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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward/Tier 1

 Chapter 16  https://www.patreon.com/posts/normal-life-not-31832894 

Chapter 17 Lurking Shadows

Despite the confidence boost, Ichigo still didn’t want to do any PDA at school. Ichigo told them what happened with Uryu. Grimmjow understood, he just wished he could have seen the look on the bitch boy’s face when Ichigo told him off. Renji understood, but he wanted Ichigo to open up a bit more, they could at least be friends at school right?

“Yeah, I’ve been holding myself back, I think its time to open up.” Renji smiled and the two fist-bumped. Uryu had made Ichigo put up walls, having someone you loved or trusted betray you in such a way hurts deep. Ichigo didn’t just want to be civil, he didn’t want to just keep shuffling through life anymore. The pet stuff he would like to keep under wraps though.

“Good Morning, Ichigo!” Keigo shouted at him. He was expecting his usual nod or civil wave, to his surprise, Ichigo smiled.

“Yo Keigo!” he smiled. “Morning Mizuiro!”

“Morning...” even Mizuiro was stunned. “Interesting, Ichigo-kun seems brighter than normal.”

“Did something good happen, maybe?”

“Perhaps, Ichigo is the type to shoulder things onto himself. Perhaps his burdens have been lifted if only a little bit.”

“Ichigo usually has a scary air about him, but not today. At this rate, Ichigo’s gonna have all the girls chasing after him. He’s always been a looker but had an aura that screamed keep your distance, not like the new guy, he’s a pretty boy that’s already got the girls’ attention. At this rate, I’m never gonna get a girlfriend!” Mizuiro sweatdropped.

“I don’t think you need to worry about that. I’d be more worried about the new guy, for other reasons.” Mizuiro was very good at seeing the angles. Uryu seemed very crooked, at face value he might seem charming, but he had a feeling there was something false about him.

It’s why he wasn’t scared of someone like Ichigo, who seemed distant and cold, but something was off about it. Mizuiro didn’t stick his nose into other people’s business, but he could tell Ichigo wasn’t a bad person. “It seems things might get more interesting from now on.”

Ichigo has put all his effort into not standing out, not getting too close to people. If Grimmjow hadn’t been Grimmjow, and let his curiosity get the best of him, things may not have changed at all.


Uryu was pissed. ‘Ichigo’s done with me, is he? We’ll just see about that, freaks don’t have a happy ending Kurosaki!’ he chewed on the tip of his thumb in frustration. ‘This isn’t over Ichigo!’

He got out his phone. “Hey, it’s me...yeah I saw him...he’s still a freak and he’s got some freaky friends to...I’m not worried, after all, I have friends too!” he chuckled. “Call the others, we are gonna teach him a lesson he’ll never forget...my old man? I can’t get my hands dirty on this one, do you think you can handle this for me, Bambietta-chan?”

“Should be a piece of cake! Don’t worry Uryu-baby, we’ll help you!” Bambietta hung up the phone. Uryu had made some connections, his father said he was falling in with the wrong crowd. They moved to get away from that but Uryu wasn’t letting them go. “Uryu-chan needs our help, it looks like he bumped into the freak.”

“Fate has brought them together once more?” a male with dark hair said.

“A freaky coincidence, but a prosperous one.” a lanky gentleman said.

“If it’s for Uryu honey, I’m in!” a feminine voice said.

“Same here!” a group of women shared a cheer.

“He wants us to bring down the strawberry again huh?” a red-haired dude with a mohawk said. “We need to be covert if Ryuken finds out we’ll all be in hot water.”

“We can do it! With a little bit of imagination, we’ll bring him to his knees.” Uryu indeed had friends, dangerous friends, and now they were on the move.


School ended without any incidents. Grimmjow and Renji walked with Ichigo on their way home. “I think we should do something special tonight.”

“Something special?” Grimmjow and Renji said in unison.

“Yeah not something too fancy, I’d like to chill with you guys.” Ichigo blushed. “With my pets!” The two shivered.

“Yes, master!” The trio made a pit stop, to grab some snacks and essentials. They wanted to stock up and avoid leaving the room if possible. Ichigo couldn’t help but feel giddy, there was stuff he wanted to try with Grimmjow and Renji. That little Uryu voice that kept calling him a freak was gone, he felt like he could truly explore the doors Grimmjow and Renji opened for him. He was getting a bit excited.

“Hello there,” Ichigo froze. He was getting drinks when someone towered over him.

‘This guy is tall!’ Ichigo blinked. “Umm hi?”

The tall figure was lanky, with a huge grin on his face, and he was wearing an eye patch. “You seem to be staring off into space, something on your mind.”

“Oh um?” Ichigo blushed and rubbed the back of his head.

