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Inuyasha parody: Patreon Reward Tier 1

Hentai + Yaoi = Mix

 Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/kagome-1-2-2-34902117 

Chapter 3 Understanding

Inuyasha didn’t understand this, why was this Kagome so nice to him? ‘He must want something, I mean she, I...damn it.’ Humans were never nice to him unless they wanted something. Please Inuyasha save us from this demon, please Inuyasha help stop this invading army, Inuyasha lend us your strength, and always they were nice at first but then once the job was done they turned on him. He lost count how many times humans had tried to kill him, before or after the fact.

Kikyo was similar in a way, everyone saw her as Lady Kikyo, the protector of the sacred jewel. People thought she was so sweet, kind, and innocent, but the woman had a nasty streak. Inuyasha saw hell because of her, and she had tricked him into lowering his guard, letting her in close. It’s why he tried to kill Kagome after killing the centipede demon, betray before he gets betrayed.

Then he got spanked…then Kagome said he was fine as is…

‘I haven’t heard that since before Mom died.’ he shook his head. “I’m not falling for it, they are just like all the other humans!” he cracked his knuckles. “I’ll show them!”

He had been avoiding Kagome for awhile. He tried to go hunting but kept getting distracted. Kagome’s offer kept rattling around in his head, and one part of him sure as hell liked the idea. When he chased off a horde of crows, he noticed a demon hiding among them. “So that lowly crow wants the jewel, no one is getting it but me!” he raced to find Kagome.

Inuyasha tracked her scent to one of the huts in the village. “Oi huma….woman!” Inuyasha blushed, Kagome was a girl again and was in the middle of changing. He saw it all her smooth skin, slightly flushed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to!” The dog boy got a full look at Kagome’s bountiful breast, her pink nipples pebbled from the slight chill in the air. The sight of her naked made his heart skip a beat and caused his blood to rush south. His ears flattened on reflex expecting to hear a scream, a cry of pervert, things being thrown, maybe even a slap, but nothing came.

“It’s okay, not like there was a door you could knock on.” she paused in her dressing. She did cover her chest a bit, as he did surprise her. “Did you reconsider my offer?” If he had, being half-naked might be a good thing right now.

“Your offer? Oh yeah...” He looked at her, seeing her perky breasts press together as she held them. He gulped. “Why aren’t you mad?”


“Kikyo got mad at me when I walked in on her changing, or one time at hot spring, I didn’t know she was there and...” She was so mad, just remembering the scream and the insults she threw at him made his ears hurt. Kagome held up a hand to stop him.

“I’m not Kikyo. I’ve been to a mixed bath before, and where I come from there are nudist beaches. My friend took me to one once, it was oddly liberating. You didn’t mean any harm, so no I’m not gonna get mad. You could call me by my name instead of human.” She felt bad for the guy. He was clearly not a peeping tom, and accidents happen.

“Kagome...” he said and she smiled. Seeing her smile made Inuyasha’s heart flutter again. ‘Maybe...just one more time...I survived Kikyo, and like Myoga said what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.’

“Yes, Inuyasha?”

“You aren’t like normal girls.” his words hit her like a rock.

“I’ll...take that as a compliment.” it was something she heard a lot back in her time. Guys and girls in her time thought she was weird and different, which she was, but they often framed it like it was a bad thing. She was giving the hanyo the benefit of the doubt.

“I mean it, you aren’t like normal humans either.” he got down on his knees and bowed his head. “I’m sorry for trying to kill you.”

“Apology accepted.”

“Can you...” he looked away in a rather cute way. “Can you really help me, I’m sick of not understanding these feelings and sensations?”

“I believe I can, and you can help protect me until I find a way home?”

“I know I can, how hard can protecting one girl be?” there was the proud demon talking.

“Now then, shall we start with dealing with that?” she pointed down, and Inuyasha looked down and his cock was tenting his pants. He blushed and tried to cover himself.

“I’m sorry...I didn’t...” he tried to bolt, but didn’t get very far.

“Inuyasha Stay!” Once again Inuyasha was frozen in place by the magic rosary. “This...” she took hold of his bulge, earning a grunt from the dog boy. “Is completely natural.” she palmed him a bit and Inuyasha felt his body relax. The contact was muted somewhat through the robe of the fire rat and his fundoshi, but the contact and friction felt nice.

“Does seeing me half-naked, turn you on?” he gave her a confused look. “Does it excite you?”

“Yes,” he answered truthfully.

“Okay, we’ll go from there, but first I need to know what you know about sex.”

“Well...I um...” the spell wore off and he was able to move again. “You aren’t gonna laugh at me are you, because just because we have a deal doesn’t mean I won’t get mad!”

“I’m not gonna laugh, but I need to know what you know, so I can fill in what you need to know.”

