukrut asked. “I’m fine if you are we can have some threeway action.” He wiggled his brows.

“No! That honor belongs to Lord Demiurge!”

“Gered!” Momon shouted, making him blush and stare at his plate. “Please do not press further into our personal lives.” It was rather embarrassing and problematic as Greed used Demiurge’s real name.

Peter smacked Lukrut for being so rude. “We are sorry Mr. Momon!”

Discussions grew light hearted as Ninya shared the legend of the “Swords of Darkness” weapons wielded by the Dark Knight a legendary hero. It may or could have been seen as a childish goal, but it was theirs. While Momon and Gered were praised for their skills and power, Ainz returned the favor admiring how close they all were. It made him feel nostalgic for back when his friends and he played together.

He spoke of them highly, but vaguely as to not show his hand. For Greed it was nice to hear about the other Supreme Beings so. “They are gone now…those days are gone...” He passed his plate to Greed.

“Maybe you’ll find more friends to travel and adventure with.”

“That day will never come!” Momon snapped, perhaps to harshly. Ninya meant no ill will by his words. “I’m sorry...I...I must be tired. I’m gonna retire for the night.” He goes off, with Greed finishing the food and joining him.

“He must have lost those close to him, I feel such pain from him.”

“I didn’t mean to offend him, or upset him.”

“You can apologize tomorrow.”

Nfirea started asking questions about Momon, nearly showing his own cards as to why he agreed to this mission. He wanted to discover his secrets.

With Ainz and Greed…

“Lord Ai...I mean Lord Momon, the Supreme Beings...they are truly gone aren’t they? They are never coming back?”

“I...wish I could tell you. Maybe there is a chance they were brought to this world to…” He sighed. “Maybe I’m just fooling myself, clinging to the past.”

“You stayed with us...did we fail to meet their expectations...did we do something wrong for them to leave?” Greed began to cry.

Ainz hugged him. “You did nothing wrong, none of you!” he stated firmly, brushing away his tears. “The others simply moved on. I’ll treasure the times we shared together, and I will treasure all of you, you are gifts, blessings, they were all so proud of each of you!” He could still hope for the best, but even if his friends weren’t brought here with him, he wasn’t alone. He had all of Nazarick with him.

Greed hugged him tightly. His words meaning so much. “I’m sorry...I shouldn’t…” Ainz felt a strange urge surge through him.

“Do you want me?” He couldn’t lie to him.


“I see.” A hand moved down Greed’s body, feeling up his pecs, his abs, before groping his bulge.

“Lord!” He moaned. Ainz shifted him around, holding him against his armor.

‘He knows about Demiurge and me, which means he’s been talking, what kind of ideas has he put into his head.’ He pulled out Greed’s cock and pumped it freely. ‘I need to know what Demiurge is thinking.’ He thought demons may just naturally be horny, but he’s thinking something else is going on here.

“Ahh Lord!” Greed bucked, his fat demon cock was pumped firmly. Ainz makes Greed cum, and nothing loosens a demon’s lips more than a powerful orgasm. Greed let’s slip Demiurge’s plan for Ainz building a harem.

‘I had a feeling...’ The idea of having a harem didn’t turn off the Overlord. He was just a tad embarrassed Demiurge found ways of catching him off guard. Demiurge was a strategist, him coming up with plans for the future was his job. ‘Can I really have a harem?’ He thought.

He looked down at Greed who was blushing and panting. It didn’t seem like a bad idea. “Do you want to join the harem?”

“Yes master! I want it so much. I want to please you and Lord Demiurge!”

“So greedy, but that is your nature I suppose.” Ainz chuckled and Greed blushed. Greed relaxed against Ainz, the two settling down for the night.

Lukrut came into the bushes he was hiding behind. He had seen the whole thing and heard bits and pieces. He hadn’t intended to peep, but he had come to apologize and walked in on the show. The sight was erotic, Gered was beautiful and sexy, his cock was THICK and Momon handled it masterfully. His movements were minimal but his presence oozed dominance and control. Lukrut had whipped his dick out and jerked off to the show.

‘I knew it!’ Lukrut thought, tucking his penis back into his trousers. ‘A guy like Momon is working a harem!’ It wasn’t uncommon for lords or nobles to have a harem. ‘If we play our cards right we can get in it, and have Momon on our side.’

He slipped back and told Peter what he saw and heard, Nfirea overheard and couldn’t help but get weirdly excited.


Clementine was doing some killing, getting corpses for Khajiit to make into undead soldiers. She went after the patrol walking through the slums of E-Rantel. “Why are you doing this? We just doing our jobs!”

“Well I need information, I also want corpses, plus I really like killing people.” The guard didn’t have any information she wanted so he got to die.

One of the soldiers crumbled, trying to scurry away. “What the hell is wrong with you?!”

“What indeed…” Clementine got a weird look on her face. She drew her weapon. “Maybe it’s because my job constantly required me to kill, or maybe it’s because my parents loved my brother more than me.” She was scaring the piss out of the guard on the ground. “It might be because I was gang raped by goblins, or when I failed a mission and my superiors tortured me for days.”

“That’s awful...you…” Clementine smiled sadistically.

“Just kidding!” She laughed. “None of that ever happened, it was all lies. Did you believe me? The look on your face!” The soldier pissed himself and tried to run, but he barely got three steps away before Clementine stabbed him and set his insides on fire. “You’re too slow!”

The remaining guard was frozen in terror. He did have information, telling Clementine that Nfirea was out of the city on a quest. “Please...please spare me! I told you what you wanted!”

“Aww you are taking the fun out of this.” She pulled out another of her stilettos.

“Please...please don’t kill me!” Clementine giggled.

“That’s more like it, silly man don’t be scared.” She stabs him. His eyes flash pink as his mind was warped by the mind control magic stored in the weapon. “How do you feel now?”

“I feel amazing master!” He drooled.

“Good, now bring home some bacon to mama!” The guard sauntered off luring his friends back to the slums and into Clementine’s trap. She got to keep killing, to cure her boredom. She had to wait for Nfirea to come back.

Her mind controlled soldier helped move the corpses back to Khajiit, and once all the dead was moved Clementine stabbed him in the throat. “You have so many zombies now!”

The jewel of death was making turning corpses into undead easy. “I’d have even more if you weren’t fooling around.”

“What do you expect me to do, that boy left on a quest...Maybe I should go after the old woman instead?” She caressed her stiletto. “I wanna stab something!”

In a flash she went to stab Khajiit, but he conjured a wall of bones, that not only blocked her aimed sharp bones at her vital spots. “Try that again you’ll be joining my army of the undead.”

‘He’s good…’ She frowned.

“Don’t go after the woman just yet, we can kidnap her to lure the brat out sooner or later.”

“Very well!”

To be continued…Apprentice and Cocoon of Darkness

They arrive at Carne village, because of Greed’s slip Nfirea learns that Momon is Ainz. He wants to become the man’s apprentice. Ainz considers it. They meet the “Wise King of the Forest”. Upon returning to E-Rantel Clementine springs her trap on the Swords of Darkness. Ainz finds them...


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