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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1/patreon reward

 Chapter 1-2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/36340066 

Chapter 3 The Danger

Ben was surrounded by warmth. He could feel it, he was having such a nice dream. A dream of fur, there were two kinds short and soft and thick and fluffy. Was there two people with him?

He didn't know but he felt safe, happy even. He didn't want to leave this place wherever it was. Feeling fur on all his intimate places, he knew he was naked. It didn't bother him since he felt so warm.

Fur tickled his chest and back, it excited him. It wasn't till he heard a soft growl did he stir awake. “Hmm?” his eyes fluttered, the light hurt his eyes as his vision cleared. He was on board the lovely duck that was for sure, he was definitely naked, and in a bed, but he wasn't alone.

Before him, was his partner, Rook Blonko, practically naked. Practically nothing there was only a flimsy pair of underwear shielding him. Ben had never seen the male show so much skin before, well...fur. Rook was currently cuddled close to him and giving a soft purr.

Behind him was the loboan he had met, Scout, also practically naked. He couldn't see what item shielded him but he knew he was feeling full-on fur. Scout growled again and ground his hips in slumber.

Rook responded with a noise of his own and he ground his hips against Ben. The boy blushed. 'They are hard!' he flipped out. “Waaaaahhhhhh!” his cry woke the two, but they couldn't prepare as they were thrown out of bed quickly.

Ben grabbed the covers and used them to shield his nakedness. “Ben are you alright?” Rook asked.

“You...you...you...you both are naked, and I'm naked!”

“Yes, you are,” Scout said, it came out a tad more lustful than he intended but he was having such a good dream too.

Ben couldn't deny he shivered at the tone. Rook elbowed Scout, who shot him a confused look and rubbed his sore arm. “Forgive us, Ben, we merely were trying to keep you warm while you slept.”

“That’s all, nothing else happened?” he gave them a serious look. Rook suddenly felt nervous, not sure how Ben would react to the whole kiss thing. The two shared the same thought and looked at each other. “Guys?” he crossed his arms over his chest.

'So cute!' they shared a similar thought.

“Ben we uh...”

“We kissed you!” Scout confessed.

Ben smiled at them. “Oh is that all? Hahahaha!” the other two felt a moment of relief but it didn't last as Ben snapped. “GET OUT OF HERE YOU PERVERTS!”

Anything in Ben's reach was thrown, and the two had to duck out of the room, without their clothes. The door closed behind them. “That could have gone better.”

“Same-sex affection is not as welcome on Earth as it is on our planets.”

“What?!” Scout gasped. He had no idea, this was bad. “So...what if he hates us now?”

“Well this may be a shock to him, but there are some males on earth who like men.” he patted his shoulder. “Let us give him some time.”

Scout felt terrible, Rook had spent so much time with Ben, and now he'd been thrown out, he had way more to lose. If this blew up he could lose Ben as a potential lover, a friend, and even a partner.

The revonnahgander took one last look to the door before heading off. They needed to find some clothes.

Inside the room…

Ben was under the covers, knees pulled to his chest. 'Looks like I'm green again.' he was blushing. 'I feel so cold without them. I can't believe I overreacted like that.' he rubbed his arms. 'They were just trying to keep me warm, but if that was all then why…?'

He remembered feeling their hard-ons pressing against him. His own manhood was throbbing as well. 'Damn it.' he buried his face in his knees. 'I've never thought Rook would act like that, though wished he would. I thought he was straight, and even if he was gay he wouldn't want a human like me.' he sighed. 'Then there's Scout, I barely know him yet why did I feel so strongly for him too.'

His fingers dug into his skin. “This is so frustrating, what is happening to me!?” he shouted.

“Darling!” the door flew open.

“Grandma!?” Ben gasped, popping his head out from the blanket.

“My baby's an anodite!” she hugged him.

“Huh? What are you talking about?” she chuckled at his question. She caressed his green arm.


“You know why I'm green?” she nodded.

“It happens to some anodites. They turn green for a few days, it's a sign their spark is awakening.”

“But Gwen didn't...”

“She is quite the prodigy her spark was accessed at a young age and developed over the years.” she touched the Omnitrix. “You, however, got this on you kiddo, so your spark lay dormant.”

