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Yugioh Gx parody: Patreon Request

Chapter 27 

Jaden x 2: 11 inches soft: 12 Hard

Syrus 5 inches uncut

Chumley 4 inches soft: 6 inches hard: 4 fingers thick

Bastion 8 inches

Torrey 4 inches

Harrington 7.5 inches

Zane 10 inches

Brier 10 inches

Beauregard 5 inches Thick

Damon 3 inches 9 inches in bara form

Belowski 7 inches

Chapter 28 Prizes and Celebration

Duel Academy cheered, Jaden had won. In one of the biggest duels the school had every year, Jaden Yuki, a Slifer Red student, a first year, had brought them to victory. Slifer, Ra, and even Obelisk students cheered. Sheppard was doing a victory dance, Foster was crying. North Academy was disappointed that Chazz lost, but it was nothing compared to the seething rage the Princeton brothers were radiating.

They left their seats and entered the arena.

“You loser!” Slade snapped at him.

“You dog!” Jagger snapped at him.

“You’ve disgraced yourself!”

“You’ve disgraced our family name!”

“What were you thinking?”

“All you had to do is win!”

“I’m sorry big brothers, give me another chance.” Chazz begged.

“Another chance, do you realize how much we spent on this duel?” Jagger hissed.

“What happened to the rare and powerful cards we bought you? Why didn’t you use them?!” The two had spent a lot of money on the whole shebang, the cameras, the air time, the cards. The cards purchased were all top tier cards, ones with overwhelming power and versatility.

“I...I wanted to win this on my own. With the deck I built for this match!” North Academy gave him the Level Up cards, one of the “secret weapons” of their academy, but it was a deck Chazz built, mixing the cards he earned.

“You fool!” Jagger grabbed him by his jacket and hauled him up. Chazz flinched, waiting to be hit. “You think this is a game!?”

“You’ve never been able to do anything by yourself! You are a leech Chazz, you’ll never be anything without us!” Slade looked ready to strike Chazz right there. “This is why you are the bum of this family!”

“Enough!” Jaden shouted. The brothers looked to Jaden and he wasn’t alone. North Academy was backing him up, they didn’t take to kindly to Chazz being roughed up like he was. “Let him go!” Jaden’s fury pierced the air.

Even the older guys felt a chill. A primal instinct and sense of danger. Had they struck Chazz Jaden’s fury would have unleashed upon them. “Enough is enough, Chazz battled with all he had! It was a good duel. As his brothers you should be supporting him!” His words came with bite, the brothers shared a look, and by their pride their instinct was to fight then flight.


“You did great Chazz!”

“You Chazzed it up!” The North Academy guys began to chant.

“You guys…” Chazz was shocked. Jaden’s friends joined the crowd.

“He was confident before you jerks started breathing down his neck!” Jaden snapped.

“Jerks?!” Jagger glared at Jaden.

“Are you strangers butting into our sibling affairs?” Slade asked.

“If you are siblings, that’s more reason why you shouldn’t treat each other like that!”

“Do you know who we are?” Jagger snapped. “We can crush you!” He gave Jaden a thumbs down.

“Oh my, they can crush Jaden?” Crowler whispered.

“What good is fighting for himself, if the results is a loss?!” Slade countered. “Why are you even defending him?” The way they saw it, Chazz was schooled, made a joke in front of both schools, and the whole world. Even if the feed was cut enough was seen, the results obvious, no amount of nonsense is gonna change that. “For us siblings winning is everything, nothing else matters!”

“And this guy made us the joke!”

Jaden growled, he was fighting his more monstrous nature. These jerks weren’t worth exposing himself here and now. “You guys are fools!”

“What’d you say!”

“He may have lost the duel, but he did win...against you two!” Jaden declared. “He fought for himself, he stood on his own two feet as a man! That’s something I can respect!” Chazz stood against his brothers even with all the pressure he was under. “He surpassed that pressure, and faced me with everything he had. I can tell he’s grown, he’s learned a lot. From this duel we’ll both grow and get stronger.”

‘Jaden…’ The words touched him.

“Yeah! He Chazzed it up! Chazz it up Chazz it up!” North Academy chanted.

“It might not be our business, even if you wanna claim this is a family matter. We aren’t gonna turn a blind eye to what your doing!” Zane said.

