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Danny Phantom parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 1  

Chapter 2 Skulker’s Mistake

Skulker couldn’t believe how well his plan worked. Now Danny Phantom would be consumed by his own lust. “That runt will never get in my way again!” With his plan seemingly a success, he decided to move onto phase two. He’d collect more of those eggs, and use them to humiliate all those that had mocked him in the past. ‘Vlad, Walker, Fright Knight, all of them, anyone who dared to mock the great hunter!’ he smirked wickedly as he returned to the ghost zone.  

In theory after he punished his enemies, he could even sell the beasts to the highest bidder. He could get rid of his enemies, make a killing, and even keep a few as his hunting dogs. A perfect plan in his mind.  

When he returned to the domain, but something was different.  The place was giving off heat, there was more ooze dripping from the ceiling and walls. “Did coming here last time mess with the area?” Skulker had little knowledge of this place so this could in theory be a common occurrence.  

His censors and scanners were going haywire again, but he didn’t care or really take notice. He thought he could just get in and get out like before. As he went deeper into the tunnels, something went wrong.  

Zzzt zzzt zzztt spud spud crash!  

Skulker’s jets malfunctioned, and he was forced to plummet into the tunnels below. “What the hell?!” he gasped. Now none of his mechanical systems were working. ‘Systems down, how is this possible?’ Everything was on the fritz.  

He tried to move, but things were glitching and he had a hard time moving. All weapon systems were in the red, defense systems were failing. Even his vision systems were glitching on and off. He tried to look around and the eggs were opening.  

The breeder crabs jumped out and scurried towards Skulker. They tried to grab his face, his crotch, even his ass. “You fools even without my weapons and defenses, you can’t hurt me!” he crushed the one off his face. What people tended to forget was Skulker’s manly muscular form was what the ghost desired. His real body was a small puny ghostly blob with very little power.  

He built his phantom suit to intimidate, as well as hold all his many weapons. The breeder crabs on his crotch and ass, had nothing to effect as Skulker hadn’t made his suit anatomically correct, and the rear just had an emergency exit for his real body to escape if he was ever captured. He got the critters off him and they scurried away.  

Skulker tried to force his suit into emergency repairs but even that wasn’t working. “Damn it what is happening?!” He tried to turn invisible but one drip from the ceiling caused his invisibility to come undone.  

Slither Slither Slither  

“Screeee!” A noise sent chills through Skulker, as he turned his head to see a far, FAR larger creature.  

“Oh mama!” The massive breeder crab latched onto Skulker, with long massive tentacles. “That won’t stop me!” he tried to go intangible but the creature’s hold prevented it. “My powers!”  

The creature spewed some gas, causing the clothing on Skulker’s back to dissolve leaving only his metal body. “Haa do your worst, this is just my armor, you can’t hurt me!” Smaller tentacles shot and coiled around Skulker’s head as a massive tentacle shot from the creature and invaded the robot’s mouth.  

Skulker’s vocal system is muffled. “Damn I’m gonna have to eject!” That was the plan but tentacles were twisting and curling and locking every entry and exit. The creature’s main tentacle reached his main body. “No...you can’t do this...I am the hunter...I am the predator...I am...” the tentacle plunged into his mouth.  

The giant cock hugger encased Skulker’s entire body. Skulker was no longer the hunter, he was prey to something older and stronger than him. As soon as he came to this place he was the prey. He thought he was the ultimate hunter, but he poked a beast he never had a chance of defeating. Coming here the first time was his first mistake, but his biggest one was coming back.  

Skulker felt his existence shifting as the mighty creature twisted his very soul. His physical form melted, becoming the blood/ectoplasm that flowed through his veins. The metal shell that once was his armor, had become his flesh. His cybernetic skeleton was made into his bones, and the bionic circuitry was made into his veins and muscles.   

Organs were constructed, and what was once a faux body of armor and weapons was now a ghostly, breathing, body! The man manifested a rather sizable penis and a full set of testicles, his ass was made rounder and existed purely for mating. His flame hair was made into actual hair, but could ignite in rage or passion. His weapons were made into ectoplasm and fueled his powers.  

Power, speed, flight, all increased. As a ghost who suffered from a lack of ectoplasm, he had it in spades now. The creature force feeding him it, through his ass, his mouth, and his new penis. His new balls grew larger and larger, a strong urge to cum overwhelming his mind.  

His new body was soon complete, but the creature wasn’t done with the hunter. Tentacles latched onto his nipples, turning his new bits into powerful erogenous zones. Other tentacles caressed and massaged his new flesh, stimulating his muscles. The creature played with his cock and balls, teasing him and getting his body used to his new appendage and all the pleasure it can give to him.  

This was his sacred rod, one he long since had forgotten having. The pleasure radiating through his form, re-igniting a long lost passion. More tentacles joined in, slipping into his ass, massaging and working his new prostate. His inner walls were worked open and massaged with ectoplasm coating them helping make his ass not only flexible but welcoming.  

Soon his transformation will be complete. His mind was the last thing played with. It took some time to turn the man. The hunter was dead, the prey had been caught, the ghost that he was now dead. Skulker was reborn given new purpose.


After the creature had finished its work it melted away, merging with the surrounding area. Skulker rose to his feet, his body felt warm and tingly all over. “Ugh my head!” He stood in all his naked glory.  

He ran his fingers through his fine green hair, he was still rocking the goatee, he also had some manly hair on his pits and a thick nest crowning his crotch. Skulker stood up, feeling strength flow into his legs and arms. He lazily ran his fingers through his pubes. Skulker felt different. “Whoa...this is me?” He flexed his muscles, doing some moves to make his pecs pop and his abs ripple.  

Skulker got a whiff of his natural musk and it had his cock twitching. “Hello there!” He chuckled and began to work his penis. “This feels awesome!” He squeezed his length and moaned, pumping himself faster and faster until his heavy balls were jiggling. “Oh yeah, oh yeah, ohhh yeah!”  

His body was surging with ecto energy, the urge to cum building in his balls. He could feel his heart racing. This was all so strange and yet so familiar. Something he had forgotten from long long ago. It was back...surging with every beat of his heart.  

Pleasure, excitement, it was all coming back to him as he was cumming. “Fuck yes!!” Skulker moaned as he came, shooting his thick ghost seed into the air and splattering the ground. “Oh man that was amazing!” His rod was still stiff even after that powerful release.

“This body, this power, this is everything I’ve every dreamed!” he laughed. He conjured up some ectoplasm and it turned into weapons. “I can feel it, my ectoplasm will absorb weapons and make them one with my power. I don’t need a suit of armor any longer. With this body I am GREAT!” He laughed and laughed.  

His smirk grew wide. “But you know, that little ghost punk is still out there, maybe I should put my cock to good use...” he stroked his cock some more. Then he felt it, a intense tingling in his ass. “No...that’s not it...that’s not what I want...” his fingers slid into his tight hole. “Not to fuck, but to be fucked!”  

Skulker began to drool, playing with his cock and ass in tandem. His climax wouldn’t be found so easily this time. His fingers weren’t enough, he needed something bigger, harder, stronger! “I need my master!” He fell to his knees moaning in desperation. No longer driven by the hunt of others, Skulker craved to serve. He would serve, he would love, honor, and obey the one he let get away.  

He had turned Danny Phantom into his master by unleashing the cock hugger upon him. His balls were aching to release again. “Nnnn! Master...must get to master!” his ectoplasm morphed into his jet wings. He could have made clothes for himself but off he flew, escaping the caves.  

Skulker would return here, upon his masters orders, the game was only just beginning.  

To be continued


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