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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Daddy Ditto

Chap 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/daddy-ditto-2-39819287 

Chap 3 Ash’s First Pokemon

Graduation came and went with Ash and Gary honored as two of the top students. As much of an event it was it was overshadowed by what was to come. They were to get their first Pokemon tomorrow! With their adventures laid out before them the tensions were high.  

The professors were expecting big things from their top students. Gary was bold saying he was gonna go for the Kanto League Tournament, and become the Champion. He was met with cheers. Ash said he’d become a Pokemon Master! Which was met with laughter.  

‘Let me at em!’ His dad struggled to deal with these fools, but Delia held him tight. Gary’s fanboys and girls weren’t worth it.  

“Our boy sure is happy.” They went home and had a nice dinner. Delia made all of Ash’s favorites.  

“So sweetie, what Pokemon are you planning to get?”  

“Let’s see, the Kanto Starters are Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle.” Ash’s dad transformed into each Pokemon and the two struck poses while Delia applauded. “It’s so hard to pick.”  

“Whatever you pick son, I know you’ll be a great trainer.” His dad transformed back to his squishy form. “You’ll have a deeper understanding of Pokemon than most trainers could only dream of.”  

“I’m so excited, I don’t know if I’ll even be able to sleep tonight.”  

“I can help with that my boy.” Ditto transformed into a Jigglypuff. “Early to bed, early to rise.”  

“Okay, I don’t wanna be late for my journey.”   

Ash got into bed and hugged his Snorlax pillow. “Bulbasaur...Charmander...or Squirtle...”  

Ditto chuckled. “Jig...gglypuff...jiggly...puff...Jigglypuff...puff...” His dad used Sing, song notes floated off and danced around Ash. The boy fell asleep, his excitement flowing into his dreams. “Sleep well son.”  


With his dad’s help Ash was up bright an early. He was able to get going with plenty of time, he even beat Gary to the lab and got first pick. “Here you go Ash.” Oak handed him a Pokedex. “And you can have these as a special gift from me. Consider it a graduation present.” He gave Ash 10 Pokeballs.  

“Thanks Professor.” Now to choose his first Pokemon. “I’ve given it a lot of thought, I’m choosing this one.”  

“Ah the Fire Type Charmander!”  

Ash called him out. “Char Char.”  

“Hey there Charmander.” Ash spoke to him.  

“Whoa, you are different!” Charmander gasped. “I can understand you differently than humans.”  

Ash nodded. “I’ll explain later, but I’m Ash. I’ll be your trainer from this day forward.”  

“Cool! I’m looking forward to working with you!” the two high five each other.  

“My you two seem close already.” Oak said pleased.  

“Talking to Pokemon again, you are so weird.” Gary came in. “I’m surprised you made it in time Ashy.”  

“Well I did, looks like I’m ahead of you now.”  

“You think so?” Gary walked up, got his Pokedex and his pokeballs. “I pick this one.” He got Squirtle. “Now with this guy I’ve already surpassed you.”  

“What?!” Ash and Charmander gasped.  

“I got a Water Type, who has a type advantage against your little lizard. So just like that I’m in the lead.”  

Charmander growled. “I don’t like him.”  

“He can be nice...sometimes.” Gary blushed.  

“Huff, you are so weird. Whatever, smell ya later Ash!” he dashed off. His whole fan club chipped in and got Gary a car, some of his more devoted fans signing up to be his cheerleaders.

Ash and Charmader sweat dropped. “What a weird human...”  

He chuckled. “Now then, Charmander what would you like to do?”

“Hm?” Ash showed him his ball.  

“You can choose to chill in the ball, or hang out with me.”  

“You are letting me choose?” his eyes sparkled and his tail flame flickered in excitement.  

“Uh-huh, its important to me. I think it’d be fun if we hang out together personally.” Ash promised to only call Charmander into his ball only in case of emergencies.  

“That sounds fun!” Charmander jumped into Ash’s arms.  

Ash and Charmander left the lab, promising to do Professor Oak proud. “Now that it’s just us, I can explain a few things.” He filled Charmander in on the details, his father being a Ditto, and being a hybrid. “I can transform for periods of time, even use moves. I keep my powers on the down low, but I can help you train.”  

“Oh Arceus, I got an amazing trainer!” Charmander cheered.   

Ash chuckled. “Well I’m just starting out on my journey, but we can learn and grow together.” Charmander was walking beside Ash. “I wanna introduce you to my family then we’ll head off to Route 1.”  

The lights flickered at the house. “What’s that?” A Pikachu slipped out of a hole in their basement. It was followed by a large Ekans.  

“You little rat, you chewed up our wires!” he hissed.  

Pikachu’s cheeks sparked and quickly hit him with a Thunder Shock!   

“Dad!” Ash gasped. “Are you okay?”  

“I’m fine,” he reverted back to his squishy form. “That little brat snuck into the house and chewed on the wires.” Ash pulled out his Pokedex.  

Dexter: Pikachu, the Mouse Pokémon, and the evolved form of Pichu. Pikachu can help other Pikachu who are feeling weak by sharing its electric current. Pikachu in nearby cities and villages will chew on wires and eat recharge.  

“So that’s it, it must have been trying to recharge by feeding on the house’s power.”  

“Let me at him!” Charmander said.  

“Alright let’s battle him!”  

“Tch, you think you can beat me?” Pikachu said, his cheeks sparking. “I’m charged up and ready to roll.”  

“You sound cocky, let’s see if you got the skills to back it up.”  

“Wait, you can understand me?”  

“Indeed, but we can talk more after I catch you!” Charmander stepped forward.  

“Let’s see if you can!”  

