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Inuyasha parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Milk

Even when Miroku was with his new friends he was calling on Hachi, dragging him into dangerous territory. Then the others started asking things of him too, they started off small but slowly they grew bigger and bigger and bigger. So Hachi thought it’d only be fair if Miroku got bigger as payment.

The monk had him cooking for him again, he was a tad irritable so he snuck off from the group to do some camping, having Hachi follow him like a dog. He thought a nice bath and less ninja snacks would do him some good. Miroku went for a bath, he was surprised that Hachi didn’t mention his weight gain. “Hachi? Do you think I’ve gained weight?”

“Perhaps, but I think you look good with some meat on your bones. You look cute!” Miroku blushed a bit before shaking his head.

“Well women have a type, and I need to fit that type if I’m gonna have a bride one day. Make sure that stew is healthy understand?” He thought maybe Kagome’s ninja snacks were the cause.

“Yes sir!” He left, wanting his food after he was done bathing.  Hachi twitched in annoyance.

‘Alright then!’ He undid his pants and freed his fat tanuki cock and his heft balls. While Miroku was away he added “some” of the tanuki semen into his stew.

Miroku rubbed his swollen belly. He kept checking himself out. ‘Am I cute?’ He thought a blush spreading on his cheeks.  ‘What’s with me...When did I get so…’ His thoughts were cut off as the scent of the stew hit his nose. He inhaled the tasty aroma feeling his body shudder in delight. Even his nipples stiffened in delight, he licked his lips as his stomach grumbled.

He bolted from the spring not even caring about his nudity as he returned to the camp. His softness jiggled as his cock and balls bounced. He arrived at the camp in such a hurry it caught Hachi off guard. He had already tucked everything away, but he’d never seen his master so HUNGRY!

This wasn’t the first time he’d seen the monk naked. Though Hachi had to admit he looked better with a belly. “I made you some special stew sir!”

“It smells good!” He was positively drooling. Hachi poured him a bowl.

‘This is so good!’ Miroku’s eyes sparkled at the first bite. He gobbled up every bite.

“Save some for your friends master!” Hachi suggested, but Miroku wasn’t listening. He ate every bite of the stew asking for seconds and thirds, and so on. The tanuki cum tickling his taste buds. He wanted more, so much more.

He finished the whole pot, patting his belly he yelled. “Satisfied.” Though one part of him wasn’t so satisfied, as his dick stood at attention against his softness.

A yawn escaped him. A nice bath and a big meal, soon had the monk drifting off to sleep. Hachi watched as the semen took hold. His arms got a bit thicker, and his chest grew fatter, his belly extended and his butt got plumper.

“Hmm, nice~nice!” He was looking more like a tanuki. ‘It’s a start!’ He flicked Miroku’s cock and watched the man cum in his sleep. “Oh my poor master, how shameful!” He chuckled and played with his pathetic nuts.

With a little more teasing Miroku dropped another pathetic load. “You act like such a big man master, but you cum so little.” He licked his load off of his swollen belly. His long tongue dragged across his softness while he fisted his folds. It was a delight. “Barely an appetizer.” He wasn’t lying when he called his master cute. He hoped the man would come to appreciate him soon, or the game would continue.

He put the monk to bed, and the next morning…

Miroku yawned and stretched. “Man this was nice, I haven’t felt this good in a long time.” He scratched at his swollen belly, not noticing it had gotten even bigger.

“Perhaps getting away from it all helped you relax.”

“Maybe that’s it.”

“You know Miroku-sama, I was hoping I could have some time off, go visit some of my family.”

“That’s not possible Hachi, I need you close to aid us.” His family lived quite far away, in a protected location.

“But…” He hadn’t seen his family since becoming Miroku’s “partner”.

“Come on Hachi, this is an important journey.” He said throwing an arm around the Tanuki. “Besides there’s a “haunted” inn a few towns over, with your help we’ll be able to stay there easy.” He said with a smile.

“R-Right…” He sweat dropped. ‘So the games continue.’


