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Avatar parody: Tier 1/patreon reward

Chapter 1  https://www.patreon.com/posts/35839972 

 Chap 2 They are Released
Aang and Zuko watched as Sokka played with his massive dick. He used to hands to pump the shaft, and with its monstrous size, he was able to bring the tip to his lips.
He kissed and licked the head pre spilling out from the slit. Showing no shame he kissed his piss slit and made out with it. Aang knew he was making out, he made the same noises when he overheard him and Jet kissing. “Mmmm Mmhhmm haah!” his tongue pushed into his cock, wiggling about and making the dick twitch.
Zuko couldn’t look away feeling his own cock twitch. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. His cock pushed desperately against the fabric of his pants.
Sokka made out with his cock, stroking the shaft faster and faster as pre ran down the large flesh. His face and lips were covered in this stuff. His body shook as his orgasm hit like a hurricane.
His dick pulsed, before erupting like a volcano and boy did it. Semen struck the ceiling, before other spurts rained down, drenching Sokka head to toe in his hot spunk. The boy seemed in a daze, loving how his skin was covered in man milk. The wet clothing clung to his skin and gave the impression he was wearing nothing at all.
As Sokka came back to down from his powerful climax, he seemed to come to his senses gasping at his cum covered state. “Goopy!” he says. Not only that his cock shrank back down to its normal state.
Aang and Zuko rushed over to him. “You okay?” Aang asked while Zuko questioned. “What did you do?”
“Nothing, I think…” he looked over to the goal he had been holding moments ago. Zuko followed his gaze. “You didn’t drink that did you?”
Sokka gave him a look. “Do I look stupid to you?” Zuko bit his tongue to keep himself from saying what he was actually thinking. That covered in all that cum he looked like a pro from the red light district. “All I did was smell it and….whoosh!”
He looked to Aang. “Little help?” the boy scratched his chin. “I can try I never bent cum before.” While Aang worked on cleaning Sokka, Zuko found a journal.
“The creature's essence has a powerful effect, just inhaling the smell of it gives one a short boost in sex drive along with some temporary size growth. Drinking the raw fluid drives one mad with lust and the cock size becomes permanent, further tests needed.” Zuko closed the journal. “So it’s a good thing you didn’t drink it.”
He turned just in time to see Aang cum bend, and holy it was hot! He pulled the cum off Sokka cleaning him off and made the semen dance like a river in the air. With having nowhere to put or send it Aang did the sensible thing...he drank it...all of it.
Zuko gulped, watching Aang chug gallons of cum, was possibly even hotter than seeing Sokka shoot it all over himself. Once he was finished, he had a blissed-out look on his face, his cheeks hot with a blush. “Wow!”
Aang came back to his senses and chuckled. “You see the monks taught free love, so it's not my first time drinking cum.” Zuko took the news, and his cock was so happy it was weeping pre.
“So you’ve been with a guy before?” Zuko asked he couldn't help it. “No, not all the way, never found the right guy.”
“But I thought you...well you are with Katara and all.” He couldn't stop talking.
“Yeah, but doesn't mean I don't have an attraction to guys too.” Aang says and Sokka chose this moment to add his two cents. “Yeah before they hooked up, Aang gave me a hand a lot on our journey.”
“To be honest, I had feelings for Zuko to when you saved me as the blue spirit, but you know…” Zuko did know, so blinded by gaining his honor back he attacked the avatar. After he left the fire nation he wanted to mend the bridge between them even if it could only be as friends. Now with this new information, he was mentally kicking himself for being so stupid.
A tremor broke the tension, and the door behind them closed, and two more doors opened up. “Is this place alive?!” Sokka gasped. Aang touched the floor, using a trick Toph taught him he released a pulse of earth bending trying to get a map of the place. “The whole temple seems to have moved but it's weird, the walls seem to be infused with metal and something else something spiritual.”
“So no way of Earthbending us out of here?” Zuko asked Aang shook his head no. “It's weird, my men didn't mention this…” he had a sinking feeling about this.
“Look it's no big deal right, we just have to find the exit,” Sokka says. They walked over to the two doors. “Hey, there's writing over here!”