“Chazz may not even be a Duel Academy student anymore, but he’s still a duelist. Which means we have his back!” Alexis said. Duel Academy students cheered.

Jagger pushed Chazz away.

It was a fun duel, an epic duel, and they both tested their skills on the battle field. In contests there was always winners and losers, but if the event was exciting...

If one can learn from either victory or defeat, be respectful, honorable, and giving it their all, one can find satisfaction. Neither duelist cheated. They dueled blow for blow, dealing what their decks gave them, using strategy and luck, pushing each other. A true game!

Sure Foster was still crying but both sides were cheering and praising them for their epic duel. Even Crowler was moved for a moment, but just a moment. The one who was the most moved, was Chazz. “Brothers...go back home!”


“I’ll be earning back my place, my way. So leave, I asked for your help once, and I’ll settle that debt one day, but for now I’m gonna go my own path!”

“You little…” Jagger looked ready to fight, but Slade grabbed his shoulder.

“You’ve misjudged us Chazz.”

“You’ll regret this!” The two were outnumbered and Chazz had a lot of support behind him. They left, getting off a bit too easy in Jaden’s opinion.

“They’ll be back, I know it. My brothers tend to hold a grudge.” Chazz sighed.

“So do I, in my own way. Those jerks will get their just desserts one day.” Jaden mentions. “But you stood up to them. Good job!” Jaden pats his head, making Chazz blush.

“I’m not a child!” he huffed. He didn’t admit it but the head pats were nice.

Duel Academy had a big party and even North Academy was invited. They had booths, food stalls, and a stage. Jaden and Chazz were surprised to see everyone getting along so well. Not just the academy mingling but just the dorm mingling. Chazz had some roasted corn and Jaden had a corn dog. “This is nice isn’t it? Everyone happy and getting along?”

“Tch, you know things will go back to normal tomorrow.”

“Sad but true, but maybe we can make today the normal.”

“You are dreaming…”

“Yeah maybe, but I like to dream big!”

North Academy didn’t hate him for losing. He was still their Emperor/King. They were impressed with his dueling skills. His old “friends” were impressed with how much he had changed. ‘They are right, I have changed. I still have more to learn.’

He watched Jaden and his little harem having fun. Harrington was doing a fundoshi dance for a crowd. Chumley was stuffing his face. Bastion was taking on a jelly bean counting booth. Torrey was carrying Belowski on his back, Belowski was in and out, just enjoying the festivities. Syrus and Jaden were playing games and sampling foods. Since Jaden won it was all paid for by North Academy. (They’d be reimbursed via their contract)

On stage Crowler had a mic. “Now for the prize of the School Duel, the winning Chancellor will receive a kiss from Miss Duel Academy!” Sheppard was skipping out on stage.

Ms. Dorothy came out, surprising some of the students. She kissed Sheppard on the cheek and Foster cried. ‘This is why he gave me those cards…’ Chazz sweatdropped.

“Hey Chazz, sweet duel!” Jaden came up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. His whole face went red.

“You…” He trembled.

Foster cried. “Let’s go Chazz!” He had the North Academy students move to the sub. “Dorothy...next time we’ll win!”

“I’m not going back.”


“Duel Academy is my home, I have things I need to do here.” He relinquished his title of king back to the previous owner. “This place deserved my best, and I failed. I thank you for waking me up, and testing me as you did.” He bowed his head. “Is that okay with you Chancellor Sheppard?”

“Hmm, well you have grown a bit. I think accepting your transfer back to the academy is warranted. Welcome back!”

“You’d just best be on your best behavior. Don’t let Sheppard’s kind heart go to waste now!” Dorothy said and gave the man another kiss on the cheek.

Foster cried and left. He was such an emotional mess, he forgot to get back the Armed Dragon cards from Chazz. They had other treasured cards but still, those were some heavy hitters. North Academy cried manly tears and said farewell to Chazz.

Once their sub left Banner approached Chazz. “Now that you’ve transferred in, you must start in the Slifer Red Dorm!”

“Wait what?!” He was an Obelisk Blue when he left. Though technically he had been demoted to Ra Yellow, before he got kicked out. Plus ignoring what happened he had been gone for three months, his skills aside he’d be demoted due to attendance.

