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My Hero parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/light-and-shadow-38317827 

Chapter 2 Dance in the Darkness

“This is a mistake,” Tokoyami was fiddling with his tie for the third time in an hour. “I wasn’t even gonna go to this dance.”  

Only because you had no one to go with.” Dark Shadow pointed out. Tokoyami wasn’t one for social gatherings much, most of the kids at his school found him creepy. “What are you so worried about, Midoriya said yes didn’t he?”  

“That’s exactly why I am worried...he said yes!” he shook his head. “I’d love to go to the dance with you, I’ll come by your place at 7.” he ruffled his feathers. “He sounded so happy!” 

Isn’t that good?”  

“No...yes...I don’t know!” he tossed his tie away.  

You like him, he likes you, you two should mate you’ll be less stressed.”  

“Don’t talk like that, especially around Midoirya understand!” 

Yeah, yeah, this how you treat me. I gave you a push and now you got a date with Midoriya.”  

“A push he says,” he rolled his eyes before blushing. “It’s not a date!”  

It’s totally a date.”

“Please be quiet!” he hissed, before sighing. “Maybe I should just cancel.”  

And break poor Midoriya’s heart...he was so excited for this to...and you want to be a hero!” Dark Shadow’s words were like a sword through his chest. He hated to admit it, he was right. As an aspiring hero and as a man, who couldn’t break Midoriya’s heart.  

“Fine, I’ll show Midoriya the best time of his life.”  

Oh my are you planning to rock his world?” Dark Shadow teased, making Tokoyami blush.  

“Get your head out of the gutter!” The doorbell rang. “He’s here!” his feathers puffed up in excitement. “Please do not embarrass me.”  

Yeah, yeah.”  

“At least mother and father had to work late, their gushing would have been most embarrassing.” He straightened his feathers as he went to answer the door.  

Good luck on your date, do us proud!”  

“For the last time this isn’t a….” he opened the door and his words fell dead on his beak. Midoriya was standing there, looking as adorable as a cinnamon roll. He was wearing a green and white suit, the shade of green complimenting the creamy white of the suit.  

“Tokoyami-kun, you look great!” he smiled. Tokoyami was wearing a dark gray and black suit, the shades complementing each other, making even the darker colors pop.  

“You look...” words failed him. “very nice too!”  


Tokoyami turned and saw Dark Shadow holding a camera. Click! “What are you doing?”  

I promised mother and father to take lots of pictures. What’s one plus two?” 

‘You traitor!’ Tokoyami sweatdropped. Izuku hugged Tokoyami and smiled.  

“Three!” Click!  

It was a great picture, Izuku smiling, Tokoyami blushing, the two pressed together. The two looked so dashing in their formal clothes. ‘Maybe tonight won’t be so bad after all.’  

Sadly for Tokoyami, the night wasn’t gonna be smooth sailing thanks to one of his classmates. Molly Meme and her Quirk Scoop, thanks to her quirk she got the juiciest stories, she had a cowlick on her head that acted as an antenna. She picked up everything, Tokoyami’s School Newspaper often got the latest news from her. She’d be more popular if not for her bad habit. She could also be a blabbermouth and nothing she liked better than spreading gossip, nothing that wasn’t true, but stuff that wasn’t her business.  

So in less than 24 hours, everyone in school knew that Tokoyami was coming to the dance and he was bringing a date.  

“Can you believe that Fumikage got a date?” a boy with fire for hair said.  

“No bloody way!” A boy with blonde spiky hair said.  

“That loser got a date and we didn’t.” a boy with black and blue hair said, the black was cut short, the blue was in the shape of little spikes along his head.  

“Maybe he got some weird creepy goth chick to go out with him?” 

“Yeah, who else would date a weirdo like that.” The boys laughed.  

The boy with fire for hair was Zeek Pyro his quirk Hair Blaze, he has hair made of fire which he can control to some extent. The boy with spiky blonde was Trip Shoot, his quirk Hair Needle, he can turn his hair into needles and fire them out, if he does it too much he gets bald spots. The boy with the blue spikes was Puff Rainer, his Quirk Blowfish, he can inflate himself by taking in air and firing poisonous quills from his body.  

Frankly, the three boys were just throwing shade because they weren’t able to get dates. Tokoyami had a few people who respected him based on his quirk alone, even if they didn’t hang out with him. Even if some people thought Tokoyami was weird or even creepy, there was no denying how powerful and versatile his quirk was.  

“There’s no way a social loser like him actually has a hot date!” the boys laughed.  

The music was pumping, some students were dancing, laughing, having a good time, but you could hear the record scratch when Tokoyami walked in with Izuku.  

“He’s with a guy!”  

