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DBZ parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Corrupted Hero
Gohan as Saiyaman goes to inspect a crashed alien ship. He didn’t detect any power levels or life forms, but turns out when these things are in their eggs they aren’t detectable. Gohan explores the crashed ship only to end up his special hero suit getting destroyed by the ships defenses and getting grabbed by a creature nesting inside. Gohan’s cock grows massive and he sprouts a new kind of tail, it’s phallic and thick and changes his saiyan mind for battle into one of sex and lust. All Gohan can think is the others need to get in on this.

Chapter 1

Gohan loved being the Great Saiyaman! He could use his powers to help people and keep his secret identity. Gohan can go from your average looking student, to a super hero with a push of the button. His special suit consists of a helmet that hides his identity, with a black visor/face shield that hides most of his facial features. He’s granted with a skin tight black body suit that covers the majority of his body, leaving only his hands feet and neck up exposed.

The body suit was a mesh from saiyan armor, insanely flexible, durable, and breathes, despite being so skin tight it was like he was wearing nothing at all. The material hugged his lean muscular body like a glove. It’d allow him to fight without clothing restrictions.

He wore a green over shirt, it was special material designed in the style of ancient fighters. Gohan had seen pictures of ancient warriors who would fight in arenas. They wore a variant of the toga. Bulma also fitted him a belt in honor of seeing him as the strongest fighter on the planet for defeating cell.

Gohan also got a red cape that connected to the green toga part of his outfit. The cape was seen as mostly an aesthetic choice, but Bulma made it super tough, so Gohan could use it as a capture tool if needed. His last accessory was enhanced gloves and boots that could handle the ware and tear of saiyan combat.

Though he acted like a dork, he was doing some good. Helping people from wrecks and natural disasters. He also took out bad guys both local and interstellar. The Great Hero Saiyaman was getting more and more known. It was a sweet deal, he got to put all his power and training to good use, and keep his mother happy going to school. ‘I hope dad would be proud of me!’

It’s been a long time since he saw his father, and he missed him terribly. He had a lot of misconceptions about his father, but he learned the truth when they spent time together in the Time Chamber. His dad felt bad he couldn’t give him more, he tried to raise him as Grandpa Gohan raised him, but Chichi didn’t believe his methods were right. He just wanted his son to be happy in the end. “No matter the path you take son, I want you to be happy understand.”

He did, he finally understood. The sacrifices his father made became clear to him. So he took this path to please both his parents and himself. He was smart so doing homework was easy, which gave him plenty of time to do patrols. He had time for school, hero time, and even his family. If there was one thing he was lacking in, it was a love life.


On one of these patrols he received a call from Bulma. Beep Beep! Gohan touched a button on his helmet. “What is it Bulma?”

“Gohan-kun, I got some reports of a strange ship crashing down in quadrant X.”

“Way out there?”

“Uh-huh, it’s weird. I got nothing on the scans, no signals coming from it either. Even Vegeta didn’t recognize it from the photos from the Brief Family satellites.”

“It didn’t land on any civilians did it.”

“Nope it was a clear crash land with no collateral damage. Even the ship seems fine.”

“How strange?” Gohan said. “Hmm?”

“Should I call the guys, you want back up?”

“No, I’m sure I can handle it.”

“Okay, be careful Gohan.” He flew towards Quadrant X, not a lot here, and no one had come out yet since the crash.

“Hmm?” He tried to sense ki, but couldn’t sense any sign of life. “Bulma did say her satellites scanned the ship and found no identifying life forms.” Nothing alive or mechanical.

He decided to examine the ship. “Bulma I’m not sensing any power levels or signs of life.”

“Roger that, Vegeta said it could be a ghost ship, raided by space pirates ages ago. Be on the safe side and proceed with caution.”

“Right I’ll keep all communication channels open.” He found a door and managed to open. “Power works.” He pushed a button and the door made a creaking noise before parting. Gohan had his guard up as he entered.

“I’m in!” Gohan said.

“Gohan...are...you...okay...I’m getting...static…”

“Maybe this ship is causing some interference.”

“Gohan...abort...mission...I repeat...Abort…”

“Bulma, don’t worry. If anything goes wrong I’ll turn super saiyan and escape.” He said. “Do you read me?”

There was static on the line. “Fine...you...3...hours...under...hours.” She was cutting in and out now.

