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Digimon parody: tier 1/patreon reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Taming the Leader

Things were going quite well for these young men, being in the wild, and being naked, gave a primal nostalgic feeling. It was like becoming one with nature. Tai was impressed with Joe, he was really taking charge and getting them organized. That wasn’t the only thing he was impressed with, but the thing he’d admit out loud.

Joe’s knowledge and ingenuity helped them build a fine camp. With huts for each young man and their partners. There was a hut for the food they gathered, and they even managed some tables and chairs. They may have lacked various tools but Digimon had their claws, horns, and skills to make up for what they lacked. Their work was quick but Joe’s attention to detail allowed the work to be solid. If they chose to leave this place after the allotted time, there would be no issues, but if they so happened to stay longer they could fortify and enhance their camp.

The days were broken up with work, eating, baths, sleep, and overall getting to know each other again. For some, it had been years since seeing the other, and Willis was the odd man out, trying to form bonds with the others.

Being around naked guys for long periods was causing some feelings to arise. Taking in the manly air around them, and the freedom it granted caused some stirring in the loins. If Joe caught some of the boys sporting an erection, he simply chuckled, adjusted his glasses, and let the guys excuse themselves and take care of their need.

Though if Tai caught them, he gave them a hand himself. Joe got to witness this as he happened to come across Tai and Yamato. “Tai...” he moaned.

“Yamato, you are twitching so much.”

“Taichi!” Yamato moaned and came, shooting his load all over the ground and Taichi’s hand.

“Waste not, want not!” Tai licked his semen off his hand. Yamato and Joe blushed, as Tai looked very sexy while doing so. “Don’t get to do this much back home.” Tai smiled and kissed him.

‘Are they together? I should give them some privacy.’ Joe walked off leaving them to their moment. He had a problem of his own to take care of. Impmon gave him confidence, but he had no reason to jump in and break up the moment.

“What’s got you so riled up?” Tai asked.

“Do you have a crush on Joe?”

“Well, I like him. Are you jealous?”

“No...I don’t know...” Yamato was feeling frustrated. “Just everything seems so crazy, I was looking forward to spending summer camp together. Now we are in this crazy place and I’m worried about Takeru...and you...”

“We’ll get through this. All of us!”

“I just...the way you look at him...”

“You are worried about nothing, he’s my friend and sempai. Joe isn’t interested in that stuff.” Yamato wasn’t so sure about that. Joe had surprised them all yesterday. “We should get back.”

“Right...” Yamato didn’t have the heart to ask if Tai didn’t want to go back to their world. He knew Tai was giving a hand to the other guys, that didn’t bother him, but what was that he wasn’t sure of the goggle head was taking care of his own needs.


Joe jerked off, working his massive length so fast his balls were bouncing. Both males were so damn sexy, he couldn’t imagine being with just one. His climax was powerful and shook him to the core. He didn’t jerk off often, but since his confidence boost, he worked his cock proudly. ‘I wonder what kind of relationship they have, I haven’t seen them in ages.’ Impmon told him Tai was giving some of the other guys a hand. There were too many questions and he’d like to have some answers.

He slapped his cheeks to psych himself up, only forgetting his hand was still slicked up from cumming. ‘Goopy!’ he wiped his face off. ‘Tai was really sexy, Yamato is a lucky guy.’ he couldn’t help feeling a tiny bit jealous, though if he could have his way he’d like both of them. ‘Am I being perverted or maybe I’m being greedy.’


Tai and Joe were becoming the rock for the others, be it for emotional, psychological, or physical reasons. Joe worked up a chore chart, giving everyone tasks to do as they waited for help to arrive. Tai was often giving the others a hand and get tasks done quickly and effectively. Joe was also lending an ear and helping the guys deal with this situation. “If you have any fears or concerns please come to me.” So far he’d spoken to everyone but Tai and Yamato.