“He’s cute!”  

“Oh no, he’s hot!”  

“What’s a cinnamon roll like that doing with a weirdo like Tokoyami?”  

Izuku was so excited he was oblivious to people staring and talking about him. Tokoyami was so on edge, he did notice. ‘This was a bad idea...’ He should of known Meme would have blabbed about this.  

The music was turned back on. Tokoyami could tell people were stealing glances at them. Izuku Midoriya was a mystery, so people were curious about him. ‘He’s gonna think I’m some kind of freak.’ He could imagine people’s opinions influencing Midoriya, sending him into a spiraling daze.  

“Hey...hey...hey...Tokoyami...” Izuku snapped him out of his daze. “Wanna get some punch, there are some snacks there too.”  

“O..okay...” Izuku’s smile and excitement were infectious. Izuku took his hand and led him to the refreshments table. Seeing Tokoyami hold hands with Midoriya lit the fires of jealousy in a few guys.  

They ate, they drank and moved to the music. ‘He still looks happy, is this going well?’ They were both very awkward around each other. Some of Tokoyami’s classmates were skilled dancers and social butterflies so the dance floor was popping.  

Stop worrying and loosen up.’

“I like this song, it was written by Pro Hero Red Cat and performed by her to.” Izuku said smiling.  

“Midoriya...are you...umm...having a good time?”  

“Oh yes!” he smiled brightly, his cheeks flushed making his freckles stand out more. “I’ve always wanted to go to a school dance, but no one ever asked me. I didn’t wanna go by myself, I’ve read that dances are fun for couples, friends, and groups.” Izuku took hold of Tokoyami’s hand again and gave it a firm squeeze. “When you asked me to this dance, it made me so happy! Thank you so much Tokoyami-kun! You are the best!”  

His words made his heart flutter, his feathers ruffle, he felt warm and fluffy all over.  

Hey what about me!” Dark Shadow chirped. Izuku pets him making him purr.  

“You are are the best too.” Dark Shadow nuzzled Izuku making the boy laugh.  

The thought did cross his mind. ‘With how warm and bright Midoriya is, how come no one asked to a dance before?’  


Guys wanting to ask Midoriya out, before they could even get close. “Get lost, you damn extras!” Bakugou Katsuki lashed out, hands sparking with explosions. The extras ran off crying. “Too weak!”  

Guys trying to ask Midoirya out through a letter in his locker. Before they could even slip it in. “What do you think you are doing you damn extra!” Boom! Poor dude didn’t know what hit him.  

Bakugou Katsuki acted as a guard dog, scaring off the “inferior” suitors, Midoriya had no idea...


“This being my first dance, I’m both excited and a little nervous,” he confessed.  

“I don’t go to these things much myself.” Dark Shadow rolled his eyes. More like he’s never gone, because it didn’t interest him, and he didn’t have a lot of friends.  

“I actually took a free dance lesson, I stunk, my instructor said I was too stiff for freestyle.” he twiddled his fingers. “But I do know how to slow dance.”  

‘So cute!’ was there shared thought of Tokoyami and Dark Shadow.  

“Ah...I see...” he gulped. ‘Slow dance with Midoriya!’ his heart was pounding in his chest.  

Dark Shadow was on it, he went over to the DJ. He shocked the guy at first, but the shadow put the request in for a slow song. He was playing well as Tokoyami’s wingman.  

While the boys were having a good time, the weird hair trio was growing more jealous and equally pissed.  

When the DJ put on a slow song, people on the dance floor began to couple up. Dark Shadow nudged Tokoyami. “Midoriya, would you care for a dance?” Izuku smiled and nodded, and to the dance floor, they went.  

Tokoyami was nervous, where did he put his hands? He gulped. Even Dark Shadow wasn’t sure, but it seemed Midoriya had this one. He put Tokoyami’s hands on his waist, and put his arms around Tokoyami’s neck, bringing them in close. “Is this okay?”  

“Of course!” he chirped, before clearing his throat.  

Dark Shadow took their picture as they danced together, moving to the soft melody playing. For Tokoyami the world faded away to darkness, it was just him and Midoriya. ‘So close!’  

“Tokoyami...” he could see the desire in his eyes. Those emerald eyes seemed to sparkle. He was focused on Tokoyami.  

“Midoriya...” Words not spoken were shared between them. Their bond carried their feelings to each other. Even when the slow song ended the two didn’t part, they were in their own little world and didn’t want to leave it.  

Suddenly the lights went out, forcing them back to reality. “What’s going on?” They looked around but couldn’t see anything.  

Look out!” Dark Shadow could see, as a can of something came flying at Midoriya. He knocked it away but the contents came spilling out and splattered Midoriya. The greenette had gone to shield Tokoyami on reflex and got covered in red paint.


