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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Tier 1

This fic is the replacement of Ghost Force by its requestor

Mimic Slime

Rimuru is a Mimic Slime, having evolved upon Veldora’s naming. He can transform into anything, mimic anything, it’s quite handy. He becomes a living armor for Riguru, like a symbiote. The young prince is in love with the slime and the two remain close. Rimuru can even create weapons and armor based on the creatures he’s eaten, daggers made from poison snake fangs, shields made Armorsaurus’s, his skills in weapon creation even impress the dwarves. Rimuru doesn’t get a human form in this but Riguru is happy to help Rimuru build a harem together. Rimuru + Riguru/Harem Tentacles

Chapter 1

This is a tale of Satoru Mikami who died protecting his friend and through a series of events was reincarnated as a slime. He wondered about a cave eating herbs and magic stones because he had nothing else to do. He didn’t sleep, he didn’t get hungry, but thanks to his slime body he was able to dissolve, absorb, and analyze things.

When he died, he accidentally spoke to the Voice of the World and was granted skills based on his words. Thermal Fluctuation Resistance(Fusion of Heat and Cold Resistance) Electricity Resistance and Paralysis Resistance, he had Physical Attack Resistance and Pain Nullification. His Unique Skill Great Sage helped explain all this to him, as a slime he could Self Regenerate, Absorb things, and even store things inside a special Stomach created by his skill Predator.

One thing led to another and he ended up bumping into Veldora the Storm Dragon, who was trapped in a magic barrier called Endless Prison! The dragon helped him to see with Magic Sense. Veldora told him a lot about this world, saying there were other unique’s like him out there and even Summons, people from his world summoned to this one granted unique skills and magical powers. This had Satoru’s interest piqued and wanted to go off and find some humans.

Veldora showed his true colors, despite all his puff and bluster he was very lonely. Satoru couldn’t believe he was seeing a dragon pout and sulk. He was even a bit tsundere as when Satoru suggested they be friends…

“The Storm Dragon Veldora friends with a mere Slime?”

“You don’t want to?” he hesitated fearing he had offended him.

“Baka, I didn’t say that!” he blushed. It was actually kinda cute. Satoru had dealt with Tsundere’s before so decided they were friends even shaking on it. This formed a bond of friendship between them.

Satoru had the idea of using Predator on the Infinite Prison so he could analyze it and find a way to free Veldora. He had to help his friend another 100 years in this thing and the prison would drain him of magicules. “Wanna get inside my stomach?” Veldora was impressed with his idea, even if it sounded like he hated it at first. He agreed, but decided to give Rimuru a name, and even offered to let Satoru give him a family name.

Veldora became Veldora Tempest, and he named the slime Rimuru Tempest! The name became etched onto their souls and Rimuru gained more than just Veldora’s protection and a boost of magicules, he evolved!

Rimuru’s slime body shifted and morphed and became the shape of a box. “Hm?”

“Ohh how interesting, you became a Mimic Slime?”

“A what now?” He’d never heard of such a slime.

“Well when adventurers find chests with items, gold, and what not inside, that’s because of a Mimic Slime. They eat and can store gold, weapons, clothes, herbs, even fancy minerals after some time they turn into a chest and molt leaving a treasure box behind with random stuff inside it.” Mimic Slimes were often mistaken for Mimics but adventurers liked hunting mimic slimes as they have big bounties upon being killed all the items they collect getting unleashed to the lucky one who crushes them.

Great Sage: Mimic Item, Mimic Weapon, Mimic Armor skills acquired, Chest Transformation Skill. Multi-Form Transformation Acquired. Defense Boost, Power Boost, Speed Boost skills Acquired.  

Munch Skill Acquired: Can attack while in chest or slime form and often steals an item from your opponent.  

Lick Skill Acquired: Using slime creates a tongue that is used to lick your target. Can Paralyze, Disorient, or Unnerve an enemy.  

Slime Tentacle: When in chest form can produce tentacles from the mouth to grab or strike an opponent. When in clothing form can produce tentacles for defense or offense.  

Barrier Skill Acquired: Can create a small barrier to shield against magic and physical attacks. (Small)  

Steal Resistance, Piercing Resistance, Corrosion Nullification, Break Nullification Skills Acquired.

Unique skill Infinite Storage: Normally when a Mimic Slime is full they make a chest and leave behind items to free up space. This skill works with your Predator Stomach allowing infinite storage, allowing you to make chests as you see fit.  

Unique Skill Jacket: When worn share boosts, resistances, and power with the wearer.  

Quite the evolution. “Oi...don’t just talk to your skill.” Veldora pouted as Rimuru was listening to Great Sage intently.

“Sorry, sorry,” he bowed. “Why did I evolve?”

“Because I gave you a name, monsters with a name gain a boost in magicules, can evolve, and learn new skills. It shows my greatness you were able to evolve to such a level.” He said proudly.

“Okay okay, I get it, you’re awesome.”

“You should have known me in my prime.” he winked.

“We can get to know each other once you are free from this prison.” Rimuru’s chest of a body opened up and whoosh, slime tentacles pulled Veldora inside him prison and all. Rimuru was bigger on the inside.

(Veldora was fully conscious and safe inside the prison, he would bear witness to Rimuru’s adventures, and through Satoru’s memories and the life he was gonna grow from being the arrogant and wild dragon that got his ass landed in prison in the first place.)