Charmander and Pikachu rumbled. Pikachu had speed, but Charmander had power, with no clear type advantage this was a battle of endurance. “Charmander use Ember!”  

“You got it!” he spun around, the flames of his tail whipping out and striking Pikachu.  

“Gah!” He was struggling to get up.  

“Okay Pokeball go!” Pikachu got hit, and he was sucked into a ball. Jiggle...Jiggle...Jiggle...Ding! Ash trembled. “We did it! I caught a Pikachu!” Ash cheered.

“Oh yeah!” Charmander chimed in.  

“You battled great.” He used Heal Pulse on Charmander helping him recover.  

“Oohh!” he shivered.  

“Now Pikachu it’s your turn.” Ash called out the Electric mouse. “Heal Pulse!” he cast healing Pikachu of his wounds.  

“No way, you aren’t a normal human are you?”  

“Nope, I’m a hybrid, you already met my dad Ditto.”  

“Yeah, we met. You better not give my boy trouble, and I’ll forgive you for the wire thing.” he said.

“I can hardly believe this.”  

“Good battle bro!” Charmander offered his claw, and Pikachu shook it.  

“We’ll get lots strong together.” Ash said, with a big smile on his face.  

‘Maybe this won’t be so bad.’ Pikachu thought.  

Some Pokemon didn’t like humans, others dreamed of getting caught by a good training, growing stronger and evolving. It was even common for wild pokemon to be jealous of caught pokemon, or wanting to test their strength against them. What Pikachu valued most was freedom, and Ash surprised him by giving the choice to being in a ball or hanging out with them.    

Pikachu did have to apologize for causing trouble. Ash and Delia made food, Pikachu getting apples and Charmander enjoying some meat! They had an assortment of things but those were the favorites. “We’ll be able to buy some type specific Pokemon food in Viridian City.”  

It was a surreal experience for Charmander and Pikachu, before them was a human and a pokemon in love, and their trainer was the product of human and pokemon love. Their future was full of possibilities.  

Kangaskhan would be proud of him for finding a home.  


Delia got his backpack ready, getting him a nice pair of shoes, a change of clothes, some pajamas, bathing supplies, and a sleeping bag. Ash packed some snacks, an alarm clock, and put on his official Kanto League hat.  

“Let’s go!”  

“Yeah!” the duo cheered. Charmander rode on Ash’s shoulders while Pikachu walked beside them.  

“Let me know if you spot any Pokemon Charmander, you two Pikachu keep your eyes and ears peeled.”  

“Right!” Charmander was pumped.  

“Okay.” Pikachu was a bit apprehensive.

“There!” Charmander called out, pointing out a Pidgey.  

“A Pidgey, let’s see what Dexter has to say.”  

Dexter: Pidgey is a Flying Pokémon. Among all the Flying Pokémon, it is the gentlest and easiest to capture. A perfect target for the beginning Pokémon Trainer to test his Pokémon's skills.

“He’s got a Power Level of 3, let’s do this!” Charmander jumped off Ash and went to battle Pidgey. Pikachu watched.  

‘This fight won’t last long.’ he thought. He was right.  

Charmander took out Pidgey with ease and Ash managed to catch him. “We caught a Pidgey!” Ash cheered.  

“Oh yeah!” Charmander was happy.  

Ash used Heal Pulse on Pidgey. He didn’t mind chilling in his ball. “Do not hesitate to call on me master!” Pidgey said with a bow.  

“I will.”  

Ash met a few trainers on the road, they mostly had Pidgey and Rattata. Charmander and even Pidgey got some battling in, which had Pikachu itching to test his skills. Pikachu saw a wild Pokemon in the field and charged it. “This one is mine.”  

“Pikachu wait!” Pikachu tried to hit the mysterious Pokemon.  It looked like a Spearow, but Ash felt something weird coming from the Pokemon.  

Suddenly the Spearow’s eyes glowed and Pikachu froze and was forced back. “What the heck?”  

“Dexter who’s that Pokemon?” It may look like a Spearow, but he knew Spearow’s didn’t have Psychic type moves.  

Dexter: Mew the Mirage Pokemon, a Psychic Type Pokemon, so rare very few have even seen it.  

“Mew?” Suddenly Mew transformed back into its true form. “No way!”  

Pikachu tried to zap Mew, but the pokemon dodged him with ease. “Wait Pikachu.”  

“I got this!” He didn’t… it was clear Mew was just toying with him. Dodging his electric attacks as he danced through the air. Then it began to wave his arms. It was Metronome!  

The attack turned into Fire Blast and Pikachu got hit. “Pikachu!” Ash rushed over to him. The little guy had fainted.  “Heal Pulse!” he began to heal him.  

Mew floated over to him. Its eyes glowed like it was ready to attack. Charmander rushed over to him and wanted to shield Ash. He was outmatched, he knew that, but he wasn’t gonna back down!  

A pink aura surrounded Mew and he unleashed a powerful blast. “Protect!” Ash erected a barrier around them shielding them from the attack.  

His barrier broke, but they were safe. “We’ll meet again!” Mew said before vanishing with a Teleport.  

“What was that?”  

“Mew, my Dad told me that Dittos were originally attempts to clone Mew, Dittos soon multiplied and became their own being. Maybe he sensed that I was a hybrid.”  

Pikachu groaned. “He was strong.”  

“We’ll get stronger too!”  

To be continued Training on Route 1

Ash does some training on the Road to Viridian City, Pikachu is shocked to see Ash is willing to be the target for attacks. They work hard and come to relax at a spring and his Pokemon see a whole new side to their trainer. 



Ooh, very nice team building! Strong foundation for the trainer/pokémon bonds.