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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Combo

News of the combo of Fire and Ice was spreading. Sorcerer Weekly did a month long spread on the newest combo from Fairy Tail. They were always big news, so a new combo was hot hot HOT!

In guilds wizards could gain popularity by accomplishments, talent, looks, and behavior. If they are famous or infamous depends on their over all actions. Many members of fairy tail were infamous due to their collateral damage, they got the job done certainly but they got many complaints from the council on a weekly basis.

Fairy Tail had quite a lot of infamy with their wizards flying solo. So whenever a Combo is formed or a new Team is made, it was always big news. No doubt the journalists and the council were gonna have their eyes on Fairy Tail, even more than usual.


Since Natsu and Gray had started dating, they were getting closer, and closer, forming a combo that rocked the guild. It was nice, very nice. The two even were pulling their money together to try and buy a house together. Gray’s place was too small for two people, same for Natsu’s place. Natsu was Drago’s home so, they came as a packaged deal.

Drago was so proud, Natsu had really come out of his shell. He was embracing his desires more and opening up, not a lot but hey baby steps. Drago could feel Natsu’s love for Gray growing stronger by the day. The fact they working on getting a home together was BIG! They just needed the funds to make it happen.


A gang of thieves was troubling a city in the east. The police and royal guard couldn’t stop them as they had magic weapons. So the wizard guilds were requested to put a stop to them. Natsu and Gray decided to take the mission on.

They flew air Drago, not the first time Natsu took Gray for a flight, but it felt amazing every time. Drago had a tail coiled around Gray’s body so he was perfectly safe, but that didn’t stop Natsu from holding Gray close. The ice wizard felt warm.

He could smell Natsu’s manly musk as they flew. The scent was like a campfire, it was strong and manly. Gray couldn’t help but take deep whiffs, the musk getting to his head and sending signals right down to his dick. ‘And Natsu calls me a perv!’ Drago thought, not that he was complaining.

Natsu seemed oblivious to Gray’s sniffing, or the effect his musk had on him. Good thing he had Drago to recognize these things, and keep notes. Maybe one day he can convince Natsu to get Gray to join the Mile High Club.


They arrived in East City, but weren’t in the best position to meet the mayor. Natsu finally noticed his arousal, which sparked his own. They found a secluded spot to take care of their needs.

Natsu kissed Gray hungrily as Drago helped shift their clothes and expose their aching cocks. Their hard dicks press together, creating a sweet heat and friction between them.”

“Ahh...fuck...Natsu...yes...ohh...yes!” Gray said between kisses. Natsu rocked his hips a little harder, causing their balls to clap together. An extra ripple of pleasure spreading between them.


“Me too!” Natsu held him close, unknowngly giving Gray a big whiff of his manly aroma. ‘Ohh yes!’

Drago traveled along Natsu’s penis and encased both their hard dicks. “Ohhh!” Their manhoods were squeezed tighter, the ooze massaging their shafts. Natsu cupped Gray’s butt , squeezing the ice wizard’s rear. He bucked and moaned.


“Gray!” he hissed. Their orgasms tipped and they came, splattering their pecs and abs. Natsu kissed Gray, and they made out through their release. Drago was on clean up, slurping up their semen. By the time they finished their make out session Drago had them dressed and ready to go.

“That was hot!” Gray panted.

“Hehe, yeah it was!” He wondered what got Gray so hot and bothered in the first place. He didn’t ask, cause it didn’t really matter in the long run. They both had fun.

They went to the office where the mayor was in dire straights. These bandits were ruining their reputation and livelihood, scaring away both the locals and the tourists. They were bold to, sending letters of where and when they were gonna attack. They were that confident.

“You can leave it to us!”

“We’ll crush these guys!”

“I’ve read a lot of things about Fairy Tail, I trust you boys can keep collateral damage to a minimum?” The two share a look.

“We can try.” They say in unison, the mayor’s concerns were not put at ease. He was desperate. The bandits were targeting the bank again! They just had a loan out from the royal capitol. If they could get the money back it’d be a big help.

These guys weren’t wizards, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t use magical items. Some items ran or could be super charged with a wizard’s own magic power. Other items were simply enchanted or enhanced and could be wielded by anyone, for better or worse its made daily lives a lot easier.

The bandits was a band of four.

Birry: Had a magic whip, and an enchanted bag with infinite storage.

Apackid: had a magic gun that could create magic bullets based on magical beasts it’s absorbed.

Then there were the brothers Gero and Nimo, twins one had a pair of magic scissors that could cut through the non living, they were an anti mage weapon that could emit a light that kept wizards from activating magic. Nimo had a magic lasso that made people tell the truth and some magic bracelets that deflected magic.

Gray read over the report, these guys had some high class items. “Natsu, Drago, we need to be careful, these guys have some serious equipment.”

“Sure thing!” He punched his palm. “We’ll watch each other’s backs.” The two share a fist bump.