The lanky man’s eye drifted down Ichigo’s body, noticing the bulge in his pants. “Seems like there is a party in your pants kid? Got plans with the boyfriend?”

‘Who is this guy?’ Ichigo sweatdropped. “Umm yeah you could say that.” he chuckled nervously.

“Ain’t that nice, love is such a splendid thing so they say.”

“Love huh...” Ichigo’s blush spread. “Yeah, it is!”

“Hey Ichi, I want to get you some sweets which of these do you like.” Grimmjow came around the corner and froze, dropping the stuff in his hands.


“Hey, there kitten!”

“Nnoitora!” Grimmjow growled.

‘Wait...Nnoitora, Grimmjow’s ex?’ Ichigo couldn’t believe it.

“You have no right to call me that!” he snapped. “Get away from him!”

“Big talk from the little kitten bitch.” Ichigo moved away from the lanky man. “Don’t worry, I was just saying hello to your new man.” his grin grew. “I’m not impressed. You couldn’t handle me, so you settled for some greenhorn, sub looking bitch.” he laughed. “Maybe I should pay him back for what you did to my eye?”

“Touch him and I’ll kill you!”

“Relax kitty bitch, I just came to get a look at your new master. I’m not impressed.”

“Don’t tell me you’ve gotten another pet?”

“Jealous?” he sneered.

“Scared, for the poor soul who’s in your hands.”

“Tch, what a drama queen.”

“Your license should be revoked!”

“Friends in high places kitty bitch. Thanks to you I had to find another circuit to set up camp.”

“You scum!”

“Later kitty bitch, I’m sure I’ll be seeing you sooner or later!” he chuckled and left the store.

“Grimmjow are you...” the bluenette pulled him into a hug.

“Ichigo, are you okay? He didn’t touch you did he?”

“No I’m fine, he just invaded my personal space a bit. I didn’t know he was your ex.”

“He’s more than a creep, don’t ever be alone with him again. Please master!” he pulled Ichigo close.

“I won’t pet, I promise!” he rubbed Grimmjow’s back. He’s not seen him like this. “Do you wanna put off our special night?”

“Hell no, not for him!” they picked up the stuff he dropped.

“What’d you do to his eye?”

“Nnoitora liked to break the rules, ignore safe words, play angry, and be a right bastard on the best of days. One day he took shit too far, and I broke out, so he came at me threatening to nail me down. We fought and I took his eye out.” He said it so casually. “Neliel helped me out, she had gathered evidence against Nnoitora.”

Ichigo hugged him. “You did what you had to survive. I’m sorry you went through that.”

“Doesn’t matter, I have my true master right here!”

“You really are amazing, my kitten!” he kissed Grimmjow, and the bluenette’s heart fluttered.

They met up with Renji and checked out ready to relax and chill at home. Before they reached the door, it opened, and out came Ryuken. “Uncle Ryuken, what are you doing here?”

“Ichigo...I’m sorry, seeing me probably doesn’t make you happy after all that’s happened.”

“No...I have missed you.”

“Ichigo, who is this?”

“This is Uryu’s father, Ryuken Ishida.”

“What that bastard is your brat?” Renji elbowed him. “I mean he’s a sweet guy...great!”

“I know my son has issues, I’ve already warned him to leave you be. Knowing him he’s already contacted his old friends to try and mess with you.”

“Oh, those guys,” Ichigo remembered them, Uryu fit right into them and they helped him make his life hell.

“It was bad enough that Uryu’s grandmother got Uryu all twisted up, but that lot wasn’t good for him.”

“So you brought the punk here, knowing Ichigo was here?”

“I didn’t know where I was being transferred to, by the time I’d found out we couldn’t change the plans. I wanted to warn you and your parents before, but Uryu found you first.”

“We met!” Renji nudged him again. “What he was a dick to Ichigo, a total bastard!”

Ryuken sighed. “My son has fallen beyond my reach. For what it’s worth, he’s not been happier since he was with you.”

“Then he betrayed him!”

“Grimmjow!” Renji and Ichigo chided.


“He’s right, Ichigo...Uryu loved you very much, but my mother poisoned him. I don’t want to make excuses for him, he’s made his own choices. He’s been warned if he causes you any trouble he’ll be disowned and cut off. If anything comes up, give me a call and I’ll try to help any way I can.”

“Thanks, Uncle Ryuken,” the man smiled. He missed being called that. He left, Ichigo noticing a distortion in his walking.

“What was he doing here anyway?” Grimmjow asked.

“He was probably having sex with my parents,” he said, surprising the two.

“Awesome!” Renji said.

“You have the coolest family!” Grimmjow said.

Ichigo smiled and the trio went inside.

To be continued


Damion Andrew

This is the romance story of the century! 10/10! Ichigo stay away from that One Eyed Bastard. You have friends in the circuit now, so keep close.