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Akame Ga Kill parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Rampage

The Empire’s corruption had trickled down, seeping into noble families, the higher you go the more vileness you see. Many of the old King’s guards protested some of the changes and twisted acts perpetrated, but soon many accidents befell them. The new Emperor was too young and naive to know the horrors surrounding him and the hell his people were going through. To make matters worse he was being led astray by Honest.

Despite his name at his core was an immensely greedy, cruel, and sadistic man. His madness only being fueled by his cannibalism. He was a true demon, a monster who wore the mask of a calm and gentle person. He worked behind the scenes to get the young Emperor the throne, working from the shadows to twist the empire for his own selfish ends.

Honest was even approving of illegal experimentation to create strong soldiers to further strengthen his power. He found the most twisted of souls, and gave them teigu to increase their power and further their brutality.

The former Prime Minister was away dealing with other countries trying to help build the empire in a productive way. Chouri was unaware of Honest’s plot, or the sickening hold he had the Capital in already. Little did he know the great empire he and the former king built was rotting away.


Night Raid was a group of assassins and a resistance group trying to end the corruption and keep it from spreading. Their HQ was tracking the corruption locating targets to bring down when they could. Their current target was a noble family and the guards that facilitated their evil.

Aria’s family were wicked, using their kindhearted appearance and welcoming nature to lure in unsuspecting people. Never to be seen again...alive anyway…

The family guards not only knew, but assisted in covering up their horrors. Night Raid played a game of rock paper scissors to decide who would be the invading team, and who would be on look out/back up.

Sheele, Akame, and Leone were the lucky ones invading the mansion. Lubbock put up a string barrier around the compound with the other members of Night Raid standing by to get rid of anyone who may try to escape. They also had to keep watch to avoid any surprises.

Aria’s mother was giddy, having added another entry into her diary. She kept a log of the poisons and toxins she used on her victims, and all the side effects, results, and their reactions. Like her daughter, she saw it as a hobby she can’t stop, instead of the sick torture it was. Her family even made money selling the results to the military. Her efforts increased their ability to torture and interrogate people.

Her death happened so quickly. Sheele, a long haired purple haired woman, wielding a scissor blade weapon teigu, cut her in half. Her upper half was severed, her cut arms dropping into a blood pool. “Huh?” It happened so fast, her brain didn’t even realize she was dead until she hit the floor.

Sheele gave a bow. “I’m sorry!”

Leone found the father in his study. He begged for his life, even using his daughter as a card to save his own skin. “No worries you’ll be seeing her soon.”

“Even my daughter? You’ll show no mercy?”

Leone laughed. Hearing mercy come from this sick bastard’s lips was truly laughable. This man who beat men to death to vent his frustrations, who took honest and kind heart men in drugged them and used them as his own personal punching bags. He robbed this world of more light, much needed light.

His crimes ran deeper than that, but Leone didn’t have all night to list them all. So she crushed the man’s skull to put an end to him.

Aria was rescued by the guards, and taken out of the mansion.  They planned to bring her to the shed, there was a panic room there where she’d be kept safe. The shed was reinforced to begin with. Akame had killed most of the guards already, there was only three left.

“It’s over, you shall be killed!” The guards tried to keep her at bay with their guns, but it was a losing battle. In more ways than one.

The shed doors burst open and a hulking monster emerged. “Wha...what is that thing?!” the men screamed.

“Not a target...unknown entity!” Akame backed off as the monster stepped out, growling and trembling with rage.

“Ah aaahhh!” One of the men shot at the creature, but the bullets didn’t do a thing. It’s body makeup made such projectiles useless, sinking into the vast array of ooze not even reaching Tatsumi’s body. He extended his claw.

Ooze shot from the palm and grabbed the gun and the guard’s arms. “Waaaahhh!” He was hauled in and his gun was crushed.

ENEMY!”he growled.

“M-m-monster!” One of the men attacked Tatsumi with a sword. Venom slammed the guy he grabbed into the man with a sword. He did it again and again, the guy with the sword was beat to death, but the guy with the gun was still alive, bloody but alive.

