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Yugioh Gx parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

 Chapter 24  https://www.patreon.com/posts/lamia-duelist-24-39007491 

Chapter 25 Chazz is Back

Belowski was a welcome addition to the Red Dorm. His deep spiritual insights helped the Slifer students bond more with their cards. He shared breathing and meditation techniques and even started a yoga group. His teachings helped students deal with some of the pressures this school enforced, the breathing techniques and yoga exercises did help some students with their test anxiety. His meditation techniques helped calm some students down and effectively deal with stress so they could focus on studying and absorb the information better.

He was able to help build on the confidence Jaden has been trying to instill in the Red Dorm. He was happy to listen to other student’s problems and having a caring ear to listen to you and understand you made a big difference. It was hard to improve when you had two dorms calling you worthless. Belowski was able to counter the negative vibes with positive ones.

Belowski was also a skilled duelist in his own right so he was able to take some of the burdens of assisting the Red Dorm duelists in improving their skills. His monsters were seen as weak, but with the right combo weak monsters could become a lot stronger. Dimitri had been working with some of the other duelists on deck construction. Jaden was just one guy, sure he was a monster boy from another dimension, but he was mortal like everyone else, and he was facing pressures of his own. Taking care of his mates, trying to improve the Red Dorm, helping his fellow duelists, looking for clues on the missing students, and dealing with the Rogue Shadow Charm issue, though the latter of the two might be connected. Then there was the school duel with North Academy, Crowler was putting on the pressure to get him to quit, other teachers who didn’t give a crap about him were suddenly taking notice of him.

If he didn’t have his harem he probably would have crumbled under the pressure. “You can count on my help Jaden-bro!” Belowski said happily. It was really nice to be free and around other people. He currently shared a room with Dimitri, the Copy Cat Duelist was offering tutoring lessons to make some extra cash, card packs weren’t cheap even at Duel Academy. While he was away Jaden was meeting with Belowski and Torrey. “With my abilities, I can help you deal with these random shadow charms.”

“You might need to learn some control first.” Belowski had a test duel with Torrey, and the brunette had fallen under his spell. The good vibes had him feeling so good he took off his clothes and got horny. Torrey was in a daze sucking on one of Jaden’s dicks, while fingering himself aggressively. Belowski eyed the other one hungrily.

Belowski had been watching for a while, not allowed to touch himself as punishment. Torrey moaned as the pleasure of having Jaden’s massive length stuffing his mouth and throat pushed him over the edge and he came all over the floor. “Now come here!”

“Yeah, baby!” Belowski began to slurp on the left cock. Torrey got back to work, though a bit more shyly than before, licking along his shaft before sucking on what he could. His focus shifted from basking in pleasure to giving pleasure.

“I suppose having your help in dealing with some of these issues wouldn’t be too bad an idea, with your abilities you’d be able to handle a shadow charm user.” Jaden felt bad after Torrey got hit trying to help him. Not that the Obelisk Blue student regretted it, he owed his life to Jaden and he swore his service to him forever. To prove that Torrey sucked on his cock a little harder. “Maybe I can get Torrey a shadow charm of his own.” he mused aloud. He had been touched by the shadows before if given the right charm he could probably be a skilled shadow charm holder.

Jaden came and filled their bellies with his cum, making the two cum and shoot their loads across the floor. “Clean up, and continue as ordered.”

“Yes sir!” He was very proud of the hard work the two were putting in. Torrey was investigating the missing students on the side for Jaden, so far his leads hadn’t born fruit yet. Belowski was happy to help his fellow students and if it took some of the pressure off Jaden killing two birds with one stone. He had to admit, in his day the dorms were a lot more balanced since he’s been gone the Red Dorm had fallen into decline and there was a thick air of negativity. Jaden’s ideals were just and true, so he was happy to follow and serve him.

It was nice to have someone else in the harem who knew his secret.


