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Seven Deadly Sins parody: Tier 1

Hey guys, things have been rough for me last few days, lots of stress and things just not being simple. Needed to work on something fun so bare with me

Forbidden Love

The strongest demon, and the most fearsome angel no one knew they were actually in love. They wanted the treaty more than anyone, however when their relationship was exposed, the treaty was severed and things got messy. The two are cursed one to live forever and lose himself each time he dies, the other to be reincarnated again and again. Meliodas/Mael(Estarossa)/Harem

Chapter 1

The Goddess Clan was at war with the Demon Clan, trying to obtain the ultimate power of chaos. The light the Goddess Clan worshiped, and the darkness the Demon Clan feared. To claim this ultimate power the races of the world were dragged into a war.  

On the battle field a powerful demon and a powerful Goddess crossed swords. Their battle lasted for days, and it ended in a draw. The goddess had not met a demon like him before, and the demon hadn’t met a goddess with such an open mind before.  

He had doubts on this whole war. His brother saw all the other beings of this world as inferior, demons even more so. This world was full of magical power, but it was also full of troubles. “Have you met them?” The demon asked.  

The question shocked the Goddess. Of course he hadn’t, his brother certainly wouldn’t approve. “Well, we can’t kill each other until our magic power returns, how about we kill some time and explore the world.”  

“With a demon?! Not a chance.” He crossed his arms.  

“Okay then, later!” he began walking off.  

“Where do you think you are going?” the goddess snapped.  

“There is a village nearby, there’s a tavern I’m gonna go get a drink.” The goddess was exhausted, he didn’t even have enough power to return to the divine realm. He started following the blonde demon. “I thought you didn’t want to explore?”  

He huffed. “I don’t! As one of the four archangels I cannot allow a demon to roam around unsupervised. You could go around feeding on souls!”  

“I’ve never fed on a soul.” It was weird the goddess could tell he wasn’t lying, but still found it hard to believe. His brother told him that all demons were vile monsters that had no control and fed on souls for food.  

“Then what do you eat?” The demon snorted.  

“Food, why what do you eat?”  

“Food of course, I eat the fruit of the divine realm.”  

“Is that all?” the demon jumped up and pulled an apple from a nearby tree. “Here.” He took one for himself and passed the other to the goddess.  

The demon took a bite, while the goddess hesitated. He couldn’t sense any poison, after taking a bite he blushed. “It’s sweet?!” They ate the fruit down to the core, and the demon planted the seeds.  

“There’s tons of mana in the world, it’ll break down the fruit and infuse the nutrients into the seeds and grow new trees.” he explained.  

The goddess was impressed. “So what’s your name?”  

“As if I’d give my name to a demon.” he crossed his arms.  

“Suit yourself.” they reached the village and a guard stopped them.  

“Names?” he asked.  

“Meliodas, and this is my guest Estarossa.” The holy man’s jaw dropped.  

“Welcome, Meliodas-san, Estarossa-san.” the guard allowed them to pass.  

“That is not my name. It’s Mael!” he snapped.  

“Cool, good to know. I’m still gonna call you Estarossa.” Mael twitched, glaring at the demon’s back.  

‘I don’t like him!’ he had to bide his time and build up his magic power. He followed Meliodas into a bar, and the atmosphere was a bit intimidating. There was music, dancing, people eating, drinking, gambling. The air was full of so many unfamiliar smells. “What is this place?”  

“A bar?” Meliodas ordered them some drinks.  

“Is this poison?”  

“Some people might call it that.” Meliodas laughed and drank.  

Mael took a sip and was surprised at the rich flavor, the bubbles tickled his tongue. The drink slowly made him warm and tingly. “This is good!”

“It’s not good to drink on an empty.” Meliodas ordered some food. “And a plate for my comrade Estarossa.”  

“We aren’t comrades and that isn’t my name!” he growled. Meliodas just chuckled. Mael continued to drink, and soon their food was brought to them. It smelled amazing, and it tasted even better.  

Mael got to take in those around him, some men were gambling, others were betting on arm wrestling. Women were singing, others were dancing, and some were making out with some men. Mael blushed and quickly looked away. “What? You must have seen a kiss before?”  

“In Holy Art, but not like this.”  

“What about that?” Meliodas pointed towards a corner. Mael looked and his whole face went red.  

“Those men are kissing...each other...” his heart fluttered at the sight.  

“Yep, love can be funny like that.” Meliodas continued to drink and eat.  