“Got it, thanks for the trust Bulma.” He ventured further inside, forgetting to turn off the communication channel, once he ventured through the hall there was some feedback.


“Gah!” Gohan threw his helmet off the noise was so loud. “Ohh man!” He rubbed his ears. “Well not like I’ll need to hide my identity in here. I can use this as a marker in case I get lost.” He ventured deeper down the winding corridors. He found some strange alien writing on the walls.

Little did he know this writing was a warning for what was to come. Soon he found a room with that writing all over the door. “Is this where the crew slept? Or maybe it is for storage.” He found a switch to open it.

As soon as he did, a thick mist was released into the halls. The strange substance had no odor, so it wasn’t a gas, but it filled the space like a fog. Gohan coughed on reflex, but it didn’t seem toxic. He checked his vitals and everything was green.

He activated his belt, and the gold piece lit up and shined a light into the dark room. “That was weird.” Gohan walked into the room to see what was inside. The mist did have an effect on him. His cape started to dissolve…

The room was quite large, he got a few steps in before he realized what was inside this place. “Eggs?” He created an aura of ki around him as he approached. To bad he didn’t do that at the start. His cape was all but gone, his green toga clothe was dissolving, and he was blissfully unaware.

He thought he had discovered a new species. With his ki aura guard he thought he’d be fine. Once he got closer the egg turned out to be a pod of some kind. “How strange?” Suddenly his light started to flicker. “Hey, is it getting drafty in here?”

Gohan looked down and gasped. “WAAHH! My clothes!” His whole hero outfit was gone, the gloves, the boots, the skin tight bodysuit, the belt, the cape, the toga, all of it was gone. “I’m exposed!” Gohan blushed and covered himself. Despite being alone, now that he was naked he felt like something was watching him.

He really should have kept his mouth shut. The top of the pods parted open. Suddenly lights came on and Gohan gasped, the room was filled with these pods.


“What the heck?!” A slithering was heard, and something began to crawl out of the first pod he inspected. Gohan sensed a powerful and dangerous life form. It was strange, like a bottomless pit, it felt like it was both there and not there at the same time. Gohan had chills running down his spine. The creature’s life energy popped up out of nowhere, like the pod was somehow concealing it.

The creature sprang out and attacked him. Gohan expected it to be repelled by his aura, but the strange creature pierced through his aura like it wasn’t even there. It latched onto his face, long finger like limbs laced through his hair and held onto his face tight. It’s tentacle like tail coiled around his throat.

Gohan let out muffled cries as a tentacle penetrated his mouth. He tried to bite it, but his teeth couldn’t penetrate it. He soon lost interest in modesty and tried to pull the creature off his face but no dice. The creature’s grip was like steel, and it’s hold around his neck simply tightened. ‘What the hell is this thing?’

It began to pump what could only be described as pseudo semen. The taste was strange and the creature flooded his mouth fast. ‘Is it trying to make me drink this stuff?’ He tried to resist, even as the goo tickled his taste buds. ‘What is this stuff?’

The creature’s tail began to work his throat, massaging it. ‘No...I can’t…’ His cheeks started to puff out. He couldn’t take anymore. He swallowed and some of the strange goo worked through his system. He fell back, his struggles crumbling.

His head went fuzzy, his heart began to pound in his chest. His blood rushed south, swelling his hybrid cock. Gohan had no idea, all he could do was taste and chug this pseudo semen. With each gulp his libido was becoming super charged, his cock throbbing heatedly.

Another pod opened up, and this alien creature popped out and latched onto Gohan’s crotch. This creature was similar to the first but it’s tail was flat with little cups under it and a stinger at the end. It’s finger like limbs coiled around Gohan’s hips and groped his plump booty.

The creature’s tail massaged his shaft, causing Gohan to release a gurgling moan. Soon the penis-like stinger penetrated his cock. The demi saiyan was too far gone to even feel it. He just kept chugging the weird goo as his throat, cock, and ass were stimulated. ‘What’s happening...to...me…’

Gohan’s mind went blank as the creatures had their way with him. He was caught in a weird state between conscious and unconscious, all common sense melted away as lust and pleasure was pumped through his veins. He had no idea what was gonna happen to him.

His hybrid body was about to go through a very special change, that was gonna change the fate of everyone on earth.

To be continued Gohan’s New Tail


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