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Inuyasha parody: Tier 1/Patreon reward

Chapter 5  

Chapter 6 Breaking the Monk

Hojo had Kagome’s memories, so he knew everything about Miroku. The man was an A class pervert, always running around chasing girls, with an obsession on butts. He was always feeling women up, blaming his hands on a curse.  

“Tell me puppy, do you remember Miroku?” Hojo asked Inuyasha.  

“Yes master.”  

“Do you wanna have sex with him?”  

“I wanna have sex with master!” Hojo chuckled at the response.  

“Yes, you are a very good puppy aren’t you.” he pets his head and Inuyasha pants happily. “You love your master very much don’t you?”  

“Yes master!” Hojo’s eyes glowed gold, Inuyasha was frozen, gazing into the golden pools. His master’s power washed over him, and as he sank into a trance he got turned on.  

“You love being controlled by me don’t you puppy?”  

“Oh yes master!” he drooled and his cock wept.  

“You’ve trained your body to be the best puppy you could be.”  

“Yes I did master, I did good?”  

“You did very good, you have pleased your master well.” Inuyasha shuddered and his hips jerked as he came. “You still need so much training.”  

“Yes master!” He wanted more training, more orders, more pleasure!  

“You see puppy, you can help me, you want to help me don’t you?”  

“Help master? Yes, want to help master!”  

“I want to make Miroku my pet, and you can help me.”  

“I can help! Tell me how master!” He needed to know, his cock already hard and bobbing like an excited puppy.  

“You can help by sleeping with him.”  

“But...I love master!”  

“Look into my eyes puppy, look and obey, forget about everything else but what your master says.”  


“Sink deeper, let my power hold you, slip deeper into my coils.”  Hojo’s eyes glowed brighter and Inuyasha’s mind sank deeper.  

“It would please me greatly if you slept with him.” Inuyasha shivered. “Your body is mine pet, your mouth, your cock, your ass, from your furry cute ears down to your toes you are mine!”  

“Yes master...”  

“You don’t need to think about the past, if I have you sleep with Kouga, Miroku, hell even Sesshoumaru. You will do so knowing it will please me.” His words shaped the dog boy’s mind, he may have hated Kouga the idea of being with the wolf repulsed him. Fucking the wolf may have stroked his ego, while the idea of getting fucked by the wolf pissed him off. “You can be with another man knowing you are acting in your master’s will, you can learn and grow from the experience, for my pleasure, and I will love you more!”  

Now Hojo’s words painted the thoughts with a new light. If he fucked the wolf boy’s ass for his master, that was good, if he was fucked by Kouga for his master that was good to. The idea was surging pleasure through his veins. If it was for his master he could fuck or get fucked by anyone! If he was rewarded for his efforts by getting his master’s cock that was still the best.  

Inuyash grinned and began panting heatedly as his Hojo’s words made his mind swim with lustful thoughts. “The pack is one Inuyasha, the pack is mine, helping the pack grow pleases me.”  

‘Yes the pack should grow, the pack must grow, for master. Will make master happy!’  

Hojo didn’t have to work his mojo on the wolves, their instincts amplified his control over them. They worked to serve Hojo’s pack in any way in every way. Inuyasha was a bit more stubborn. He let his words stew in Inuyasha, drawing him deeper, learning new and greater pleasure, succumbing to greater submission. Using the road map that was Inuyasha’s personality, and guiding him to where he wanted him to be.  

He clapped his hands and snapped Inuyasha out of his trance.

“Being a monk he can resist my powers, I need your help with him my pet. Will you join your pack brothers and sleep with him.”  

“Yes master, with pleasure!” He stated proudly.  

“Good boy!”   


When Miroku stirred awake he was in a strange place, his arms were bound to posts keeping his arms spread out and locked in place. He was set in a kneeling position, with his legs forced apart. From the passing breeze between his knees, he was very much naked.  

He opened his eyes briefly, only to snap them shut. Miroku remembered the snake demon. “It seems our guest is awake, boys see to him.” Hojo snapped his fingers.  

“Ahh!” Miroku moaned as his body was attacked, he kept his eyes shut. He couldn’t see what was happening but he sure as hell could feel it. Two men (Ginta and Hakkaku) were licking his exposed feet, their tongues eagerly lapping at his soles and working between his toes. It tickled at first but started to feel good. Another man (Kouga) spread his cheeks and began to hungrily lap at his hole, while groping his cheeks. The last male (Inuyasha) was going down on his cock, his long tongue working some sinful magic on his rod. ‘He’s good!’  

Miroku was so hard, his length twitching with every lick. The man behind him was strong, squeezing his butt like fine fruit, his fingers kneading his booty like dough as his tongue slithered deeper. ‘He’s strong!’

