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Bleach parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1 + 2 :  https://www.patreon.com/posts/three-flower-1-2-39213513 

Chapter 3 Invading Soul Society Part 2 Mayuri's Hunt and Ichigo's Anger

Hanataro had been taking care of Rukia as she waited for sentencing, he wanted to help her but didn’t know-how. He heard a lot about Ichigo from Rukia. ‘She has a lot of faith in him.’ They had become friends over the days, but today he had learned she had been transferred to the Senzaikyu. “What am I gonna do?” He had heard about the ryoka(intruders) and wondered if this Ichigo Kurosaki was among them.

He was so lost in thought he ended up losing his squad and ended up in Squad 11 territory. Squad 11 didn’t care for Squad 4 at all, thinking they were inferior. ‘Oh no, what am I gonna do?’

“Get lost loser, we are hunting the Ryoka!”

“Reports say the ryoka just left Squad 13’s area and are headed our way.” the men cheered.

‘The Ryoka...are coming this way...if Ichigo Kurosaki is among them, should I try to help him rescue Rukia?’ he thought.

Mayuri was hot on the trail of the Ryoka, he was following an unusually high spiritual pressure. Squad 13 had allowed the ryoka to slip away. “Incompetents the lot of them!” Mayuri has some of his subordinates with him.

Hanataro began looking around for the Ryoka and ended up bumping into Ichigo, recognizing him by his orange hair. “Ichigo Kurosaki!”

“You know this guy?” Ganju asked.

“Never seen him before.” Ichigo stared at him. Some roars from the Squad 11 members cut their conversation short. “Shit!”

“What do you wanna do with him, if we let him go he’ll tell the others.”

“I won’t do that. This way!” Hanataro took them to the sewer entrance. Mayuri watched them go, having hidden against the wall.

‘Interesting...’ he grinned wickedly. He knew the sewers well and he sent his squad members to the exits. Squad 11 ran right past the sewer entrance, not even bothering to check it. ‘Imbeciles!’ It didn’t matter, his prey was well within his grasp now. ‘That orange-haired boy has quite the unique spiritual pressure, I’ll make test subjects of the whole lot!’


“Why did you help us, aren’t they with you?”

“Oh no, I’m a member of Squad 4, the guys chasing you are Squad 11, even if you took me as a hostage they’d probably beg you to kill me.”

“That’s fucked up.”

“Some friends.” Ichigo shook his head. “Now talk, how did you know my name?”

“Rukia Kuchiki talked about you a lot. I was her caretaker before she was taken away.”

“You know where she is?”

“She’s in the Repentance Palace also known as the Senzaikyu.” He had enjoyed their time together and wished to help her. “If I take you to Rukia will you save her?”

“I will!” he said confidently.

“Are you sure about this? Won’t you be seen as a traitor?”

“Rukia’s my friend, I can’t sit back and watch her die.” He takes them around the way to the back streets. “This is the safest route, not many people know about this way.” He often used the sewers as a shortcut to get here and there.

“Ichigo are you sure we can trust this guy?”

“Yeah, I can tell, he’s a good guy.”

“Who goes there!?” the trio tensed up.

“You guys are from Squad 12,” Hanataro spoke.

“You are Hanataro of Squad 4, what are you doing so far from your division?”

“Maybe he got lost!” One of the other men said with a laugh.

“Well we recently got some new recruits to Squad 4, I’m simply showing them around.”

“Those two are a part of Squad 4?” they looked at Ganju and Ichigo.

“You know these guys?” Ichigo asked.

“Not well, they just pranked me on my birthday last year.” he laughed nervously.

One guy put an arm around Hanataro. “You guys must be new, little Hanataro here always gets teased and messed with. He was born on April First, that’s just his luck.”

“We know this place better than him, we can show you around.”

“No thanks, we have him we’re good.” Ichigo felt something was off here.

“Then we’ll accompany you, we do have a dangerous situation going on right now. It’s not safe for Squad 4 members to be out alone like this.”

“He said we are good what is wrong with you guys?”

Shiro: Master!

A sudden click was heard as Shiro came out an erected a barrier around Ichigo and Ganju. Just in time as the Squad 12 members suddenly blew up.

Hanataro was down, his clothing scorched off, his body burned and one of his arms was completely gone. He had lost consciousness from the shock. “Hanataro!”

“What the hell?!” Ganju gasped.

“My my, you lot only took out one of them.” Mayuri stepped out of the shadows and he had Nemu with him. “Though it seems you are a barrier type of zanpakuto or is that some fancy kido?”

“Who the hell are you?!” Ganju gasped.

“Be silent simpleton, I have little interest in you.” he released his pressure and brought Ganju to his knees. “If your lucky I’ll simply test some new tools on you while I interrogate you, but you on the other hand...” he grinned at Ichigo. “Are far more interesting.”

“How could you do that, weren’t they your men?”

“They were, and they served me well as bombs, had I known you had a barrier I’d have made the explosive bacteria I injected them with much stronger.”