Pyro, Reiner, and Shoot lost it when they saw Midoriya and Tokoyami hit the dance floor. What made them snap was how lovey-dovey they were being even after the slow song ended. “That loser geek nerd Tokoyami...” Pyro was fuming.

“Who does he think he is?” Reiner was puffed up in rage.  

“Showing up with a hottie, he thinks he’s cock of the walk.” 

“Let’s teach them a lesson,” Pyro suggested.  

“Yeah!” the other two agreed.  

They slipped out. Reiner and Shoot got the bucket and paint from the art room, while Pyro shut off the power to the gymnasium. It was intended to hit Tokoyami and humiliate him but what they did was far worse.  

Dark Shadow saw red, and without any light, he grew wild and out of control. “Raaahhhhhhhh!” He roared as it looked like Midoirya was bleeding. Even if was just paint he had been attacked, he had failed to protect him. He grew larger as rage built up inside.  

“Dark Shadow calm down!” Tokoyami cried out.  

People screamed and began to panic. This was making things worse. Dark Shadow was looking for someone to blame for this, and Tokoyami’s words weren’t reaching him. He was lashing out at anything that moved. “Dark Shadow listen to me calm down. Stop this!”  

Raaaaaaarrrrrrrrrr!” It roared lashing out even at Tokoyami.  

His hands balled into fists. ‘I’m weak...this is all my fault...I never should have...’ he was pulled from his thoughts as a ball of light passed by his head.  

“I’m here!” Midoriya said confidently. He began using the light force to create balls of light and scattered them throughout the room. The orbs shielded the students from Dark Shadow and helped corral him. “Dark Shadow, I’m not hurt you saved me!”  

“Dark Shadow calm down please!” The light and hearing their voices helped calm Dark Shadow down. He regressed in size and began to cry.  

Midoriya...I’m sorry...” He hung his head in apology.  

“It’s okay, I know this wasn’t your fault, there there!” The lights came on, and the dance had gotten messy. No one was hurt, but...the Principal was not amused.  

“Tokoyami Fumikage...” he had the trio of weird hair boys in his grasp. His Quirk Three Arms gave him an additional arm that came from the middle of his back. “I am well aware of your quirk and its weaknesses. As you were not the instigator of this incident and more of a victim. You will not receive the punishment that these fools will be receiving!”  

Izuku smiled and patted his back. “However, you will take some responsibility and help clean up this mess.”  

“Yes sir!” The principal had the students move to the auditorium to continue the festivities, he also ordered pizza as Dark Shadow had smashed the refreshment table.  

The troublemakers were dragged off and had their parents called. While Tokoyami, Dark Shadow, and Midoriya stayed and cleaned up the gym. Things passed by in awkward silence, Tokoyami didn’t know what to say, this was a disaster. It wasn’t just that Dark Shadow lost control, so did he.  

His goal tonight was to show Midoriya and good time and he failed. ‘Upon my sword, I fall, as our dance ended in darkness and failure. What I gained I had lost it all.’ he thought.  

Even Dark Shadow was sulking. They cleaned up and decided to call it a night. Izuku had removed his paint-stained jacket and was now carrying it over his shoulder. Izuku sighed. “Well, that was some night.” They were walking home side by side.

Tokoyami bolted forward before he and Dark Shadow bowed. “We are sorry!” they said together. Izuku blinked at them in surprise. “I don’t have the best social standing, most people find me odd, it’s why I avoid such social gatherings.”  

Some people find me scary and creepy.” They were taking the blame for the jerks’ attack. Whatever reason they had was meaningless, they disturbed the dance, and most likely he was the target of their harassment. Because of him, Izuku’s jacket was ruined, their (not) a date was ruined, Izuku even helped clean up the mess made by Dark Shadow.

Tokoyami listed these grievances, blaming himself for it all. “We wanted this night to be perfect for you since it was your first dance.” Izuku had protected him at the last minute and even stepped in to help reign in Dark Shadow.  

We had no idea it’d turn out like this.” Tokoyami was going to speak again but Izuku stopped him, by giving him a kiss. “Whoa!”  

“I don’t care what others think about you. I think you are great.” Tokoyami blushed. “I was happy to go to a dance, yes, but what really made me happy was going with you.” His heart skipped a beat.  

“No stupid prank is gonna ruin this night for me, because through it all I got to spend it with you, both of you.” he gave Dark Shadow a kiss.  

Dark Shadow gushed, his white eyes turning pink and heart-shaped. Izuku took hold of Tokoyami’s hand, and their fingers laced together. “Tonight was fun, I’m glad you asked me out.”  

