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Reincarnated As Slime parody: patreon reward/tier 1

Chapter 2  https://www.patreon.com/posts/that-time-i-was-32388007 

Chapter 3 Eat or be Eaten

Veldora was shocked at the odd request. “If I swallow you up, Prison and all, we could work together attacking the prison on both sides and finding a way to free you. You can exist safely in my stomach as we work on freeing you.”

“Quite the clever plan.” he crossed his arms. “I’ll do it, but before we do this I want to give you my thanks.” He invited Satoru into the prison and scooped him up.


“You see I’ve always wanted to taste an Incubus.” Satoru blushed. “If you’d trust me, I’d like to play with you a bit.”

“Okay...” he shivered and felt his manhood stir. Veldora’s tongue came out and he began to lick at the incubus’s body. “Ohh!” his breath was so warm and his tongue was even hotter.

Veldora licked his feet and his legs, his saliva made his skin tingle. Satoru spread his legs a bit, so Veldora could have more access. With one lick he was able to taste Satoru’s ass, taint, balls, and cock. “Yummy!” he kept licking, making Satoru’s dick and jewels bounce from his powerful tongue swipes.

“Veldora!” he moaned, clinging to one of the dragon’s clawed fingers. His 17 incher was getting bathed by the giant wet muscle. He almost whined at the loss as the tongue moved higher, with each lick he managed to catch his taught stomach, his pecs, his nipples, and his pits.

Satoru was getting so turned on, he activated the Lust Force and began stimulating the giant dragon penis. While Veldora licked his upper body, his tail coiled around his shaft and began pumping, sending the sensations to the dragon.

Veldora moaned, sending another wave of heat across his now wet body. His nipples hardened and his cock began to weep pre-cum. “Mmm!” his tail was long enough to wrap a lot of his long cock while the tip was able to tease his cock head.

This went on for a while, pleasure circling back and forth. Veldora licked every inch of Satoru. It was the most powerful and erotic tongue bath ever. Veldora panted, the pleasure building in his body not stopping his actions. He tasted every inch of his new friend, and he couldn’t help but want more. There was a certain fetish among dragons, as their tongues could be an erogenous zone and one that can only be done with someone tiny. “Can I put you in my mouth?” he asked.

Satoru was still in a daze, so he didn’t respond right away, but the pause had Veldora sweating bullets. ‘Crap crap crap, what was I thinking. Why did I ask him that? He’s gonna say no, no one in this world of eat or be eaten is bold enough to willingly go inside a dragon’s mouth!’

“Sure!” Satoru said with a smile. Veldora felt his heart skip a beat and his jaw drop. The incubus went inside his mouth and embraces his tongue. Veldora closed his mouth and began to wiggle his tongue.

It was like riding a big slippery bull, the tongue jostled him inside his mouth, but Satoru hung on and humped against it, letting his taste settle on the buds. The pre-cum was overflowing like crazy. It was making his taste buds tingle. The way Satoru wiggled on his tongue and hugged it, the pressure to the erogenous zone was exciting the dragon so much.

This could only be done with someone small, dragon claws weren’t suited for playing with tongues. This was a dream come true, and being with an incubus was as erotic as he always dreamed it would be. Satoru came, his cum gushing and coating his tongue. The flavor was explosive, and Veldora let out a muffled moan as he came, making a huge mess in the cave.

Satoru kept cumming, his heavy Incubus unloading their cum all over. Even the giant dragon mouth slowly got filled with semen. He was feeling so good, the actual danger of drowning in his own cum didn’t cross his mind. Veldora was careful, slowly swallowing the delicious seed and letting it fill his belly. The dragon had hearts in his eyes, as he came again, panting the walls and ceiling of the cave in white.

Once it was over Satoru was let out and saw the mess. He used Predator to slurp up all the cum. He felt energized and supercharged, his cock still hard even after such a powerful and long-lasting orgasm. “Wow, being an Incubus is awesome!”

Veldora was left panting, licking his lips to savor the flavor that just broke his top 10 things he’s ever tasted. “Didn’t you feel any fear, going inside a dragon’s mouth. I could have eaten you.”

“No I didn’t, we are friends, and friends don’t eat friends.” he flew up and kissed Veldora. “Though maybe we are a bit more than friends.” The dragon blushed.

“Tell me your name.”

“Satoru, Satoru Mikami.”

“In this world, you’ll be leading a new life. Will you allow me to give you a new name for this world.”

“A new name huh?” he thought about it, and it was a decent idea. This was a new world after all, so why not. “Sure and can I give you a name to?”

“A family name, but make it a good one.”

Satoru thought about it, thinking of the storm dragon and his raging orgasm. “Tempest!”

“I love it! I am Veldora Tempest!” he cheered and his body glowed. “To you, Satoru, my friend who reincarnated from another world as an incubus. I grant you the name Rimuru, you shall be Rimuru Tempest, bare my name and may it grant you protection!”

Rimuru’s body glowed as the name was etched onto his very soul. Rimuru didn’t know this but he was gifted with the Storm Dragon’s protection which would come in handy. “Okay, I’m ready!”

“See you on the other side, when we meet again, let’s have sex. I want to rock your world.”

Veldora smiled. ‘You already have!’ Rimuru used Predator on the prison, swallowing it and Veldora up. The blue energy swallowed up the entire thing, and just like that Veldora was gone.

“I already miss him.” He conjured some rain to take a shower, and left the den and began exploring the cave anew. He continued to eat the herbs, mushrooms, and ore with Predator. He didn’t learn any new skills from absorbing the herbs and mushrooms but he was able to mix them with Veldora’s semen.

Acquired: Dragon Oil has been made. 

Eating the ore did slowly increase his magicule level, and he was able to learn a new skill.

