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Digimon parody: Patreon Request

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Truth and Travels

Tai and Yamato told the gang what happened. Being up front about everything that happened was a tad embarrassing. Tai’s anxiety was up as he didn’t know what would set someone off. Kari wasn’t mad at her brother, but she wanted to kick Sora where the sun don’t shine. She knew, she knew exactly what Sora was trying to do, it backfired. The girl was truly sick in the head.

‘She thinks the guys would just jump all over Tai, scare him and he’d come running back to her. No chance in hell!’ Things could have ended a lot worse. Yamato and Tai weren’t at fault, just looking at Yamato you could tell he was still feeling some weight over what happened.

With the bad food destroyed, Joe took ownership of the food, and promised not to let anything happen to it. The gang sat around wanting to have an open discussion about what happened. It was tense, no one really knowing how to start or where to begin. Tai fidgeted as you could cut the tension with a knife.

Joe stood up and walked over to the two and hugged them. “I’m glad you both are okay.” Joe’s efforts helped ease the tension. He felt responsible, he was the oldest one here and this happened under his watch.

“Taichi, are you into guys?” Izzy asked.

“Izzy!” Joe gasped. The two boys blushed.

“We being honest, we need to talk about this stuff.” He had a point. Tai took a deep breath.

“I...I think so...I haven’t thought about it much. I’ve not really been able to be myself, until coming here.” He looked down at himself. “This feels more me, and it feels like I barely even know myself.”

“That’s understandable. Logically speaking one can’t process who they are if they are too busy trying to be someone else.” Another point. “I have been curious. I’ve browsed the net on such things. I’m still not sure if I prefer guys over girls, and vice versa. I’m still figuring it out, I may like both.” Izzy confessed.

“Well, I may have thought about it a time or two. My health education courses are very advanced.” Joe said adjusting his glasses. “As for you two, it doesn’t matter what your preference is, what matters is how safe you are. Do you two know about proper stretching, lube, foreplay. Condoms may be in short supply…” he began to ramble off on all kinds of things.

Tai looked ready to implode. Still it was quite impressive Joe knew so much. He looked like such a tight ass it was nice to see a more relaxed side of him.

“Things didn’t even get that far.” Yamato ran his fingers through his hair. He felt both embarrassed and frustrated.

“I don’t even know how two guys...do that…” Tai said.

“It’s cool man, we all start somewhere right?” Willis pointed out, shooting Tai a wink.

“If we are being honest, I didn’t think I was even attracted to a specific gender. I didn’t have much interest in anyone at my old school. I was more focused on my studies. For the sake of honesty, I find Taichi quite fetching in his attire, and was equally stunning in his soccer uniform.” Ken said. His words had Tai blushing again.

“Are you and my brother dating?” Takeru asked. The two shared a look.

“I...we...um…” Tai fumbled with his words, looking to Yamato for support.

“Don’t be nosy Takeru, we all need to take this slow.”

“Aww, I thought I was getting a new big brother and a sister.”

“That’s not what dating each other would mean!” Yamato face palmed.

“But you like each other right?” Kari asked.

“We do, but I still need to figure things out.” Tai confessed. Takeru smiled, he had hope it would work out.

“Well I think we all could use some proper instruction here. I can meet with each of you and go over what you know, what you think you know, and what you need to know, and get everyone caught up to speed.” Joe said. While it sounded a lot like school, with Joe mentioning things like lesson plans and visual aids, but it’d help to be informed.

The digimon didn’t really understand the more complicated nature of all this stuff. They had replaced the bad food, and overheard a lot of the discussions.

“Okay, I think we covered everything we need to cover for now.” Tai sat up. “How about breakfast? I’ll cook!” Candlemon joined him. He looked so happy as he started cooking.

Tai was out of ear shot. No they weren’t done talking. “So what are we gonna do about Sora?” Kari asked.

“Tai wants to leave her be.” Yamato said.

Kari sighed. “My brother is too forgiving.”

“Her actions can’t be ignored.” Joe said.