“So I'm becoming an anodite?” he looked at the Omnitrix. “Is that why the Omnitrix isn't working?”

“You betcha kiddo. While your spark is developing your DNA is gonna shift a bit, so the Omnitrix can't pinpoint you yet but it will.” she patted his head. “Ohh the wonders you can do, you'll be able to do so much with your aliens once your spark awakens fully.”

Ben put on a smile, his grandmother was so excited. Still, he felt better knowing he'd be able to use the Omnitrix again. “Ahh another anodite in the family, this is a joyous day. Once you fully awaken I can train you on our homeworld.”

“What?!” Ben gasped. “But...But you said it'd take Gwen 70 years to master her powers.”

“70 YEARS!” the two turned to see Scout and Rook at the door.

“Forgive us we did not mean to eavesdrop.” Rook bowed, the male was in shock.

“Breakfast is ready, we wanted Ben to know.”

“Uhh, guys can you give me a minute. I'll be there soon.” he looked to Verdona. “Grandma can you give me a minute to. I'd like to get dressed.”

“Well, I hope you think my offer over. I will be staying close, at least until your spark awakens. It can get dangerous.” She vanished in a flash of light.

Ben sighs. “I don't even want to think about why.” he brushed the hair from his face. The two furry males left to give Ben some privacy. The green-eyed boy looked sad and frustrated.

Rook was trying not to panic. “70 years, I'd never see Ben again, who am I kidding he's never gonna want to work with me again. He may just go...” Scout caught him by the shoulder.

“Rook, calm down, you are using contractions.” Rook took a few calming breaths.

“I never told him how I felt.” he covered his face with his hands. “What if he hates me now?”

“I haven't gotten to be with Ben as long as you. I still desire him none the less. I was so happy when he came here, but things have just been horrible.” he whined softly. “Still from my little time with him, I believe he won't hate you.”

Rook smiled but still was worried. 'Gwendolyn did not take her offer, perhaps Ben will not either. Still Ben is so angry now after what happened I cannot blame him.' he hung his head low. 'I screwed up. Not only kissing him, but I slept with him in the nude, well very close to it.'

The two went to the dining area, something was bothering them. Just one of their kisses did not work on waking Ben, it took both of them. A small part of them believed they were destined to be with Ben, they felt the spark between their lips, the heat, the love. It still wasn't till they worked together did the spark feel the most intense.

There was something between the three of them or was it just wishful thinking. Ben came out dressed a bit later. He didn't look Rook or Scout in the eye, quickly sitting down and eating his food.

“So monkey, you keeping the green look?” Rad asks.

“It will go away, apparently I'm becoming an anodite.”

“I know how you can ditch the green sooner.” Ben looked to the duck alien in shock.

“You do?” Rad smirked and made a rather inappropriate hand gesture.

“Mr. Dudesman!” Rook gasped, Ben blushed, and Scout stiffened.

“What it's true, a little nookie, and your spark will fully awaken.” he looked at Ben. “So which is it monkey, you looking for someone to pound or someone to take you to pound town?”

Ben's whole face went red, as well as red as it could be. Rook and Scout looked to Ben rather interested in the answer. “Okay I'm done,” he drops his utensil. “I have a headache, I'm gonna take a nap.”

“Ben wait...” Rook reaches out to him, he grabs the boy by his arm.

“Ahh!” the male moaned, he slapped his hand over his mouth. Rook looked surprised and quickly released him. Ben ran and quickly went to his quarters. 'What is wrong with me?' he went to bed but he couldn't find sleep.

He threw off the covers with a frustrated groan. “I'm going to get some air.” he felt hot all over. “I just need some air,” he told himself.

Leaving the room, he found the others working on fixing the lovely duck. “I'm going out for a bit.”

“That is unwise.” Scout gets up.

“Indeed, with the Omnitrix not working you are defenseless.” Rook gets up.

“Let one of us escort you,” they say in unison.

“Look, guys, I just need some air. I have a lot on my mind right now.” he steps away from them. “Besides I'm not totally defenseless, I can handle myself.”