Dueling Belowski did show Jaden he needed to rework his deck and balance it out. Some duelists didn’t always go for power, Belowski’s deck had a strong combo using low-level monsters using spells and traps and even some monster effects to turn his weaker monsters into powerhouses. Jaden had gotten some cards to add to his lamia deck in the past, but there were more cards out there, more combos he could make. He wanted to find cards that could protect his sisters as well as support them.

He went and asked Chancellor Sheppard about it. “Well improving your deck would certainly help you in your upcoming duel. While the school does have some signature cards, I don’t feel you are ready to handle them.”

“That’s fine, I’m just short on credits, I’ll be fine with just some packs from the Card Shop.”

“That’s the spirit, nothing beats the thrill of opening a new pack of cards. Since you are representing us in the School Duel I don’t see why we couldn’t give you a discount on a few packs.”

“Thanks, Chancellor Sheppard.” Jaden bowed politely and headed off to get the new packs.

“Good luck Jaden!”

Miss Dorothy got Jaden an assortment of packs, the Slifer Red students usually got the bare minimum of everything this included credits and pack selection. Thanks to Sheppard, Jaden was allowed the first pick of the prime selection. “I’ve never even seen some of these packs before.”

“You poor Slifer dears, I know it can be rough for you guys, I do what I can but the school policy is hard on you boys.”

“Thanks, Miss Dorothy.”


Chazz has been preparing for days, North Academy versus Duel Academy Central. His tactical mind was put through the paces, he was given some of North Academy’s best cards and he tested them out, learning the ins and outs of this deck. ‘With these cards, I’ll bring Jaden to his knees.’ The Chancellor had promised him a chance of revenge, a duel with Jaden Yuki, a chance of victory he just had to claim it. ‘No amount of luck will save you this time slacker!’

His skills were proven and respected among all the students and teachers of North Academy. As he was the new top student he was getting the royal treatment, good food, luxury bath, and his own private room. It was weird, he had earned all of this through his own skills and efforts, not his family’s money. “This is the life, huh boss?!” Ojama Yellow was the one sour spot in his life.

“Would you just go away!”

“No can do boss, we have a bond you and I! Once we find my brothers you’ll be unstoppable!”

“Brothers huh...” Chazz got quiet, some unpleasant memories shifting through his mind. “Forget it I’m already unstoppable.” he went to bed and began to dream.

-x-Chazz’s Dream-x-

Chazz was mostly naked, sitting on a throne, being carried around by the four boys he beat at once in a single duel at North Academy, they were wearing nothing but speedos. Chazz laughed, he was wearing a crown and wearing a sash that said King of Games on it, and a white towel around his waist with the kanji for Thunder on the front. It was raining gold coins and duel monsters cards.

A leash appeared in his hand and he tugged at it. Crawling from the void was a naked Jaden Yuki, wearing only a dog collar with the leash attached. “Come here slacker, service your King!” he laughed and palmed his bulge.

He tugged on the leash and Dream Jaden crawled forward stopping before the throne. “Is that what you want?”

“Huh?” He tugged on the leash again but Dream Jaden wasn’t moving. Suddenly Dream Jaden looked up at Chazz with snake-like eyes. “What the hell?” Suddenly the boys carrying his throne vanished and the throne hit the ground.

“Don’t you know what you want?” Suddenly Chazz’s throne turned into snakes and in a flash Chazz was nabbed and lifted up, the snakes coiling perfectly to bind his hands above his head and spreading his legs.

His crown, sash, and even his towel were removed. “What do you want? What do you really want?” Chazz blushed but didn’t say anything. The collar broke off of Dream Jaden’s neck and he stood up. Dream Jaden began sucking Chazz’s cock while fingering his exposed ass.

He thought it was weird, but the sensations changed, growing hotter, and feeling very very good! He didn’t know if he wanted more or wanted Jaden to stop. He did know he could feel his pleasure and orgasm building.