“He’s sick, we can’t fight this guy...we need to run Ichigo...Ichigo?” Ichigo drew his sword.

“Shuno...I reject!” The flower vanished and a golden field appeared around Hanataro.

“What are you doing, you can’t heal that Soul Reaper, he’s too far gone. He...” His eyes widened as Hanataro’s burns vanished and his arm was restored. Hanataro gasped as he regained consciousness.

“I saw a river and a field of flowers...oh wait I’m alive!” he smiled.

“Indeed you are, you are even more interesting, a zanpakuto with both barrier and healing, though I wonder if you could call that healing...interesting...interesting...”

“Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi!” Hanataro gasped. “Ichigo-san we need to get out of here!”

“I don’t think this guy is gonna let us flee so easily.”

“That is correct, do you have a brain under that orange hair of yours.” He approached the trio. “What do you say you become my test subject, I promise not to dissect you and will even keep any major modifications to a minimum?” Basically saying he wouldn’t perform modifications that might kill him. He still planned to do a daily drug regimen and biomechanical experimentation on him.

“Yeah...no thanks.”

“Come come, I wouldn’t offer my test subject such offers, I’ll even let the boorish one go and not report the little traitor’s actions. They’ll both live so long as you come along quietly.”

“I doubt that you see, I happen to know who you are.”

“What nonsense how could a mere Ryoka know of me?”

“I know your name, a certain man told me about you. He had a feeling you might have become a captain but wasn’t sure since you might have thought the position was too beneath you.”

“What insolence, who dares to know me?” he growled.

“Kisuke Urahara!” Mayuri’s eyes widened and he began to tremble with rage. “He told me to be careful of you.”

“Oh, that name, hearing it even now still makes my blood boil. I see I see, you are one of Kisuke’s little fuck toys. I have no use of his sluts, Nemu get rid of the lot, we’ll drag their corpses back and collect data to get the other ryoka.”

“Yes sir!” Nemu charged and attacked, but was repelled by Shiro’s barrier.

“You got quite a mouth on you, talking ill of the man who was once your superior.”

“He saw the use of my skills, so he’s still alive a shame. I thought you might have been smart but you are just another fuck toy of that man.”

“Shiro protect the others.”

“Yes sir!” Shiro created a full bubble around them.

“These creatures you conjure are quite strange, is this the true nature of your zanpakuto? I can’t help but be curious.”

“You sure talk bad about Kisuke, what’s your deal with him?”

“My deal, as an intellect he’s quite impressive, one that rivals my own, but he was weak, too soft, giving into the needs of the flesh. Do not think you are special, you are just his type, I saw reapers going into his bedroom often. Once he gets bored of you, he’ll toss you away like all the others.”

Ichigo remembered what Kisuke asked him when he left. If Ichigo was bored of him. Ichigo couldn’t help but laugh. “You really don’t know Kisuke at all. Maybe you were jealous of those other reapers, maybe you wanted Kisuke to invite you into his bed but he never did.”

“Shut your slut mouth!” Mayuri’s hand extended mechanically out at Ichigo. “Jabarakaina!” Snake Belly Arm, his arm separated into multiple segments connected by a long and thick cable.

“Piercing Heaven!” Ichigo released a slash of energy that destroyed Mayuri’s hand. “I know more about Kisuke Urahara than you, he told me about his past even though I told him he didn’t have to. He wanted me to know, to understand the relationship that was building between us. Apologize and I’ll treat your arm.”

“You fool.” Mayuri recovered, injecting himself with some kind of concoction, and his arm regenerated. “You think you know Kisuke Urahara, you know nothing!”

Nemu attacked Ichigo but he was able to block her attack. “Nemu leave the boy to me!” she backed off immediately. “He told you of his past, did he? Did he tell you why he was banished from Soul Society?”

“He didn’t,” he had wondered why Kisuke hadn’t come with them, he had dodged the question. Ichigo had let the matter slide and decided to trust Kisuke.

Mayuri laughed. “Of course he didn’t, if he did you wouldn’t sing his praises or defend him. I doubt you’d even be able to look at him the same way.”

“Piercing Heaven!” Ichigo launched his attack, which Mayuri dodged.

“Did I touch a nerve?”

“No, you are wasting your breath.”

“You are right, I’m wasting time chatting when I could be dissecting you. I’d love to see the look on that man’s face once I’ve reduced his lover to mincemeat!” He radiated a pink aura as he draws his zanpakuto. “This is the best method for dealing with you, I am a very busy man.” He released his zanpakuto. “Ashisogi Jizou!”

Ichigo’s eyes widened. His zanpakuto was terrifying and looked deadly.

“Ichigo-san be careful Captain Mayuri’s zanpakuto deals poisons!”

“I’ll be sure to bottle that tongue once I’m done with you!” Mayuri snapped. He charged at Ichigo only for the boy to dodge.

“Piercing Heaven!” Ichigo moved using Flash Step and chose to keep his distance.