Rook frowns, Ben never flinched away from him before, but now…

Scout presses forward. “The planet is dangerous, now more than ever,” he mumbled.

“You won't let me out of here without an escort right?” Scout nodded. “Fine, I'll take Hobble.”

“WHAT?!” the slug alien shouted. Ben grabbed him.

“He's a plumber too, so we'll be fine.” he takes the male and walks off the ship.

“Help me!” the slug alien cries.

“He really doesn't want to be around me anymore.” Rook hung his head low.

“Don't worry cat face, given the right circumstances I'm sure the monkey will pound you and make you scream in pleasure.” Rook glared at him.

“Be silent.” he hissed.


Ben dragged Hobble around. “Please Ben, I don't want to be on this scary planet.”

“Sorry Hobble, I just needed out of there.” he let the male go.

“What's with you guys? You and Rook are normally so close. If you need an escort why not him, or Scout he at least knows his way around.”

“I'm not that close to Rook, I mean we are partners, and Scout...” images of them naked and holding him flashed through his mind. He shivered. “I just needed to be away from them for a bit.”

“Why? I saw you before you risked your life to protect them, I saw how angry you were when you thought Charmcaster hurt them. You care a lot about them.”

Ben's eyes widened, he had forgotten. Everything had been such a blur. “Of course I care about them, they are my friends.”

“But is that all?” Ben looked to Hobble.

“What are you saying?”

“I'm saying, would you want one or both of them as your mate?”

“Mate!” his mind reeled. “Wait both?” a sudden clatter made them both turn.

A group of loboans came out. “Hello, there little beta.”

“Oh no!” Hobble quickly hid behind Ben.

“Leave me alone I'm not hurting anyone.”

“Oh I beg to differ you see my cock's been hurting since I saw ya, how about you make it up to me.” the loboan cupped his bulge and Ben backed up.

“You guys are sick, what's this beta crap? I don't know what you guys are on but I'm not interested.” he tried to leave only to be blocked by the other loboans.

“You aren't going anywhere cutie. We'll be taking the treasure that has made his way into our path.” One tried to grab Ben from behind. Ben snapped and flipped him over his shoulder.

“Try that again and I'll make you pay!” Ben crackled with power. Some of the loboans took a step back.

“What are you idiots doing!?” their leader growled. “So you are more than just a beta that is good, but you will submit!” the loboans rushed him. Hobble was quickly smacked away and Ben tried to fight but without his watch or powers, he lacked the power to deal with their numbers. “Let's take him to the den.”

They carried Ben off, the boy struggling all the way. Hobble ran back to the ship. “Haa haa haa they took him!”

“What!?” Rook grabbed him and hauled him up. “Where is he?” he growled.

“Some loboans they took him to a den.”

“Damn it all!” Scout growled. “Those bastards if they touch him.”

“Mr. Dudesman, I request your armory!” Rook's aura screamed death. “If those guys do anything to Ben I'm gonna need some firepower.”

“Go nuts,” he tosses Rook a key card to his weaponry. The Omnitrix may not be working at the moment but Rook could still track it.

“Let's go!” Rook and Scout decked out with blasters and weapons they rushed to try and find him.


At the den, the wolf-like aliens held Ben down and ripped off his clothes. His green skin became exposed, and the aliens whistled as each bit became exposed. “Stop it!”

“Ohh look, he's so smooth.” one cooed.

“He's so big!” another said.

“Then go for it size queen.” the other laughed.

“He smells good too.”

“Yeah he does.” they began to sniff him.

“Quit it!”

“Let's taste him now.” they began to lick him. Arms and legs, his pits and feet, his nipples and his cock. The loboans chuckled and continued to lick him.

“No stop, I don't want this, I don't want you!” he closed his eyes and began to cry.

“Don't cry pet, you will never go unsatisfied with us.” the leader licked away his tears, the others kept licking him.

'No, I don't want this.' he was surrounded by fur but felt cold. 'This is wrong, please Rook, Scout help me!'

Ben's spark activated and his powers teleported Rook and Scout into the den. The loboans gasped. “You bastards!” they were teleported without their weapons, but fuck it they didn't need weapons these bastards needed an old fashioned beat down.

