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Bleach parody: Tier 1

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3

Renji woke up, his head swimming, his body tingly, and his balls happy. A small part of him wondered if it had all been a dream, but then he felt the barrier. A barrier placed around him to keep him safe while he slept off the orgasmic sensations he experienced. ‘Ichigo...Ichigo...Ichigo Kurosaki!’ He remembered, he remembered all of it, which caused his manhood to stiffen. “Ichigo?!” he called out, looking around, and he was alone.

“Wait, I remember him, was he not able to hypnotize me or did he choose not to?” While he was deep in thought, Ichigo’s barrier bats flew off. “Hey wait!” He chased after them but the bats escaped him. “Damn it!”

His phone went off alerting him. He had to give his report. He found a secluded spot and made contact with Soul Society. “Lieutenant Abarai Renji, report!” It was Byakuya Kuchiki, his captain.

“Yes sir, there was some hollows, they were easy to handle, but there was a unique hollow that was a bit more difficult.”

“I see, details?”

“Yes sir, had control over lesser hollows, showed signs of intelligence, had higher speed of regeneration, and a unique ability.”

“Very well, you’ll continue investigating. Karakura Town is your responsibility, make sure you guide souls, slay and purify hollows, and report any suspicious activity. If nothing else of importance comes up I’ll expect a report in two weeks.”

“Yes sir!”

“Is there anything else to report?” Renji hesitated. Ichigo appeared in his mind, the sexy vampire who saved his life, and gave him the ride of his life. He should report the sighting of an extinct and dangerous species. “Lieutenant Abarai?”

“Oh!” he bowed his head. “Sorry sir.” Ichigo wasn’t dangerous, he was sure of it. “No sir, there is nothing else to report.”

Byakuya paused. “Hmm, Renji make sure you don’t screw this mission up and bring shame to our squad.”

“Yes sir.” the connection ended and Renji groaned.

‘What did I just do?!’ he had lied. He didn’t just lie, he had lied to Byakuya Kuchiki, the stone cold head of the Kuchiki Clan. He popped a squat and fisted his red locks. ‘If he finds out about this he’s gonna kill me!’

The moment of panic lasted a few seconds before Renji calmed down. ‘No...I did the right thing...’ If he had told Soul Society that he had spotted a vampire a task force would be launched and at least five captains would come to capture or  probably kill Ichigo. The idea made his heart ache. ‘I’ll protect Ichigo, I don’t need to report about him.’

He still felt the urge to find him though. If there was anyone who could, it’d be that man.


Ichigo was having such a lovely dream. A sexy red head was at his mercy. Ichigo had experimented with anal pleasure on his own, but Renji was his first. He preferred to top with his partners, but the red head had stroked his submissive side. Not now though, he had seen Renji come undone stuffing his ass, now he wanted to see him come undone from his ass.

Vampires were notorious switchers, pleasure was pleasure, there was nothing wrong in wanting to submit or dominate another, so long as the other was willing. Vampires had instinctual knowledge honed by experience.

In his dream, he was putting that experience to good use, making the red head pant and moan, bucking at every touch and caress. His thrusts into Renji’s sweet ass were long and strong, letting him feel every inch. His big vampire dick had wrecked a few asses and broken a few minds, its how Ichigo got so good at healing and memory manipulation.

Practice, practice, practice!

He could imagine how tight Renji would be, imagine how intense them being connected would be, and the look on his face when his dick bulged his belly.

Outside his dream Ichigo hugged his pillow, as his hips rocked against his mattress in a steady rhythm. “Mmm, Renji!” He growled and rocked his hips, his cock oozing pre-cum. His dream was so real he could practically taste, hot sex, while enjoying a full course meal of his blood and his semen for dessert.


Renji sneezed. “Oh my, seems someone is thinking about you.”

“You don’t believe that old tale.” Renji looked to the blonde shopkeeper.

“Old stories have some truths to them. What can I do for you Renji my boy? Do you need a gigai, a mod soul, perhaps something a bit more off the clock.” He showed Renji a flier for an assortment of sex toys.

Renji was used to Kisuke Urahara’s more “playful” nature. The man was a brilliant creator, a former captain, founder of the Research and Development Department. He was also a well known pervert, his genius only rivaled by his libido. “Yes, yes, and...maybe later.” he blushed. “I’m actually looking for a device to track unique power sources.”