“Okay...” he sat down and adjusted himself so his arousal wasn’t so lewdly pitching a tent. “What I was told was when a man and a woman loved each other very much, and when they wanted to make babies, they get naked and lay together and sometime later a child is born.” Kagome wanted to facepalm.

“Is that all you know?”

Inuyasha blushed and scratched the back of his head. “Well no, when a man is ready to make babies his penis will get stiff, and then he’ll stick his penis in the woman’s pussy and spill his seed inside of her.”

“Okay, first of all, sex or mating can happen between more than two people, and two girls can love each other, and two men can love each other, some people love both and there are some who don’t love a specific gender at all.”

“But Kikyo told me that a man loving another man was sinful, that they are cursed by lust gods and demons.” Kagome wanted to punch this Kikyo woman.

“No Inuyasha, who you love or find attractive, is natural. You find me attractive as a girl and a boy yes?” Inuyasha blushed, but he nodded, his penis had stiffened for both of them. “Then it's likely you are bisexual, which means you like boys and girls.”

“But men can’t make babies, so why does my penis stiffen?”

“Because your penis doesn’t get hard just to make babies, it stiffens when you are aroused. Men and women can get aroused by different things, like breasts!” she released her chest and Inuyasha’s eyes bulged and his penis got so hard it hurt. He couldn’t look away from her chest watching the slight jiggle of her breast, it made him feel things.

“Nnnnhh, is this divine punishment?!” he groaned and clutched his crotch.

“Inuyasha...don’t tell me you didn’t jerk off when you ran away from me at the river?”

“What’s jerk off mean?” he got out.

“It means to masturbate, touching yourself, getting yourself off.” Inuyasha paled.

“Never, Kikyo told me that touching my divine rod and spilling my seed is a grave sin. She said if she ever caught me doing it she’d seal my pee hole with hot wax.” Kagome hoped that Kikyo was rotting in hell, seriously what the fuck.

“Inuyasha there is nothing wrong with masturbation its healthy, for boys and for girls. It’s only ever unhealthy like with most things you do it too much. I’ve done it, in both my forms.” She felt so bad, she thought Inuyasha had taken care of himself after he left, the poor guy must be suffering from a serious case of blue balls.

“Please...it hurts...” the ache in his loins was growing, his heavy nuts were demanding release. For a half-demon like Inuyasha blue balls were far more dangerous, it can drive a young man crazy, thankfully Inuyasha didn’t have many erotic encounters over his life some but not many. In just a few short days with Kagome, his loins were set ablaze, waking up after so long.

“Inuyasha I can help, but I need to take off your clothes. I promise I’ll help you feel better okay?” Inuyasha nodded and the two worked together to unclothe the hanyo. Kagome noticed he was quite the stud, fit with muscle in all the right places, if he hadn’t met Kikyo and got all messed up in the head he’d probably be off and mated. Poor guy was already weeping pre-cum, his fundoshi was soaked. Inuyasha’s balls were massive, swollen from unshed seed, Kagome could almost see the anger in them. ‘Blue balls nothing, they are red and angry!’ His cock was uncut and thick it seems he was a shower at 13 inches. ‘We are the same size hard.’ Kagome thought to herself. Inuyasha hissed as his hard wet cock met the cool air.

“Now just relax, I got you!” she took hold of his cock and Inuyasha groaned at the skin on skin contact. Kagome caressed his length, marveling at his size, she squeezed him and got a moan. “Feel good?”

“Yes...” he moaned and shivered as he received his very first handjob. With a firmer grip, Kagome’s pumps caused Inuyasha’s foreskin to slide back and forth along his sensitive penis tip. “So good!” he arched his back and with a loud moan he came.

Thick demon cum erupted from the tip and splattered his face, his pecs, and his abs, and Kagome kept pumping him through his entire release. “Wow!” Kagome couldn’t believe he came so much and he was still hard. It didn’t take long to get him off being a virgin, but she was now witnessing his demon half’s stamina.

“More...please...” Inuyasha moaned. The pressure was eased a bit, but his orgasm high was cut short with the tension in his balls. His nuts were still itching to shed some seed. “Gome...it hurts...” his mind was muddled from his release.

“I got you, just pay close attention Inuyasha, this is stuff you can do with your own hands.” Kagome proceeded to give Inuyasha a very hands-on lesson about masturbation.

She showed him how to play with his foreskin, pinching the flesh and pulling on it to see how far it would stretch before letting it snap back into place. Playing with his foreskin and working his shaft in kinda sent the dog boy into another powerful orgasm.

Next, she pulled his foreskin back, exposing the sensitive tip, the act alone had Inuyasha panting, drool running down his chin. She worked his shaft while using her free hand to tease his tip, he was so sensitive it was adorable. Kagome massaged the head, teased his glans, and rubbed the tip. The following orgasm hit the palm of her hand before splashing back and soaking his crotch.