“What do you want?” “What do you want?” “What do you want?” the snakes were talking, repeating the same thing over and over again. Chazz didn’t want to respond, because he didn’t know what he was gonna say. He felt something deep inside him was threatening to bubble up.

The ground beneath them opened up and Chazz began to hear his brother’s voices coming from the dark pit below. They were berating him and calling him a failure. “Don’t you want to be the best?” began to echo along with the snakes.

“I DON’T KNOW WHAT I WANT?!” Chazz screamed, and Dream Jaden pulled off his cock just as he was about to blow.

“If you don’t know what you want, how are you gonna face me?” Suddenly Jaden and the snakes vanished and Chazz fell into the pit, where two giant snakes resided, they had the heads of his brothers. They lunged at him, before ripping him apart.


Chazz shot up with a yelp, his body glistening with sweat. That was the worst dream yet, every night and nap the last few days he’s been haunted by dreams of Jaden and snakes. These usually ended wet or before Chazz could finish and he was stuck with a painful erection and aching balls. His brothers popping up that was new. “Talk about a nightmare.” He decided to grab a quick shower before trying to go to bed.

Little did Chazz know, these weren’t merely dreams, his connection to the shadows was awakening. His dreams were actually trying to show him something, tell him something, but Chazz was quite stubborn seeing dreams as nothing else but dreams.

The day of the School Duel was arriving fast, and he couldn’t wait to see Jaden again...to DUEL Jaden again. “Just you wait slacker, I’ll get you!”


Jaden sneezed. ‘Someone must be thinking about me.’ he rubbed his nose.

“Let’s open up these packs!”

“Man the Red Dorm never gets a shot at these packs!” Chumley said.

Jaden invited Dimitri, Belowski, and Bastion over, Belowski for his combo knowledge, Dimitri, and Bastion for their deck building skills. “You should get some decent cards out of these packs.”

“Whatever I don’t use I’ll distribute.” Jaden opened up the packs, but a good majority of them wouldn’t work in his lamia deck. He got some Supply Squads, he already had one of those so he gave them to Syrus, Chumley, and Bastion, Belowski also had one so he was good.

He got a Threatening Roar but gave it to Chumley. He did get a Terraforming card. “This is perfect, with this I can balance the Lamia Field spells.” Lamias were great at adapting which is why they were able to lure prey into the home-field advantage. There were two Scrap-Iron Scarecrows.

“This is quite the rare card, it’s one of those reusable traps, traps that have a way of recycling themselves.” Bastion explained.

Jaden found another rare card in the bunch Future Fusion. “Here Sy!”

“What I can’t take that, that’s a super rare card!”

“It won’t work in my deck I don’t have fusions, you can use this card.” Syrus blushed and took it.

“I’ll do you proud!” Jaden got a Mystical Space Typhoon a must-have, and he gave Bastion a Galaxy Cyclone.

Jaden got some Ties of the Brethren, which he gave to Belowski and Chumley while keeping one for himself. He got Heavy Storm Duster, he couldn’t use his battle phase but it’d be a good stall card. He gave Chumley and Belowski some Scapegoat cards.

Dimitri was going through Jaden’s discard pile and picking out random cards he fancied. Jaden fixed up his deck organizing and putting some excess cards into his deck box. As Jaden finished the last of the packs one card stuck out to him. “This one...I’ll be adding this one for sure!”

“Quite the hand card there.” He also added a Level Area Limit B and a Gravity Bind to his deck, while it could restrict some of his stronger monsters it’d be easy to remove if need be. The excess cards would be handed out to the other Slifer Students. A few good cards would certainly boost their decks up.


Jaden had a little time to experiment with his new cards before the school duel came. A giant sub arrived at the port as North Academy students marched out like an army. “So who’s my opponent?”

“Right here, slacker!”


“That’s right, the Chazz is back, and you are going down!” Chazz smirked at Jaden triumphantly.

To be continued


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