Rimuru bounced around the and shuffled around the cave, exploring caverns, tunnels, and hidden pools. To keep himself entertained he ate random ore and herbs. He was getting used to walking...slithering...well it was a bit different than he was around. He still made little plop sounds as he hopped, despite his jelly chest appearance he was still squishy.

He learned to swim, after falling into a pool, through a combination of Water Absorption, Water Propulsion, and he even made an offensive skill Water Blade. Though this time he transformed into a sword, doing a spin he expelled the water launching it at a rock and slicing it in half. “Whoa!” he was a sword.

Great Sage: Water Manipulation Skill Acquired, Water Blade Skill Acquired.  

He bounced around a bit as a sword, it was kinda cool. A good thing too as he encountered his first enemy. A Dark Serpent, a dangerous beast that spat corrosive poison. It had no effect on Rimuru and with a quick chop he sliced off the snake’s head.

Rimuru ate the snake using Predator and was surprised once again.

Great Sage: Sense Heat Skill Acquired. Snake Fangs, Snake Skin obtained: Snake Leather Items can be created. Snake Fang Weapons can be created.  


Yes, as a Mimic Slime you can go through a forging process. Doing so will create a chest.”  

Great Sage continued with his new skills. Poison Resistance, Poison Blade, Poison Lick; produces a purple tongue in box form that licks and poisons an enemy.  

Rimuru in order to forge a chest and item inside he first had to transform into the said item. Great Sage gave him the general idea of the Snake Fang Sword. Using his weapon mimicry his body shifted and turned and instead of the short straight sword, he had a thicker base with a curve. The handle was wrapped in a snakeskin cloth, which made the handle smooth and easy to hold.

“Poison Blade!” he spun and launched a purple blade of poison, it struck a rock and dissolved it. “Whoa!” This was, of course, a magic steel weapon, the strength of it would grow by absorbing the poison of enemy monsters. One cut would infect an enemy with poison. The poison of the Dark Serpent’s fang had a numbing effect as they liked to bite their prey numb them up and swallow them whole, only unleashing poison breath against dangerous enemies. Rimuru’s Poison Blade skill was a replacement, for said breath.

He turned into a chest and began to use some of the magisteel he had eaten to forged the blade with magic. He had Great Sage appraise it and it was a solid quality since he used a magisteel cluster to forge it. It took him only an hour to make it.

Rimuru felt a little tired after making the weapon and treasure chest. His treasure chest is blue with silver trim, quite fancy. He checked inside and a Snake Fang Blade was waiting some lucky adventurer to find it. He felt oddly giddy, he always found treasure chests in video games and wondered how they came to be.

He got another field test as an Armorsaurus found him and attacked him. He was tough but Rimuru got a good slash at him and once the poison spread through him, he was Predator Food.

Great Sage: Body Armor Mimicry/Creation Acquired. Slash Resistance, Ore Eater Skill, Metal Munch: Can eat weapons and armor made from metal. Armorsaurus Scales Acquired.  

Rimuru thought that skill would be fun, if he eats weapons and armor he’d be able to recreate them with his skills. He made tons of healing potions from the herbs. He could recreate snake fangs, Armorsaurus scales, and the snake leather using his magicules. Being a slime was awesome!

He found time between encounters testing his powers, creating snake leather vest, snake leather pants, snake leather boots, scale armor, and scale shield. He had seen items in games and even in his world with antique shops, with Great Sage’s help he was able to bring these to life.

When he killed a Nightmare Spider, he gained the ability to create thread, Steel Thread, Sticky Thread. With this ability, he was able to spin thread and even make clothing. He made truly fine pants and shirts, clothing that was not only soft but durable.

He even learned to create other items by combining the herbs with his poison he made a few antidotes and left them in a few chests as gifts. He felt it was fair since he was eating up all the herbs.

Rimuru didn’t know the value of his potions and left a couple behind as well. He fought an Evil Centipede and gained the skill Paralysis Breath. Centipede Shells could be used to strengthen the sharpness and durability of the blade. Rimuru used them to mimic a samurai sword, making it both sharp and durable. This one he didn’t recreate and leave behind, but he did use thread so he could move through the air and even cut down a giant bat.

He could make bat leather vests, and the hair of the giant bat made clothes feel lighter. Eating the Bat allowed him to sprout wings in his chest form, so he could fly/glide from place to place. He could also speak thanks to the Bat’s organs, he’s been using thought projection mostly. Okay...being a Mimic Slime was awesome!!

‘I wonder if I could open up a weapon shop or something.’ he felt very pleased with himself. He found the entrance to the cave, but on instinct, he hid sensing humans. Rimuru wanted to come out and say hey, but he remembered what Veldora said about Adventurers taking out Mimic Slimes for the spoils. ‘These guys don’t look very tough but there are three of them and only one of me.’

It seemed their party consisted of a priest/white mage type, a warrior, and a thief/rogue type. The thief used a skill that turned them all invisible and they ventured into the cave.

(The party would be overjoyed at the bounty they found in Veldora’s cave, including the antidotes and potions. This lot had a bad habit of getting into trouble so they ended up using up all of the potions Rimuru left behind before they could take them back to be evaluated.)

Rimuru exited the cave and met sunlight for the first time in ages. Before he got too far he was attacked by a pack of wolves. “Hm?” the wolves growled at him.

“He’s too dangerous let’s run!” A wolf with a star on his head spoke and the other wolves ran off.

“That was weird...” he continued to hop along until he met a pack of goblins. ‘Veldora...boy am I gonna have a story to tell you.’

To be continued


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