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My Hero parody: Patreon Request

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Courting Interrupted

Izuku was positively glowing all day at school. Some guys asked Izuku what happened, but he’d just blush, smile, and move on. ‘So cute!’ Midoriya was always kind of a weird dude so no one really pressed him on it. Plus the guys who had a thing for Izuku just felt blessed seeing him so angelic and happy. On the other end Bakugou was seething, his normal prickly nature was cranked up to an 11 as he was producing an annoyed aura.

Unlike the other guys Katsuki actually knew that Izuku had gone to a dance. For a long time he didn’t care about Feather Head (Tokoyami), believing he wouldn’t try to make a move on Izuku. When Izuku told him he was going to the dance with him, Katsuki’s brain exploded.

He was pissed, torn between wanting Izuku to have a good time and a bad one. Through gritted teeth he had wished him luck and have fun. Judging from how he was beaming, he had a VERY good time. It was bothering him. He spent so much time keeping extras away from Izuku.

His mother just called him an idiot as he sulked while Izuku was on his date. “It’s not a date, he’s just going to a dance with Feather Head!”

She shook her head. “If you bothered to tell Izuku how you felt, maybe you’d have invited him to a dance yourself.” Bakugou huffed hating that she was right.

Now as he saw Izuku glowing, happy, and felt him slipping away. Izuku was the one who pushed him, kept him grounded, and made him better. He knew about Tokoyami, but didn’t think the two would get so close.

“Kacchan, is anything wrong?” Izuku noticed he was in a foul mood.

“No I’m fine!” He bit out.

“If anything is bothering you, ya know you can talk to me. We are friends right?” His words stabbed Katsuki in the heart, and Izuku had no ill intentions.

“Yeah...best friends...” Izuku smiled and hugged him. Katsuki twitched. He wanted to hold onto Izuku and never let go. He still hesitated. “Deku...” he whispered. He couldn’t bring himself to ask about the dance or if he had a good time. He both did and didn’t want to know it was maddening. Izuku was in full school mode anyway and he wasn’t one to brag.

Katsuki did calm down, so when school was almost over…

“Oi Deku, how about we go train?”

“I can’t today, I have a date with Tokoyami today!” He beamed. Katsuki would have admired the cuteness, but the words hit him like lightning. “Isn’t that great?”

Katsuki put on a fake smile. Gritting his teeth and grinning like a maniac. “Oh yeah...great! Have a great time!”

The rest of the day passed by in a blur, like he was on autopilot. ‘Date...date...date...date...he’s going on a date? With that Feather Head!?’ He snapped. He didn’t even notice when Izuku left for the day and said goodbye to him. His friends wanted Katsuki to come with them to the club to pick up girls. Katsuki had zero interest in that. “No fucking way, I have other plans!” He ditched them and tracked down Izuku.


Katsuki hadn’t seen Tokoyami in ages, but just as Izuku talked to Tokoyami about him, the reverse was true as well. Izuku was waiting for the Feather Head at a coffee shop. Bakugou was prepared to wait, when his phone started buzzing. “What?!” he snapped.

“Don’t answer the phone like that brat! Where are you?”

“I’m busy you old hag!”

“Oh I bet you are, Inko just told me the good news. Izuku has a boyfriend and they going on their first date!”

“Not for long...” Katsuki muttered.

“Bakugou Katsuki don’t you dare!”

“I’m busy, hanging up now.”

“Hang up on me and I’ll tell Izuku about the special box you keep under your bed!” That did it.

“How do you even know about that?”

“I’m your mother, I know you better than anyone. I’ve know you’ve had a crush on Izuku since you were kids, and have carried a torch for him forever. It’s not my fault you didn’t confess to him.”

Katsuki spotted Tokoyami. “I can take him.”

“Even if you can, if you do you’ll lose him forever.” Katsuki grumbled, knowing she was right. Izuku had a big heart, but even he wouldn’t forgive that. “You need to find another way Katsuki, I don’t know if you’ve lost your shot with him, but you gotta find another way.”


“You’re smart, you’ll figure it out.” With that she hung up. Katsuki didn’t fall back, he waited and observed.


Izuku was happy to see Tokoyami, he rushed over to him the two hugged and kissed. Even Dark Shadow got a kiss. “I’m happy to see you!”

