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Bleach parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Chapter 17 

Chapter 18 Special Offer...Renji’s Class Up

“I’m sorry Renji…” Ichigo said.

“You don’t have to be sorry, I know it’s not your fault.” Renji told him.

“What’s the deal with these royal bastards, don’t they want us to stop the fucking waves!?” Grimmjow growled. He wanted to hit something.

Ichigo checked his status magic. “Will we be okay when the next wave comes like this?” Sajin already had a class up, so that did give them an edge. Though that was still putting the others at risk.  ‘I can’t just rely on Sajin or that shield if we get into trouble.’

“Master, don’t worry, we are strong!” Toshiro declared.

Ichigo smiled and ruffled his hair. “Ichigo-sama, we are with you, and we will fight for you!” Renji said.

“You have us, you helped us get stronger to fight.” Grimmjow said.

“Thanks guys!” He hugged Renji who’s tail started to wag in delight. Ichigo pulled Grimmjow in for a hug, his face tried to show he didn’t like it but his tail gave him away.

“Perhaps we should use the money on new equipment, having better gear would make the battles easier.” Sajin suggested.

“I want a weapon!” Toshiro declared.

“Good point.” They had time before the wave, he could make some fresh potions and medicine. “You guys are do for an upgrade weapon wise.” He decided to check a few options. He picked up Rose, needing to get him checked out. Toshiro was able to carry Rose on his back in his dragon form.

He went to Yoruichi. “I’m sorry dear, I wish I could use magic to give you boys a class up, but that magic is tied to the hour glasses.” She did give them a new grimoire for some next level magic learning.


Rose had his magic affinity checked and no surprise he had Nature Magic affinity. Next stop was Tessai. The man was truly impressed with Rose. “You’ve certainly raised a fine plant monster here.” Rose’s petals blushed.

“He has trouble getting around, is there anything to make it easier for him.”

“Hmm, well if he’s close to a class up he can evolve into an Alraune, that’ll make him be able to fight and move on his own.” Tessai gave Ichigo some plant food that would help Rose develop.

“I guess he’ll need the dragon hour glass for that to?”

“Have you tried exploring the dungeon?” Ichigo’s eyes widened. Bambietta had mentioned something like that. “I’ve heard rumors that there is a rare material when eaten by monsters it causes them to evolve without the need of the Hourglass.”

There was a dungeon nearby, given their remaining time, they could make it there and back again without issue. Rose needed to be able to move on his own. “Can we please go there Ichigo-sama!?”

“Yeah, sure we have time and it’ll benefit you.”

“Yay!” Renji and Grimmjow were excited, dungeons were a great place to show off one’s skills. In most villages it was a measuring contest to see how far one could get. Tessai wished them luck as they left his shop.

Rose was munching on his plant food as they went to Mayuri. “Master...are you gonna sell me?” Toshiro asked.

“Of course not. I’m going off on a hunch.”

“Ahh Shield Hero!” Mayuri was decked out in fancier clothing. “Getting into business with you was the best thing I ever did!”

“And getting into business with you was a necessity I had to take.”

“Ohh so cold!” Mayuri chuckled. “But you’re still a man after my heart.” Ichigo grimaced. Mayuri eyed Renji, Grimmjow, Sajin, and Toshiro. “You’ve taken these four and made them so strong.” He tried to buy them but Ichigo instantly said no, and they weren’t for sale.

“What can I do for you?”

“I’m looking to get a class up. I noticed some of your inventory had surpassed their level caps.”

Mayuri grinned. “INTERESTING!” He walked around a bit. “I must say its not the usual order, but I have been approached by such things before, once or twice. So I’ve done a few experiments.” Mayuri pointed out there were other hourglasses across the land, but the best one was at least amonth away even by cart. There was no time for that. “Allow me to giveyou a special offer.” He made sure they kept this under wraps.

He brought out a safe, and after fiddling with the dial for a bit. “Here it is!” He brought out a miniature hour glass, with golden sand in it.

“Is that…?”

“Sand from the Dragon Hourglass, indeed it is. I had a source that managed to retrieve some of it. We fashioned this mini hour glass in the hopes of creating an option for those who could not afford the normal upgrade.”

“What’s wrong with it?” Ichigo asked, crossing his arms.

“Absolutely nothing!” Ichigo gave him a stern look. “Except it doesn’t work.” He had tested it a few times and none of his experiments made it past the trial phase. The sand was real, the vessel was made of high quality materials, but something was missing.

‘Special offer my butt!’ Ichigo sighed and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

“Quit messing with us, you creep!” Grimmjow growled.

“But!” Mayuri said.


“I’ve never had a hero assist in the experiment. If perhaps you used it, maybe you can get it to work?” It sounded too good to be true, so there was probably a catch.

“What do you think Renji?”

“I want to get stronger and be able to assist you!” He wasn’t scared he was willing to take the risk. “I’ll do it!”

“How much?”

“I’ll ask for a modest 30 gold!”

“Quite steep when you need me to try and activate it.” Ichigo glared.