“Plus going after her raises unnecessary risks.” Izzy said.

“She straight up poisoned our food supply.” Willis said.

“Even if we don’t go after her, we can at least protect Tai from her.” Ken said. They shot a look at Tai, who was humming away as he cooked.

‘So cute!’ was the shared thought between them.

The guys and Kari huddled up. The group made a pact swearing they’d protect Tai. “Breakfast is ready!” Tai called. “Sorry I wish I could do more.”

Tai made some skewers for them, with cooked fruit, roasted mushrooms, with some berry juice glaze. They looked good, smelled good, and after a few cooling blows they...

“So good!” the gang cheered. Kari cried tears of joy. She missed her brother’s cooking so much.

“Tai’s cooking is the best you are gonna love it!” Even the digimon were singing his praises, cooked food was a brand new experience for them. “Taichi is amazing!” Candlemon praised. His digimon friends agreed. The praise made Tai feel all warm and tingly.

After a meal made with love, the gang was ready to explore this strange new world. As they packed up their stuff Kari pulled Yamato to the side. “How are you doing?”

“I’m fine,” he said in his usual “I’m too cool” way.

“You care about my brother a lot right?”

“Yeah.” He said with a blush.

“Then stop beating yourself up over what happened. If my brother can forgive a girl like Sora, he wouldn’t hold a grudge against you.”

“I think that makes it worse. I wanted to...and I couldn’t...I could have hurt him.”

“But you didn’t.”

“I could have, and I’m scared that I may fail him.” Kari slapped him. He fell backwards in shock.

“Don’t do it again, I’m trusting you with my brother. He’s very special.”

“Kari what the heck?!” Tai came over. He had seen the slap but hadn’t heard the convo. Yamato started laughing.

“Thanks Kari, I needed that.” She helped him up.

“Did I miss something?” He looked between the two.

“Yeah, big brothers can be dumb.” She said. Yamato wanted some kind of punishment, he was internally beating himself up over it. He needed to come to his senses or he really would fail.


The gang began to travel with their partners at their sides. The digimon had been waiting for their partners for some time so they only knew the local area. Once they crossed into unknown territory they got on guard.

“Sora...Sora...they are leaving!” Biyomon woke Sora up.

“What? What happened? Where’s Tai?”

“He’s gone, he left with the others.”

“What!?” She gasped and scrambled to get cleaned up and follow.


The digital world was a strange place. They made it out of the forest and landed on a beach. They found a sign. Coela Beach. There was strange phone booths scattered along the beach. “What are those things?” Gomamon asked.

“Those are phones, maybe we can call home.”

The phones weren’t working despite ringing, but once picked up it was nothing but static or gibberish. “This place is so weird.” Izzy and Joe kept checking the phones.

“I wonder if we could get home by building a raft?” Ken asked.

“What’s a raft?” Wormmon asked.

“It’s a sorta make shift boat.”

“Ah...what’s a boat?” Willis did some doodles in the sand to help explain. The digimon seemed to have knowledge of the digital world, but not more human things. Though Candlemon and Terriermon had some insights.

“Hey Candlemon, how come you know about human stuff?”

“Hmm, because I remember the time we spent together. It’s fragmented but I remember bits and pieces.”

“Time we spent together?” Candlemon seemed familiar, and knew about Tai’s cooking. “Kari...do you remember?”

“I...I don’t know, it’s like I knew Candlemon when I saw him, but I don’t know from where.”

“You know, I had a familiar feeling when I met Terriermon.” Willis said.

“Willis lived on a farm!”

“Could we have met digimon in the past?” Ken pondered. This place did seem weirdly familiar like something out of a dream.

“So what do we do, just keep traveling around until we find a way home?”  Willis wondered.

“Well we don’t have many options.” Yamato said.

“We digimon will keep you guys safe.” Gabumon said.

“It’ll all work out!” Terriermon said.

Gomamon went for a swim, he got some intel from his fish friends, but before he could head back to shore...Shellmon attacked!

To be continued Beach Battle...Candlemon evolves?!


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