Rook literally rammed some of them through a wall. Their armor was trashed a bit, but Ben was safe. “Ben did they...”

Ben started crying.

Scout whimpered.

“Oh, we should get you something to cover you...” Ben launched himself and hugged them. He didn't care about his nudity, he needed to be in their arms.

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,” he chanted over and over.

“Ben you have nothing to be sorry for.”

“Yes I do, I was confused, frustrated, and scared and because of that, I put myself into danger. I'm sorry...” he passed out. His vision going black.

The furry males brought him back to the lovely duck. Verdona showed up and began treating Ben. “I warned you about the dangers, you two need to look after him.”

“Sorry, ma'am.”

“You two have feelings for my grandson correct?” she asked, and they blushed. “No need to answer the fact you could wake him up is clear enough.” his body was cleaned and he was tucked into bed. “He must not use his powers again, or he could die, am I clear!” she snapped.


“May I ask, how did Ben summon us like that?”

“It is possible for anodites to summon those they love. I did it to Max from time to time, but at the moment the ones Ben wanted the most were you two.” she got up. “His spark is still intact, I've done all I can, now you two protect my grandson or you will have a very pissed off energy being on your hands.” they nodded.

Ben came to. “Hey guys,” he says softly.

“Now Ben you need to get some rest, I mean it!” she warned. “And no more heroing.”

“Yes grandma,” he says and she leaves. Though Ben could feel she was keeping a closer eye on him.

“We won't disturb you, Ben.”

“We can stand guard outside.”

They turn to go. “Wait!” Ben says they look back. “I know I freaked out before, but do you think you guys could hold me again?” he blushed and looked down.

“I would be honored.”

“As would I.” the two stripped and Ben can't help but look. They join him in bed and the human settles between them. His back met Scout's chest, and Rook cuddled into his front.

Safety, warmth, calmness, Ben wanted these sensations to last. 'Is it wrong to want to stay like this forever?' he smiled and fell into a blissful slumber.

-x-At the den-x-

the injured loboans were currently licking their wounds. Their den was totally trashed. “Damn that Beta turned out to be more trouble than he was worth.”

“That beta was my grandson.” Verdona showed up in her anodite form. The loboans could feel her tremendous power. “Now which one of you put their filthy hands on him first.” she cracked her knuckles.

The loboans pissed themselves in fear. Their whole den was wiped out. When she was done with them they were neutered and shaved bare. 'Be careful Ben, the true danger is still lurking in the shadows.'

To be continued


Chap 4 Ben's Choice

Ben felt safe, since coming to this planet and being seen as a monster, he actually felt safe. He was sandwiched between two furry warm bodies, two very built bodies. Even as the fur tickled his skin and made him feel all tingly, he could feel their well-honed muscles underneath. Ben was confused, why was he enjoying this, why did he feel so safe with these two. He wasn’t completely oblivious he knew about gay sex thanks to an advanced sex ed course in school, but he didn’t think he was gay.

Thinking back on it his relationships with women has always been poor. With Kai, he thought he liked her, but she only wanted him as a werewolf, which hurt but he got over it. He tried dating a few girls in high school but nothing ever stuck, he used to tell himself it was because he wasn’t over his feelings for Kai, but that never rang true.

Julie, well he thought he liked her, but after dating her they seemed to connect but never reaching a level deeper than friends. They never shared a kiss and Ben couldn’t recall wanting to kiss her either. They started fighting over little things even when Ben put in an effort to try and be there for her. They started having more breaks and more misunderstandings, and it was clear Ben’s heart wasn’t in it. Though they ended on not the best terms, they worked things out, and Julie had no hard feelings. Then there was a superstar who he saved, but she wasn’t really interested in him just the fame that came from him being a hero.

There have been alien girls that had liked him, but like Kai only liked him for him in a specific form. Ester liked him, but Ben didn’t even notice, he chalked it up to being oblivious but shouldn’t he notice if he liked girls? Even after realizing she liked him and they started “dating” Ben wasn’t doing stuff Kevin and Gwen did, he didn’t kiss or do much of anything beyond holding hands and kisses on the cheeks.