Tokoyami gave his hand a squeeze. “Me too.” Dark Shadow shrank down and coiled around their wrists purring contently.  

Me three!” Izuku chuckled at Dark Shadow.  

As they walked home, hand in hand, they came across the park where they first met. A wave of nostalgia washed over them. Izuku abandoned his jacket on a bench. “This place was where our paths crossed for the first time, where we became friends.”  

“Indeed, though I was a loner, you reached out to me and pulled me from my solitude.”  

“We’ve known each other for a long time. So long...” Izuku smiled. “Dancing with you was so much fun, it sucks we were cut short.”  

“Indeed, I also felt some hostility from my schoolmates. After Dark Shadow’s stunt, I can’t blame them.” Though it meant cutting their time short.  

“Hey, Tokoyami...Will you dance with me?” Midoriya asked.  

“What?” he gasped. ‘Here...now?’  

“I know we don’t have music, but I want to dance with you some more. Is that okay?” Izuku was nervous, but he was being honest. Their dance was rudely interrupted after all.  

“Of course, as for music.” Tokoyami brought out his phone and began to play something from a playlist.  

“Ohhh it’s Twilight Hero’s theme music, it’s got such a haunting melody!” Izuku nerded out a bit, his eyes sparkling. Fumikage smiled at how adorable he was.  

Tokoyami had Dark Shadow hold the phone. At the dance, when he was with Izuku he felt like they were the only two in the world, here was no different. He didn’t have to be shy or embarrassed it was just them here. ‘In the place where it all began!’ Tokoyami thought, he felt his heart racing once more. Dark Shadow pressed play the two danced together once again.  

They went through about 3 songs before...

Dark Shadow tapped on Izuku’s shoulder. “May I cut in?” Tokoyami rolled his eyes but took a break, sitting down and watched Dark Shadow dance with Midoriya. He hadn’t met someone like Midoriya before. He was also a weird guy, a total fanboy when it came to heroes and other stuff.  

‘He gets my weirdness and doesn’t shy away from me.’ Some of his so-called friends liked the same stuff at first but claimed they grew out of it. Despite being a loyal friend to those around him, they drifted away from him, and Tokoyami found himself wandering alone. Midoriya was different. ‘Have I been afraid of scaring him away all this time? Maybe I don’t have to be...not with him...’ He watched Dark Shadow twirl Izuku around and even dip him. “Show off.”  

Don’t be jealous of my moves!” he teased. It was late, the night was making Dark Shadow feisty.  

“Midoriya there is something I need to tell you. I like you a lot, will you please go out with me!” he said with a bow.  

“Wait...this wasn’t a date?” Izuku blushed. “Oh no, did I misunderstand what this was?”  

Ha told you it was a date!”  

“I’m not good with stuff like this, whether it was our first date or not I don’t want it to be our last. I love you Midoriya Izuku!” He finally said it. From childhood feelings that bloomed even with Tokoyami’s insistence of keeping them in the dark. The one he’s pined over for years, he confessed! ‘I said it!’  

Izuku’s face turned red. “Tokoyami I’m not great at this stuff either, I can be weird and dense at times, but I do know what I want and that is you. I love you too!” Izuku kissed him.  

Fucking Finally!” Dark Shadow cheered as the two kissed under the starry night sky.  

“Must you ruin the moment!” Tokoyami glared at him. Izuku chuckled and turned Tokoyami back to face him.  

“He’s happy for us, and I’m happy too!” he kissed Tokoyami again.  

‘His kisses are like roses, beautiful, soft, with the sting of passion and desire!’ the kiss broke for air, and Tokoyami nuzzled him.  

“I like your weirdness,” Tokoyami said.  

“Hehe, I like your weirdness too.”  

Okay okay, get a room you two!”  

“Room! Crap, it’s so late.” Tokoyami didn’t want Izuku walking home by himself so late. They were closer to his place. Izuku was wigging out.  

“Midoriya, this might be too much to ask but...how about you spend the night at my place?”  


To be continued...Discussions of the Heart


Dark Shadow: Wow didn’t know you had it in you.

Tokoyami: What are you talking about?  

Dark Shadow: Asking Midoriya-chan into bed with you, nice job!  

Tokoyami: That’s not what happened don’t make this dirty.

Dark Shadow: So you don’t wanna sleep with Midoriya?

Tokoyami: That’s not what I’m saying, don’t twist my words.  

Izuku: What are you guys talking about?  

Dark Shadow + Tokoyami: Nothing!

Izuku: Next Time Discussions of the Heart. Tokoyami and I discuss plans for the future and see if we’ll be a good match. Will he be able to handle my own dark secret? Find Out next time Plus Yaoi!



Looks great so far Paper!