Joe was thankful they hadn’t gotten attacked again, but his waiting period was almost up. ‘We’ll have to explore the island soon, we’ll have to be ready.’ He didn’t like it but a deal was a deal, but this had some of the fears bubbling in the back of their minds, what if there wasn’t a way back?


The Digimon were helping a lot too, their knowledge of the land was beneficial. Getting peeks at their partner's private time. They had a bit more energy than the humans so as night fell they stood guard over their sleeping partners.

“We’ll be moving out soon,” Agumon said.

“Our partners have been keeping calm, but things will change once we get moving,” Impmon said.

“Perhaps we need a leader, someone to lead the group as we explore the island,” Gabumon said.

“Who’d be the best leader,” Tentomon said. Each Digimon suggested their own master. “Let’s narrow this down a bit.”

“Takeru and Willis are the youngest members of the group, though youthful ideas will benefit the group, I don’t think the others will go along with it.”

“You have a point.” Patamon could tell Takeru was dealing with some issues, he was just happy to be hanging around all these guys.

“Willis is a bit of an outsider, he’s trying to fit in, so he may not be willing to make the best decisions,” Terriermon said.

“Izzy might be young, but his intelligence more than makes up for it.” Tentomon pointed out.

“Yes, but his quest for knowledge does distract him at times. When doing chores if something strikes his fancy he’ll focus on it forgetting anything else.” Impmon pointed out which Agumon and Gabumon agreed.

Tentomon hated to admit it, but Izzy was a curious boy. This world was full of wonders he’d like to examine and understand. It’d probably slow their progress way down. Izzy’s curious mind could be useful in getting them home but not in the leader position.

“What about Yamato?” Patamon asked.

“Yamato could lead in a pinch, but I feel his focus is limited. I worry he might go off on his own any minute!” Gabumon let out a heavy sigh. He had it rough. Yamato was certainly cool, but in truth, he was just as scared and worried about what was going on like everyone else, but he wasn’t opening up to anyone except Tai.

“Then that leaves Tai and Joe!” Agumon said proudly. “Tai should lead, he’s keeping everyone’s spirits up, good morale is good for the group!”

“Joe is older and wiser, now that he’s being more confident I think he should lead,” Impmon said.

The Digimon hummed. They were gonna need a leader one way or another. If the group remained divided it’d end badly.

“No point discussing it ourselves I guess, our partners will figure it out soon anyway,” Impmon said. “You guys get some rest I’ll stay up until someone takes over my shift.”

“Okay, thanks Impmon!” Everyone went and cuddled with their respective partner. Gabumon did pause.

“Something wrong Gabumon?”

“No...no I don’t think so. Goodnight.” he went and cuddled with Yamato.

Impmon stared into the fire. ‘I think Tai is keeping some stuff open, I know one way to get someone to open up.’ he conjured some special flames and added them into the fire. Impmon whispered into the fire, making the flames dance to his words. ‘This is good, this is very good.’

The last two nights the first watch had changed but this night, it was Tai’s turn. He had to make his move now. Tai could be a good leader, but he respected Joe. He was their sempai after all. There was something off about the goggle head, while he was cheerful enough and happy to give a hand to others he didn’t ask for anything in return.

Impmon couldn’t help but feel a heavy sensation coming from Tai like he was bearing a heavy weight on him. ‘I think he needs someone to rely on.’ he chuckled. ‘Joe will need his strength to grow, so time to play.’

He sent one last fireball into the flame, mixing his flames into the campfire. Impmon finished just in time as Tai came out of their makeshift cabin. He yawned and stretched. ‘Nice body!’

“Hey Impmon, thanks for staying up. I’ll take over.”

“Sure thing.” he hopped up. “Be sure to keep an eye on the fire. Don’t want it to go out.”

“Sure thing!” Tai said with a smile and sat down.

As he gazed into the fire, he began watching the flames dance enticingly. He thought he was doing his job, but as he gazed he slowly fell into a trance. ‘So pretty….’ the heat from the campfire made his bare skin tingle. “Such a pretty fire!”