Miroku’s been weirdly hungry, he’s been eating, but it just wasn’t satisfying this strange hunger. He was eating more, drinking more, but nothing was satisfying his hunger. The girls wanted to do the cooking, and at the inns they got free food, so nothing came from Hachi’s hands.

It got to the point even Inuyasha noticed. “If you keep that up monk you are gonna end up fat.”

“Inuyasha sit!” Wham!

“Gah!” he raised his head. “What, he’s just a human he doesn’t have a demon metabolism like me.” He bragged. Hachi rolled his eyes. Demons didn’t understand that a tanuki’s softness wasn’t restrictive, a healthy tanuki was super chubby.

Miroku blushed. He may have put on some extra pounds, but he still felt good. Despite the extra pounds he felt really good.

Another issue was his weird boners. Sometimes he would eat, and his dick would become half chubbed. It was a tad embarrassing at meal times, but he tried to ignore it. His robes were starting to feel snug in places but it was fine. Everything was fine.

Inuyasha was right, in his own special way, he needed to stay fit for this journey. So he decided to go for a jog. Inuyasha joined him, but he decided to show off a bit, showing off his abs and pecs. He tied his hair back before he took off, leaving Miroku in the dust. Hachi watched them go and went to prepare.

Miroku was jogging and moving at a nice speed. He wasn’t stupid enough to try and keep up with a hanyo’s speed.  Halfway through his run he exposed his upper body. His soft body was glistening in the sun as he huffed and moved. He was working up a nice musk.

He couldn’t keep up with Inuyasha, but he was able to jog a long ways. He found a small lake, Miroku stripped off his clothes revealing his soft body to nature. He decided to skinny dip, jumping into the cool spring. SPLASH!

Miroku swam around, did laps, and even just floated for a bit. ‘Why do I feel so at ease?’ He was finally feeling the tingles of exhaustion. His stomach grumbled and he felt thirsty. He licked his lips. “I could use a drink.”

“Hachi!” Miroku called out, using a spell to call for the Tanuki. Hachi’s ears rang out. He knew he had to hurry.

Hachi transformed and flew towards Miroku’s direction. He found him in short order. The monk came out of the water, water running down his softness and dripping. Hachi wanted to lick the water off his softness. “Hachi, fetch me a drink.” He ordered.

‘Could have at least asked.’ Hachi thought. “I figured you might be thirsty so I brought you some milk.”

“Milk?” He raised a brow.

“Yes, Kagome-sama told me of a tradition from her land, that drinking milk is very relaxing after a bath or a soak.”

“I guess that’ll be good.” He took the container and took a swig. The taste was explosive, and had Miroku’s dick rising to attention. His cock curving against this softness. He held the “milk” in his mouth savoring the flavor that set off sparks in his brain.

He gulped it down, and it felt like his body was tingling. He started drinking the milk, gulping and gulping. Letting out little moans of delight as the tasty elixir went down his throat. Miroku blushed and even hiccuped. “Mmm!” He licked his lips. His cock was leaking, twitching, he looked ready to blow.

Hachi found it hot, to see Miroku so turned on just from drinking his cum. “Do you have more?” Miroku asked.

“I can get you more.” Miroku yawned. “Why don’t you rest and I’ll have more when you wake up.”

“Yeah...that sounds good…” He didn’t have a place to sleep. “Can you take me back to camp?” His body was getting ready to change, sapping away his excess energy.

“That won’t be necessary.” Hachi pulled off his top, exposing his furry softness. “I can be your pillow!”

“You do look soft.” Miroku mumbled and stumbled over. Hachi caught him and sat down allowing Miroku to embrace his furry body. “Mmm warm!” Hachi’s manly musk sent Miroku into a blissful dream state, sinking into Hachi’s softness.

‘He’s so cute when he’s sleeping.’ Hachi pets him.

The change began, Miroku’s hips widened, his ass getting bigger, growing positively juicy. His softness spilled over his waistline, weighing down his hard on. His chest puffed out and his nipples got fatter and tender. The monks arms and legs gained some extra meat and girth to them.

Miroku drooled, inhaling Hachi’s manly musk. His dreams warped, usually he was skirt chasing, and getting laid by ladies, but now…

To be continued...From the Tap


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