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Danny Phantom parody: patreon reward/tier 1

Chapter 3  https://www.patreon.com/posts/dans-punishment-34472080 

Chapter 4 Feelings Never Gone

Danny checked photo albums and records and Clockwork was right, Dan had been added to his timeline. This included photos, documents, everything he needed. Dan spent the whole night masturbating, toying with his ass and cock until his balls were positively drained. He was ordered to lick every drop, not letting a drop go to waste. After he was finished he was ordered to get in bed and get some rest. It was humiliating, fueling Dan’s rage. ‘Enjoy this now, I’ll get my revenge!’ he grumbled.  

Dan was too tired and found sleep. His dreams haunted by Danny’s training. Adding more fuel to the fire, he had a wet dream. He blushed as his crotch was drenched with his essence. “Looks like someone had a good dream!” Dan glared at Danny.   

“You...” he growled.  

“I had a pretty nice dream myself,” Danny showed off his morning erection. He was hard and wanting, a little bit of pre-cum forming at the tip. Dan gulped at the sight of it. It was bigger than his own, a dirty trick by Clockwork he was sure. He stared at it, seeing the size, girth, and manliness, making his penis twitch. “Hmm, what to do, what to do?” he lazily stroked himself.  

Dan blushed but didn’t look away. “I normally jerk off before I get in the shower, but I think its time for a change.”

“What are you saying?”  

“I think I’d like a blowjob!” he said confidently.  

“You’re joking!” he looked away from Danny’s dick to glare, he was looking confident.  

“I’m not and from the way you were staring, you are hungry for it!” he wagged his cock.  

“Don’t lump me in with you! I’d never lower myself to...” his eyes widened as Danny’s smirk grew.  

“Give me a blow job!” Dan cursed Clockwork as what followed.  

“Yes master!” he got in real close with his doppelganger’s dick. The manly musk hit his nose and sent shivers down his spine. ‘Damn it!’ he started licking Danny’s cock.   

The licks were slow at first, but the more he licked the more into it he got. Dan giving longer swipes of his tongue. The flavor was strong, mixing with the musk, his sense of taste and smell synchronizing and amplifying the experience. He licked along the shaft, the sides, the top, the underside, tasting every inch of Danny’s big cock.  

At the tip, he teased the glans, the head, and his slit, getting a taste of Danny’s pre-cum. It was different than the flavor of his cum. He kept teasing the boy’s tip, before licking his way back down. Dan moved on some primal instinct, his tongue dancing along his hard flesh. “Mmm!” Danny moaned.  

Dan moved lower to lick his balls, pumping his shaft, giving his dick a firm squeeze. Danny put his hands behind his head, basking in the pleasure his doppelganger supplied. ‘So this is oral sex?’ Danny shivered in delight.   

His moans only grew as Dan shifted back and forth along his cock and balls. What his mouth wasn’t occupied with, he played with his hand. He fondled his nuts, worked his shaft, used his thumb to brush his tip. This was all just the appetizer before the main course.  

Soon enough Dan, was swirling his tongue around the head, giving the tip a tongue lashing. Danny groaned, and more pre-cum spilled onto Dan’s tongue. It was greedily lapped up and gulped down. ‘More!’ Dan wrapped his lips around the head and began sucking on him like a sucker.  

He worked his lips and tongue on the head, while sucking him eagerly. Dan told himself he was just following orders, but as Danny’s moans washed over him, he started getting turned on. His penis pulsed and throbbed between his legs, but Dan tried to ignore it. He stroked Danny’s shaft while slurping the tip, making Danny buck off the bed. “More!”  