These bandits were true to their time line. Showed up with Natsu and Gray waiting for them. “Look here boys, we got a couple of mages.” He saw their guild marks. “Fairy Tail wizards!” he spat.

“If you want the money from this bank you’ll have to get past us.” The two took a fighting stance.

“They send two little wizards to stop us, the mayor must be either stupid or desperate.” He pulled out his whip.

“Smoke Bullet!” Apackid shot a special bullet from his gun. Boom! A thick cloud of smoke erupted.

Natsu heard the crack of the whip, but no attack came. When the smoke cleared the two had vanished. “Crap where did they go?”

“Hehe!” Gero and Nimo remained. “We’ll take you on!”

“Two wizards are nothing to us.” Nimo said.

“You shouldn’t underestimate our combo!” Natsu said with a smirk. Gero was facing off with Natsu and Nimo was across from Gray. “You ready Gray?”

“You know it!” The two charged up their magic circles.


A crack of the whip and the two appeared in the room. “Should we really leave those two alone out there?”

“They’ll be fine, they are the perfect duo to bring down wizards!” he smirked. The two got to work on the vault.


“Ice Make Arrows!” Gray launched a barrage of arrows at Nimo.

“That won’t work!” He used his bracelets, and Gray’s arrows were bounced back.

“Shit!” He was forced to dodge.

Natsu fought Gero with hands of burning flames. Gero wasn’t defensive like his brother, he went at Natsu with gusto slicing through his flames. “You wizards think you are hot stuff, but to me you are nothing!” Natsu went on the defensive, getting pushed back as he slashed with his scissor blade.

Gray wasn’t having much luck with his dance partner either. Those bracelets kept bouncing back all of his attacks. “You two think you can take us on, your out manned and out gunned!”

“Ice Make Hammer!”

Nimo brought the bracelets together it created a small barrier which bounced the ice hammer back. Gray dodged fast, his ice hammer shattering as it hit the ground hard. “Ice Make Spear!” He launched an ice spear at Nimo.

“You don’t learn!” he blocked the attack and bounced it back. “Baka!”

The spear was bounced back and nearly pierced Gray, who managed to roll away from the attack. ‘I see now…’

Nimo laughed. “Don’t you understand it doesn’t matter how strong your magic is, if you can scatter with it, hit with it, even pierce with it all magic bounces back!” Gray glared at him, but managed to hide a smirk. “Every wizard I’ve faced has been killed by their own magic!”

‘Yep, I got it now!’

“Gray, you gonna be okay?” Natsu asked, dodging his dance partner.

“Oh yeah, he can’t beat me. I will win!” Gray smirked. “I got him figured out.”

“Figured me out?!” He snapped glaring at Gray.

“You only beat those wizards because you surprised them, having their magic reflected back at them. I’ve seen it a few times now, I got the speed of your reflect down. You won’t hit me with it!” He charged up his ice magic. “Plus there’s different ways to use magic! Ice Make Floor!”

His hands toughed the ground creating a sheet of ice. “Ehhh!”  Nimo gasped. Gray skated forward and without using magic punched Nimo right in the face. “Gah!” He fell back and slid across the ice floor.

“Brother!” Gero gasped.

Natsu didn’t waste it and launched a blazing kick at Gero. Gero blocked it with the scissor blade, but Drago lashed out hitting Gero in the gut. “Kah!” He had the wind knocked out of him.

“Nice one Gray!”

“You too!” The two smiled at each other.

“You two seem rather close, but all partners have secrets.” Nimo laughed and used his lasso on Gray. “Lasso of Truth will compel you to reveal all your secrets!” The lasso glowed and Gray blushed.

“I get turned on by sniffing Natsu!” He shouted, his whole face going red.

“Ehh?” Natsu blinked.

“When we are sparring and working out together he gets all musky, he smells so damn good, just getting a whiff gets me all hard. When he holds me close when we fly, his scent washes over me I can’t help but sniff him and take it all in. I am a musk whore!” Gray spoke with such passion and conviction, but inside he was mentally screaming at himself to shut up. It was true, all true, but embarrassing as hell.

Nimo started laughing, thinking his plan worked. “You are a dirty pervert no doubt your partner is disgusted by you. Go on reveal all your secrets!” Natsu was on him in a second.

“That wasn’t your secret to reveal!” He grabbed the lasso and used his flames to scorch it, freeing Gray from it’s effects. He caught Nimo’s wrists and Drago took action, eating his bracelets and devouring the materials.

“Hold him steady Natsu!” Gray created some spiked knuckles out of ice. “Ice Knuckles!” He charged at the punk and punched the heck out of him. Natsu held him tight making sure Nimo took all of it.

The twin brothers wouldn’t look like twins after this. No amount of healing magic would put Nimo’s face back to what it used to be.