She used this orgasm, and with a firm grip began jerking Inuyasha hard and fast, using his cum as lube. She worked his cock so fast, it had his balls bouncing. “Oh ohhh!” Inuyasha’s back arched as he came again, adding to the cum on his abs and pecs.

Inuyasha’s head was spinning, if he was human he’d have passed out already. Not with demon blood pumping through his veins, he was still horny. He watched Kagome carefully, memorizing her every action, cataloging every sensation. Inuyasha’s inner demon was never gonna forget this.

Kagome slowed her pace, bringing her left hand down to play with his balls, feeling the orbs and noticing they had shrunk from earlier. She massaged his sack and worked his length, brushing the tip with her thumb while caressing him with her fingers. The next orgasm took awhile but had Inuyasha arching his back anyway.

Inuyasha wasn’t expecting what came next, as Kagome brought a cum slicked finger into his virgin pucker. He was so high on the pleasure he didn’t notice or possibly didn’t care as the finger caked in his cum traced his rim, rubbing his spunk over the entrance before sinking in. “Oi!” Inuyasha jerked, his eyes going wide. “What are you doing?” he tried to growl, but Kagome wasn’t phased, she kept stroking his penis and rocking the finger in and out of his ass. “Oh ohhhh!”

A demon’s ass was special, even a half-demon like Inuyasha benefited. A demon’s ass hole existed only for mating, their bodies breaking down all food and converting it to energy. Kagome didn’t know how much of an erogenous zone she was was playing with just by rocking her finger back and forth, curling and scratching at his insides, trying to find the right spot. “OH MY GOD!” Inuyasha’s toes curled as Kagome’s finger brushed something good inside him.

The orgasm that followed was more intense than the others before it. “This too is how some guys masturbate, enjoy your first prostate orgasm.” she rubbed those bundles of nerves and had Inuyasha panting and drooling, milking him of a few extra spurts. She milked his prostate and had both sides of Inuyasha curling in delight.

His balls finally reverted back to a decent size, but he was still hard. ‘I always wanted to try this.’ She brought her bare breasts to Inuyasha’s penis and hugged him.

“Soft!” Inuyasha moaned. Kagome squeezed him and rubbed his cock with her tits, giving his sensitive tip a few licks as she pleased. The dog boy had his tongue hanging from his mouth, his eyes rolled up as his final orgasm reared its head. “Kagome!” he howled as he blew his load, hitting her in the face and covering her breasts.

His dick finally went soft. Kagome used the top she was gonna change into to try and clean up the mess, but it wasn’t long before her top was ruined and they were still covered in semen. The room was silent, only Inuyasha’s heated pants were heard along with Kagome’s shuffling.

Inuyasha broke the silence. “So all that was masturbation?”

“More or less, at the end, I gave you what’s called a Tit Job, some even call it titty fucking.” She had read some articles online about it. “But when you get hard and don’t have a partner, you can do that stuff to help you get off.”

Inuyasha had no idea. “Kikyo...” he hesitated. “She told me she was the only one I’d ever have babies with, she used to say she was the only one in the world who’d be willing to lay with me.” he frowned.

“And you believed her?” Inuyasha nodded, drawing his knees to his chest.

“I wanted to make her happy, but nothing I did was ever right. Then she told me she wanted me to become human, I agreed, but it didn’t sit right with me. When I asked her I thought she loved me for me, she got this really scary look on her face and she hurt me with her holy powers. Then she apologized and said I needed to understand that the only way the two of us could be together is if I got rid of my demon half. I believed her, she had me completely fooled.” he refused to cry, but Kagome could feel the sadness coming off him in waves. “I thought we were in love, and we would mate and have babies together, but then that day...” he grew silent.

Kagome hugged him, Inuyasha shivering as her boobs pressed against him. “I’m sorry, that woman sounds seriously twisted. I can tell ya where I’m from there would be tons of girls and guys who’d want to sleep with you, mate with you.”

“Including you?”

“Yeah, even me, I’d like to get to know you more before we’d go all the way though. Right now we are just experimenting, learning about each other.”

“Like courting?”

“I guess you could say that.” she rubbed his back. “You don’t need to rush into anything, you’ve got a lot to learn, and I’ve got a lot to show you. Besides, now that you are free you could probably find a girl or even a guy that accepts you.”

Inuyasha shivered. “Yeah...a guy...”

“Still nervous about the idea of being with a guy?” he nodded. “Well, why don’t you take us down to the river to get cleaned up and let me show ya a few things.” Inuyasha perked up at the thought.

He whisked them down to the river, making Kagome yelp as she was carried off at great speed. While he had a long way to go, Inuyasha had taken the first step to understand his feelings. Kagome had opened doors for him, a whole world of possibilities, ones he hoped to explore.

To be continued


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