“Well I have been working on a special mod soul with advanced sensing capabilities, but its not ready yet. If you give me a few more weeks I’ll have it ready.”

“Do you have anything ready now?”

“Why the rush?”

“Um well,” Renji scratched his neck. Kisuke was exiled from Soul Society, he was too powerful to bring in, so his punishment was changed to banishment and service to field officers. Be that as it may, he was still wary about talking about his erotic encounter.

“Ohh, did someone meet a sinfully beautiful someone?” Kisuke was too damn smart sometimes. “I know all about the little vampire nest.”

“You do? And you didn’t report it to Soul Society?”

“I have no obligation to, question is why didn’t you?” Kisuke smirked at him behind his fan. Renji stammered, making Kisuke chuckle. “It’s fine, Ichigo-kun is a fine young stud of a vampire. I bet he had lots of fun with you.”

“You know everything don’t you.”

“This and that, of course had you sold out the young vamp. I’d have run you through myself.” Kisuke’s words turned dark and intense, dripping with truth and intent. “But I’m curious why you remember him, Ichigo is good, he hunts and takes only what they need, never leaves a trace.”

Kisuke eyed Renji. “Yet he didn’t mess with you. You must have made a good impression on him.”

“The opposite actually, he saved my life, I just wanted to thank him. I had no idea who or what he was.” Renji asked him about how Ichigo could have a zanpakuto.

“Ichigo is quite unique, but his family has secrets that aren’t for me to share. He has put his trust in you Renji, don’t let him down.” Kisuke got up and rummaged through some boxes and came back with some strange visor. “This is a prototype, it should help you locate him. I warn you though, if you tread on a vampire’s territory you will be in grave danger.”

“I don’t plan to hurt him or his family, I just...I just want to see him again.”

“It may be best if you forget him, even if you do remember. The choice is yours.”

Renji took the device but was hesitant to use it. He did some of his duties, helping ghosts pass on, killing a few low level hollows. He felt like he was full of energy. What he didn’t know was that when a vampire took blood, they passed on a blessing, a thank you for the gift taken.

He weighed the pros and cons of going to see Ichigo. Renji felt at odds, a part of him wished to respect Ichigo’s wishes and treasure the memories they shared together. The other part had him longing to see Ichigo again. His dick sure as hell wanted to go.

‘A vampire...Ichigo Kurosaki...you saved my life, even though soul reapers have hunted your kind. I’ve heard whispers about vampires, that they are monsters, but could they be wrong, twisted?’ He didn’t know, the more he thought the more questions he had. ‘I can’t just forget about you!’

He put on the visor and began to track Ichigo down. He detected a strange barrier and followed the trail. Normally the barrier could wave off those who were spiritually sensitive, twisting the senses to make sure no threat even got close to the clinic.

Renji was able to slip through the defenses thanks to his visor. The bat familiars tried to stop him but his reiatsu was able to repel them. Masaki sensed the disturbance in the barrier, Isshin was out. “Girls, go get your brother.” she said.

They obeyed, while she went to inspect their guest.

‘Vampires running a clinic? Guess that’s a good cover.’ The front door mysteriously opened on its own and Renji walked inside. Once he was past the threshold the door slammed shut and Masaki was behind him, her claws extended and aimed at his throat.

“Who are you Soul Reaper? What are you doing here?” Her nails poked his throat, ready to rip him apart if she didn’t like his answer. She disarmed him tossing his zanpakuto to the side where they kept the umbrellas.

“Wait please, I mean you know harm.”

“Mom...what’s going on.” Ichigo yawned. He came down the stairs, his still chubbed dick bulging out his sweats. Ichigo had quite the sudden awakening, and had to get changed fast. “Renji?!”

“Ichigo!” Renji smiled at him.

The vampire felt a surge of delight in seeing the red head again. The two had a moment, like something out of a stage play, you could almost see the spotlights on them as the two as wonderful emotions swelled within them. Just from seeing each other. “Ichigo dear, who is this, and how does he know your name?”

Ichigo and Renji gulped. The look on the orangette’s face said it all, he was in trouble.

To be continued


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