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Avatar parody: Tier 1

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Ancient Temple

Takes place after Book 3 of Avatar. Zuko's men return from a mysterious temple, one of them attacked by some strange creature. He decides to go and investigate himself, but not alone, he's not that stupid. So he gets Aang and Sokka to go help him.

Chap 1 The Mysterious Temple

Zuko's father had many secrets. He was Firelord for some time, and any discoveries he made were locked tight behind his lips. So Zuko sent scouts out to explore these areas known as Fire Lord Territory, where only the fire lord himself was allowed to go.

Imagine Zuko's surprise when one of his scouts reported that they found a temple in the Firelord's territory. He asked his father of course, but the imprisoned man wasn't talking. “Do yourself a favor Zuko, and leave that place alone.”

“Why tell me what's inside?” his father stopped talking, closing his eyes and Zuko growled in frustration. Dealing with his father always left a bad taste in his mouth.

Still, action needed to be taken. “Investigate the temple, but be on your guard.” he sent the order to the scouts. He didn't know what lurked inside, but he would find out.

To his shock the scouts returned, not visibly injured or so he thought. When he met with the survivor of the incident, he had his partners on the back of his rhino. The two fire benders, looked physically fine, well unless you counted the mysterious creatures on their faces, and the fact all three were butt naked!

Zuko blushed. “What happened?!”

“That place...it was full of things sir.” the surviving bender, was given a cloak to cover up.

“What things?” he raised a brow.

“Eggs, or pods, I'm not sure but they weren't normal.” he trembled. “When they opened they released a mist. It dissolved our clothes and our weapons.”

“And then, the creatures?” he looked at his men's faces, whatever it was holding them tight, a tentacle gripping them by their neck. “Can we remove them?”

“No!” the scout jumped, flashing Zuko his manly bits again. His Firelord blushed. “These creatures are not normal, much like a Bat Viper they cling to their prey and won't let go. If you try to force them off they'll inject poison into them.”

“And you know this how?”

“One attacked me, I fought it off, and it's scorched body spat out some kind of goo.”

“Alright,” he called for some guards. “Take them to quarantine.” They saluted and did as they were told, taking the two men away. “Go see the healers, and get yourself checked out.”

“Yes sir, and I'm sorry.” he gave a bow.

“Don't be, you came back alive, that's the most important.” he wanted to ask his father but knew that was a fruitless avenue. 'I'll have to investigate this temple myself.' he wasn't gonna do it alone. So he sent out a messenger hawk to call for some help.

In a few hours, he heard the sound of a flying bison. “Aang!” he called. He stopped seeing Katara and Sokka with him. Sokka he didn't mind too much, but Aang was helping Katara down and he felt a pang of jealousy. “Katara, Sokka, It's good to see you.”

He was used to acting polite to those he didn't want to, again Sokka not being the problem. He hated the way Aang doted on Katara, he felt he deserved better. “Zuko it's good seeing you,” Aang says smiling at the young Firelord.

Zuko couldn't help but shiver, his heart racing just a little bit. Katara came up to him. “How is Mai?” Zuko twitched.

Mai and Zuko were good friends, she knew things about him even when he didn't realize them himself. Their relationship was a cover, nothing more than a beard. “She's doing well.” he was as much as a beard for her to, she and Ty Lee were a thing.

The fire nation wasn't as accepting of same-sex couples, as others were.

“I'm happy for the both of you,” she hugged him. “She's a lucky girl,” she whispered in a not too innocent way. He shivered in disgust. She pulled away, but not before copping a feel on Zuko's ass.

Zuko tried not to gag. “What happened?” Aang comes up to him.

“Come with me.” he shows them to the quarantine room. The scouts were covered, but the weird creatures were still on their faces.

“What on earth is this?” Katara and Sokka examined them. Aang, however, stayed back. He didn't know why but he felt like he knew those creatures. Sokka poked one, and it tightened it's hold on the man.