‘So this is love?’ he gulped. It was true, this strange feeling in the air, the room was full of joy, fun, and excitement. Mael slowly got swept up in it all. He danced, he sang, he ate, and he drank...and drink...and drink some more...things got a little blurry after awhile.  


Mael woke up with a mild headache. “Ugh my head,” he sat up. His clothes were gone, he was in a strange bed, in an unfamiliar place. He used a holy blessing to dispel his hang over. His magic power had recovered, but things were a bit of a blur. “What did I do last night?”  

“Me!” Meliodas popped up from the covers making Mael gasp.  

“You!” he shifted and gasped as he felt thick demon seed spill from his ass. “You and me...we...oh by the Supreme Deity!” he buried his face in his hands. “I let a demon fuck me!” What’s worse as the thick seed sloshed inside him he felt his sacred rod stiffen at the feeling.  

“Hey! You had quite a bit of fun with me too!” Meliodas stood up and holy semen spilled out of his ass and ran down his legs. Mael blushed at the sight. It was all coming back to him. There was kissing, touching, licking, and a whole lot of fucking.  

Mael balled his hand into a fist. “You seduced me you demon!” Mael attacked him, only for Meliodas to dodge his attack and zip in close.  

“Says the guy who invited me for some fun.” He was so close! “We’ll meet again Estarossa!” Meliodas kissed him on the cheek before zipping away and launching out of the window, using his darkness to shield his naked body from the world as he flew off.  

“Oh no I didn’t...” It came back to him. He had been starring at the gay couple for so long. He lamented that he’d never have someone to kiss him like that. Mael poured his soul out to the blonde demon. The blonde didn’t tease him or mock him, he just listened. “What do you say, can you show me what that feels like?”  

“I could but you’ll just go back to hating me come morning.”  

“No I wouldn’t, here I promise.” he held up his pinky. “I’ll take responsibility for whatever happens!”  

They had made a promise. Mael had wanted Meliodas to kiss him, and he was a VERY good kisser. His kiss alone had his sacred rod standing at attention, aching painfully. He had begged Meliodas to help him. Meliodas rocked his world, and even gave the reigns to him for fair play. “Oh what have I done!” He didn’t regret sleeping with Meliodas, he regretted attacking him.  


He got an earful from his brother when he got back to the Holy Land. “I fought a powerful demon and exhausted my magic.”  

“Well as long as you slayed the filth and made it home safe that’s all that matters.” he said and gave his brother a hug. “Welcome home!”  

Mael was given a few days to recover, but the long haired man was restless. He couldn’t stop thinking about the night at the tavern, not just the sexy stuff, all of it. It was fun. “What is wrong with me? I couldn’t possibly miss him could I?” he tossed and turned. His sacred rod was stiff, and wanted relief. “I’m an Archangel of the Goddess Clan, I won’t give in to such desires!” he said, making his cock twitch angrily.  

After his leave he was put back on duty, and he was tasked with patrolling a new area and kill any demons he came across. “Yes brother, I will not fail!” he set off.  

To his shock the area he was sent to was shockingly demon free...except for one... “Oi Estarossa-kun!” the goddess tensed.  

“That’s not my name!” his eyes widened as he spotted Meliodas. “You!”  

“If you are looking for demons you won’t find any, I sent them all home.”  

“I believe we can settle things from last time!” he prepared to fight.  

“I was thinking the same thing. Let’s go to a bar!” Mael was knocked for a loop.  

“Huh?!” he blushed. “You must be joking. Why would I want to do any of that again, with you are any demon?” he huffed.  

Meliodas grinned. “Because it was fun?”  

“I...um...ugh...fine!” he huffed. “But things won’t end like last time!”  

-6 Hours Later-

The two were flushed in an utterly wrecked bed. ‘How did this happen again!?’  

Meliodas chuckled. “Well other than paying for damages, this was fun. What do you say Estarossa wanna do this again tomorrow night?”  

“That isn’t...ugh...whatever we aren’t doing this again. I’m a goddess you are a demon. We are at war!”  

“We don’t have to be. Hanging out with you has been a lot of fun. Don’t you agree, if the two of us can get along maybe there’s hope for a treaty between our people.”  

“Fine, we’ll hang out as the humans say, but no more sex!”  

“If you say so Estarossa.” Meliodas shrugs.

“That’s not...ugh forget it I’m tired.”  

To be continued...Say My Name   


ZooFan 123

I definitely don’t mind! Plus just writing something for fun is a treat for both you and us. I’m sure most of your supporters will agree with me on this. Plus this was a great chapter!