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Digimon parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/reliable-imp-1-34696348 

Chapter 2 Building Confidence

The DigiDestined were chilling in a digital tree, enjoying a meal of berries, fruits, and edible mushrooms, with some crackers from the food supply bag. Joe was keeping an eye on their food and medical supplies. It was nice to be able to sit and catch their breath. Their Digimon were born on this hilltop, so they knew the area like the back of their claws, wings, and hands. “We’ve been waiting for our partners, we’re so glad you showed up!”

“Hmm, so you guys have never been beyond this place?” Tai asked, and was answered by a group nod.

“We do know we are on File Island, but we’ve never really explored the island,” Tentomon explained.

“Maybe we should explore the island, we can find a way home,” Tai suggested.

“I dunno, maybe we should just stay here, it's safer and we can wait to be rescued.” Matt pointed out. He wasn’t gung-ho about exploring the dangerous island, especially with his little brother in danger too.

“True, once people know we’ve gone missing they’ll send a search party,” Izzy added.

“But is that really wise?” Willis asked. “We don’t know where we are or how to get home, so it's possible we won’t be found by a search and rescue.”

“Come on guys we can’t sit around here forever, what if something meaner than Kuwagamon comes around?”

“What if we run into more dangerous beasts exploring the island.” Matt challenges, even though the Digimon promised to protect them.

The two boys looked to Joe to break the tie. Joe was the oldest in the group, he was their sempai and they respected him. They stared at Joe intently making the older boy feel nervous. “I um...I...” he fidgeted. ‘I’m the oldest, I need to take charge, I can do this…’

All eyes were on him, the pressure was making Joe uncomfortable. He was getting hot under the collar. His heart was pounding so hard he could hear it in his ears. ‘I can’t do this!’

“Sempai?” Tai asked, making Joe jump.

“I’m fine!” he squeaked, clearing his throat he tried again. “I am okay.” In truth he wasn’t sure what to do, yeah they had the Digimon to protect them but they weren’t in Japan anymore. They didn’t know what dangers were out there or had a way to get home. With no way of going home, it was likely home had no way of reaching them.

“We should explore the island, maybe we can find a way home, if we stay here then we could be waiting for nothing,” Tai explained.

Everyone began to argue about what to do. Some wanting to explore, others wanting to stay, if things kept up they’d split up and Joe had a feeling that was the worst option. “Okay enough!” Joe snapped. “We’ll compromise, we won’t be declared missing for 24 hours. Let’s use this place as our base for a few days, if no one comes we’ll explore the island together.”

Tai smiled and patted Joe on the back. “Good idea sempai, Yamato?”

“Yeah, that’s not a bad plan I guess.”

Joe breathed a sigh of relief but his partner was concerned. The Digimon gave them a tour, they had food, clean drinking water, and shelter. There was even a nearby hot spring.

“Okay, boys how about a quick dip, that’ll relax us right?” Tai suggested and began to strip. Joe blushed at the sight of him.

“I’m game!” Willis started to get naked.

“How about you Takeru?” Yamato turned to his brother who was already tossing his underwear into the pile of clothes.

“Woohoo!” he cheered.

Yamato and Izzy stripped and joined their friends in the warm water. Gabumon was sitting out but their Digimon even joined them. “You coming in Joe?”

Joe blushed. “I...um...I’m gonna go get some firewood.” he rushed off followed by Impmon.

“What’s up with him?” Yamato asked.

“Maybe he’s shy.” Willis pointed out.

“Tch, how lame!” Yamato huffed.

“We are all boys here, there’s not really a reason to be shy is there?” Takeru asked.

“Some men can be shy even around other guys, especially when naked,” Izzy explained.

“Again lame!” Yamato said and got splashed by Tai.

“Hey Tai, how come humans wear armor?”


“The armor you wear, does it protect you from attacks?”

“Well no, it can protect us from the elements.” This led to a discussion about whether or not they should wear clothes. They only had the clothes on their backs, with no change of clothes it might be beneficial to adopt a nudist attitude to save their clothing. Tentomon even pointed out when his shell gets dirty he just sheds it. They could wash their clothes together and go native while they dry.

Tai had a feeling Joe wasn’t gonna go for that.


Joe was collecting wood. “What are you doing Joe?” Impmon asked.

“Collecting firewood.” Impmon crossed his arms.

“I can see that. Why aren’t you getting a bath with the others?” Joe blushed.

“I’ll...get one...just when everyone else is finished.”

“Joe, what’s wrong, you are acting weird?”

“You are the weird one, so what if I don’t want to bathe with the other guys?”

“I say you are being weird because you want to, but are running away.” Impmon pointed at Joe’s crotch and tapped his nose. “I got a pretty good sense of smell, you got aroused seeing them all naked didn’t you?”

“No...” His cheeks burned in a blush.

“You don’t want to mate with them?”