When thinking about kissing Rook and Scout, his heart fluttered, his skin flushed. He wanted to do it again, he wanted to remember it. ‘Do I like guys?’ the thought was a shock to him. He thought about how Cash and JT messed with him, calling him names, he didn’t like them or feel any attraction to them and they were guys, but they were also ass holes…

Ben thought about Kevin, and while his past with Kevin was complicated but the two bonded. They were close, almost like brothers, Kevin was dating Gwen, so thinking about him now felt weird. He tried to think if he ever looked at Kevin in that special way, but he couldn’t recall.

He remembered what he learned in sex-ed class, and began thinking about doing stuff with Scout or Rook and he felt his manhood throb. His blood rushed south, and his penis began to swell. ‘Fuck!’ He closed his eyes, he didn’t think things through.

Fun fact about stupidly sexy furry aliens, they have amazing senses including a powerful sense of smell. Even in their sleep, the two alien boys caught a whiff of Ben’s arousal. “Nnnhhh!”

‘Oh damn!’ the two began to shift, and Ben found himself caught between two morning erections. Scout growled softly behind, burying his face in Ben’s neck. He sniffed him and nuzzled him taking in his manly musk and the spicy aroma of his arousal. Scout growled softly, his hips rocking! ‘He’s big!’

Ben felt Scout’s bulge against his ass, digging, digging until it slipped between his cheeks causing his underwear to ride up. Scout’s tail wagged as he humped against Ben. The brunette shivered, his arousal spiking.

Rook was no better, he was sniffing Ben and purring in delight. He could feel the male’s vibrations. Their crotches were brought together, Rook’s confined arousal ground against his own. “Ahh!” he couldn’t shake the moan that escaped him. Rook can move, the way he bumped and grinding, creating such heat between them, even through the barriers. ‘Rook...Scout...’ With Ben’s underwear riding up his crack thanks to Scout, it pressed his arousal harder, increasing the friction between them.

Humpa Fap Humpa Fap Humpa Fap Humpa Fap Humpa Fap Humpa Fap Humpa Fap Humpa Fap Humpa Fap Humpa Fap

Scout’s humping had Ben’s hips grinding against Rook’s which spurred the sleeping revonnahgander’s hips to match his pace. ‘I can’t...I can’t...not like this...not like...ohhhhhh!’ his eyes rolled up and his orgasm ripped through them. The two kept humping and grinding on him until their own orgasms came, soaking their respective underwear. Despite the goopy, sticky, feeling Ben actually found some sleep. His dreams haunted by the two furry studs who just gave him one of the best orgasms of his life so far.

They were in quite for the shocking wake up. Rook and Scout were horrified, fearing they might upset Ben, they cleaned up the mess, and thankfully Rad had a cleaning machine. They were able to get Ben’s underwear washed and dried and back on him, thinking the anodite hero would be none the wiser. Ben, however, did know what happened and what they did, but actually wasn’t bothered by it.

He could see they were trying to keep him comfortable and calm. It was hard to believe they cared so much about him. He needed to sort some things out, but talking to his grandmother about his feelings, special feelings felt more embarrassing than logical. His grandmother was more of a free spirit, and wouldn’t understand his human insecurities and issues. She already had no issue with Rook and Scout fooling around with Ben, which wouldn’t benefit his current issues.

Ben had a decision to make and a lot to figure out, so he wanted to talk to someone he felt would be honest with him. One person came to mind, but he didn’t like it. Talking to this person before about his private life often ended badly. ‘No choice then.’

“Hey Rad, you wouldn’t happen to have a way to establish a connection to Earth would you?” the duck alien gave him a look. “You do love danger don’t you.”

“Maybe, but what’s in it for me?”

“Excuse me?”

“Seems like you want to make a personal call, my communication tech is for business only.” he crossed his arms. “So, what’s in it for me?”

“What do you want?”

“For now, let’s just say you owe me a favor.”

“Fine, can you please connect me to Earth?”

“Pyxi give the monkey access to the Lovely duck’s advanced communication network.” The AI responded and Ben was guided to a room to make the call. Ben punched in a code and took a deep breath before pressing enter.

It took a while to connect, but once it did an image appeared on the screen. “Whoa Ben, wasn’t expecting a call from you, whoa what happened to you?” Kevin appeared on screen, seeing Ben’s green appearance.