“Rules are rules, and all transfer students start in Slifer Red. You can always work your way back up.” Banner explained.

Jaden cheered. “This is great, it’s gonna be so fun. We’ll show you around and have a party.”

“We are gonna be buddies now!” Syrus said.

“Maybe even roomies!” Chumley laughed.

“Isn’t it great Chazz, we are gonna be living together?” Jaden said with a big smile. Chazz blushed.

Everyone cheered for Chazz’s acceptance into Slifer Red. “Slifer it up!”

“Just stick with Chazz it up!” Chazz wailed. It was too late now, he was stuck with these guys. The accommodations were a bit better than he expected. Since he’s been gone Jaden’s been working on the dorm. Jaden swung for a drawing room, (A well built structure a little bigger than a shed on the Red Dorm grounds) it became Chumley’s home away from home.  They had gained a new addition for more rooms, so things weren’t so cramped. Chazz was getting one of the first new rooms all to himself. It wasn’t Obelisk Blue levels of luxury but it was nice.

(Since Belowski’s prison was no longer in use, Jaden used some magic and moved it into their basement of the red dorm. With his magic he could manipulate the sub space, and make a love nest for the lot of them. Belowski was fine with it, he liked his new digs better anyway. Lamias in ancient times were excellent tunnelers, a lamias village seemed normal on the surface but there was all manners of secret tunnels and channels beneath the earth, supported by magic.) This was left off the tour.


Slifer Red partied into the night. Soon everyone but Jaden and Chazz were out. “Why are you still up?”

‘I was gonna go for a nightly slither, but guess not.’ Jaden smiled. “I’m a light sleeper, don’t need much.” He brought Chazz a drink. “It’s a nice night tonight.”

Chazz was quiet.

“What do you think of our dorm?”

“It’s pathetic!” Chazz snapped. “Compared to the other dorms its barely a shack.” Jaden twitched in annoyance. “The others said you had a hand in the improvements. They are nice.” He took a drink.

“It’s warmer here than in the Obelisk Dorm.”


“It’s not as bad as I thought it’d be. Everyone here is just happy and wanting to have a good time. So carefree…” He wanted that. The food despite not being as fancy as the Blue Dorm, was more filling. The atmosphere was warm, it wasn’t like that in Blue, where interaction there was mingling, elbow rubbing with elites.

“You took a good first step.”

“Why did you defend me?”

Jaden blinked at him. “What do you mean?”

“To my brothers, you defended me, stuck up for me...why?” He looked at Jaden, his eyes full of questions. “I’ve been nothing but a jerk to you from day one.”

“Yeah, you were an ass, you need to make some apologies.”

“So why stick up for me now. I don’t deserve it, didn’t deserve it, and still might not deserve it!” He banged his hand against the rail. “Ow!”

Jaden stared at him, his features soft. He wasn’t wrong, if Chazz kept going down his brother’s path, he may have found  himself in a similar position as Harrington. It wasn’t in a lamia’s nature to work their magic without reason, they were good at reading people and spirits. Jaden could see Chazz was at a crossroad, and knew they would likely meet again one day. “Because you weren’t a bad guy, just lost…” Jaden said with a smile. “I’m glad you came back Chazz, welcome back!” He got in close and Chazz tensed up at the closeness. He gave Chazz a kiss on the lips.

Chazz moaned into the kiss and kissed back. He’s dreamed about this so many times, it felt as natural as breathing. He melted and relaxed, clinging to Jaden in unspoken want. The kiss felt like an eternity in just a few seconds, and ended too soon. In Chazz’s opinion! “Is this a dream…?”

“Nope, even better!” He moved down Chazz’s body, undoing his belt and unzipping his pants.

“Oh...Ohh…” His head rolled back.

“Ohhh...Ohhhh…” His eyes drifted closed.

“Jaden...I...fuck...I can’t...THUNDER!” He cried out as he came. He was in a daze.

“That was a welcome back gift, something special.” He fixed up his pants. “Now if you be a good boy, we can do lots more!” Jaden kissed his cheek and left him with his thoughts.

‘I made the right choice!’ He smiled. No amount of North Academy ass could compare to that.

To be continued


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