“We...we just saw each other this morning.” Tokoyami was still a bit shy around other people.

“We saw a lot of each other this morning.” Izuku giggled. “This is our first official date yeah?”

“Yes it is!” The two sat down. They talked about their day. Izuku saw Mount Lady make her debut, though she did outshine Kamui Woods. He was excited about that.

Tokoyami was shocked as his schoolmates were actually treating him with respect. “I take it my likability increased going to the dance with someone so beautiful.” He didn’t care though, most of those people found him weird/creepy because of his face, his quirk, or his interests. “I want people to like me for me.”

“Like me!” Izuku chirped and took hold of Tokoyami’s hand.

“Yes like you!” He laced their fingers together. Katsuki ground his teeth. He couldn’t hear what they were saying, but they were emitting a lovey dovey aura.

They finished their tea and snacks, and Tokoyami took them to a restaurant. It was a nice place, Bakugou followed and got a booth next to them.

“How was the wild beast today?”

“Oh Kacchan?” Izuku giggled again. Katsuki’s ears burned and he tried hard to listen in. “He seemed upset about something today, but he calmed down towards the end of the day.”

“Kacchan is going to UA, our teacher told us that he applied for the hero course.” Izuku smiled. He had also applied and he really wanted to get in. “Wouldn’t it be amazing if we all got to go to UA together?”

“Perhaps it would.” Many schools offered the Hero Course, but not all schools were as prestigious as UA. “Have you ever considered Bakugou for...”

‘Considered me for what?’

“You and Kacchan are my oldest friends, if he was interested in me like that he would have made a move or something right?” Katsuki banged his head against the table when he heard that.

“Don’t forget Izuku, I also carried a torch for you for some time, and I was only able to express my feelings for you recently. Perhaps he is the same.”

‘Maybe Feather Head isn’t so bad after all.’

“You are so sweet Tokoyhan!” Izuku started to make out with Tokoyami.

‘Never mind, I’m gonna kill him!’

Tokoyami made cute chirp noises as Izuku kissed him. They held hands and kissed, until their food arrived. Katsuki thought it was weird Tokoyami brought him up of all things, but he couldn’t have known what the two had discussed last night.

The date was going better than Fumikage thought. Most courting was too get to know each other, but since they’ve been friends for so long they knew plenty about each other. So they were able to relax and have fun. Katsuki’s blood was boiling, but something was nagging at him.

‘What’s this arrangement they keep talking about.’

“I don’t think there is anyone in my school worthy of the arrangement. Perhaps we’ll have better luck once we make it into UA.”

‘Are they already planning to form a hero team together?’ That hurt deep, Katsuki thought when they went pro Deku and he would work at the same agency, or start their own. Even if they couldn’t be lovers, he didn’t want to lose him.

While the boys ate, there was trouble in the city. A sludge villain robbed a market, thinking it was an easy cash crab. He had no idea a certain someone was in town.


Katsuki was feeling low, he didn’t know what to do, he could barely touch the food brought to him. He wasn’t hungry, he wanted to talk to Izuku but his legs felt heavy. Katsuki felt frustration and annoyance at himself. Izuku was slipping away from him and it was all his own fault.

Their date continued, they split the check and headed out. After a nice meal the two hit the arcade. Katsuki watched the two have fun feeling his heart ache. ‘I hate to admit it but they do look cute together.’ He shook his head, he wasn’t a quitter, he was a fighter. He just didn’t know how to fight this time.

Katsuki grabbed a soda and decided to leave them to it.


The sludge villain knew the sewers like the back of his hand, he was able to duck the pro hero chasing him. If he wanted a clean pass he needed a hostage, and he knew the perfect place. It’d be crowded but he’d find a meat shield.

Izuku and Tokoyami were shocked as the Sludge Villain burst from the bathroom and started wrecking the place. “I need a meat shield, who wants to volunteer!” He grinned evilly.

“Tokoyami, have Dark Shadow go get a hero!” Izuku whispered. He nodded and tried to slip Dark Shadow out of the arcade covertly.

“You’ll do bird face!” The sludge villain lunged at Tokoyami, only for Izuku to push him out of the way. “One meat suit is as good as another!”