“What?!” His whole face was now red and his glasses fogged up. He began to babble like a fool and Impmon recognized his partner lacked confidence.

Impmon clapped catching Joe’s attention. “Joe look at me!” he stared intently at his partner. “You trust me don’t you?”

Joe nodded. It was weird but he trusted the little monster, they were partners after all. “Good,” he began to draw a spiral in the air with his finger a red light following his finger. “Just relax, follow the spiral.”

“Impmon what are...you doing…?” his eyes began to follow the spiral, sinking deeper and deeper.

“Joe you are amazing, you are awesome, you are the partner I’ve been waiting for. I know you are great, but I want you to realize how great you are.”

“But...I’m not...”

“You are, just keep gazing into the spiral and you’ll see.” Joe obeyed. “You care about your friends, you want to protect them, keep them safe.” Joe nodded. “They need a leader, you are older and wiser, you can lead them.”

“I can lead them...”

“Yes you can, you gotta be brave, you gotta be confident.”

“Brave...Confident...” He wanted to be someone they could rely on.

“Don’t doubt yourself, you are smart, you are charming, you have no reason to be shy.”

“I’m smart...I’m charming...I have no reason to be shy...”

“You are manly, you are sexy, let your desire flow!”

“I am manly...I am sexy...let my desire flow...” Joe began to palm his bulge. Impmon smiled as Joe played with himself, repeating a mantra to build confidence and focus. “I need to be a man...I need to be confident...I need to focus...I need to care for my friends!”

With the floodgates unleashed he began to fantasize about his crushes, no longer feeling shame or disgust at the thoughts that swam through his mind. His desires weren’t wrong or harmful, but Joe lacked any confidence and locked down his desires which wasn’t good for him. Joe tended to overthink things, his ideas were often clouded by doubt.

Impmon was cutting through the fog and reaching the Joe Kido deep down inside that wanted to come out and be heard. He saw it when Joe snapped before. His partner was great, he just doubted himself, well no more.

Joe let out a moan as he came into his shorts. Impmon clapped his hands and snapped Joe out of his hypnosis. “Goopy!” He shivered as his cum ran down his legs. He got naked and used his underwear to clean up his semen. “Impmon I’m gonna go take a bath, can you take this wood back to base.”

“Sure thing Joe, I’ll join you guys in a bit.” He gave his partner a thumbs up and watched him scamper off, his soft 10-inch dick swaying as he went. Once Joe was out of sight, Impmon brought his soiled undergarment to his nose and took a heavy whiff. “Ohh yeah!” He began licking the excess cum off his underwear.

Tasting human cum had a powerful effect on the Digimon, testicles dropped and a solid 10-inch dick appeared from his crotch. Normally (with some exceptions) a Digimon's manly bits resided in a digital sheath until coming out for mating, but the human essence brought about a powerful change. His once 5-inch pecker had doubled in size, he’d have to thank Joe for that. Impmon chuckled, he could always work his magic to hide his new appendages later. “I knew Joe was great!” Impmon sniffed Joe’s underwear, the boy’s big cock, and balls caused his musk to be left deep in the fibers. “We are gonna do great things together partner!”

Impmon enjoyed himself, sniffing the underwear and pumping himself with his free hand. Little did Impmon know his little show was seen by Gabumon.


The boys were in a deep discussion about the nudist option. “I think its a great idea.” the boys looked as Joe stepped out, in all his naked glory. “Sorry, I’m late mind if I join you?”

“Glad you came Joe, nice piece you got there.” Tai complimented.

Matt blushed and turned his head. ‘What does he have to be shy about?’ he thought.

Joe chuckled and thanked Tai for the compliment, while lazily scratching his thick nest of manly hair crowning his crotch. He got in the water and sighed as the warmth seeped into him. “This is nice.” he moaned and sent shivers through the other boys. Some kept stealing glances at Joe’s penis, it was just so big.

“So you heard about our nudist strategy, and you are okay with it?” Izzy asked.

“Yeah, we have to do what we need to survive, making use of limited resources is for the best.” It was put to vote, Tai agreed if everyone was okay with this. Yamato agreed, claiming it wasn’t a big deal. Izzy agreed, saying it was a practical option. Takeru agreed cause he thought it sounded fun. Willis was a bit more reserved but if everyone was game he was cool with it. Joe agreed, feeling confident for the first time in his life.

“Is it really such a big deal?” Agumon pondered.

“Humans are so strange.” Terriermon pointed out. Patamon seconded it but replaced strange with silly. The Digimon would learn a lot from their partners and grow and change with them.

To be continued...Taming the Leader

Impmon and the other Digimon talk while the kids sleep on who’s the leader of the group. Agumon thinks it should be Tai, while Impmon thinks it should be Joe. Not taking any chances Impmon decides to work a little magic when Tai wakes up for his shift on watch.


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