The two working his feet, were licking, kissing, and even sniffing his feet. Every action having a ripple effect meeting with the other two sensations and creating an explosive surge of pleasure. ‘They are relentless!’  

Miroku was trembling, his heart racing a mile a minute. “You seem to be enjoying yourself.”  

“Be silent demon!”  

“You sure got a mouth on you, I’ll put it to good use later.” Miroku blushed. Hojo snapped his fingers and Inuyasha sucked Miroku’s cock into his mouth, and Kouga tongue fucked Miroku’s ass, darting his thick wet muscle back and forth.  

“Nnnnhhhh!” Miroku groaned. He was trying to resist the pleasure working his body. The mouth on his cock was so warm and wet, and his full length was swallowed in an instant. Whoever it was was nuzzling his pubes and moaning around his shaft. ‘Oh fuck!’ Whoever was at his ass was eating him out, making him feel things in his ass he never thought possible. “What have you ahhh done to them?”  

“I made them part of my harem, as soon you will be.” Hojo caressed his cheek.    

Miroku jerked away. “Don’t touch me demon!”  

“Such a mouth on you, I’ll put it to better use soon enough.”  

“You are just a coward, if you’d fight me seriously I’d suck you up.” He groaned. Inuyasha was deep throating his cock, while letting his tongue slip out to brush his balls.  

“Ohh kinky!” Miroku blushed.  

“Not like that!” He moaned.  

“You mean the Wind Tunnel, the curse placed on your family by the half demon Naraku. In this time such a curse is unbreakable, but in my time it’s child’s play.” Miroku felt a surge of demonic power. Something danced along his skin, making it tingle as whatever it was moved towards his cursed hand.  

He didn’t dare open his eyes.  

Hojo’s spell invaded Miroku’s hand taking the man’s curse and eating it. The rosary was removed and Miroku gasped expecting his power to be unleashed, but no his hand was clean. “See, I’m not all bad.” Hojo kissed the palm of his hand, and even gave it a teasing lick.  

“You can’t fool me!” he shivered. “You perverted snake!”  

Hojo chuckled. “Tough talk from the perverted monk.”  

“I won’t give in, I won’t lose!”  

“We shall see.” Hojo chuckled, and began to play with Miroku’s nipples.  

“Nnnhhh!” His nipples tingled, as the buds untouched before this day were massaged expertly. Turning his normal nipples into one hell of an erogenous zones.  

It was hard to focus, pleasure crackling in his body he couldn’t think straight. As much as he tried to shake it, he remembered what he saw in the field. He was taken in by the scene and jerked off to it. Keeping his eyes closed was also working against him, as the demons teasing his body were being anything but quiet. Their eager attentions to his sensitive places were being amplified by his lack of sight.  

He started thinking about who was where, his mind trying to fill in the blanks. It stroked his lust and his curiosity as each wicked option that ran through his mind was more arousing than the last. ‘No I mustn’t give in, I must not cum!’ He was feeling so good, so very very good! It was taking all his strength of will not to surrender to pleasure. Despite the mantra he was forming in his head, it didn’t stop the flood of images, and waves of action happening to him.   

Time was against him, he knew there was only so much his body could take. He was up against demons; powerful, strong, full of non stop energy demons! They were making him feel heavenly!     

“You must be curious who’s giving you such pleasure.”  

“Nooooohhhhh!” Kouga’s tongue curled in his ass as Ginta and Hakkaku sucked on his toes. Inuyasha’s moans around his cock were maddening, and his tongue was so long and flexible, so from teasing his length, or teasing his balls when Inuyasha deep throated him.  

“Such a bad liar you are.” Hojo chuckled. “They are working so hard to make you feel good aren’t you ashamed to make them struggle so much?”  

Miroku did feel bad, but his shook his head of such thoughts. Having all this stimulus was making him think weird things. “It feels good doesn’t it?” Hojo’s tone was soft and sensual and it left shivers in Miroku’s spine. “Better than having your hand as your only lover, am I right?” Miroku blushed ear to ear.  

‘He knows?!’ Miroku shook his head. “No matter how good it feels I will not fall to this?”  

“Is that so? Guess I’ll have to switch it up a bit. Boys I think its bath time.” A chorus of yays was heard before tongues danced across his skin.  

‘A tongue bath?!’ His ultimate fantasy but with a yaoi twist comes to life. His lustful body had begun to sweat and the demons were licking him clean, making his skin tingle.  

Once the bath was over, it was back to his pleasurable torment, but now two of them were sucking on his nipples, rubbing their hard cocks against him. “Do you feel that monk?” How could he not? “They are so hard and horny.” Miroku shivered.  

He tried to calm his breathing. ‘Don’t underestimate a monk’s will!’  

-7 Hours Later-

Miroku was in pleasure hell, he’s been on edge for hours now, and the males just kept switching. He had one hotdog his ass while playing with his nips, while the other two sucked on his cock and balls, while the fourth nibbled his ear. Then they switched; one sucked his balls while jerking his cock, two licked his pits, while the fourth rimmed him.  