His command was accepted and Dan sucked more of his cock into his mouth, his hand dropped to fondle his balls. “Ohh yeah!” Danny moaned, his body relaxing more, his skin growing flushed as his heart raced. Building the beat to his orgasm. Dan at first was trying to get this over with, to end this humiliation as quickly as possible, but despite being on the offensive Danny’s endurance proved  

Dan’s mouth was so warm and wet, and his sucks felt NICE~

Danny was enjoying all the lewd noises his partner was making. Dan was gagging on his cock, but be it pride or the order he wasn’t giving up till he swallowed every inch. He was breathing through his nose, inhaling Danny’s musk. It was setting sparks off in his brain. He continued to tease the underside with his tongue, working, working, trying to slurp down every inch.

He refused to lose to this boy’s dick, even as his gag reflex begged him to cease he kept working the shaft, bobbing back and forth trying to get him a little deeper each time. His focus shifted from getting Danny off to beating his cock. Not realizing the longer he sucked and licked the hornier he became.  

His cock was twitching angrily between his legs and his hole twitched in want. His ass was itching to have this big piece inside it, reaching deeper and stretching him wider than a few fingers. One hole was getting jealous of the other, if it could speak it would be calling his mouth pathetic demanding he take over as it could take every inch.  

“Am I too much for you?” Dan ignored him, and kept sucking his length. “I guess it can’t be helped.” He put his hand on the back of Dan’s head and forced him down, taking the last few inches down. His gag reflex broke, sparks going off in his brain as his nose was buried in Danny’s pubes.  

Danny sighed happily as his dick was consumed down to the root, he drooled slightly as Dan’s mouth and throat massaged his length. “Mmm, this is so good!” Dan’s eyes rolled up, he was so big, his mouth and throat were stuffed.

Dan slowly came to his senses, but not by much with three of his senses being dominated by lust. He began to move sliding back up to the tip, before sucking him back down. Back and forth, back and forth, his cock twitching in his mouth, and pre-cum running down his throat. Danny’s moans pushed him further and further, until he finally started pumping his cock in time with his bobs.  

He enjoyed the feeling more than he should have, his orgasm rising as he pleasured Danny. “Ohh I’m cumming!” Danny moaned, and his cock twitched, expanding slightly as he came into Dan’s mouth. Dan followed seconds later, blowing his load onto the sheets as he drank Danny’s cum. He was in a daze, drinking down his seed while spilling his own, riding high on the orgasm and its intensity. “That was amazing!”  

Dan blushed as he came back to reality, what he had just done, and how much he enjoyed it. ‘Damn him!’  

“That was so nice, I’d like to wake up to that every morning!”  

‘No way he doesn’t mean...’ it was recognized as an order. “Yes master!” he moaned.  

“I’m gonna grab a shower, you clean up here and we’ll get ready for school.”  

“You must be joking...yes sir!” he gasped, this meant he’d be sucking this boy’s morning erections every day for the rest of his life now! ‘I’ll find a way to beat this, you won’t best me boy!’  

Dan had forgotten how many foes who’d thought the same thing about him when he was young. After both boys showered and dressed they came down for breakfast. “Dan, Danny, good morning!” Jack ruffled their hair.  

“I made your favorites!” Maddie set down plates full of pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, and a side of fruit. She kissed each boy on the cheek. “Eat up you don’t want to be late for school.”  

“Did you finish your homework? Want me to look it over for you?” Jazz asked.  

“I’m good, I think I got it covered.” Danny responded. He looked over and saw Dan crying.  

“Anything wrong sport?” Jack asked.  

“I’m fine!” he snapped and brushed away his tears and began stuffing his face. Danny couldn’t help but smile. He bore witness to what created Dan Phantom in the first place, losing his family, the guilt of not being able to save them. He even stated that in moments of weakness he missed having Tucker and Sam around. He could talk tough, and pretend he was just a monster but he missed his family. His future self had tried to cast away his ghost powers, and his ghost self tried to cast away all weaknesses, but love wasn’t a weakness.  

He tried to ensure his future path, but now he was faced with his family, and a happiness he thought was long gone was back. ‘Some feelings just can’t be lost.’  

To be continued


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