“My brother!” Gero snapped. He finally got his air back. “How dare you do that to him!?” He raised his scissor blade. “I’ll make you pay, I’ll cut you down while you can’t use your magic!” The blade glowed releasing a light that dispelled magic circles. Gray’s ice was dispelled and even Natsu’s flames were put out.

“We don’t need magic to beat you!” Gray and Natsu say together, and proceed to kick Gero’s ass, without magic. Their physical sparring made their bodies weapons with or without magic. Gero was knocked out, down for the count. Drago was fed the scissor blade, a full confiscation.

Gray put the two brothers on ice so they wouldn’t be going anywhere even if they did come to. “So you like my musk?” Natsu asked, a grin on his face.

“Can we talk about this later?” Gray asked. Natsu took his hand.

“I’m only teasing Gray, we can talk later, or we don’t have to at all. If you think that changes my opinion of you, it doesn’t. I do wanna know that side of you, because I love all of you.”

“Thank you…” Gray’s heart was beating fast.

“So what do I smell like?” Natsu teased again.

“Stop!” Gray groaned. “Like a campfire…” He muttered.

“Guys...bad guys!”

“Oh right!”

The team charged in after Birry and Apackid. They had gotten into the vault and cleaned out, but they weren’t expecting to be met with the Fairy Tail wizards. “They beat the twins?”

“No way!” Apackid snapped.

“And we are gonna beat you two too!” Gray froze the floor. Drago covered Natsu, allowing him to take his symbiote dragonoid form. He flew into the room. Apackid tried to shoot him, but he didn’t have a good footing.

“Damn! I can’t hit him!”

“You hold them off I’m out of here!” Birry cracked the whip, he had the loot with him, and the whip made him invisible.

“Wait Birry!” He was left alone, as Birry made his escape.

“Gotcha!” Natsu tackled him into the wall. “I got your scent now!” Without Apackid’s smokescreen, which did mask sight and smell, Natsu had him dead on. Gray froze him against the wall.

“Damn it!” He aimed his magic gun. “Buzz Shot!” He fired some magic bullets from a bee monster it had absorbed. The bullets flew and chased after Natsu. “Run or Fly these bullets will shoot you dead!”

Natsu flew, the bullets flying after him.

“I got you!” Gray charged at Apackid.

“No you don’t! Blaze Shot!” Gray created ice to block the barrage of fire shots.

“You call that fire that’s pathetic.” The smoke cleared and Gray was naked.

“Why are you naked?!”

“You burned off my clothes!” Gray snapped back.

“Tch!” He jammed his gun into the ground and it sucked up Gray’s Ice. “Icicle Shot Gun!” He fired launching a barrage of ice shards at Gray.

He changed his shots. “Blaze Shot!” This one was aimed at Birry to free him.

Natsu was done flying, Drago swatted the bullets away with his tail, he flies in and swallows the shot. “Now I got a fire in my belly!” He licked his lips.

“Shit!” Before this combo, he was outmatched. If Birry hadn’t tried to run out on him they could have had a chance.

The bandits were taken down, their weapons confiscated or destroyed. Birry wasn’t very forthcoming about their loot stash but Drago worked his power on him. There was just one thing he couldn’t extract. The mayor of the town was so grateful he gave Natsu and Gray a bonus. Those that got their property back pitched in. It was quite the haul. The boys were pleased, but Drago seemed down.

“Something wrong Drago?”

“I just wasn’t able to identify who gave these guys their magical weapons, these are high class items. The others got them from Birry, but Birry didn’t make them, he received them, but whoever gave him these, his existence was gone from his mind.”

“Could be trouble.” Natsu said.

“We’ll let the master know, with no leads it’s all we can do.” Gray tells him.

“Right!” They took their spoils and flew off.

“Natsu...about the musk thing, do you think I’m disgusting?”

“Nope!” He said without even needing to think about it.

“I’m serious! So many people think I’m a pervert because of my habits, its hard to think that…” Natsu shut him up by taking him and burying his face in his pit. The manly musk hit him and Gray groaned, his dick rising to attention.

“Gray...it’s okay to be a perv, you aren’t hurting anyone with your interests, and if you are a pervert I’m happy you are my pervert.” Gray relaxed and just took a big whiff of Natsu’s musk letting his mind melt. “I’ve also been holding back something. I know you were compelled to share something with me, so I feel it’s only right to share this with you.” He whispered something into Gray’s ear.



It was big news that Fire and Ice, the hottest combo from Fairy Tail had just taken down the bandits. Such big news it reached the ears of their supplier. “So it seems they lost. I got good data on the prototypes at least. Even if we couldn’t recover the items, the data will help improve the quality of our merchandise.”

To be continued...Treasures

Gray is surprised by what Natsu wants. Drago helps explain it, but Natsu says its understandable if Gray doesn’t want to be with him anymore. Natsu’s own fears and doubts are tested but Gray will freeze and shatter them!


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