“Not sure, they were looking at this temple in my father's private land. They got attacked, but I need to know what's happening there.” he looked at Katara. “Can you help them?”

“I can try,” she says.

“So you need us to have your back as you check this temple out yourself,” Sokka says proudly, and he pats Aang on the shoulder. The boy grins and gives Zuko a thumbs up.

“We are here to help.” he takes one more look at the creature.

“Aang have you seen this thing before?” Zuko asks the young air bender.

“I'm not sure, it feels familiar.” he went over, and his tattoos glowed. He put his hand on the creature, and he felt a pulse from the beast. One of his past lives had encountered the creature before. He saw flashes but it was enough. “They belonged to an order, they brought people to the temple as a sort of sacrifice for them. I don't know what their goal is, but the previous avatar tried to lock them away.”

“Damn it this is all my fault.” Zuko drops to his knees. “I thought it had some of my father's secrets.”

“Relax, we can handle this,” Aang went over to him, and put a hand on his shoulder. “Together.”

“Thanks!” he stands up.

“I'll go get some water, and see if I can free these guys.” she left and the boys left to. Hopping on Appa they flew off and headed to the site of the mysterious temple.

“So this is it?” Sokka wasn't impressed. “Doesn't really scream den of evil.”

“Be on your toes, we gotta be ready.”

“You stay out here buddy,” Aang says and pets Appa, he gets a roar of a reply. They headed into the temple, as soon as they did they felt a chill in the air. “The creatures must need a specific temperature to be alive without a host.”

They explored but so far didn't see anything weird. They were about to enter a room when Zuko stopped them. “Wait, we'll need to leave our weapons and clothes here.”

“What!?” Sokka gasped, quickly shielding his crotch. “Zuko I didn't know you were into that?”

“THAT'S NOT WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT!” he shouted, blushing like mad.

Sokka chuckled. “I joke, I joke, but seriously why do we need to strip?”

“Because if we find those pods, my men say they release a mist that dissolves clothes and weapons.”

“WHAT?!” it was Sokka's turn to scream. “Why didn't you say that before?!”

“Well, I asked for Aang's help.”

“Well screw that I'm going in clothed and weapon ready.” he brought out his boomerang.

Aang leaves his staff and necklace out. “Might as well be prepared for the worst, but going in naked might be dangerous.”

Zuko nods and the trio enter the room. No pods, but books and strange vials. “How strange?” Sokka began looking through the vials.

The fire lord began searching through the books. To his surprise, they were full of images of men having sex. Page after page of sex positions. Zuko shivered and his manhood throbbed.

He quickly slammed the book down. Clutching his chest he tried to calm down, but one part of him refused. The images played through his mind, but one caught him as odd.

Opening the book back up, he flipped a few pages, and there it was. It was two men, connected by their cocks. Looking closer at the picture the one with the smaller dick was fucking the guy with the bigger cock, literally his cock!

Aang was examining some other books. It was weird it looked like a signup sheet. “We have more guests than usual, the eggs can't be made fast enough.” Aang read allowed. “Some of the nearby people are complaining, we fear actions will be taken against us.” he looked it over. “They are blind, they do not see the benefits of this transformation. Chosen ones will be allowed the change while those who are deemed a threat will serve.”

“Serve?” he put the book down and it seemed to trigger something as the pedestal shrank into the ground. “Uh oh!”

The temple began to rumble but as soon as it came it stopped. “Okay, we should leave,” Zuko says. “No pods, Aang you should just level this place.”

“We can't!” Sokka shouts. The boys turn and gasp. “This place is awesome!” Sokka's pants were down along with his underwear. His cock and balls were on full display, but that wasn't the shocking part. Sokka's cock was double the size it normally was.

Aang had seen Sokka's cock before in the bath, and once when the boy was jerking off. Soft he was 7 inches, hard he was 8 inches long with a nice girth. Now...he was rocking a huge 15-inch cock, with incredible girth.

“What the heck is up with this place!?”

To be continued

Chap 2 They are Released


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