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Danny Phantom parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Foodons!

So...aliens are real…

Not something most people can accept on words alone. It was why his parents were seen as crackpot nuts. Even though his mother’s ground breaking inventions helped pay the bills. Danny felt he had to tell someone so...he tried to tell his two best friends. Tucker and Sam.

“You think you’re an alien?” Sam was his gothic friend, she was...different, but she’s always been nice to Danny and they’ve been friends for a long time. Though she could get wrapped up in her own stuff, she didn’t even notice the changes in Danny.

“I don’t think, I am one.” Tucker pulled out his phone.

“I can have you scheduled with the school counselor in 5 minutes.” Danny grabbed his phone. Tucker had been his friend since they were 5, he was quite nerdy and loved tech. He was always showing off a new gadget or game system. Danny found the stuff cool so they hit it off, most of the time.

“Guys I’m not crazy, look!” He lifted up his shirt exposing the emerald in his navel.

“Nice jewelry do your parents know you got that?” Tucker took his phone back.

“Nice abs by the way, you been working out?” Tucker pointed out, and Danny couldn’t help but thank him for the compliment. He shook his head and looked to Sam.

“It’s not a piercing it’s part of me!”

“Right…” She tapped Tucker on the shoulder. “Better put a rush on that counselor meeting.”

“On it.” He started dialing but Danny took his phone.

“Guys this is serious and I could use some support here.”

“Danny, you can’t expect us to just believe you are an alien without proof. Besides we’ve known you forever, you are as human as they come.”

“Here’s your proof!” Danny transformed, green energy spreading over him, putting him into his alien battle suit once more. His features changed and he looked bad ass. His human clothes hid his new physique, but his battle suit was skin tight and practically left nothing to the imagination. “See?” Jaws dropped. “I’m half alien!”

“How?” Danny filled them in on the whole story.

“So aliens ARE real!” Tucker was having a nerd-gasm, thinking about all the cool alien tech that could be out there.

“Danny are you okay? Do you feel different?”

“I feel...different yeah. Even in my human form I feel stronger, faster, smarter, it’s like Emerald unlocked all my potential.” He only needed 4 hours of sleep, his body was bursting with energy, his body broke down all food and converted it into energy. In his hybrid form he was stronger, he could levitate and fly, he could turn invisible, he could also create these bubbles. He bubbled Tucker’s phone.

“Hey!” Tucker tried to smash it but no luck.

“They seem to be unbreakable, except for me.” He dispersed the bubble, and Tucker hugged and kissed his phone.

“Since I don’t have to sleep much anymore, I’ve been practicing my powers.” He found his dad’s old weight set and used it to work out. In his human form he was deceptively strong, while in his hybrid form he was three times as strong. In his gem form it was like gravity didn’t effect him, he could move through the air like he was creating his own momentum. “It’s amazing with these powers I could be...a super hero!”

“Getting a bit ahead of yourself Danny?” Sam crossed her arms.

“Don’t listen to her, hero time!” The two high fived. Sam rolled her eyes. “Chicks love a guy in uniform, so that fits for a hero.” Danny didn’t have the heart to tell him he’s not interested in girls.

“You do know he’s gonna have to keep his identity a secret. If people find out what he is he’ll be carted off to Area 51 and probably dissected.”

“Way to be a buzzkill Sam.” Danny shakes his head.

“Check this out.” He took some deep breaths, and his gem began to glow. “I can create my own orbit!”

Gravity in the room shifted and Tucker and Sam floated in the air. Other objects in the room began to float and move around Danny. The humans were able to move through the air like they were on the space station.

Knock Knock

“Danny?!” Jack called and Danny gasped, transforming back and gravity returned to normal, causing his stuff to clatter and make a mess in his room. Tucker and Sam gasped as they landed, Sam landing in Danny’s bed, and Tucker landing in a pile of Danny’s laundry.

Jack entered the room. “Hey dad!” Danny waved.

“Danny, you need to clean your room or no allowance this week.”

“Yes sir…”

“Dinner will be ready in a bit, Sam, Tucker would you like to stay for dinner?”

“No thanks Mr. Fenton, I gotta get home or my family will have the police looking for me.” Danny and Tucker thought she was kidding...she wasn’t.

It was good for them, it was Jazz’s turn to pick what they ate today, so it was some healthy stuff that’s supposed to help build mental and physical health.

“My mom’s cooking steak, so not gonna miss that.” His mom did cook a mean steak, with her family’s secret sauce it took things to the next level. He was positively salivating.

“You two take care. Tomorrow, I’ll teach you three about alien hunting!” The trio sweat drop.

Jack would bring them down and show off some of the alien tech he found/scavenged from Emerald’s ship, but what had Danny worried was the Warp Panel. While Jack was going on and on about aliens, two space squids warped in and Danny fended them off. It was a good thing his dad was so dense. He missed an entire fight happening behind him.