Along with the crackles of the wood, Impmon’s whispered worked their way into Tai’s mind. His eyes glazed over and his heart began to race. He started to feel hot. “Nnn what a pretty fire!”

As his gaze lingered, Tai could feel his mind slipping away, his pent up desires causing his manhood to stir and rise. ‘By the fire’s glow let your desire flow, by the fire’s glow let your desire flow, by the fire’s glow let your desire flow.’ 

“Pretty...pretty...pretty...fire...” Tai began to drool as his cock rose to full mast. He was quite large in his own right out of all the boys he had the second biggest manhood of the group. Joe having the biggest dick.

He shivered not from the cold, but from the arousal, his body was facing. “Nnnn!” Tai didn’t take his eyes off the fire, his hand coming down to grip his shaft. He slowly began working his cock, massaging his length.

Pre-cum began to leak out and spread over his length. ‘Do you know what you want? Do you understand what you need?’ Tai gulped and licked his lips, bringing his free hand to play with one of his pert nipples.

He knew he was gay, liking guys wasn’t the problem. He’s tried to date the last two years, but when things got explicit well…

“Ahh!” Tai spread his pre-cum over his length, allowing him to work his length quickly. “Ah ah ah ah ah!” He knew the feel of his length well, working himself closer and closer to orgasm. ‘How long had it been since I’ve done this?’ Each guy at camp had their charm, did he want them sure...maybe, but it wasn’t what he needed.

He knew...he’s known for a long time what he’s needed, but…he was good at making his partners happy, even if he wasn’t fully satisfied. Tai told himself it didn’t matter, time and time again. He wasn’t the type to overthink stuff just push forward and find some form of happiness.

Some dark thoughts tried to claw their way to the front of Tai’s mind, only to be repelled by the fire. His hand stopped on his cock, he couldn’t cum, not like this. “Nnnn!” His balls had been itching to cum for days now, to say nothing of his not so great sex life.

By the fire’s glow, let your desire flow. By the fire’s glow, let your desire flow.’ Tai gulped. He never had the courage to tell anyone what he needed, when he had been with Yamato the blonde had figured it out. Tai knew what to do, he had done it once before...only once…

His hand was slicked up by his essence. ‘I can’t do this...what if someone sees, what would they think?’ Yamato knew some of it, they had tried to get together but things got...difficult...

By the Fire’s glow, let your desire flow. By the fire’s glow, let your desire flow.’ Tai felt his doubts melting away, burned up by the pretty fire. The brunette adjusted and reached down with his pre-cum slicked hand down to his hole.

“Yes~” he began teasing his entrance, caressing, pressing, before breaching. “Ohh!” His dick got even harder. He reached the next level of pleasure, something he’s only scratched the surface of before.

The usual fears and doubts couldn’t reach Tai, a literal firewall shielding Tai allowing him to drift away to cloud nine. ‘By the fire’s glow, let my desire flow!’ Tai thought and with his free hand gripping his cock as he began to finger his entrance. “Nnnn Yes~”

One finger became two, and Tai’s fingers curled and his legs spread wider. ‘Do you feel what you need, do you know who you need!’ Tai gulped drooling a little. ‘Is there someone you want, someone you want.’ 

Tai could see something forming in the fire, a strange symbol. In the flames he could see, Yamato, Takeru, Izzy, and even Willis. Some of his other exes didn’t appear in the flames, they weren’t who he wanted not at all. Tai moaned, his body was glistening with sweat, the light from the fire casting erotic shadows as Tai pleasured himself.

Gaze deeper into the fire, can you see his face. Who do you need?’ Tai obeyed, gazing deeper into the flames and as the others faded away, but a new face appeared in the flames.

“Joe!” Tai cried out as he came, shooting his load, his cum putting out the fire. Rope after rope erupting from his dick, it was so thick. He kept cumming his orgasms lasting a couple of minutes, making his body tremble and Tai closing his eyes in bliss.

“Tai?” His eyes shot open. Joe was standing there, blushing and semi aroused.

‘Oh god!’

To be continued


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