With a flick of the wrist he was sent flying into a tree. His body broke with a sick crack. Night Raid couldn’t believe their eyes, watching this creature go nuts. “That must be a teigu!”

“I’ve never seen such a monster!” Lubbock gasped.

“I can take it out!” A pink haired girl named Mine said.

“Easy, that thing may not be our enemy, let’s not make it one.” a guy clad in armor said.

Venom crushed the remaining guard leaving Aria alone. “Who...What...Are you?” The ooze pulled back to reveal Tatsumi’s face. “Tatsumi-kun?” His eyes were cold. Leone came back just in time to see the young lad’s face.

‘No way!’ The ooze pulled back over him and Venom spoke.

YOU HURT OUR FRIENDS, YOU TRIED TO POISON US, YOU KILLED SAYO!” To name a few, that shed had the long time dead and the recently dead.

Aria pretended to be innocent. “It’s a lie! I didn’t know there was a place like this!” she turned on the crocodile tears. “Please Tatsumi, I saved you, I helped you, I swear I had no idea.”

“She’s lying!” Leone stepped up. She actually wanted to recruit Tatsumi if she ran into him again. Leone felt bad for trying to steal from him before, but was surprised that he was able to turn the tables on her.

WE KNOW!” He growled. Aria gasped and backed away, her true colors came up.

“So what!?”  She snapped. “You’re just worthless hicks from the country, right?!” She saw them as cattle. “I should be allowed to treat you however I want!” She hated Sayo especially just because Sayo was prettier than her, and better natural hair than her.

“This is the darkness lurking in the empire!”

“Eliminate…” Akame said.

NO...SHE’S ALREADY DEAD!” with one swipe of his claws he killed Aria. He death was slow and painful, choking on her own blood. Leone was impressed, Akame didn’t care.

Venom roared, Tatsumi’s anger and despair running through him. He grabbed a nearby tree, pulling it up from its roots, and threw it into the mansion. “He’s lost it, we should end him!”

“Akame wait!” The girl charged and tried to slash the guy, her curse spread along the ooze. “Shit!”

The spider mark above his crotch glowed, and drew the curse in nullifying it. “Whoa!”


“No, we good. Rage it out big guy we’ll look after your friend and clean up here.” Venom tore into the mansion.

“What are you up to?” Akame asked.

“I owed him one, besides sometimes you need to vent.” One of his friends may have survived but the other had died. “He must feel awful.”

Sheele couldn’t believe there were any survivors with how the mother was poisoning them. “This guy has an interesting teigu. I think we need him on our side. He’s got potential.”

Akame just sighed. “Mission complete.”

She had good instincts, as Venom’s rampage made it look like a danger beast did all this. He was tearing through walls as slime tendrils smashed and whipped about.A good cover for Night Raid. Tatsumi returned after wrecking the mansion, he finished off with the shed destroying the tools they had used in their evil. Slime tentacles whipped out and the place crumbled.

Poor guy was exhausted and the ooze receded. Not only healing poison three times, plus going into berserker mode.Tears fell down his cheeks. ‘Sayo….I’m sorry…’ Before he could pass out he felt himself get picked up. “Huh wha...HEY!”

“You are coming with us little man, you and your friend!”


“You really impressed me. So you are gonna join Night Raid!”

“What...no...let me go…” He tried to struggle but his body was wiped. Even Venom was tired, they both needed time to recover. These people didn’t appear to be threats to them. He saw Ieyasu was with them, alive but unconscious as well.

“That was quite the show little man, you didn’t let your rage consume you.” the guy in the armor said. “Good job!”

“Are we really bringing this scary guy along?” Lubbock asked.

“Yep, I’ll vouch for him.” Leone said. “You can call me Big Sister!”

Sorry partner, I went a little crazy, we won’t be moving for awhile.”Venom told him. Tatsumi fell asleep, when he’d come to he’d be at the secret base for Night Raid.

To be continued


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