Unlocked: Incubus Skill – Float

Floating helped traversing the more dangerous parts of the cave. When there was nothing to eat, Rimuru spent his time lazily stroking his manhood. “Am I really alone in this cave?”

No, no he wasn’t.

With Veldora gone the cave monsters were coming out in spades. A Dark Serpent attacked him, he didn’t last long. “Water Blade!” one strike and it was cut down. “Hmm, I wonder what kind of skills I can learn by eating other monsters?” He used Predator.

Acquired: Sense Heat Source, Poisonous Breath, Coil Skill unlocked. 

The next creature to attack him was an Armorsaurus. “Poison Breath!” he blew a purple smoke and reduced the monster into a gross mess. “Might shelve this ability...it’s kinda messy.” He used Predator to eat the remains.

Acquired: Body Armor Skill, Spiked Tail Skill

The next monster was a slippery one, Evil Centipede. “Spiked Tail!” his tail became armored with sharp spikes, with a spin he was able to slice up the Evil Centipede.

Acquired: Paralysis Breath, Incubus Ability: Flexibility Skill. 

He may have gotten a little wild with his Flexibility skill, he floated and tried sucking his own dick. He’s always wanted to try it, even with his monstrous size making it easier, he was so flexible, he was able to deep throat his 17 incher down to the root. ‘This is so cool!’

Dark Spider attacked him next. Rimuru kinda freaked out seeing the arachnid monster and unleashed a barrage of water blade.

Acquired: Sticky Thread, Steel Thread, Wall Crawl Skill

He could now walk on walls and the ceiling, though he could float and fly, it was nice to give his legs some exercise. When he tried crossing a casm, he was attacked by a Giant Bat.

The monster’s flying skill was crazy, but Rimuru trapped him using Sticky Thread. “Thank you for the meal!”

Acquired: Bat Wing Skill: Can transform wings into bat-like wings for speed. Blood Drain Skill, Ultra Sonic Waves, Incubus Ability: Energy Drain Skill unlocked. 

His travels led to an area without light. “Glow Ball!” once he illuminated the path, he heard hisses and scurrying. He wasn’t alone.

The next creature to attack him was a Giant Rat, a whole pack of them! “Ultra Sonic!” he let out a loud cry, that vibrated the cave walls with the powerful sound waves. The rats weren’t effected, rolling up their ears. “Clever!”

They pack attacked him, lunging and trying to bite him. “Flash!” he tried to blind them, but they simply closed their eyes and kept attacking. ‘These guys can see in the dark, so I thought the light might hurt their eyes, but they tracking me by scent.’

Some would roll up into balls and attack while some hung back, their fur bristling up and tried to fire needles at him. “Dragon Wing!” he used the durable wings to block and shield him from the attacks.

He had no choice but to go all out. “Sexy Beam!” They didn’t know what hit them.

Acquired: Keen Smell, Night Vision, Hair Needle, Blind Resistance, Sonic Attack Resistance. Incubus Skill Unlocked Lust Needle creates needles from magic power, those struck by this attack become charmed and aroused. 

“These guys must have been avoiding the glow mushroom areas.” Having comrades made the battle more challenging. These monsters didn’t seem to want to make friends, they wanted to eat him...or worse… “Am I ever gonna leave this cave, or make a friend.” he made it out of the dark area, but this cave seemed endless, you could probably make a base in this place.


He was having another shower when he was found by another monster. “Squish!”

“Whoa, a slime!” the little blob was blue. “I guess even you guys are in this world.” he poked the little blob.

“Squish squish.” the blob jiggled and trembled.

“Don’t worry I’m not gonna hurt ya.” he patted the blob.

“Squish!” it nuzzled against him.

“Are you alone here?” the slime flattened. “Yeah, it sucks being alone. Why don’t you come with me?”


“I’m gonna call you Squishy!” the blob glowed and became a green color. Squishy chirped happily and jumped into Rimuru’s arms. “I’ve always wanted a pet, but my place didn’t allow it.” The creature cooed.

After weeks of searching, they finally found the door. “This must be the exit!” he froze as the door suddenly opened. He carried Squishy and flew up high, avoiding the three adventurers who entered. “The first humans I’ve seen,” he whispered. He didn’t want to get attacked.

They turned invisible and began exploring the cave. “Whoa that’s a nifty skill.” he hoped the group would be okay, but he had cleared out quite a few monsters so they’d be okay. It was time to explore the outside world. He stepped out letting the sunlight kiss his naked skin. “Ahh!”

To be continued

Satoru Mikami Incubus 9 inches soft, 17 hard

Passive Skills: Thermal Fluctuation Resistance, Glow Ball, Dragon Wing, Silence Resistance, Confusion Resistance, Pain Nullification (Self), Regeneration, Null Pain skill, High Stamina Skill, Harem Ruler, Healing Saliva, Water Manipulation, Rain Conjuring, Enhance Body, Enhance Strength, Enhance Tail, Magic Sense, Sense Heat Source, Wall Crawl, Body Armor, Blind Resistance, Sonic Attack Resistance, Keen Smell, Night Vision

Offensive Skills: Flash, Water Blade, Dragon Roar Skill, Water Dragon Roar, Lust Dragon Roar, Dragon Drive, Coil, Poison Breath, Paralysis Breath, Sticky Thread, Steel Thread, Blood Drain, Ultra Sonic Waves, Spiked Tail, Hair Needle,

Unique Skills: Predator, Great Sage, Lustful

Incubus Skills: Fly, Love Scope, Pleasure Shock, Man Milk Drink, Sexy Beam, Healing Touch, Kiss Bomb, Lust Force, Float, Flexibility, Energy Drain, Lust Needle


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