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One Punch Man parody: patreon reward

Lust Sting

Saitama has become a Scorpio a bipedal scorpion like monster. He doesn't know how it happened he just woke up like this. Turns out he can create monsters with his sting, control monsters with his sting, and even make someone hot happy and high. He's become a monster that rules city z he doesn't try to make trouble but some people just attack him and he fights back. Transform Hyper  

Chapter 1 Awakened

A strange phenomenon was occurring all over the world. Strange powers and abilities seemingly appeared overnight. People who ate too much of something, liked something too much, breaking some form of limiter found themselves mutated into some kind of creature or monster. Science fiction was becoming the norm, technology was advancing into wild levels cyborg and android tech, reversing the aging process, cloning was not just flights of fancy. Psychic powers were awakening and growing to advanced degrees.  

Some people were taking their new monster lives and becoming villainous, causing trouble and chaos wherever they go. This forced the government to find answers to this madness, lot of task forces were made, money was spent, and one spear header establish the Hero Association, bringing people together to become heroes and battle villains and criminals.  

The spear header claimed someone saved his son’s life from some kind of lobster monster. So the Hero Association began gathering people of various people of varying skills, and created a ranking system to gauge the strength of their heroes.

Those with strange gifts, scientific enhancements, muscle and martial arts training, even some unique individuals had made the rank of hero swearing to crush monsters and villains and protect the people of cities A-Z.   


In a small apartment a man with dark hair was waking up to start the day. He removed his sheets, exposing his well built rocking body. After a yawn and a stretch he got out of bed, the day’s light cascaded in and danced across his chiseled form and his unique additions. He had a lean body chiseled to perfection, from fine pecs to rock hard abs, toned arms and legs and a size 16 shoe. His ass was plumper, juicy and tender, his other endowments consisted of a fat 15 inch long dick.  

He was a decent looking guy, but he wasn’t a normal person. First off he had four arms! The skin from his wrists to his elbows was a reddish purple, it was natural armor made from his skin. Similar skin could be found from his ankle up to his knee. This armor could extend over his hands and feet. He had pointy ears and sharp canines. His greatest additional was a long scorpion-like tail.  

This was the body he’s had for a year, he woke up this way. He didn’t know how or why, but he wasn’t in the best place. Saitama had just applied for a job and got called in for an interview which didn’t go well. He was in a daze, not knowing what to do or where to go.  

Saitama was found by a monster, he was a normal guy until he ate too much crab and turned into Crablante. He was looking to kill someone for humiliating him, drawing on his shell. He was gonna kill Saitama, but saw that his eyes were cold and lifeless.  

He found the boy Crablante was looking for, and though he didn’t put up a fight to save his own life, he did to save the kid. He killed Crablante and the kid was saved, Saitama felt oddly invigorated. For the next year he trained and worked out, thinking maybe he could become a hero or something.

Then one day he woke up like this, he grew new arms, a tail, and his endowments had doubled in size. He did some research and he was some kind of monster known as Scorpio. He was super strong, super fast, and super durable. Saitama also created a rather unique poisons, he can adjust them inside his body and dish them out with his stinger. He could transform humans with one of these venoms, one sting could make them super human, create monsters with his sting, control them with his sting, the last being a powerful aphrodisiac making someone hot, happy, and high.

He thought he could be a hero, but even when he took down monsters, no one cared. In their eyes he was a monster to and who cared about two monsters having a territory dispute. He never hurt anyone, but he still had heroes called on him. It sucked! Even when he ran away, the heroes called often took credit for his bad guy take downs.  

Thankfully he had an apartment for life, the owner was having marital problems. One sting from Saitama and he was a new man. He took the money he was gonna use for a divorce lawyer and gave it to Saitama, giving him the room for free. Saitama’s been using the money to live on. He knew how to stretch a dollar, using sales and coupons and not splurging on things.     

Saitama felt at ends, he couldn’t be a hero, he sure as hell couldn’t get a normal job now. He could barely walk down the street without people freaking out. Was he a monster? He didn’t feel like one, he didn’t feel different than he was before the change. He’s killed monsters before, ones that were going too wild, not caring if they killed or what they destroyed. He always gave them a chance, but when he showed mercy they took it and tried to kill him. If he was a monster, did that mean all monsters had a chance to have a normal life.

He often asked this question, and some monsters he fought claimed they weren’t humans and were simply born as they were. They cared not for humanity. The ones he faced who were former humans said why would they want to live as humans now that they were monsters. They seemed to have lost their minds.  

Saitama had created the controlling venom in the hopes of maybe saving lives instead of taking them. Some monsters didn’t give him a chance to save them. Apparently there was fame in being a monster, as the Hero Association gave the monsters ranks, by their crimes, their threat level, if the monsters were bad enough they ended up in the Hero Association book.  