“It is a gamble for us both, if it works then we both shall benefit. I think its a fair deal!” He had a point, but if it didn’t work they’d be out the 30 gold.

“Fine, but if Renji gets hurt. Grimmjow is allowed to beat the hell out of you.” Mayuri looked to the bluenette who smirked and cracked his knuckles.

“I’m sure it is safe…” He hoped. Ichigo dropped the coin and picked up the Mini Hourglass. His shield reacted, the core gem shining. The sand in the hourglass began to glow and the device began to emit tremendous light. “IT’S WORKING!”

He held it out to Renji who touched it. Ichigo’s status magic brought up a menu, giving him the power to set Renji’s growth path. “Renji...choose the path you want to take.”

The menu appeared before Renji, the red head scanned the options. ‘I want to be strong, I want to serve Ichigo-sama, I need the power to do both.’ One of the options caught his eye. ‘This one!’ He selected it.

Light flooded the shop, the sand swirling and creating a lot of energy. The hourglass cracked from the pressure. “Gah!” Renji gasped, feeling the changes take hole.

“Renji?!” Ichigo called out.

“Red!” Grimmjow called out.

“It’s working!” Sajin shouted.

The light grew brighter and brighter, till there was a final flash. Ichigo had to shield his eyes for a moment. The light penetrated Renji’s body, breaking his current limiter. He was transformed!

When the light faded, Renji had transformed. Ichigo had received an alert via his status magic. Renji’s level jumped to level 50 and the star was gone. ‘His stats have really jumped...wait a minute...Nue?’ He looked to Renji who was blushing.

His hair was long andwild, he had more tribal-like tattoos on his body. He had red fur from his wrists up to his elbows, and red fur from his ankles up to his hips. His muscles grew larger and his ass grew plump and bountiful. A surprising change came from his monkey tail was gone and now there was a silver snake in its place. “Ichigo-sama, it worked!”

“You became a Nue demi-human?” Renji nodded.

He remembered the power of the Nue they had fought before. He wanted that strength, but didn’t know the changes would be so severe or drastic. “Does my new form...displease you?” He asked, becoming nervous under Ichigo’s gaze.

Ichigo sat the hourglass down andapproached him even as Renji’s tail hissed. “You look great, if this is what you wanted? You made a nice choice.” He cupped Renji’s cheek and the red head shivered, leaning into his touch. The snake tail coiled around Ichigo’s waist, giving him a happy squeeze.

“Zabimaru...stop that!”

“Zabimaru?” He looked down and the snake head nodded.

“The name was etched into my mind once the transformation was complete. He seems to have a mind of his own.” He said as Zabimaru rubbed himself against Ichigo. “Sorry!”

“It’s a part of you. Don’t be sorry.” He pulled Renji in and kissed him. Renji clung to him, feeling his body tremble. “You were very brave, thank you Renji. For everything!”

Renji teared up, a spring of joy erupting inside him. Ichigo rubbed his back.

“So unfair!” Toshiro snapped, breaking the moment. “Renji is cheating getting all lovey dovey!”

“Quiet!” Grimmjow snapped at him.

“You are jealous too!” Toshiro snapped back, making Grimmjow blush.

“I am not!” The bluenette said andSajin chuckled. “Next time it’s gonna be me!” Grimmjow declared. “Don’t go getting a swelled head Red, I bet I can still kick your ass!”

“Wanna test that?” Zabimaru uncoiled from Ichigo to hiss at Grimmjow.

“Enough!” Ichigo snapped. “No fighting between you guys!” He meant it. “We are a team, we may not always see eye to eye, but I won’t have you two getting into a dick measuring contest, got it?”

“Yes sir!” They said in unison.

Mayuri wasn’t paying attention, he was examining the mini hourglass. “Fascinating.” The golden sand had turned black. “Perhaps the Dragon Hourglass has a unique power that keeps the sand from decaying.”

“Do you have another one?” Grimmjow asked, hoping to get his own class up.

“Sorry but that was a prototype. Getting my hands on that sand and the materials for the Mini Hourglass is difficult.”

“Damn!” Ichigo patted his shoulder.

“It’s okay Grimmjow, once this wave is over we’ll go to one of the other Hourglasses.” Renji’s exp had stacked and granted to him upon breaking his limiter so Grimmjow would get a boost upon class up.

Renji did feel stronger. “Wonderful, wonderful, you’ve become a special class of demi human. So rare and fetching!” Mayuri snuck up behind him, before he could touch Renji, Zabimaru whipped around and lunged at him. “Feisty too!” Mayuri jumped back.

“You should keep your hands to yourself.” Ichigo said and Renji nodded. Mayuri wasn’t done, he had some Wyvern Talons for Toshiro’s dragon form. He also is provided some armor for snake monsters for Zabimaru. They would have to get used to it.

“I think I know a place we can go for you to train with these.” Ichigo was planning to go to that dungeon. He checked on Rose who had grown in level from the plant food.

They headed back to Urahara’s places to upgrade their weapons, and to Ichigo’s surprise Jinta was back and he wasn’t alone.

To be continued...Allies and Dungeon


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