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Demon Slayer parody: Patreon Request

Angst Warning The only dark chapter probably the rest will be more light hearted and fun. 

Body Purification

Tanjiro goes through a ritual, to change his body into a holy temple, with divine temptation. If he gets naked demons become entrance and the desire to kill and eat is replaced with the desire to fuck. He can break the demon maker's curse and free the souls of the humans chained by demon blood. The process isn't simple, Tanjiro has to handle a lot of demon dick and if he cums too quick it's his soul that'll be tainted and consumed. Bottom Tanjiro/Harem

Chapter 1

Tanjiro didn’t know a lot about his family…

His father was doing work as a Demon Slayer, his mother was what some might call a priestess. She built a shrine behind their home and infused it with all her holy power. She didn’t approve of what her husband did. Simply killing the demons.

She believed there was another way. Too many were focused on dealing with the demons swiftly then trying to help them. These were once humans, tainted and cursed, to become monsters. The demons had sought to kill those with the power to rival their own. Those blessed with holy power granted humanity with ways of fighting back.

As the demons grew stronger and stronger, the demon slayers saw the holy warriors as nothing but support...if that. It was better to kill them when they were weak, to prevent them from getting stronger. So as monk and priestess lives dwindled, the demon slayers waged a futile war against the demons.

Holy Art vs the Demon Blood Arts!

Her own abilities for fighting demons, were no longer viable. It was passed to her children, she had six beautiful children. Her oldest boy Tanjiro was a blessing. He worked so hard while their father was away, he did what he could to keep the family fed and thriving.

The boy was blessed with a pure soul. Though their family lived far from the village, he made them a community. Everyone knew him and would ask him to help out when he paid a visit. He had a giving heart, he would do work in the village to earn the family a little something more. He had a strong body, he walked from their home to the village often, strengthening his legs and building endurance.

Tanjiro carried loads for trade, sometimes using a wagon, other times he just walked carrying heavy loads on his back. He had a strong nose, he was able to detect the faintest scent, even able to find out who broke something off of who touched it last. He was such a good boy.

His siblings looked up to him. Nezuko helped look after their little brothers and sister while he was away. Takeo wanted to be just like his big brother, often wanting to go with him when he ran his errands. Hanako, Shigeru, and Rokuta helped their mother around the house.

Each of her children were a gift.

She told stories about demons to her children, to warn them of the dangers that were out there. Demons could not walk in the daylight or be turned to ash. They had an insatiable hunger for blood. They were also cursed, bound by their source’s blood, unable to speak his name or go against them. The demon curse strips most demons of their human memories, their heart, even their very soul. It allowed them to viciously attack humans without conscience or morals. In death they regain their humanity, a final bit of suffering before they end. It’s believed the human soul breaks with all the crimes they’ve committed as demons.

Tanjiro felt bad for the demons. Being the pure soul he was he wished there was a way they could be helped. “There is a way…” His mother told him. She gave him a scroll that contained secrets to the body purification ritual. “I performed this when I came of age, and for a time I used this power to help demons, but I reached a point I could no longer…” She patted his shoulder. “When the time comes you’ll know what to do.”

He nodded and kept the scroll on him at all times. Things were going well for the small family. Tanjiro left to sell there wares and help out around the village, but since he was going without the cart his siblings remained behind.

While he did his business and earned his family some money it got late. A kind old man let him stay the night, little did he know what was happening at home.

Rokuta was staying up late, waiting for Tanjiro to return. He wanted to be the first one to say “Welcome Home!” Someone drew closer to their small dwelling. Rokuta was so excited!

“Big Brother welcome gah…” The man at the door slayed him. His eyes cold and cruel. ‘Big...Brother…’ Was Rokuta’s final thoughts before the life drained from his eyes.

“DEMON!” Kie screamed, waking her children. This demon was old and strong, her wards had no effect on him.

“Holy Maiden Kie, I’ve come to end you and your line.”

“Who are you?”

“My name isn’t important. Just know you all are going to die tonight.”