He didn’t want any part in that…

Little did Saitama know, he was on the Hero Association’s radar. They didn’t know his name, but knew of him. He was infamous as a monster trying to build it’s territory. He took down some heavy hitters, but always managed to escape hero capture.

That wasn’t the only radar he was under, a young martial artist was seeking his place in the world and had heard some rumors. There was also the House of Evolution, who wanted his power, and his secrets, to further their experiments but they were closer to finding Saitama than the hero association. He pinpointed him to City Z…


Mosquito Girl was tasked with finding Saitama, but since she was outside the lab she was having some fun. Controlling a giant swarm of mosquitoes she had been feasting on anyone or anything alive, sucking them dry to fuel her power. Her path of destruction had gained the detection of a certain blonde cyborg.  

He chased her to City Z, and the two began to fight. Genos was a poor soul who had his home destroyed by a rampaging cyborg 4 years ago. He tried to fight it but lost his arms and legs, even his eyes, and a few of his organs. If not for Dr. Kuseno he’d be dead, he managed to replace his limbs, organs, and eyes with advanced technology. He agreed to help Genos so long as he took care of his body, he’d replace bionic parts, but Genos had to hang onto the human part of him.  

Genos could be very reckless, but he needed the Doctor’s help so he tried to keep his human parts human. He still wanted his revenge, and he kept taking out monsters on the road to get it. Mosquito Girl was nothing special in his mind, he took out her swarm and tried to finish her off.  

As it turned out she had a back up swarm, and she used it to evolve beyond the need of them, even healing the wounds Genos inflicted on her. “You are a pest boy, I need to finish my mission!”  

“The only pest is you!” he tried to incinerate her, but she was now too fast. She ripped off his arm and his legs. “Damn you!”  

She chuckled and tossed his legs aside. “I’m gonna beat you to death with your own arm!” Genos’s eyes flashed and detonated the arm in her hand.  


The explosion wasn’t enough to finish her, she lost her arm, and her body was burned. “I’m gonna slaughter you, and drink you like a milkshake!” she roared. Genos closed his eyes, and planned to detonate his other arm, it would kill them both. She was about to pierce Genos and drink him dry, but someone grabbed her.  

“Leave him alone!” A dark haired man held her in a firm grip.  

“You...” She recognized her target. “I’ve been looking for you.”  

“Me?” he raised a brow. “Do I know you? You have business with me?” Genos eyed the man and noticed his extra features and he was naked. Saitama had been shopping when he got caught up in Genos’s blast, it didn’t hurt him but it did destroy his trench coat and hat, and the under clothing.   

‘Another monster, this is bad I don’t have enough energy to fight another.’ He thought he was really going to die now.  

“Yes, just let me drink this little cyborg pain in the ass, and we can talk.” She was about to stab him again, but Saitama held her firm.  

“Stop, leave him alone.”  

“Oh do you want to kill him?” Saitama sighed. “Go ahead, I wanna watch!” She sounded thirsty, she was checking Saitama out and noticed the massive man meat between his legs.  

“No, I’m not killing him and neither are you.” she glared at him.  

“What?! Don’t tell me you are some bleeding heart pacifist. We are better than them, humans exist to be our food or our slaves.” Saitama wasn’t budging. She was sure with her speed and power she gained from her evolution they didn’t need him. “Fine, I’ll kill you both!” She broke away, flying off only to dive bomb the two.  

Saitama double palm smacked her and destroyed her, crushing her like a bug. “Mosquitoes suck!” Genos couldn’t believe the guy’s strength.

“Wait who are you?”  

“Saitama, anyway do you need me to call someone?”  

“Uhh yes,” Dr. Kuseno was called and repair drones were sent off to retrieve him. Genos watched Saitama closely, now that he wasn’t in danger he noticed the impressive cock. He felt his heart beat a little faster and his blood rush south. Saitama showed no shame waiting around in the buff for the drones to show up. “I...I think I’ll be fine.”  

“Not if something else wants to show up and eat you while your defenseless.” He was getting hard, and didn’t have a way of hiding it.  

“I’m not defenseless!” he aimed his one good arm at Saitama and charged an attack.  

“If you say so, nice tent!” Genos blushed and dropped the attack to cover his crotch. Saitama chuckled. The drones arrived and Genos was taken away. He had to get fixed right away he had a new target. He would learn this monster’s secrets and get stronger. ‘This monster seems different than the others.’  

To be continued  


ZooFan 123

Wow I loved it!


Not bad at all… Certainly an interesting take on the Reviled Heroic Soul trope. 😉