“Did he teach you how to fight? How pathetic!” he dodged Ichigo’s attacks as he moved to get in close. Ichigo went to launch another attack only for Nemu to jump in between them.

“Oi get back!” Ichigo snapped, but she grabbed onto him

Shiro: Master!

He couldn’t abandon Hanataro or Ganju plus he wouldn’t get there in time.

“Hold him tight Nemu!”


“On it!” Ichigo’s reiatsu surges and Nemu’s hand burns. Out pops Tsubaki who flies past her. “Piercing Heaven!” he fended Mayuri off long enough for Ichigo to escape her grasp.

“So you have three spirits, offense, defense, and healing, quite the balanced power you have there.” Mayuri stabbed Nemu for her failure. “I taught you to hang onto him even if your arms are blown off.”

“Sorry...Mayuri...sama...” he stomped on her.

“I don’t want apologies I want results.” he shook his head. “Perhaps I should let you die, and build a new Nemu.”

“You...built her...”

“Indeed I did,” Nemu coughed up blood. “She’s an artificial being created by me. Noisy girl.” Nemu apologized and asked for treatment. “Stupid girl, as if you would die from just a cut, I made you better than that!”

“You are sick!”

Mayuri chuckled. “You call me sick? You think Urahara Kisuke is any better?”

“He is!” Mayuri laughed.

“He’s just as twisted as I, he just lets pitiful emotions get in the way.” Ichigo’s hand tightened on his blade.

“Kisuke is ten times the man you could ever be!”

“If he wasn’t so soft, he never would have lost his position, he was weak, just like you!” he tossed Nemu at Ichigo, demanding she hold him down again. Ashisogi Jizo’s poison had already worked through her system and she couldn’t move.

“Stop it!” He released Shuno and caught the girl in a barrier.

“Now with your defenses taken care of I plan to finish you once and for all!” his power surged. “Ban Kai!” His zanpakuto began to cry out, the strange baby cries hurting Ichigo’s ears.

Mayuri’s Bankai was terrifying, a giant creature with the body of a caterpillar in a red cape, and a golden baby head and arms, with a silver halo hovering around his head. Mayuri’s reiatsu changed from pink to red. It began to breathe out a very potent poison. “My blood is mixed into the poison so Nemu and I are immune, but if you lower your shield those two will die slowly and painfully.”

“Damn you!” He couldn’t blow the smoke away as the bankai’s breathing just kept producing more.

“Ichigo we’re fine, save yourself!”

“Not gonna happen,” Ichigo stood before Shiro’s barrier, he tried to cover his face with some cloth, but Mayuri simply laughed at him stating the gas just had to touch him and he’ll be dead.

“You wanna die like a fool go ahead, if Kisuke Urahara was too weak to dissect you and learn the truth of your abilities then you're probably aren’t worth the time. Too bad you won’t be around to see what happens to your friends.” Ichigo felt his anger rise. Mayuri was planning to kill them or worse experiment on them until they wished for death. “Now that I know Kisuke Urahara is alive, I’ll track him down and see him dead!” he saw red. “I thought the soft-hearted fool would have died ages ago, but he was too stupid to die. I’ll rectify that soon enough!”

The poison gas drifted towards Ichigo as his rage surged. “I’ll get his location out of you or from your corpse I don’t care which. I’ll try to save your head so I can see the look on his face when I show him right before I stab him dead!” he laughed wickedly as the gas reached Ichigo. “He wasn’t a true scientist he was just a lowly whore!”

Ichigo was PISSED! The tap was twisted and his power was overflowing like crazy. With Tsubaki as his only spirit left, his reiatsu was destroying everything it touched, the walls, the ground beneath him, and even the poison gas!

“What is this...this isn’t possible!” Ichigo glared at Mayuri.

“If you want to hurt Kisuke or my friends you gotta get through me first Mayuri!” his energy crackled.

“You think you can stop me fool, this is my bankai it will not crumble before a zanpakuto like yours.” Blades extended from Ashisogi Jizo’s chest. “Let’s see how strong your barriers are!” Nemu noticed that even Shuno’s barrier was deflecting the gas. The creature charged at Ichigo and the group.

“Tsubaki...I Reject!” Tsubaki was launched, splitting the bankai in two and drilling a hole right through Mayuri. The bankai crumbled as Ichigo stood the victor. “For the record, Kisuke doesn’t need my protection he’d never lose to the likes of you.”

“Gah...” Mayuri was still alive even after having his spine and internal organs eradicated. “You fool...you don’t know Kisuke as I do...he’s a user...he uses anyone and everyone around him. He’ll use you too...then you’ll see...you should have sided with me...” he injected himself with something and he got reduced to a liquid goo like substance. He escaped through a drain.

Tsubaki purged the rest of the poison, and Ichigo has Shuno heal Nemu, and himself, he wanted to be sure there weren’t any lingering dangers. Shuno purged some strange bacteria Mayuri had injected them with. Ichigo was exhausted his powers drained.

“Master!” his spirits rushed to his side.

To be continued


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