This went on and on, with rotations every twenty five minutes, and he was given a ten minute bath every hour. He didn’t know who was who but he was sensing a pattern. Each one having their own style, strength, technique, and habits. Each man had tasted his cock, his balls, his pits, his nipples, his ass, and his feet. They had tasted pretty much every inch of him but those were the spots that seemed to turn him on the most.  

Oh the humping, he’s felt their cocks and balls pressed against him, sometimes he was cock to cock, hotdogged, having two hump against his feet, one guy even t-bagged him. He kept his eyes closed so he couldn’t tell who was who, but each one was big, and their heavy demon musk was making him lose it.  

He soon felt a familiar mouth on his cock, tongue up his ass, and mouths at his feet, it seems we were back to where this all started. “I must commend your strength of will.”  

“Bet you didn’t know...we monks have counter measures honed to battle succubi.” Even demon saliva which can increase a human’s libido. Miroku was pulling out all the stops.  

“I knew.” Hojo said.  


“I’ve known, the whole time, have you noticed my boys haven’t cum once this whole time. Even for demons that is pushing it.” It was true, for all the humping and grinding not one had spilled any seed.  

“What did you do?”  

“A simple order, they can’t cum until you do.” If Miroku’s eyes had been opened they would have widened in shock. All this time while he was resisting, his friends were locked unable to find release. “I must thank you, you haven’t made it easy for them, they need to cum has made them hungrier and wild, it stroked their imaginations and they sought new ways to pleasure you. I gave them only a time limit of parameters their choices were their own.”   

Miroku felt his will crumbling. “You’ve helped them learn how to please the most resilient of men. You’ve helped them become even better pets for me.” Hojo’s words slithered through Miroku’s lust addled mind and became undeniable.  

‘I thought if I resisted long enough, help would come, Kagome, Sango, anybody but...’ He thought he could hold out longer than the demons but no, his holding out was just making them hornier, hungrier, the need to cum burning through their veins.   

“Say thank you to Miroku for help train you my pet.”  

“Thank you Miroku!”  

‘That voice...’ There was no denying that voice, the voice he’s been around and heard every day for so long. “Inuyasha!” Miroku opened his eyes and gazed down at the lust crazed hanyo. “Inuyasha come to your senses, this isn’t ohhhh!” Inuyasha went back down on his cock.

Miroku couldn’t look away. ‘Inuyasha is sucking my cock!’ The words replaced his mantra, a sight he never knew he wanted to see until it was before him. It was a glorious sight to say the least.  

Inuyasha had a demon’s beauty, a human man’s looks, a hanyo’s exotic charm all rolled into one sexy being. Miroku watched him worship his cock so lovingly. Hojo slithered up behind him and using his soothing voice. “He wants your cum so badly, give it to him, you’ll make him so happy.”  

“I...I can’t...”  

“You can, you’ll make them all so happy. Look at him, he’s waiting for you!” Hojo’s tone was like butter and Miroku’s cracked will melted.  

“I’m cumming!” his toes curled and his back arched. His aching balls gave in and his cum surged forth. Inuyasha chugged his cum, sucking on his now super sensitive rod through his release.  

Ginta and Hakkaku got to cum first, blowing their loads all over Miroku’s feet and legs. Kouga came next, blowing his load all over Miroku’s back and ass. Inuyasha was the last but he held out until he had milked every drop of fresh human seed from Miroku’s body. Inuyasha pulled off his cock with a wet pop and blew his load all over Miroku’s front, covering his crotch, abs, and chest.  

The smell of demon cum knocked Miroku for a loop, after just cumming he wasn’t ready for such an aroma. He was covered in their seed, another new feeling and one he was surprisingly not apposed to. The demons collapsed happily moaning and writing in glorious pleasure.  

“You’re mine monk!” Hojo caught Miroku’s gaze and Miroku’s defenses were gone. He looked into Hojo’s hypnotic gaze and drifted off into a trance, his body was warm and tingly, he didn’t want the feeling to end. Soon his brain was just as warm and tingly as the rest of him.  

Miroku drooled, letting out little perverted giggles.  

“Master did we do good, is he yours?” Inuyasha asked.  

“You all did very good my pets, I’m sorry I had to put you through such an ordeal.” His snake tail scooped up his pets and they sighed happily, it felt so nice to be in their master’s coils.  

“We broke him good!” Kouga chuckled. Ginta and Hakkaku nodded.  

“So now he’s gonna be a pet like us right master?” Inuyasha asked.  

“He’ll be part of the pack yes, but he won’t be like you. I think the monk deserves some special treatment.” It was time to create his first Servant!  

To be continued Miroku the Perverted Monk!


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