Izuku fought back, slicing at him with light daggers. “Not a bad quirk kid, that actually hurts but if you don’t want your little boyfriend to die, you’ll be a good little hostage!”

“Dark Shadow!” Tokoyami snapped, the beast going mad and trying to fight the sludge villain. He was slippery even for Dark Shadow.

“Back off hero, or I’ll snap his neck!” His sludge tightened around Izuku’s neck.

You Bastard!” Dark Shadow and Tokoyami shouted.

The sludge villain burst out of the arcade, taking Izuku with him. He started causing havoc, hoping to cause enough chaos he’d be able to slip away. He ran past Katsuki who saw the captured Midoriya. “Deku!”

He gave chase just as the Pro Heroes arrived. Things weren’t going good, the slidge villain’s chaos had caused some fires to start, from the arcade it spread to other buildings. The Pros were getting toyed with.

Most pro quirks weren’t suited to handling the sludge villain, his chaos plan worked as Kamui Woods and Backdraft were busy with fire rescue. Izuku was doing his best to fend off the villain keeping him from fully taking him over. His lungs were burning, and he was starting to get dizzy.

“Let him go you bastard!” Katsuki came swooping in and blasted the villain.

“Looky here, a runt trying to play hero. Beat it brat, your quirk can’t hurt me.”

“Like hell!”

“Bakugou!” Tokoyami joined him.

“What the hell is wrong with you, why does he have Deku?!”

“He pushed me out of the way when the villain tried to grab me.”

“That idiot, he’s gonna get an ear full later!”

“Let me help.”

“You fools must want him to die!” Izuku’s mouth was sealed, but he tightened the ooze on his throat. If this kept up Izuku was gonna lose consciousness. Tokoyami was trying to keep calm but Dark Shadow wanted to kill this fool.

“We need to get him away from him, but my quirk isn’t very effective on him.”

“And I can’t go all out on him when he has Deku?” A crowd was gathering wanting to see what was going on even with the police trying to keep them back.

Izuku met their gaze, saw their anguish and determination. They wanted to help, but they just needed an opening. He closed his eyes and focused. From his hands he manifested ninja stars made of light. He controlled them and sent them flying, cutting into the sludge, he could regenerate but he felt the pain.

One of his stars hit him in the eye. “Gah you little bitch!” He released his mouth allowing Izuku to breath.

Boom! Katsuki charged in and let loose a barrage of explosions. Izuku reacted fast creating shield of light. The villain was hit by the barrage. Dark Shadow swooped in and tackled Izuku ripping him from the sludge villain’s grasp.

“YOU BRATS!” The Sludge villain was furious. “I don’t care if I escape anymore, you three are dead!” He went to smother the trio.

“No they won’t...because I am here!” All Might charged in and with one punch, overwhelmed the sludge villain with intense wind pressure. The shift was overwhelming but Izuku acted fast, he shielded them with a light shield, and Dark Shadow kept them all grounded.

“All Might!” The symbol of peace had saved the day. Izuku, Bakugou, and Tokoyami were commended for their bravery and their quirks, but received a scolding for acting so recklessly. The sludge villain was collected and taken to jail and All Might had a talk with the boys. He heard the whole story, and used his influence to make sure the trio didn’t get in trouble for using their quirks without a license.

The whole event was pretty scary, and Izuku was holding onto Tokoyami tightly. Bakugou felt like the third wheel, before Dark Shadow pulled him in and Izuku put an arm around him too. “You guys thank you!” Katsuki blushed, Tokoyami blushed.

Their date may have been interrupted but they had certainly got closer.

To be continued...Katsuki’s Confession

Tokoyami: Can we have just one date without some jerk ruining it.

Katsuki: Hey I didn’t even do anything!

Izuku: Not you Kacchan, second time is the charm right?

Katsuki: There won’t be a next time Deku I…

Tokoyami: There will be a next time, I’m taking Izuku to the new All Might movie.

Katsuki: I’ll take him to it, Deku I...

Izuku: All Might!

Katsuki: Damn it I’m trying to confess here.

Dark Shadow: We know and you suck at it.

Izuku: Next Time Katsuki’s Confession...Kacchan reveals his feelings and gets the surprise of his life.

Katsuki: What is he talking about?

Dark Shadow puts a ball gag in his mouth.


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