Aang and Zuko came over. “Only those chosen can leave?” the trio looked at each other. “Well, we won't get out of here by standing around. Which door will we take?” Aang says, not planning on splitting them up.
Since one path didn't seem better than the other, they decided to go left and walked through the door. “Look on the bright side, even if we are stuck here Katara and Toph will come to help us.”
Zuko tried to keep his disgust from showing. He really didn't want to be rescued by her. He didn't like girls that way, and Katara had a bad habit of feeling him up whenever they crossed paths. She always did it in discreet ways, when Aang’s back was turned.
“You okay Zuko?” He snapped out of his thoughts. Aang was looking at him with concern. “I'm fine,” he wasn't but Aang believed him anyway. Zuko was far from okay, more than just this temple, he learned he ruined things with Aang and now he was with Katara.
Aang walked ahead, and Sokka tapped Zuko’s shoulder. “You sure you okay?” Zuko looked to Aang then to Sokka. “Look can I confide in you.”
“Of course you can.” Zuko looked so serious. “Even if it's something about your sister?” Now Sokka needed to know. “Sigh, okay Katara has been touching me, whenever we meet, and she does it behind Aang’s back.” Sokka didn't say a word. “Is it the free love thing Aang was talking about? Do they have an open relationship, it's making me really uncomfortable.”
“No, they don't. Aang told Katara about his beliefs but she told him that if they got together it would just be them. Aang agreed though I don't think he was happy about it.”
“You believe me?” Sokka nodded. “You wouldn't lie about something like this, plus you confided in me, instead of going to Aang.”
“What do I tell him?” Sokka rubbed the back of his head not sure himself. “I don't know, but for now put it out of your mind. We need to keep on our toes.” Zuko nodded. “You really care about Aang don't you?”
Zuko blushed, but before he could respond. “Guys!” Aang shouted. The boys rushed forward and saw what had Aang so freaked. The room was full of strange pods, and to make matters worse once the three were inside the room the door behind them closed.
“Oh crap!” Sokka held onto his Boomerang. “Are we trapped in here?”
“No look!” Zuko pointed to the other side of the room where there only hope of freedom resided.
“Let's move!” Sokka was grabbed before he could take a step. Zuko held him firm. “Wait, my men told me about strange pods we need to be careful,” he says, keeping his eyes on the various pods.
“There's a strange presence in here,” Aang says. The guys made their way through the room being extra careful. They were halfway there when the pods opened up like flowers and filled the room with a strange pink gas.
It all happened so fast Aang couldn't put up an air barrier fast enough. “Oh no,” the three looked at each other and sure enough their clothing started to dissolve.
Nothing could stop it as each boy became naked before the other's eyes. While Sokka and Aang were soft, Zuko, seeing Aang’s naked body got hard. His hard cock stood at attention. Out of the three, Aang was the only one uncut.
Aang saw Zuko’s arousal and gasped. Zuko blushed, and on reflex used both hands to cover himself. He thought it was over secrets out, Aang was gonna know and… “Zuko look out!”
Something had come crawling out of the pod and jumped at Zuko. Aang reacted this time, launching a blast of air that knocked the creature back. “Heads up there's more of them.”
One after another strange creature sprung from the pods. Zuko ignored his arousal and let loose shots of fire. It knocked a few away but they didn't seem hurt by it. Aang fought them off with the wind. Sokka lost his weapon along with his clothes.
A creature slipped by the benders and tried to latch onto Sokka’s face. Sokka blocked it but it was fighting hard. “Aang! A little help here!” He shouted. Aang used air bending to knock the creature off Sokka and quickly blasted two others.
Trying to protect Sokka as well became too much for the avatar, there was just too many. They were relentless. Before Aang could counter one caught him and latched onto him. “Aang!”Sokka shouted before a creature latched onto him.
“No!” Zuko shouted, and unleashed a wave of flames. He ran for Aang, but the creatures were ready. One launched at him from every direction. Zuko fended off most of them but one slipped through. On reflex, Zuko went to block his face, but that wasn’t the main target.
The creature latched on Zuko and even as it worked its magic he reached out desperately for Aang. ‘Aang, I'm...sorry…’
To be continued 


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