“Some kind of anodite puberty thing, don’t ask.” he shook his head and sat down.

“No kidding? Wow, so you and Gwen are both anodites now, well I guess you were always one, guess you're a late bloomer huh?”

“Guess so,” he said.

“What’s up? You seem down.”

“I guess I’m a little confused, and uncertain about things. So...and I can’t believe I’m saying this, I need some advice.”

“You are coming to me for advice?” Kevin smirked. “You haven’t done that since Julie, and that time you were pregnant...” Kevin’s eyes widened. “Ben are you pregnant again?”

“What?!” Ben blushed. “No!” This made him pause, could anodites get pregnant, okay he added that to the things he needed to ask Verdona. “I hope that’s not possible.”

“I dunno I think you made a great mommy.”

“Not funny Kevin!”

“I beg to differ.” he chuckled.

“Listen, Kevin, things have been different lately, and I needed to talk to someone.”

“Isn’t Rook on the mission with you?” he leaned forward. “Or is this about the blue boy?”

“Yes,” Ben confessed, he twiddled his fingers a bit. “Kevin, I think...I think...” he chewed on his bottom lip. “I think I like guys.” he waited for a response but Kevin’s face didn’t even falter.


“And...And?!” he stood up. “What do you mean and?!”

“What, do you think I’d be more shocked. Come on man, I know you’ve been checking me out now and then. Not that I can blame you, I am damn sexy!” he put his hands behind his head.

“That’s not...Kevin be serious!”

“I am dude, I always had a feeling you might pitch for the other team, though I thought you were bi like me.”

“You like guys?” Ben gasped.

“I like both.”

“I’m not sure I do, I feel really confused. How did you do it?”

“Well, you came to the right place I guess. You were my first male crush, it’s because of you I even started experimenting and discovering about myself.”

“I don’t know if I had feelings for you that way, I keep trying to think back but I always thought you had eyes for Gwen.”

“I did eventually, but you were my first love. I wanted you to be happy, and if you were straight I tried to give you a push. All joking aside, if you had come out to me a year ago, I’d have tapped that ass and rocked your world.” Ben blushed.

“You really don’t think I’m weird?”

“Nah, you’ve always been weird,” Ben anime fell. “But I’ll give you some advice my mom gave me when I came out to her. Some people like girls instead of guys, some people like cats instead of dogs, and some people like both. So long as you treat your partners with love and respect if it makes you happy and you aren’t hurting anyone, how is it wrong?”

‘Cats and dogs huh?’ he thought about Rook and Scout and felt his heart skip a beat. ‘Maybe I’m overthinking this!’

“Thanks, Kevin, that does make me feel better. Does Gwen know about the...you know…?”

“Oh yeah she knows, we had a threesome with Cooper a few times. You should hear the noises he made when we...” Ben covered his ears.

“No details please!” he shook his head. “Sorry I asked!”

“Oh I don’t know, I think a part of you sure wanted to know.” Ben looked down and found his cock stiffening in his pants.” he yelped and covered himself.

“Bye Kevin!”

“Ben, all jokes aside, I’ll always have your back. Boy, girl, and everything else that exists in the universe. If someone makes you happy, then I’ll support you.” Ben smiled.

“Thanks, Kevin!”

“Take care, and come home soon.” the call ended and Ben felt a bit more at ease. He did have an attraction to males and with support, he felt he could press forward. After working on the Lovely Duck for the rest of the day, it was time for bed once more.

Rook and Scout arrived and to their shock and delight, Ben was completely naked. “You guys ready for bed?”

“Ben...you are naked!” Rook couldn’t help the purr that came from him.

“Yeah, will you guys join me?”

“Is this really okay?” Scout asked.

“Yeah, I’ve made my choice, I want to be with you, both of you. If that’s okay?” The two shared a look and smiled, they answered and stripped off their respective clothes and joining Ben in bed, enjoying the direct contact. Scout was on his front this time with Rook hugging him from behind.

“It would be an honor to court you, Ben!” Ben smiled and snuggled between them. He made his choice, he was gonna embrace these new feelings and see where they took him.

To be continued


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