Danny was back in class the following day. “I’m still trying to figure out my powers, but I at least know I can do some good with them.”

“I think you should use those powers and earn us tickets on the popularity train woo woo!” Danny sighs. He cared about Tucker a lot, but his obsession with popularity and girls made it hard to talk to him about stuff. In truth Tucker could get a girlfriend if he toned down the “macho cool guy” crap.

“Danny your powers make you unique, you don’t need to settle for just being one of the “popular” kids.” Sam did the air quotes with her fingers. “Unique is good, that’s why I’m an Ultra Recyclo Vegetarian.”

Tucker looked to Danny. “Don’t ask.” Tucker was a meat-a-holic he could tell Danny had Sloppy Joes the day before. “My meat streak has lasted 5 years now!”

“And it’s about to change.”

“Oh no, Sam what did you do?” She changed the menu. She wore down the school board and get them to agree to a month long change. Danny face palmed. This was one of the reasons why Danny struggled being friends with Sam, she had a passion for what she believed in yes, but...she had a my way or the highway attitude that rubbed people the wrong way.

Last year she got the snacks in the vending machines replaced with nutrition bars and seeds. The year before that she had the soda machines replaced with all natural drinks, which while possibly healthier tasted like sawdust and smelled like a sewer. Even the water bottles were replaced with eco friendly recycled water, it was green...no one touched it. Her ideas of wanting others to be healthy were nice, but her attitude of forcing the issue made her not liked by the majority of the school, even other vegetarians found her too pushy. Danny often suffered by association.

The worst part of it was, Sam knew this happened and kept doing it anyway, believing they had to suffer for change, even though it was usually Danny and Tucker who were suffering. Lunch was a disaster, even though the cafeteria food was questionable it was still food...mostly. Now they had recycled bread, which tasted like cardboard, with grass growing out of it. Something that looked liked mashed potatoes but had the texture of sand. Some “I can’t believe it’s not meat” steaks that were like rubber hockey pucks. Fruit paste made from recycled veggies and fruits, possibly the only tasty thing on the menu but it looked like sick so no one touched it. For dessert mud pies, made with actual mud.

“Oh Sam what did you do?” This was so bad he had to say it twice.

“What? Are you gonna be like my parents, who can’t accept me for who I am?!”

“Nope, but I will point out you are being like your parents not accepting other people for being who they are.” The look on Sam’s face was priceless. “You said you wore them down, answer me this, how hard would it have been to have added your menu options so everyone had an option to take.”


“Didn’t even think of that did you?”

While the teens were eating dirt, mud, top soil, and recycled who knows what, the teachers were hoarding a full buffet. The recycled crap Sam requested was dirt cheap, which allowed Lancer to move the funds into an all you can eat buffet for the faculty.


Jack and Maddie were in the Fenton Observatory, listening for any signs of alien life. In the basement a new arrival warped in. She had green skin and looked like a lunch lady. “Oh dearie me, is it lunch time? I must hurry!” She escaped the house, with a weird signal popping up on their machines before disappearing.


Back at School…

Sam and Tucker were fighting. The jocks were pissed because of the changes. Dash Baxter grabbed Danny. “Fenton!” He shook the teen. “Look at this garbage!”

“It’s not garbage!” Sam protested.

“Yep it’s garbage.”

“High school is the prime of my life, it’s all down hill for me after. How can I enjoy my glory days eating mud!?” A lot to unpack there. Dash slammed the tray down. “Eat it...all of it!”

“No thanks, I’m not hungry.” Danny felt a shiver race through him. ‘My alien senses are tingling!’

The green woman had come to school, drawn by the smell of the buffet. She pulled out a ladle with some yellow goo inside it. “My babies it’s time to eat!” Splash!

Before Dash could pound Danny, he could try Danny was stronger now, crash! “Rrrrooooohhhhh!”

“Aaaahhhhhh!” Students screamed as what only could be described as monsters burst into the cafeteria. Sandwich creatures with olives for eyes, the contents of the sandwich serving as arms legs and claws! Meatball monsters with razor sharp teeth. Vegetable tentacle monsters, with different veggie heads.

“We must eat, we must feed!” The creatures chanted.

“What the hell are those things?” Dash ran off, dropping Danny.

‘Food aliens?’ His eyes flashed.

Foodons- From the planet Buffet: these creatures are the fighting force of the Foodon. The Foodon are a slug race that need only water, their planet dried out so they invade other worlds. They are formidable by turning a planet’s food supply into the invading army. They have a special material to create these sub species monsters that serve their master.

‘Oh crud!’

To be continued…Food Fight!

Danny must fight against the Foodon’s creations. The Foodons are a pain, but Danny fends them off. Too bad thanks to Tucker and Sam the Cheftan gets even more food to modify.