Hanako screamed, and taking the flight instinct her and her brother Shigeru ran towards their mother. Only Shigeru made it to her. “So many children, but my children outnumber you all.” With a flick of the wrist Hanako’s blood left his hand and splattered on the ground.

Kie held her son to her. “Why are you doing this, you don’t seem hungry. If you do not crave blood to eat there is another way.”

The demon laughed at her words. “Is this how you turned demons against their kind?” He shook his head. “No, I want to hurt you and your husband.”

“My husband? What does he have to do with any of this?”

“He caught me with my guard down. The fool actually tried to show me mercy. I couldn’t beat him, but I had a feeling I could hurt him. Imagine the agony on his face when he learns his entire family was slaughtered. When he’s fully broken that’s when I’ll have his head!” He tracked down his family, and handled this matter personally.

“When my spies learned you were his wife, I had all the motivation I needed to hunt all of you down. One of the last holy maidens, your kind is better off dust.” His gaze turned to Nezuko who was guarding Takeo.

“Nezuko run, take Takeo to the shrine, he can’t follow.” Nezuko obeyed grabbing Takeo and jumping out the window. The demon lunged at her, seeking to take her head. Nezuko was too fast for him, so all he got was a scratch, but a scratch was more than enough to infect her.

“Foolish woman, you’ve grown old and weak, do you think you can purify me?”

“I’ve long since lost the ability to purify, my body and soul belongs to my husband, but that does not mean I am powerless.” She had her son stand behind her. There was nothing more she could do, her son was too young and this demon was too fast. He clutched to her crying.


The demon’s murderous intent radiated off him. “Your dark heart will be the end of you!” She removed her wedding band.

“Just die quietly!” He charged at her but felt a strange pull of energy.

Kie held the ring between her fingers. “War Cleansing!” She drained his battle aura, his murderous intent allowed her to drain his energy. ‘This man...his dark aura...how many has he killed...how many has he caused to suffer.’ This technique was made to drain the fighting spirit of soldiers and demons, weakening them for the purification ritual.

“Stupid woman now you die!” Despite being drained, the demon was old and strong. He charged at her ready to kill. In a moment he knew he had made a mistake, for a brief moment he saw cherry blossoms.

“Purification blast!” She turned his aura into purifying power, firing it back at him. The demon blocked the attack at the last second, his fancy suit being destroyed and his skin being burned.

“So you still have some tricks old wretch, but your powers never could compare to ours.” He began to regenerate. “See all you cost me was one of my favorite suits.”

“Such blood lust, even drained, how can you still desire so much death?”

“Because you must die!”

“It’s gonna be okay sweetheart. It’s gonna be okay!” She hugged him. Kie gave her ring to her son, shielding him as the demon descended, killing her.


Nezuko and Takeo ran as fast as they could, but something was wrong with Nezuko. Some vile curse was spreading through her, slowly changing her into a demon. They made it to the shrine, the demon hot on their heels. “Mom said we’d be safe here.”

His sister collapsed. “Nezuko? Nezuko!?”

“Do not fear you’ll be joining the rest of the family.” He tried to grab the son, but was met with a barrier. ‘This shrine can repel me? Perhaps that woman did more damage to me than I thought.’ He tried to destroy it, but something was keeping him at bay. “Listen well, child, you will meet your end, my demons will find you and rip you apart.” Takeo cried, he was paralyzed by fear.

The demon fled. ‘That woman damn her…’


Tanjiro arrived home some time later and he found his family slaughtered. A strange scent remaining. “Big brother...” Shigeru was still alive. The ring their mother gave him, did protect him. The demon thought he killed him, but it was an illusion.

He was scooped up and Shigeru told him that if they were still alive they were at the shrine. Tanjiro carried Shigeru to the shrine and found their brother and sister. Nezuko wasn’t doing so well, she had been turned into a demon, but the holy ground had done...something.

She didn’t attack her siblings despite being hungry. Takeo was so scared he was still shaking and passed out as soon as Tanjiro embraced him. It was a small blessing but some of their family had survived. Though they weren’t out of the woods yet, as two young men appeared with swords.

“Get away from the demon.”

“Step back we’ll put an end to her.”

To be continued


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